Rock Your Retirement Show



Retirement isnt just about money. In our show we talk about the other things that will impact you such as: Social and Family Adventure and Travel Volunteer and Philanthropy Spiritual/soul Sex in retirement (I usually have therapists discuss this topic) Helping your parents/sandwich generation issues Baby Boomers are often helping both their children and their parents at the same time. Our goal is to help you have a great retirement, regardless of the amount of money youve saved. We want you to Rock Your Retirement!


  • Six Pillars of Retirement Lifestyle: Episode 116 Six Pillars of Retirement Lifestyle

    05/03/2018 Duración: 27h49min

    Six Pillars of Retirement Lifestyle I've been doing the Rock Your Retirement show since April 2016.  I knew when I started the show that I wanted it to be about Retirement Lifestyle. I've been thinking about retirement myself and wanted to bring my listeners along my journey by interviewing people who have something to say that relates to this retirement lifestyle or Baby Boomer Lifestyle topic. My husband is 20 years older than myself, so of course, we are in different stages of life.  But I wanted to be able to spend more time sharing experiences now, while he's still able to enjoy them.  I was scared. What would I do with myself? I'm only 52 as I write this, and I am used to the hustle and bustle of working.  And honestly, I don't have to work.  The thing is, I enjoy it.  I've been self-employed for the majority of my life, and enjoy the structure of working.  I don't enjoy a “boss” telling me what to do.  In fact, a two year period I tried leaving my business and working for someone else.  I f

  • Les and Kathe’s AirBNB Experience (Hotel Alternative): Ep 115

    26/02/2018 Duración: 23h42min

    Les and Kathe talk about their AirBNB Experience! Why did they use AirBNB* and why is it a great hotel alternative? Les' brother invited us to watch his team play in the Rose Bowl. It was last minute.  Right after his time won.  We said yes, and immediately started looking for a hotel room.  But, oh no…all of the hotels were fully booked. EVERYTHING was sold out. The nearest available hotel was in Los Angeles, which was WAY to far! We had to find a hotel alternative if we wanted to see our family.  As a lark, I started checking AirBNB as a hotel alternative. I was really nervous because it was our first time in using this service.  We weren't sure what to expect.  Would it be dirty?  Would the owners be lurking around?  What kind of people would let us stay in their spare bedroom? And…Les is VERY private. The first few places I found on the website were whole apartments.  Those looked great!  The bad news was that they were $800.  That's right… $800 for one night.  Ouch!  A bit pricey for us

  • Be YOU anytime, all the time: Episode 114

    19/02/2018 Duración: 28h45min

    Be YOU anytime, all the time! Lori has worn many hats from being a kindergarten teacher where we know “you really learn all there is to know”, right? to becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker LCSW. At the age of 48, she decided to get a Master’s degree and opened a private practice. Also, during that time, she was also involved with Hospice as Bereavement Director for 10 years. As coaching came into prominence, she completed a year-long coaching program and became a coach with the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara specializing in Adult Self- Renewal and Developmental Growth. You might call her a life-long learner – she is even a laughter yoga instructor, so she has a broad range of skills to choose from to help people make changes and reinvent themselves. Let's take a look at Lori's journey: Lori's mother left their dad when Lori was just 3 weeks old. To support her and her brothers, Lori's mother enrolled in a beauty school while they stay with relatives. Lori was 3 years old when her mom opened a

  • Let’s talk about death: Episode 113

    12/02/2018 Duración: 43h43min

    Let's talk about death. Jonathan Braddock is our guest for today and he is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and the founder and CEO of My Life and Wishes, an education and digital planning platform with a mission to help at least one million families become “thoughtfully prepared” for the inevitable, their own death. Jon is the author of “Advisor or Vendor”, “Retire Erase”, the “My Life and Wishes Organization”, and, his most recent release, “Click Here When I Die”, is an Amazon Best Seller. Why is planning for our death important? Leaving your family via your death is already hard for them, planning your wake and burial will be much harder for them. Leaving them via your death with a Will help them know what you want. They will know if you want to be cremated, in-ground burial, etc. Helping them know what you want or have planned for them is a really big thing because it lessens the hardship that they will face after your death. For Jon's family, i

  • Les and Kathe’s Movie Pass Experience: Episode 112

    05/02/2018 Duración: 27h54min

    What is a Movie Pass? Movie Pass lets you watch a movie for free! You just have to pay $10 per month to get one and you can watch movies every day. Imagine 30 movies in 30 days for only $10!! How awesome is that?   Advantages of Movie Pass: * You can watch new release movies * You can watch movies every day for free * There are no blocked out dates * At theaters where advanced seating is available, you can select your seat in advance * You'll save tons of $$$ I wouldn't say disadvantages but here are some things you cannot do with your Movie Pass: * You cannot watch 2 movies in a day * Members can't watch the same movie twice * You can't watch 3D movies * Tickets can be bought the same day you are going to watch the movie. You cannot buy days ahead. * To reserve your seat, you must be 100 feet away from the theatre Having a Movie Pass lets you save a lot of money that you can use to spend on other things. You can have a movie date every day and still have some extra bucks to spend on dinner or grocer

  • Signs of Urinary Tract Infection: Dementia! Episode 111 A Juice that can Prevent a UTI

    29/01/2018 Duración: 25h33min

    Jenna Ryan knows signs of urinary tract infection.  She used to get them all the time. Did you know that signs of urinary tract infection include dementia?  This was a shock to me when I first found out.  I mean, what does one have to do with the other? Jenna Ryan is with us today to educate us about signs of urinary tract infections (UTI) and why she created a drink that can prevent/cure UTI. Jenna is the CEO and co-founder of Uqora, a company dedicated to UTI prevention. Uqora has developed a “pink lemonade with a purpose” that helps women flush out UTI-causing bacteria. She created this drink mix because she herself suffered from UTI. Jenna says she doesn't want to take antibiotics because it can develop resistance. What is a UTI? A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra. Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than are men.

  • Multigenerational Living: Episode 110 Multigenerational Living: Episode 110

    22/01/2018 Duración: 32h48min

    Multigenerational Living: Is it hard? How does it work? Lisa Cini is an award-winning, internationally-recognized senior living designer with more than 25 years’ experience.She just released her second book entitled “Hive The Simple Guide to Multigenerational Living,” which is based on her own personal situation of living in a 4-generation household with people in the house ranging in age from 17-92 and the positive impact design can have in a home for seniors with dementia. Lisa is also the Founder of, think Sharper Image meets AARP! She searches the world for the best products to Embrace Living as we age. Her design company, Mosaic Design Studio, is the nation’s leading provider of design services for senior living According to Lisa, 90% of people do not want to move to Senior Living facilities. A lot of seniors do not want to move into the beautiful Senior Living Facilities Lisa Designs. Why would someone not want to live in a beautiful Senior Facility where they don't have to

  • Your hobby can help you in your Retirement: Episode 108

    08/01/2018 Duración: 34h29min

    Your hobby can help you in your Retirement Kim Jamieson-Hirst is a YouTube superstar and a pretty big deal in the quilting world! I brought her on the show to not only talk about her hobby of quilting but how ANY hobby can help you in your retirement. Kim is the owner of Chatterbox Quilts in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She started quilting more than a decade ago and initially thought it was boring. But after her friends encouraged her to try and enroll in a quilting course, she became addicted and started her business in 2008. Her designs and articles have been featured in Quilter’s Connection magazine, Irish Quilting, The Country Register, and Bustle & Sew ezine. Kim is the creator of Unloved and Unappreciated: Finding the Hidden Value in Vintage Sewing Machines and is currently working on more online courses to help quilters reclaim their joy in the craft. If you think quilting isn't for you or might “boring”, think again! We talked about the various kinds of equipment used as well as the differen

  • Les has cancer and it sucks: Episode 107

    01/01/2018 Duración: 34h29min

    We are bringing our editor (and my husband) Les, to the forefront of the Rock Your Retirement show to talk about his cancer diagnosis. Some of you may already know, but In November of 2016 (on election day), we were hit with some devastating news. We were told that Les has stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer. This means he has prostate cancer in about 8 places in his bones. It has a been a journey of sadness, anger, fear, and yes, happiness. We thought we would share a bit of the journey with you. So the fight begins We decided Les would go through chemotherapy and hormone blocking. I have to be honest, I was against chemotherapy at first. We also changed our diet and it was very hard!  Les LOVES his cookies and he had to give them up. It has been worth it though because we both feel like the diet change has really helped. Les also did a ton of research and discovered supplements that helped fight cancer. He started taking practically all of them. He's taking a lot of supplements! Right now, Les is starving hi

  • How Religion helps you stay healthy: Episode 106

    25/12/2017 Duración: 30h04min

    Yes! You read that right. Religion helps you stay healthy! What else should we discuss on Christmas Day, but religion? Dr. Jim Brown discusses the benefits of going to church with me on this Christmas special, and they aren't all just spiritual. He is a university professor teaching Technology and Psychology (that's a weird mix…right?) and is currently the pastor of The Lake Church. Dr. Jim Brown has been a principal, superintendent, department chair at three different universities. He also served several churches and various roles from music pastor to senior pastor. Did you know that there are benefits in the faith community to our mind, body, and spirit? Although we still report ourselves to be a “Christian Nation”, 17% of Americans are regularly attending services (including all religions) weekly. That's about 1 in every 5 Americans go to (church/synagogue/mosque/etc.) on a regular basis. It doesn't mean that the 83% doesn't go to church at all, they just don't go on a regular basis. Here

  • How Different Generation Groups Organize: Ep105

    18/12/2017 Duración: 34h29min

    Lisa Woodruff was a previous guest and I brought her back for a second interview to talk about how different generation groups organize Lisa is a professional organizer, productivity specialist, and author. She believes organization is not a skill you are born with. It is a skill that is developed over time and changes with each season of life. I am an avid listener and big fan of her podcast show at I gave Lisa an update on my personal progress and yes, I am making progress! We also talked about my ” Sunday Basket” and if you listen to Episode 88 which was my first interview with Lisa you can learn more about that. What are the different Generation Groups? The dates can vary depending on where you look but here is a general idea: * The Silent Generation born between 1925 and 1945 * Baby Boomer Generation born between 1946 and 1964 * Generation X born between 1965 and 1980 * Millenials born between 1980 and after Lisa and I discuss how each generation deals with their “stu

  • Taking the Keys Away: Episode 104

    11/12/2017 Duración: 27h04min

    In this episode, I talk with Veronica Mitchell about the sensitive topic of taking the keys away. Veronica is a friend of mine who I have known for awhile. We have served on the same committees at the Caregiver Coalition of San Diego and also the San Diego County Council on Aging. Veronica is an advocate for seniors, women, and caregivers. She is a guest blogger and writes her own blog featured on her website. She is passionate about prevention of Elder Abuse and Scams, along with helping families take the keys from their senior loved ones. You love your parent or spouse, yet you know that they can no longer safely drive. How do you know that it is time to take the keys away? How do you have that conversation with them in a loving and respectful way? Where do you begin? Families members are afraid to approach the subject. It is our last part of our freedom as we age, and it is very emotional subject. My father's Parkinson's caused his eyes to shut and he was still driving! Obviously, I was panicked and in our

  • Preventing financial elder abuse: Episode 103

    04/12/2017 Duración: 27h17min

    Laura Barish came on the show to talk with us about preventing financial elder abuse. Laura is President and CEO of AltaGolden. She has a passion for working with older adults and loves her job.  Laura is responsible for marketing, community outreach, corporate management, and she also sometimes works as a caregiver so that she understands what it takes to be a great caregiver. Laura is on the clinical affairs committee for the San Diego Dementia Consortium. In our discussion, Laura and I talk about some of the scams that are out there including: * Email invoked abuse and Microsoft Outlook worms * Western Union Fraud:  Someone calls and says, “Your grandson was taken to jail in Mexico. We need you to wire money for attorneys fees”. The scammers like to play on heartstrings. * IRS Scam is where someone will call telling you that you are in default on your taxes. The IRS will never call or email anyone. They will only send a letter. * YES Scam is when someone will call and pretend to have a bad con

  • Caring for someone with Dementia: Episode 102

    27/11/2017 Duración: 35h52min

    Caring for someone (especially our loved one) with Dementia can be challenging. Rick Topete is with us today to give us advice on how to take care of someone with Dementia. Rick's passion with seniors began way back when he was in high school. He studied at St. Bernard High School where they visit local Senior Centers in Los Angeles. During his visit to Senior Centers, they would play cards, listen to old-time music, hear their great stories, put a smile on their face and let them know they mattered. In 2011, he had an opportunity at Silverado Care. Within the first year of taking the job, his Aunt was diagnosed with early onset of Dementia that made it “real” and really centered him on what this disease is. Rick gives us some tips on how to take care of someone with Dementia. * Keep the tone of your voice pleasant and soft. * Sometimes, the noise can have an effect on someone with dementia. * Gentle eye contact * Stay away from negative words * Change topic if needed * Give simple choices *

  • Medications can cause dementia: Episode 101

    20/11/2017 Duración: 37h29min

    Dr. Newton wants to educate people on how medications can cause dementia and how to avoid these medications. The only thing worse than having Dementia is taking care of a loved one with Dementia. Many people do not realize that a large number of medications can cause dementia. Dr. Camille Newton is a home visiting physician. You may also know it has a traveling doctor or mobile doctor. It is such an important service for seniors that are not able to travel for doctor’s appointments. She focuses on minimizing medications, especially psychotropic pharmaceuticals to help senior’s brains stay healthier longer. When medications are tested by the FDA to see if they are safe, they are not really tested to see if they cause brain failure. While performing house calls she has seen the effect psychotropic medications have on people who take them for a long period of time. Some examples of psychotropic drugs are: * Antipsychotics including Risperdal  or Haldol * Sedatives especially the benzodiazepines such as Ativan,

  • Too Tired to Rock Your Retirement? Episode 100

    13/11/2017 Duración: 31h22min

    Are you too tired to Rock Your Retirement? It’s hard to live a full life when you are too tired and feeling sluggish. So today, I have brought Diane Kusunose on the show. She talks about how methods she uses to help people increase their energy. Diane Kusunose, P.T., is a certified Nutritionist and Biofeedback Practitioner. She offers unique evaluation technology and provides personalized solutions for improving health, well-being, and energy for all her patients. Diane is highly trained in Zyto Biofeedback Technology and Nutrition Response Testing. She specializes in organic nutrients, homeopathy, and herbal support for digestion, sleep challenges, and pain remediation. Diane knew she wanted to be a physical therapist all the way back in High School. Her school had a super cool health careers program which provided her great opportunities to be what she wanted to be. When she became a mother, Diane began using a more natural approach to take care of her children’s ailments like runny noses or injuries. She d

  • When you exercise too much: Episode 099

    06/11/2017 Duración: 35h41min

    Yes, you can exercise too much! Colette, a native of Ireland, moved to the US in her early 20’s and worked in finance for over a decade. She then discovered her passion for health and fitness and pursued a full-time career in this field. Moving to Nice, France in 2008 she opened a fitness and yoga studio. Colette was an avid competitor taking part in many sporting events including triathlons, marathons, and bike races. However, even with all her efforts, her health was not in a good place. Colette discovered she was training and exercising too much. She wasn't listening to the subtle signals her body was giving her. In 2014, Colette took some time out to cleanse and reset her body. She underwent a 21-day cellular cleanse program in Bali with an Ayurvedic doctor and this is what changed her life personally and professionally. After the cleanse, she stayed in Bali and worked with the Ayurvedic Doctor and completed her studies to become an Ayurveda Wellness Counselor. So obviously, my question was how on earth d

  • Why a Care Manager is the Secret Ingredient: Episode 098

    30/10/2017 Duración: 30h22min

    Does Mom need help but you are tapped out? I brought Ann Butterfield to the show to explain how an Aging Life Care Manager can help you. If you've heard the term “Geriatric Care Manager”, it's the same position. Ann explained that a Care Manager actually quarterback's your loved one's care.  She deals with all of the people who care for your loved one.  This quarterbacking can include: * A Life Care Manager manages the Caregivers. * Doctors–going to doctor appointments, and facilitating communication between the family members, the doctor, and the client. * Attorneys: Elder Law Attorneys, Estate Planning attorneys, and others need to interact with the client and family, and the care manager helps facilitate this. * The Care Manager interacts with Trustees to meet the client's needs. * Other Experts: care managers bring them in when necessary. * Financial: including the accountant and Power of Attorney.  The Life Care Professional provides information on government benefits and assists the c

  • Ways to Improve Memory Skills: Episode 097

    23/10/2017 Duración: 33h35min

    Angela Gentile gives us ways to improve memory skills. Angela Gentile, M.S.W., R.S.W. has over 25 years of experience working with older adults and their families in a variety of capacities. She has worked in healthcare, private practice, long-term care, home care, and non-profits. Angela has written a book, and a co-authored a mobile app, Dementia Caregiver Solutions. She is founder and manager of the LinkedIn Group, Gerontology Professionals of Canada and the Aging Well for Women Facebook page. She is currently employed full-time as a Geriatric Mental Health Clinician. She enjoys writing, traveling, photography and exploring what it means to age well. Angela began working with older people at a very young age. She found she really enjoyed it and made a lifelong career. She is the “go-to” person if friends and family have questions regarding aging and it has also helped her with her own parents as they age. All that accumulation of “stuff” doesn't matter anymore as we age. What matter

  • What are the causes of Dizziness? episode 096

    16/10/2017 Duración: 38h02min

    Have you ever experienced vertigo? What are the causes of dizziness? Dr. Kimberley Bell, DPT has been a Physical Therapist for nearly 15 years, and she specializes in helping people with dizziness.  She assesses and treats vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance in people of all ages.  She also helps with other issues thought to be related to aging as well. I brought her on the show to talk about the causes of dizziness, and also some potential treatments that can help. What is Balance? You might have heard of the five senses. These five senses are hearing, taste, sight, smell, and touch.  But there is another sense that we don't talk about. That is the sense of balance.  Without it, you wouldn't be able to sit or stand upright because you wouldn't be able to tell which way “up” was.  And you couldn't tell where “here or “there” was.  Without a sense of balance, gravity, wouldn't mean anything.  It would be fair to say that without any sense of balance, life would be unimaginably disab

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