#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill



Where spiritual guidance and life strategies meet in a way that fits into your everyday life. #SpiritChat Radio is a radio show offering spiritual mentorship to those who are interested in learning more about spiritual awareness. Jennifer is your source for spiritual and practical advice bringing you her expertise live on the air. The focus is to simplify the process of using the spiritual tools and gifts you were born with in a way that fits into your everyday life. She has spent the last twenty years as a professional psychic and spiritual teacher helping people all over the world with their spiritual growth. For more information on online classes and FB Live Streaming #SpiritChat sessions you can go to www.keystothespiritworld.com or ask for an invite at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/405615596232631/


  • 6 Things That Will Hinder Your Spiritual Growth

    24/03/2017 Duración: 37min

    Do you feel like your spiritual growth is being hindered? Do you feel confused or like you are going in circles when it comes to your spiritual journey? Sometimes your spiritual journey can be: FrustratingConfusingLike two steps forward and one step back...or two, or three... On several occasions I've been asked if life event's such as divorce, and/or medications, or health issue have any sort of impact when it comes to developing your abilities. So on todays show I'm going to talk about these things as well as what affect they may, or may not have, when it comes to spiritual development. Plus I will be talking about 6 things that can definitely have an impact on your spiritual growth...

  • Defining Your Spiritual Goals

    17/03/2017 Duración: 36min

    People usually find themselves on a spiritual journey of some kind for many of the same reasons: They want to "feeI" better.They've heard about enlightenment and want to know more.They want more clarity in their life.They want to make some changes. Finding spiritual information is not that hard, however, many times there is so much information out there you can find yourself overwhelmed, and feeling frustrated. But there is one thing that I definitely think gets overlooked no matter how advanced you become, and that's defining your spiritual goals. Why are you wanting to know more, what do you hope to achieve? If you don't have a destination for your spiritual journey, many times it's like wandering around without a map, and more often than not you will find yourself going in circles... So on today's show I'm going to help you learn how to Define Your Spiritual Goals, as well as tell you what your #1 goal should be!

  • The World Is Changing...

    03/03/2017 Duración: 39min

    The world is changing...everyone feels it, and it feels, well let's face it, uncomfortable for many people. I've been getting a ton of emails and questions of people wondering, how do I deal with change? People who are finding themselves feeling: *Fearful *Angry *Worried *Upset And they don't know what to do about it. They can "feel" the vibration shifting, even those who don't know what a vibration is! It's uncomfortable, and no one likes feeling uncomfortable. People are looking for a positive light at the end of the tunnel and a way to feel good again. So today's show is going to be focusing on change, as well as how to keep a positive attitude and high vibration during changing times. The wold is changing...and that's a good thing. :)

  • 6 Biggest Mistakes Spiritual Seekers Make

    27/01/2017 Duración: 31min

    I run across many new spiritual seekers every week, many join my spirit community, they email me, they read my books, or they become clients. And I find one thing very interesting, many spiritual seekers tend to make the same 6 mistakes over and over again. They are trying to find their way, and feel better, and feel enlightened, but they get stuck and wonder, "What the heck? Why do I still feel the same?" Usually I find it's because they are not making the adjustments in their own life that they need to be making. It's not uncommon for someone to think they can live the same life they've been living, buy some incense and crystals, add some meditation, and visualization, align some chakras, cut some energetic cords, throw in some higher purpose spiritual knowledge and think you're good to go...But when you still feel the same, it can be very confusing. There is so much information out there it can be overwhelming, but one thing is certain, there are 6 major mistakes you can make that will definitely keep yo

  • How to Choose Rocks & Crystals

    20/01/2017 Duración: 25min

    I get a lot of questions and emails from people who want to know how should they choose rocks or crystals. They look online, and read articles, and they are more confused than every before. They feel like they were better off before they knew anything about using them for metaphysical purposes.  As confusing as this subject can be, the proper way to choose rocks and crystals is actually WAY simpler than you think. And the funny thing is you don't need an book, or even need to read an article to show what you need. You just need the proper knowledge on how to "read" them. So if you ever wonder: *What rocks or crystals do I need to do what? (Clearing, grounding, psychic protection, etc.) *How do I choose that particular rock or crystal?  *What size should my rocks or crystals be? *Where should I get my rocks or crystals? *Should I ask if they've cleared the rocks or crystals? *Where should I put my rocks or crystals? So if you find yourself just plain confused and don't know where to start, this is a go

  • How To Avoid Spiritual Confusion

    30/12/2016 Duración: 49min

    Are you embarking on a new spiritual journey?  Have you been a spiritual seeker for awhile?  Do you ever find yourself feeling confused?  There is a ton of spiritual information out there, and let's face it, some of this information greatly contradicts each other. Some websites and teachers say one thing, others say something else. This can cause you to feel frustrated and overwhelmed at the most, and just plain confused at the least.  On todays show I will help you understand "why" there is so much contradiction when it comes to spiritual information, as well as, how you can learn to sort through all of this confusion while you grow and expand your spiritual knowledge bank. If your a fan of the show, you can help keep it going here: https://www.patreon.com/jenniferoneill Learn more on my website: http://keystothespiritworld.com/

  • 8 Guardian Angel Signs

    23/12/2016 Duración: 34min

    I get a lot of questions about Angels and how to tell if they are giving you a sign. Have you ever wondered: *How do I know if my Guardian Angel is around? *Do they try and communicate with me? *Was that my Angel? *What is the difference between my Guardian Angel and my Spirit Guide? Well today I am going to be discussing some common Guardian Angel signs. As well as, how not to confuse your Guardian Angel with your Spirit Guide. (I find this happens quite often). So if you are interested in Angel signs, or you would like to know more about your Angels, this is a good show for you! Enjoy :)

  • What Do Your Dreams Mean?

    14/12/2016 Duración: 55min

    Have you ever wondered, "What did that dream mean?" Well I get this question a LOT. People wondering what this dream meant, or that dream. Translating your own dreams can be very frustrating and confusing. Especially if you don't really know the reason that your dreaming in the first place. No one really wonders why they are dreaming, they just know that they dream. And why you dream is a very important piece of this "dream puzzle". So today I am going to talk to you about what your dreams mean. As well as answer some common dreams such as, what does it mean when you dream about:   *Exes and/or loved ones. *Tornadoes, teeth falling out, or other catastrophes. *Cars, roads, buildings. *What do random dreams mean that make no sense? *Night terrors, why do people have them?   This podcast is packed full of information, so enjoy!

  • Ringing In Ears & Spirit Activity

    06/12/2016 Duración: 41min

    Today's podcast is going to be addressing questions I get often. One of the most common questions I receive is, "I have ringing in my ears...what does that mean?" Do you have ringing in your ears, or ever experience ringing in your ears? Well ringing in your ears if very common, and the reason is most likely different than you've been told. Another common question I get is, "Do you ever experience missing items?" Um...ya...on a grand scale. I have a good story about this one!  Have you experienced any of these things: *Ringing of the ears. *Missing items. *Items falling, tipping, or moving. *Electrical issues. *Bursts of lights. *Knocking noises or sounds. These things happen in our household...A LOT! So today I thought I would do something a little bit different and share some of my own stories about what it's like in my household. What's common and what's not so common. I have some funny stories...So enjoy :)

  • 11 Signs You Are Spiritually Awakening

    01/12/2016 Duración: 39min

    I'm sure you've heard the term "Spiritual Awakening" before. Do you ever wonder what a spiritual awakening actually means or is? Do you ever wonder if your are doing it? Or even wonder how to do it? Well here's the funny thing a lot of people are actually experiencing a "Spiritual Awakening" and don't even know they are doing it! Why? Because they don't know what it is, or what it feels like...They just think they are going about life and bam! Something suddenly feels different...things don't feel quite right. So they try and make changes in their life, as they make a lot assumptions on what's going on. When they are not really getting to the root of the issue. You might even be one of these people! Are you feeling: Tired Frustrated Creative Urge to do something different? Sleep patterns all messed up? If so you might want to tune into todays show as I discuss 11 Signs You Are Spiritually Awakening...this show might give you some much needed clarity. :)  

  • Empath Awareness & Living With Empath Abilities

    17/11/2016 Duración: 45min

    Do you ever wonder if you are an Empath? If you think you are an Empath, do you ever wonder if you will be able to "feel normal"? Or do things like everyone else? In today's show I will be discussing these topics and more such as: *6 Signs you are an Empath *Empath awareness *Negative people and Empaths *Empath health Many Empaths think they can continue to live their life like they are regular people, and that's just not the case...if you wish to feel good. So I will be discussing exactly why this is, as well as some tips to help you live more comfortably with Empathic Ability's.

  • Cutting Cords & Energetic Relationships

    09/11/2016 Duración: 37min

    Have you ever heard of cutting cords? Have you ever wondered what energetic cords are? Have you ever heard of energetic relationships? Well in today's show I'm going to be talking about all kinds of energy and energetic relationships.  *Energy Waves *Energetic Cords *Energetic Relationships Also, how these things pertain to Soul Mates, Twin Souls, and Twin Flames. If feel like you have a deep connection with someone and you don't know why, or you wish to "cut energetic ties" with them, this is a good show for you!

  • Understanding Your Past Lives

    01/11/2016 Duración: 39min

    Some people are confused when it comes to past lives, however, I do find that the majority of people who I come across are very interested in their own past lives. They often wonder things such as: Who were they? Where did they live? Did they know some of the same people? Why did they come here? I'd like to bring some clarity to this subject on things I've been asked about often. So in todays show I'm going to be discussing what it means to have a past life, as well as: *Relationships and past lives. *Past live trauma. *Other dimensions. *Why we incarnate. *Star people. If you've ever wondered about past lives this should be a super fun show for you to listen to...you will come away with a better understanding of past lives and how those past lives may fit into your life now!

  • What It Means To Raise Your Vibration

    25/10/2016 Duración: 36min

    Many people wish to raise their vibration, they hear about it all the time and think, "I want to feel that way! Count me in!" Which often leads them to the next logical step, to experience some type of major shift which entails at least one hour of mediation each night. This will surely will help them to raise their vibration. They try it, they fail, they get frustrated, they quit. Here's the thing, you need to be able to understand it, before you can do it, and many people do not understand it. So what does it really even mean to raise your vibration?  Raising your vibration is raising your energetic frequency to a state which is closer to the spiritual realm where you have access to connect in with the universe in a way that you've never thought of before. When you raise your vibration you are moving closer to your natural state of existence. It feels good, you feel more "enlightened" because you have access to more knowledge which is available to you. So how do you do that? It's actually simpler than you

  • The Truth About Astral Travel

    13/10/2016 Duración: 40min

    Have you ever experienced any of these things while sleeping or "dreaming"? Sleep paralysis.Bed shaking.Seeing dark silhouettes.Feeling like someone is on top of you? Well most likely you are finding yourself startled and trying to get back into your body while you are astral traveling. On todays show I will be discussing the 8 most common ways you can tell if you are astral traveling. As well as what is exactly happening when you are experiencing these things, what to do when it happens. Plus, I'm going to clear up a lot of "myths" about astral travel that people should be aware of...

  • Did Your Astrology Sign Change?

    07/10/2016 Duración: 28min

    Thanks to the media I’ve been getting this question daily, “Has my astrology sign changed?” People are very attached to their astrological signs, and why wouldn’t you be? You are born with it, you resonate with it, and for many of us it’s part of our identity! On todays show I will be discussing: Did your astrology sign change?Advanced civilizations.Different moon phases, such as the black moon.Universal energy and how it affects you and your spiritual body.Working with universal energy.Understanding control and universal laws. So if you are interested in astrology, and universal energy or universal law, as well as how it affects your psychic senses, this is a good show for you! Enjoy :)

  • When To Ground Yourself

    29/09/2016 Duración: 31min

    Grounding is VERY important when it comes to your psychic senses and psychic development. What is grounding? It's bringing your spiritual body and physical body back together, allowing them to work in harmony, resulting in you "feeling" more balanced. When you are working with your psychic senses a lot, you are working with your spiritual body as your primary body, but we live in a physical world. So when you are primarily working with your spiritual body, it can cause your physical body to feel: Out of body.Drained.Shakey.Out of balance.Nauseaus. So when grounding is necessary? This can cause confusion with some people who ask, how will I be able to tell? How often should I ground myself? Should I do it daily? Weekly?  I will try and answer all of these questions and more in todays show...When To Ground Yourself!

  • Overcoming The Fear Of Psychic Development

    23/09/2016 Duración: 37min

    I asked a question to my Higher Purpose Learning group the other day. What were they afraid of when it comes to psychic development? And to my surprise, they had a lot of fears...Frankly, many of them I was actually shocked at! Afraid of what you might wonder? Many different things such as: Losing themselves (one of the top answers).The unknown.Negative spirits.Failing. The reason I asked this question is because I find it fascinating how many people do not even attempt to pursue psychic development (even if it interests them) because of fear. The problem with this is fear will create blocks, and blocks will hinder any kind of spiritual development. But even more importantly, I found that many of their fears were something they shouldn't be afraid of at all. So I decided to address the 9 most common fears that hold people back when it comes to developing their psychic senses. If you are finding that you yourself are fearful, this will be a good show for you :)

  • Negative Entities Or Energies, Can They Harm Or Possess Me?

    15/09/2016 Duración: 27min

    I was asked this question in the Higher Purpose Learning group the other day. It was a good question so I wanted to address it: "Can a person's soul be harmed or taken by an entity? It's something I've wondered about after reading a couple of books about ghost hunters who have experienced possession like experiences." Many people do wonder about this. I even had a woman who I spoke with the other day who was worried about this very thing happening to her child who is beginning to see spirits. All because of a movie she watched long ago. Are you one of these people? Do you ever find yourself wondering: Can a spirit harm me?Can a spirit possess me if I learn to develop my psychic senses or abilities?Are children more susceptible to possession?What if there is spirit activity in my house? Thanks to the movie industry this worry has so many people freaked out that they shut down their own psychic senses immediately for fear of what might happen to them, or fear of what they might be susceptible to. They worry a

  • When Your Spiritual Body Awakens...

    08/09/2016 Duración: 44min

    So there is a new energy wave that's flowing through causing people to feel some of these things: *Anxious - about life, where they are at, where they are going. *Moody - feeling a roller coaster of emotions, very emotional. *Depressed - usually tied to feeling "stuck" or in limbo. *Frustrated - can't find their purpose. It's hitting SENSITIVE people really hard right now. I did a post about this on social media, and I got a lot of questions, such as, how long will this last? What do I do in the meantime? That made me realize people think this is a one time thing. But it's not, this is not the first time it's happened and it won't be the last. These waves of energy will continue, some will feel positive and some frustrating. Energy waves have been around for centuries, however, you are just more prone to notice them now more than ever before. To help people understand why they are noticing these waves now, I decided to do a show explaining, what happens when your spiritual body awakens... 

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