Amazing Fba



No BS, Just Solutions


  • Unlocking 2X Growth in 12 Weeks: Amazon Growth Strategy Secrets

    10/04/2024 Duración: 32min

    Have you hit a plateau with your Amazon sales? Dreaming of explosive growth but unsure where to start? This guide unlocks the secrets used by industry leaders to achieve 2X growth in just 12 weeks. Learn the 8D Framework, a data-driven approach specifically designed for established e-commerce brands with Product-Market Fit (PMF) to scale their Amazon presence efficiently. Time Stamps [00:04:15] Having $100k-$250k in yearly sales per product demonstrates product-market fit for Amazon sellers.[00:06:05] He looks at sales per ASIN/product line, not the seller's total sales across all products.[00:09:01] The 12-week Rapid 2X Accelerator program aims to have clients trending at 2x their daily sales rate.[00:10:19] The program implements optimizations across 84 days in areas like logistics, productivity, and sleep habits to compound growth.[00:14:46] The first dimension is Performance Optimization - optimizing product listings, A+ content, pricing, promotions, and PPC campaigns.[00:18:04] This includes optimi

  • Why People Really Buy Your Products (Authentic Selling Part 2)

    08/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    In the bustling world of e-commerce, one question looms large: why do people buy? We often find ourselves fixating on the features of our products, the materials they're made from, or the benefits they offer. But in reality, successful selling goes beyond these surface-level attributes. It's about tapping into the deeper desires and emotions of our customers. Welcome back to part 2 of our exploration into authentic selling, where we delve into the psychology behind consumer behavior and how authenticity can revolutionize your sales strategy. Understanding the Customer Experience: Beyond Product Features Let's kick things off with a vivid example shared by an online marketing specialist during a recent interview. Picture this: you've developed the ultimate fishing lure. It's crafted with precision, boasting a carbon fiber shell and surgical stainless steel hooks. But here's the twist – nobody cares about the technical details. What truly matters is the experience you're selling. Think about it. Wh

  • Authentic Selling vs. Jedi Mind Tricks in e-Commerce

    04/04/2024 Duración: 28min

    Authentic Selling vs. Jedi Mind Tricks -  Coach Dan Gordon Now, I've got to tell you, I said to Coach Dan Gordon, this is who we've got on the show, how I should introduce him. He said, "I want you to say the greatest fraud I've ever met,". Well, Authentic Selling is the focus of today's show, but that's clearly not the truth! Dan Gordon is an executive coach and speaker, and his mission is to raise the consciousness of bad-ass entrepreneurs all over the world. So there you go, welcome to the show Coach Dan. Good to have you here. Gratitude and Insight Thank you so much. It's a real delight. And I just so appreciate what you do, Michael, helping people really step into the things that they struggle with and look at the parts of their life and their business that they need to work on. And just by the nature of the conversations that you have, you force those thoughts. It's beautiful. Authenticity in Conversation Not a sort of soft, cuddly guy, really. I guess British people have a habit of being, you kno

  • Why an Ecommerce business isn’t really a cash cow

    02/04/2024 Duración: 15s

    Hey folks. I want to discuss what is kind of a hard topic, which is why an e-commerce business isn't a cash cow. It's not what is advertised to be on the internet, but the good news is it could make you more money than you think, as long as you know what you're dealing with. The myth of the e-com cash cow So folks let's talk about the myth of an e-commerce business as a cash cow. There is a lot of misconception on the internet about the cash-generating potential of e-commerce ventures. I'm talking about things with physical products at their heart, and therefore inventory, which changes everything. And we need to examine this. Typical cash cow digital businesses Now let's talk about what we mean by cash cow. First of all, I'm talking really about things that produce money. In cash in other words without much capital investment. The examples that spring to mind: are coaching. I know all about that because I've been doing that online for years. The upsides: you don't need to pay much money, or even any to st

  • How to Reduce Amazon Ad Spend Without Sacrificing Sales

    29/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Advertising costs on Amazon are on a ruthless upward trajectory. Feeling the pinch and worried about maintaining profitability? You're not alone. In this comprehensive guide, we'll equip you with powerful strategies to dramatically reduce your Amazon ad spend without sacrificing sales. This isn't about cutting corners or sacrificing quality. We'll show you how to optimize your advertising campaigns, leverage the power of organic ranking, and unlock conversion-boosting techniques that make your ad spend work harder for you. Ready to reclaim control of your advertising budget and fuel explosive sales growth on Amazon? Let's dive in! [00:00:00] Rule-based AI optimizes bids [00:01:10] 10K Collective Podcast Welcome [00:03:02] Travis's Amazon Journey [00:04:09] Optimize Review Funnels [00:06:01] Competing with Reviews [00:07:28] Understanding Review Funnels [00:10:08] Effective Call-to-Action [00:11:45] Valuable Bonus Items [00:12:39] Reducing Friction Levels [00:15:03] Use Helium 10 for tracking rankings

  • Ultimate Guide: How to Get Amazon Reviews in 2024 - Get Amazon Reviews Now!

    27/03/2024 Duración: 29min

    Imagine a thriving Amazon brand with a loyal customer base, consistently generating positive reviews. This isn't a pipe dream! Kusha Karvandi, founder of Launch Titans, a full-service digital agency specializing in Amazon and Shopify success, unveils a powerful strategy to get more Amazon reviews in 2024. Kusha's experience spans over a decade, starting in the early days of Amazon FBA when competition was less fierce. He's successfully built and exited multiple businesses, with a deep understanding of the current Amazon landscape. Here's a crucial truth Kusha reveals: most satisfied customers simply don't leave reviews organically. The challenge lies in the silent majority. Happy customers rarely take the initiative to write reviews, while disgruntled ones are far more vocal. This skews the perception of your product and can hinder sales. The solution? Building a strategic review funnel. [00:00:00] Customer Perspective Offer [00:01:10] Welcome to 10K Collective Podcast [00:03:02] Travis's Amazon Journey [00:0

  • How to get more Money from your Most Valuable Customers

    26/03/2024 Duración: 06min

    80/20 Your Customer List So the thing I want to talk about today is that not all customers are created equal. Just like anything else in the world, especially in the world of e-commerce or any online business environment accelerates this times two, I would say times 10, there is a power law aka 80 20. So you will find, of course, like anything else that as well as products, customers obey the same kind of rules, that the top 20 per cent of your customers probably give you 80 per cent of your profit, et cetera. Small businesses fail to create customer lists So, I've just had a bit of lunch at a local greasy spoon in North London here in Kentish Town. It's a place called Troy Cafe, just to give them a shout-out. Delicious chilli con carne on a jacket potato and coffee for under 10 pounds. Very good. Now I bet anything that those guys do not have a customer list. They're a typical small business. They're working hard. They're slightly off the beaten track. So literally just off the high street here, this is th

  • Amazon Sales Machine Secrets: Create Your Perpetual Sales Engine

    22/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    Imagine an Amazon business that runs like a well-oiled machine, consistently generating sales without the constant struggle for new customers. This isn't a pipe dream; it's the reality for brands that have built a perpetual sales machine. This guide will unveil the secrets used by successful e-commerce entrepreneurs to cultivate a loyal following and dominate their niche on Amazon. Forget the short-term tactics of chasing fleeting trends. Let's build a brand with staying power. [00:00:00] Main Amazon sales strategy simplification [00:01:17] Welcome to 10K Collective Podcast [00:01:46] Achievements and strategies with Travis Zigler [00:02:29] Creating a perpetual sales machine [00:04:59] Key components for perpetual sales [00:05:15] Blog posts, traffic, email capture [00:07:21] Focus on blog posts, Google ads [00:09:42] Simplified Amazon sales machine process [00:10:59] Consumer psychology and product focus [00:12:30] Retargeting for distracted consumers [00:15:02] Three mistakes causing sties [00:16:33] Build

  • Amazon PPC Optimization: Simplifying Ads with the 80/20 Rule

    20/03/2024 Duración: 38min

    E-commerce brand owners, are you tired of pouring money into Amazon PPC ads without seeing the results you desire? If you're looking to scale your brand on a tight budget, then the 80/20 rule is your key to success. In this comprehensive guide, we'll unveil the secrets of Amazon PPC optimization using the Pareto Principle, a powerful strategy that allows you to focus on the 20% of your efforts that generate 80% of your result. [00:00:00] Helping those in need worldwide. [00:01:15] Introducing e-commerce expert Dr. Travis Zigler. [00:03:37] Journey from optometrist to entrepreneur. [00:04:48] Focus on top-performing products. [00:14:47] Sponsored products key for growth. [00:15:07] Sponsored Brand Video boosts brand, costly; Sponsored Products more economical. [00:15:42] Master Sponsored Products for PPC. [00:16:04] Amazon values conversion rate, sales velocity; prioritize high-converting keywords. [00:17:10] Apply 80/20 rule to search terms; emphasize top-performing keywords. [00:18:56] ACoS is a metric; prio

  • Getting your short term goals on Amazon

    18/03/2024 Duración: 11min

    You've presumably at some point commuted for work or travelled for work. I certainly have. I would often do that for not a lot of money and I would do it repeatedly to earn a living. Assuming you were reliable, you were achieving a simple short-term goal: turning up at work. And yet when I look back over the preceding years or decade and the short term goals I had for my life in business, I would say, well, how come I haven't achieved those? I haven't been reliable for myself doing big stuff with big payoffs myself. And yet I've been reliable for some petty stuff for other people. Why that difference? Well, let's explore that today. The 10K Collective Mastermind Hi, I'm Michael Veazey from Amazing FBA and I'm the leader of the 10k Collective Mastermind, for private label sellers and product brand owners who sell at least half a million dollars a year or more on Amazon. Over the last five years we've had members triple their revenue in one year, grow to eight figures and one member get to a seven-figure exit

  • Maximize Your E-commerce Success: Data Insights Action Guide

    15/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Are you an e-commerce brand owner looking to scale your business with minimal capital? Understanding how to effectively analyze data insights can be the key to unlocking your brand's full potential. In this guide, we'll explore strategies to help you maximize your e-commerce success through actionable data insights. 00:00:00 | Introduction to Data Overwhelm 00:01:34 | Challenges of Data Overwhelm 00:03:12 |  Understanding Decision Paralysis 00:04:56 |  Importance of Defining Objectives 00:06:23 | Role of Human Intervention 00:08:45 | Analytical Framework 00:10:57 | Balancing Technology and Human Skills 00:12:45 |  Operational Design Model 00:15:44 | Value of People Skills 00:22:45 | Key Takeaways for Small Business Owners Solution: Keeping the Goals in Mind One of the most critical aspects of utilizing data insights in e-commerce is to keep your goals in mind. It's easy to get lost in the vast amount of data available and lose sight of your end state. Before diving into data analysis, it's essential to know

  • Data Management Strategies for Overcoming Data Overwhelm

    13/03/2024 Duración: 31min

    In today's fast-paced world of e-commerce, data is king. However, effectively managing and leveraging this data can be daunting, especially for small business owners aiming to scale their brands with minimal capital. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore expert data management strategies to help you navigate the challenges of data overwhelm and make informed decisions to drive your business forward. [00:00:00] Strategic Approach [00:15:17] Competitive Edge [00:16:31] Human Intervention [00:17:22] Evolution of Technology [00:21:48] Value of Human Wisdom [00:23:24] AI as a Multiplier [00:24:52] Navigating AI Integration [00:19:07] Balancing Automation and Human Touch [00:24:09] Iterative Approach [00:26:53] Role of AI in Decision-making Background Dr. Anthony Simmons, a retired Navy Captain with a distinguished 28-year career as a Surface Warfare Officer, is the founder of Sixth Gear Consulting, LLC. His extensive background includes commanding Patrol Coastal and AEGIS Destroyers, strategic planning at

  • Are you using the right wealth vehicle in your business?

    11/03/2024 Duración: 14min

    Vehicles as a metaphor - are you using the right wealth vehicle in your business? This is Michael Veazey from Amazing FBA - today I want to continue my mindset thoughts on travel and today we're going to talk about vehicles. What can that do for us as a metaphor in business and in life? Stay tuned. The 10K Collective Mastermind Hi, I'm Michael Veazey from Amazing FBA and I'm the leader of the 10k Collective Mastermind, for private label sellers and product brand owners who sell at least half a million dollars a year or more on Amazon. Over the last five years we've had members triple their revenue in one year, grow to eight figures and one member get to a seven- figure exit. Now we're taking it to the next level. I'm excited to introduce the 10K collective Uber mastermind. It's a unique combination of peer group support in person and online and specialist coaching. If you're ready to take your business to seven figures and beyond, just click "Mastermind" to find out more today. Wealth Vehicles Hey folks

  • Ecommerce Revolution: How to Create Your Own Marketplace

    08/03/2024 Duración: 31min

    Beyond the Marketplace Squeeze: Building Your Brand Empire In the e-commerce landscape, online marketplaces offer undeniable reach but come with limitations. Fierce competition, ever-increasing fees, and limited control over brand identity can stifle growth. This guide explores a powerful alternative: creating your own marketplace. Imagine fostering a community of vetted sellers offering products or services complementary to your brand. By doing so, you not only expand your reach but establish yourself as a platform leader, fostering brand loyalty and minimizing dependence on external platforms. This step-by-step guide equips you with the knowledge and tools to build a thriving marketplace from the ground up. [00:01:42] - Introduction to the discussion on marketplaces and their significance. [00:07:25] - Explanation of the chicken and egg problem in marketplace development. [00:12:04] - Discussion on the importance of building trust in a marketplace. [00:16:14] - Transition to discussing the basic steps to bu

  • The Power of Painful Tradeoffs in Successful Strategy

    07/03/2024 Duración: 15min

    The word strategy is often used and often used wrongly. And there is a mentality that I want to address today around strategy, which is that you can have your cake and eat it. As one of our famous British leaders recently said, that is never true when it comes to strategy. Stay tuned. We'll explore why and what you can do instead. The 10K Collective Mastermind Hi, I'm Michael Veazey from Amazing FBA and I'm the leader of the 10k Collective Mastermind, for private label sellers and product brand owners who sell at least half a million dollars a year or more on Amazon. Over the last five years we've had members triple their revenue in one year, grow to eight figures and one member get to a seven- figure exit. Now we're taking it to the next level. I'm excited to introduce the 10K collective Uber mastermind. It's a unique combination of peer group support in person and online and specialist coaching. If you're ready to take your business to seven figures and beyond, just go to to fi

  • Mastering Marketplace Dynamics: A Seller's Guide to Scaling Your Brand

    05/03/2024 Duración: 28min

    This guide kicks off with insights from Shirish Nadkarni, a serial entrepreneur, author, and advisor to startups. Having witnessed the rise of Microsoft in its early DOS days and facilitating the acquisition of Hotmail by Microsoft, Nadkarni understands the power of platform dominance. His book, "Winner Takes All," delves into this phenomenon, particularly relevant for e-commerce brands navigating the world of online marketplaces. [00:01:20] Introduction to the discussion about Amazon's evolution and impact on the marketplace. [00:03:45] Mention of Amazon's dominance in the e-commerce space and its increasing influence. [00:07:32] Discussion about Amazon's strategy of data usage and its implications for third-party sellers. [00:11:55] Mention of Amazon's expansion beyond e-commerce into various sectors like healthcare and entertainment. [00:15:13] Transition to Part 2: Focus on the experience of buying and selling within Amazon's marketplace. [00:16:23] Discussion about Amazon's acquisition strategy and its i

  • Are you driving towards a clear goal in your business?

    04/03/2024 Duración: 16min

      Today I'm in the car driving, and my mind is turning over on lots of metaphors to do with satnavs and navigation. Where do you want to go and how are you going to get there? Very good questions for life and business. Do you have a sense of direction in business?  Hi, this is Michael Veazey from amazing FBA. So I am a driver with, I guess just over 30 years experience now. I'm an average driver , but I'm terrible at navigation. And I do think that a lack of sense of direction can be a problem in business and life as it can most clearly and obviously in the physical realm of navigation. Now if that's you, how do we, what are the problems and how do we solve them? Goldratt's 3 Questions framework  Well, a good framework, I think for solving lots of problems is Goldratt's three questions. Eliahu Goldratt wrote an amazing book called The Goal. He asked three very simple. profound questions . And my thanks to my old podcast cohost, Jason Miles of OmniRocket. If you need direct to consumer site advice, particula

  • E-commerce Product Evolution Strategies: Transforming Your Bestsellers

    01/03/2024 Duración: 35min

    In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, staying stagnant can quickly lead to missed opportunities. This is especially true for best-selling products. While they may be bringing in consistent revenue, neglecting their potential for evolution can hinder your brand's growth and scalability. In this guide, we'll explore effective strategies for transforming your bestsellers, helping you unlock their full potential and maximize your success. Time Stamp [00:00] - Introduction [02:42] - The importance of product development [07:14] - Examples of missed opportunities in product development [20:44] - Evolution of materials in product development [27:08] - Compliance-driven changes in product development [29:59] - The impact of packaging on product development [32:59] - The end life cycle of a product [34:25] - Conclusion and how to contact Bonnie Hall From Reselling to Owning Your Brand: Identifying Opportunities Many e-commerce businesses begin by reselling third-party products. However, transitioning to developin

  • Mastering the Product Development Process: Building Strong Supplier Relationships

    28/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    For e-commerce brand owners, scaling their businesses with limited capital is a constant challenge. While a fantastic product is crucial, bringing it to market at the right time and price is equally important. This is where building strong supplier relationships becomes essential. Reliable suppliers ensure timely delivery, meet quality standards, and offer competitive pricing, all of which are critical for success. Time Stamp [00:00:00] Introduction To The Podcast Episode About Developing A Product From Concept To Delivery. [00:02:30] Importance Of Focusing On The Product As The Heart And Soul Of The Business. [00:05:00] Discussion On The Concept Phase: Understanding The Market, Identifying Customer Needs, And Creating A Clear Brief. [00:08:45] Importance Of Defining The Product's USP (Unique Selling Proposition) And Value Proposition. [00:11:30] Transitioning From Concept To CAD Design And The Importance Of Collaboration Between Designers And Engineers. [00:14:00] Discussing The Prototyping Phase, Including

  • The problem of self-perception in business

    26/02/2024 Duración: 10min

    Hey there. It's Michael from Amazing FBA- welcome to mindset moments, little bite-sized chunks of thoughts and hopefully wisdom about business and life from my wanderings around London, and other parts of Europe. Today we are going to talk about how your self-perception in business is, how good is it and why does that even matter? Stay tuned. The 10K Collective Mastermind  I'm the leader of the 10k Collective Mastermind, for private label sellers and product brand owners who sell at least half a million dollars a year or more on Amazon. Over the last five years we've had members triple their revenue in one year, grow to eight figures and one member get to a seven- figure exit. Now we're taking it to the next level. I'm excited to introduce the 10K collective Uber mastermind. It's a unique combination of peer group support in person and online and specialist coaching. If you're ready to take your business to seven figures and beyond, then just go to to find out more today. "The

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