Amazing Fba



No BS, Just Solutions


  • Mastering the Product Development Process: Building Strong Supplier Relationships

    28/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    For e-commerce brand owners, scaling their businesses with limited capital is a constant challenge. While a fantastic product is crucial, bringing it to market at the right time and price is equally important. This is where building strong supplier relationships becomes essential. Reliable suppliers ensure timely delivery, meet quality standards, and offer competitive pricing, all of which are critical for success. Time Stamp [00:00:00] Introduction To The Podcast Episode About Developing A Product From Concept To Delivery. [00:02:30] Importance Of Focusing On The Product As The Heart And Soul Of The Business. [00:05:00] Discussion On The Concept Phase: Understanding The Market, Identifying Customer Needs, And Creating A Clear Brief. [00:08:45] Importance Of Defining The Product's USP (Unique Selling Proposition) And Value Proposition. [00:11:30] Transitioning From Concept To CAD Design And The Importance Of Collaboration Between Designers And Engineers. [00:14:00] Discussing The Prototyping Phase, Including

  • The problem of self-perception in business

    26/02/2024 Duración: 10min

    Hey there. It's Michael from Amazing FBA- welcome to mindset moments, little bite-sized chunks of thoughts and hopefully wisdom about business and life from my wanderings around London, and other parts of Europe. Today we are going to talk about how your self-perception in business is, how good is it and why does that even matter? Stay tuned. The 10K Collective Mastermind  I'm the leader of the 10k Collective Mastermind, for private label sellers and product brand owners who sell at least half a million dollars a year or more on Amazon. Over the last five years we've had members triple their revenue in one year, grow to eight figures and one member get to a seven- figure exit. Now we're taking it to the next level. I'm excited to introduce the 10K collective Uber mastermind. It's a unique combination of peer group support in person and online and specialist coaching. If you're ready to take your business to seven figures and beyond, then just go to to find out more today. "The

  • When to quit and when to Stick in E-commerce [PART 2]

    21/02/2024 Duración: 31min

    If quitting is going to be a strategic choice, then decide in advance what your criteria are for quitting. There's an ultramarathoner, Dick Collins who says: " Decide in advance when you're going to quit. And that does not include- if you're running an ultramarathon- feeling dehydrated, sleepy, tired, and it's cold and windy. If you're making a decision based on how you feel at the moment, you'll probably make the wrong decision." Your criteria for quitting don't include, " I don't like all the hassle I'm getting from Amazon, they've suspended my listing." Those are not strategic quitting reasons. They're just you're getting a bit fed up and stressed. Hi, I'm Michael Veazey from Amazing FBA and I'm the leader of the 10k Collective Mastermind, a mastermind for private label sellers and product brand owners who sell at least half a million dollars a year or more on Amazon. Over the last five years we've had members triple their revenue in one year, grow to eight figures and one member get to a seven- figu

  • Strategic Quitting – Your Under-rated Business Superpower

    15/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    "Winners never quit and quitters never win." Famous words by Vince Lombardi, the doyen of American football coaches. Well, is that true? I don't think so. And today we're going to explore why that is not true and how it can help you change your business and your life. Stay tuned. Hi, I'm Michael Veazey from Amazing FBA and I'm the leader of the 10k Collective Mastermind, a mastermind for private label sellers and product brand owners who sell at least half a million dollars a year or more on Amazon. Over the last five years we've had members triple their revenue in one year, grow to eight figures and one member get to a seven- figure exit. Now we're taking it to the next level. I'm excited to introduce the 10K collective Uber mastermind. It's a unique combination of peer group support in person and online and specialist coaching. If you're ready to take your business to seven figures and beyond, then click the button to find out more about the 10k Collective Uber Mastermind today. If you're listening t

  • Unlock Your Refunds: Mastering the Amazon Reimbursement Process

    07/02/2024 Duración: 27min

    Alex Ryan, the CTO of Refundify, offers insights into optimizing the Amazon FBA Reimbursement process. With a background in tech and experience in various industries, including hospitality and e-commerce, Alex brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. [00:01] - Introduction of Alex Ryan and Refundify. [04:52] - Importance of Amazon reimbursements for sellers. [07:22] - Identifying discrepancies in inbound shipments. [10:15] - Emphasis on clear documentation for reimbursement. [13:40] - Risks of delaying reimbursement claims. [15:29] - Overview of Refundify's fully managed service. [18:05] - Pricing structure based on revenue brackets. [20:01] - Introduction of additional service: ACE. [22:14] - ACE's comprehensive solutions beyond reimbursements. [25:30] - Leveraging Seller Candy's expertise through ACE. What are Amazon FBA Reimbursements? Amazon ships millions of packages daily, inevitably leading to occasional mistakes. While Amazon's Terms of Service (TOS) promise reimbursements at retail price, not all

  • Zen and the Art of Ecom Business Maintenance

    26/01/2024 Duración: 21min

    Title: Unveiling the Zen of E-commerce: Lessons from “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” In a recent podcast episode, we explored the profound insights of “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” by Robert Pirsig, drawing parallels between the clash of technology and magic in the book and the challenges faced by e-commerce businesses. Here’s a summary of the key takeaways: 1. Unveiling the Connection: Zen, Motorcycle Maintenance, and E-commerce (0:01) Reflecting on the timeless wisdom embedded in Pirsig’s work, we discovered its relevance to the world of e-commerce. The intricate balance required in motorcycle maintenance offers insights into the tools and strategies needed to navigate the complexities of running a profitable online business. 2. E-commerce Complexity and Identifying Points of Failure (4:11) E-commerce businesses, like intricate machines, consist of various components that must seamlessly work together. We highlighted the ripple effect of small problems, drawing a vivid compari

  • Unlock Success: 2023 Annual Review for Amazon Sellers

    17/01/2024 Duración: 35min

    Greetings, fellow e-commerce trailblazers! I'm [Your Name], your expert e-commerce consultant here to guide you through unlocking success in 2023. Today, we embark on a journey into the heart of scaling your Amazon brand with minimal capital by mastering the art of the Annual Review. Annual Review Point 1: Marketing Metrics Analysis In our first segment, we delve into the crucial realm of Marketing Metrics Analysis. Discover how to review and analyze key performance metrics specific to the Amazon marketplace, from sales and conversion rates to customer feedback and product reviews. Learn to identify top-performing products and categories, while gaining insights into the ever-evolving impact of Amazon's algorithm changes on your business performance. Annual Review Point 2: Financial Review and Profitability Navigate the financial landscape with precision in our Financial Review and Profitability segment. Uncover strategies to analyze financial statements and profitability, evaluating the impact of fees, shippi

  • Unlock Success: Your Ultimate Amazon Affiliate Program Guide to Recruit Affiliates

    10/01/2024 Duración: 35min

    You've set up your Amazon affiliate program, products are ready, commissions are tempting, but your inbox is eerily quiet. Where are the eager affiliates, the brand advocates, the traffic champions you envisioned? Fear not, e-commerce warriors, for this guide unlocks the secrets to recruiting the perfect allies for your Amazon success story. [00:00:00] Introduction to the Importance of Flexibility in Commission Rates and Sending Products to Influencers for Effective Promotion [00:02:26] Discussion on Recruiting Affiliates and the Three-Pronged Approach for Scaling the Program [00:03:40] Emphasizing the Use of a Network or Marketplace (Like Levanta) to Access a Large Pool of Affiliates [00:04:16] Insights into the Outbound Recruitment Strategy, Including Using a Tool to Filter and Send Personalized Invitations to Potential Affiliates [00:05:07] Importance of Being Flexible with Commission Rates and Sending Products, Especially for Influencers and Content Creators [00:06:06] Discussion on Creating Compelling Of

  • Unlock Success: Setting Up Your Amazon Affiliate Program as a Brand Owner

    03/01/2024 Duración: 25min

    Imagine a world where your Amazon listings reach beyond the confines of the platform, propelled by a dedicated army of brand advocates. A world where targeted traffic floods your listings, driving sales and boosting organic ranking. This, my friends, is the power of a well-structured affiliate program for Amazon sellers. But what exactly is an affiliate program, and how can it work for you? In simple terms, an affiliate program is a partnership with external influencers, bloggers, and social media giants who promote your products to their audiences. You only pay them a commission when they drive a sale, making it a low-risk, high-reward strategy for scaling your brand with minimal upfront investment. Free Ebook: "How to Build an Amazon Affiliate Strategy" – Learn everything you need to launch a successful program, from deals and commission strategies to affiliate recruitment. [00:00] - Introduction and Business Opportunity [01:17] - Guest Introduction and Expertise [02:08] - Setting up an Affiliate Program on

  • Explode Your Amazon Sales: The Ultimate Guide to External Traffic via Affiliate Marketing

    27/12/2023 Duración: 01h14min

    Welcome to your ultimate guide to unlocking the incredible potential of external traffic via affiliate marketing for Amazon sellers. This episode dives deep into this powerful yet often overlooked strategy, empowering you to scale your brand with minimal capital and skyrocket your sales. Download Levanta's free "Guide to Running an Affiliate Program for Amazon Sellers" [00:04:12] Affiliate Marketing Explained (Lemonade Stand Analogy) [00:07:19] External Traffic vs. Affiliate Marketing [00:09:02] Risk & Reward for Affiliates & Merchants [00:11:29] Profitability & Unit Economics [00:13:25] Thin Margins & Alternative Strategies [00:14:19] Organic Rank & Scalability Benefits [00:16:33] Measuring Success & De-risking [00:17:53] Evaluating Affiliate Marketing vs. CPC [00:19:45] Early Mover Advantage & Open Secret Understanding the Landscape: What is External Traffic and Affiliate Marketing? External traffic refers to any traffic that reaches your Amazon listings from sources outside of Amazon itself, such as social

  • Unlock Success: Mastering Direct-to-Consumer Site Profitability

    20/12/2023 Duración: 32min

    Embark on a journey with Samantha Kozuch, founder of Maniscripting, as she shares insights into running a profitable Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) site. Discover the strategies that have propelled her e-commerce brand to success, all while minimizing capital investment. Time Stamp [00:00] - "Scaling Businesses Through a Multi-Channel Approach with Amazon and Self-Development." [01:54] - "Entrepreneurship, E-Commerce, and Passion-Driven Business Growth." [07:15] - "Building a Profitable DTC Site Through Community Engagement." [11:41] - "Building a Personal Brand and Community Through Authenticity and Transparency." [16:18] - "Building a Personal Brand and Connecting with Customers Through Social Media." [21:28] - "Building a Profitable Amazon Business with Insights from an Influencer." Starting DTC on Shopify Learn how Samantha initiated her DTC venture on Shopify, utilizing the power of social media (SM) for sales. Overcoming initial resistance to Amazon, she shares experiences from friends and her fianc

  • Unlock Success: Mastering Social Media Marketing Strategies for Community Growth

    13/12/2023 Duración: 25min

    Samantha Kozuch, the founder of Maniscripting, a self-development and mindset journaling company, shares her entrepreneurial journey spanning over a decade. Initially an influencer on Instagram and owner of a video production company, Samantha transitioned into social media coaching, helping others monetize their online businesses. Despite no initial plans for e-commerce, the inception of Maniscripting during the pandemic marked a turning point. Time Stamp [00:00] - Scaling Businesses Through Multi-Channel Approach with Amazon and Self-Development. [01:54] - Entrepreneurship, E-Commerce, and Passion-Driven Business Growth. [07:15] - Building a Profitable DTC Site Through Community Engagement. [11:41] - Building a Personal Brand and Community Through Authenticity and Transparency. [16:18] - Building Personal Brand and Connecting with Customers Through Social Media. [21:28] - Building a Profitable Amazon Business with Insights from an Influencer. The Birth of Maniscripting and Community Building In the challe

  • Get Your Head in the Game: Handling Time and Financial Pressure as an Amazon Seller

    07/12/2023 Duración: 33min

    In the fast-paced world of Amazon-centric e-commerce, mastering the art of juggling time and finances is non-negotiable. This guide aims to assist small business owners in navigating the relentless demands of running an Amazon-based enterprise, emphasizing the critical role effective time and financial management plays in achieving scalable success. [00:00] - Time Management [05:40] - Cashflow Management [12:30] - Practical Tips for Success [17:30] - Utilizing Analytics and Data [20:50] - Psychological strength Time Management: Your Most Precious Asset Time, once lost, can never be regained. In the e-commerce realm, where every minute counts, efficient time management is a game-changer. Start by setting a schedule, understanding the pitfalls of multitasking, and embracing the power of focus. Learn the art of delegation and outsourcing to free up crucial hours, and don’t underestimate the importance of balance and rest to stave off burnout. Mastering SMART Goals and Prioritization Techniques

  • Mastering the Amazon Search Algorithm in 2023: Boost Your Listing Now!

    08/11/2023 Duración: 29min

    In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, staying ahead of the game requires an in-depth understanding of the Amazon search algorithm. As an e-commerce brand owner, optimizing your listing is crucial to reaching your target audience effectively. In 2023, Amazon's algorithm has undergone significant changes, emphasizing semantic matching over lexical matching. This guide will provide you with actionable insights on how to navigate these changes and optimize your listing effectively. [00:00:43] - "Discussion on Algorithm and Semantic Style Search" [00:01:21] - "Introduction to Zonguru and ACL Updates" [00:01:42] - "Discussion on Zonguru Tool and Listing Optimization" [00:02:17] - "Discussion on AI, Lexical Matching, and Semantic Matching" [00:03:04] - "Explanation of Lexical Matching and Semantic Matching in Amazon World" [00:07:47] - "Methods for Understanding Customers: Surveys, Research, and Recording Buyer Process" [00:08:56] - "Analyzing Emotions in Reviews" [00:09:31] - "Analysis of Customer Emotions

  • Buying an ecommerce business – the role of profit vs revenue

    04/11/2023 Duración: 20min

    When considering buying an ecommerce business, it's crucial to evaluate various financial metrics. In this article, we will explore nine vital financial metrics that potential buyers should assess when looking to buy an ecommerce business. Introduction Before diving into the financial metrics, it's important to recognize that buying an ecommerce business is a substantial investment. To ensure the success and profitability of your acquisition, you need to consider both financial and non-financial factors. Financial Metrics 1. Financial Metrics Trump Marketing Ones While marketing metrics are important, financial metrics take precedence. Understanding the financial health of the business is paramount. Key documents, such as the Profit and Loss (P&L) statement and the balance sheet, should be the first items you examine. 2. Profit, Not Revenue, Drives Value Growing revenue does not necessarily mean growing the business. Profitability is what truly drives the value of an ecommerce business. Even if a business

  • Unlock Success: EU Market Entry Strategies for UK Sellers in 2023

    01/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    In today's rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape, international expansion has become a key strategy for scaling brands. For UK-based sellers eyeing growth opportunities, tapping into the European Union (EU) market in 2023 is not just a possibility; it's a goldmine waiting to be explored. Despite the challenges posed by Brexit and varying regulations, the EU offers immense potential for entrepreneurs willing to adapt and strategize effectively. 00:00 - "Expanding into Europe: Challenges for UK Sellers" 02:15 - "Navigating EU Market Entry Post-Brexit" 04:30 - "Quick Guide: Selling in Europe After Brexit" 06:45 - "Strategies for UK Based Sellers in the EU Market" 09:00 - "Optimizing Logistics: Key to European Success" 11:15 - "VAT Demystified: Selling Across EU Borders" 13:30 - "Finding the Right Partners in EU Expansion" 15:45 - "Customer Experience: The Heart of European Sales" 18:00 - "Beyond Brexit: Seizing EU Market Opportunities" 20:15 - "Localizing Your Approach: European Market Insights" 22:30 - "Profit

  • E-commerce Customer Service – Are You making One of These 13 Mistakes?

    31/10/2023 Duración: 16min

    Effective e-commerce customer service is the lifeblood of any business, but there are times when mistakes can have far-reaching consequences. In this article, we explore a series of customer service blunders that can negatively impact your business, from hindering customers' basic functions to leaving your business vulnerable to errors and inefficiency. 1. Stopping Customers from Performing Basic Functions : Imagine trying to complete a simple task, only to find that a company's customer service is preventing you from doing so. When customer service obstructs rather than assists, it creates frustration and dissatisfaction. In the absence of clear rules and contacts, customers may be left with no choice but to navigate a maze of automated systems. 2. Automated, Non-Human Phone Calls: Many companies opt for automated phone systems to handle customer inquiries. While automation can be efficient, a lack of human touch can alienate customers. Often, this leads to more problems, as customers may require personali

  • Ecommerce Pricing Strategies – Are You Missing These 3 Easy Wins?

    27/10/2023 Duración: 31min

    In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, mastering the art of Ecommerce Pricing Strategies is essential to your business's success. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, understanding the ecommerce strategies that empower your pricing is crucial. In this article, we're going to explore three powerful principles that can significantly impact your pricing power and your ability to set prices that attract and retain customers. Are you ready to discover the secrets of e-commerce pricing? Let's dive in. Ecommerce Pricing Strategy 1: Pre-Selling for Anticipation and Trust In a world where raising prices can often lead to customer pushback, pre-selling is a strategy that can work wonders. It's like creating a magical aura around your products. Imagine being able to raise your prices, and your customers still eagerly line up to buy. Pre-selling is all about building anticipation and trust. It's the art of telegraphing your punches to your customers, letting them know what you'll offer in the future. The m

  • Unlock Profit: Selling on European Amazon Markets in 2023!

    25/10/2023 Duración: 27min

    Welcome back to the 10 K Collective Podcast. Today, we have Stef Van Boekel from O1, the European marketplace operator. They cover over a hundred marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Cdiscount in 27 countries. We're diving deep into the topic of making money selling on Amazon EU in 2023 for international sellers. Let's uncover the challenges and strategies for success in this ever-shifting landscape. [00:01:14] Introduction to Stef Van Boekel and O1, the European marketplace operator. [00:02:08] Discussion about UK sellers vs. US sellers and the challenges of selling on Amazon EU. [00:03:20] Opportunities for established brands to grow on European marketplaces. [00:04:30] Basics of expanding into the EU, including tax compliance and import requirements. [00:06:08] Importance of launching new products or entering new marketplaces for brand growth. [00:07:08] Differences between Amazon US and European marketplaces in terms of competition and marketing strategies. [00:10:03] Importance of market reviews and cust

  • Ecommerce Tax – How Tax Planning Can Save Your Cash

    18/10/2023 Duración: 29min

    As an online entrepreneur, you're no stranger to the complexities of running an e-commerce business. From managing your products and customers to handling logistics, there's already a lot on your plate. But there's one aspect that often goes overlooked until it's too late: ecommerce tax.  In this article, we'll explore why tax planning is crucial for e-commerce businesses and how it can save you money and headaches in the long run. Sales Tax: A Challenge for E-commerce Tax Planning The landscape of e-commerce taxation in the United States is anything but straightforward. Unlike many other countries with unified national tax systems, the U.S. relies on a state-by-state approach. This means that if you're selling products online, you must consider sales tax on multiple levels: State Sales Tax: Each state has its own sales tax rate, rules, and exemptions. County Sales Tax: Some states allow counties to impose additional sales taxes. City Sales Tax: In certain cases, even individual cities may have their

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