Amazing Fba



No BS, Just Solutions


  • Why Have My Amazon Sales Dropped?– Is That Even the Right Question?

    17/10/2023 Duración: 25min

    Why Have My Amazon Sales Dropped? Are you an Amazon seller who's recently noticed a dip in your sales figures? Maybe you're asking yourself "Why Have My Amazon Sales Dropped?". If so, you're not alone. The e-commerce landscape is dynamic and ever-changing, and understanding the reasons behind fluctuations in your Amazon sales is crucial. In this blog post, we'll explore the common factors that can cause your Amazon sales to drop and whether you're asking the right questions to address the issue. Let's dive in and uncover the strategies to revive your Amazon sales. 1. Seasonal Variations One potential reason for a drop in Amazon sales is seasonality. Many products experience fluctuations in demand based on the time of the year. For instance, holiday-related products may see a surge in sales during the holiday season but slow down significantly during other times. It's essential to recognize the seasonality factor and adjust your strategies accordingly. 2. Amazon Algorithm Changes Amazon frequently updates its

  • 9 KPIs for Business Acquisition – Are You About to Buy a Turkey?

    13/10/2023 Duración: 21min

    In today's fast-paced business landscape, the path to entrepreneurship often begins with rapid growth through online platforms. Some entrepreneurs build multi-million dollar businesses without a deep understanding of financial fundamentals, but when it comes time to exit, they must confront the essential financial metrics. Whether you're buying or selling a business, these key performance indicators (KPIs) can make or break the deal. In this blog post, we'll explore nine vital KPIs for business acquisition and why they matter. The Primacy of Financial Metrics First and foremost, it's crucial to understand that financial metrics should take precedence over marketing metrics when evaluating a business for acquisition. While marketing metrics are important for gauging performance and strategy, they should always align with financial outcomes. A business's income statement and balance sheet are the cornerstones of evaluation, as they provide a comprehensive financial overview. They act as a universal language in

  • How to Grow Amazon Business Reseller Margins by 50% like Scott Needham

    12/10/2023 Duración: 24min

    How to Grow an Amazon Business- How Scott Needham Achieved a 50% Growth in Margins In today's blog post, we're going to delve into how to grow an Amazon business, and specifically a reseller business. Scott Needham is a seasoned Amazon seller and software developer. Scott shares invaluable insights on how he managed to scale a reseller business, increase margins from 14% to 21%, and even built a cutting-edge software tool to revolutionize the reselling game. Join us as we uncover the key strategies and lessons that can help you grow your Amazon business. The Journey to 50% Margin Growth Scott Needham's journey began in 2013 when he joined his brother's already thriving Amazon reseller business, which had accumulated millions in sales but faced challenges in scaling. The pivotal moment came when Scott harnessed technology to automate critical business processes. This automation laid the foundation for substantial growth, taking their team from just a handful of employees to a formidable workforce of 80. One o

  • Increase Your Amazon seller profit margin

    09/10/2023 Duración: 14min

    Hi there, this is Michael from Amazing FBA and welcome to Practical Hacks. If you subscribe to the philosophy that done is better than perfect, you're going to love these little hacks. Today we'll look at how to increase your Amazon seller profit margin. Do you want to grow your business bigger and faster? A free audit of your Amazon business can help you see and avoid threats and find missed golden opportunities. I generally charge per hour, but this would be free. You can be a reseller or a brand owner. All I ask is that you're doing a few thousand dollars a month in sales already. Just visit myamazonaudit. com, That's M Y A M A Z O N A U D I T dot com. Hi there folks, Michael Veazey here for another episode, this one's going to be a quick one I've got some insights from a recent audit I did for somebody who's got only one SKU, but been selling for about a year. So quite early stages. This person has got up to around two and a half thousand dollars in sales a month selling in the U S. So here was some

  • Unlock Success: Crafting a Premium Ecommerce Business for Sale

    04/10/2023 Duración: 29min

    Welcome to a guide that holds the key to unlocking success in the world of Ecommerce business sales. In this comprehensive walkthrough, we'll explore essential strategies tailored for Ecommerce brand owners. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting, understanding the pitfalls and how to avoid them is crucial for scaling your brand with minimal capital. The Compliance Conundrum Not Eliminating Deal Killers in Compliance The Hidden Risks  Compliance - it might not be the sexiest topic, but it's an absolute deal-maker or deal-breaker in Ecommerce business sales. From intellectual property to Amazon's intricate terms of service, compliance issues can sneak up on you. Imagine the nightmare of trademarking your name instead of your business's name, leading to unforeseen tax complications. It's crucial to define the line between what's allowed and what's not, as reducing risk significantly adds value to your business. Timing is Everything (Approx. 250 words) Waiting until the last minute to addre

  • Avoid These Ecommerce Business Pitfalls for a Successful Sale!

    27/09/2023 Duración: 28min

    In the world of e-commerce, building a successful business is no small feat. But the ultimate goal for many e-commerce brand owners is to scale their brands and, eventually, achieve a profitable sale. However, achieving this goal can be a challenging endeavor, especially if you're not prepared for the potential pitfalls that lie ahead. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the essential strategies to help you avoid these common e-commerce business pitfalls, all with the objective of optimizing your business for a successful sale. [00:00:00] Scot Deetz Emphasizes the Importance of Strategic Planning for Business Exit. [00:01:34] Introduction of Scott Deetz from Northbound as an Expert in Business Exits. [00:02:18] Scott Shares His Background and the Genesis of Northbound. [00:03:21] Discussion of Northbound's Role in Helping Businesses Exit. [00:06:24] The Significance of Spending Time Planning for the Exit. [00:10:55] Thinking from the Buyer's Perspective Is Crucial in Building an Exitable Business.

  • 12 ways to Crush your competition on Amazon Selling the same product!

    22/09/2023 Duración: 24min

    Opening The e-commerce landscape is brimming with activity, hosting countless businesses vying for attention. In this fiercely competitive arena, distinguishing your brand can be a formidable challenge. Even more so if you're offering identical products to your competitors. But fret not, there exists an array of effective strategies to outshine your rivals and propel your e-commerce venture to greater heights. Here are 12 invaluable recommendations: 1. Prioritize Customer Delight In the fiercely competitive e-commerce realm, customer satisfaction reigns supreme. If you can deliver a superior customer experience compared to your rivals, you stand a better chance of winning their patronage. This involves providing exceptional customer service, swift delivery, and a user-friendly website. 2. Present Exclusive Offerings To emerge as a standout player, you must offer something unique, something your competitors can't match. This uniqueness could manifest in the form of exclusive products, innovative services,

  • Mastering the Art of Selling Amazon Business: Legal Issues Unveiled

    21/09/2023 Duración: 21min

    Welcome to the ultimate guide for e-commerce brand owners aiming to scale their Amazon businesses and prepare for successful exits while navigating the legal complexities. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the legal challenges and solutions involved in selling an Amazon business, helping you understand the intricacies to ensure a seamless transition. From account transfers to compliance issues, we'll unveil the crucial insights you need to master the art of selling your Amazon business. [00:00:00] Account Transfer Misconceptions: [00:01:13] Consent Requirement: Importance of obtaining consent in account transfers. [00:01:51] No Amazon Consent: Acknowledging lack of official consent in account transfers. [00:03:12] Listing Transfer Approach: Explaining the alternative of listing transfers for business transfer. [00:03:31] Inventory Transfer: Comparing account transfer and listing transfer for inventory. [00:05:03] Account Transfer Process: Simplifying the account transfer process. [00:05:21] Amazo

  • Cash Flow Problems and Solutions – Turn Your Amazon Business Around

    18/09/2023 Duración: 09min

    Navigating the Complex Terrain of Cash Flow Problems and Solutions in your business In the realm of e-commerce, it's not uncommon to encounter cash flow problems, but mastering these financial hurdles involves the strategic implementation of practical solutions. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll delve deep into the intricacies of cash flow problems and equip you with a wealth of effective solutions to successfully navigate these financial challenges. Identifying Cash Flow Problems The Prevalence of Cash Flow Challenges: In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, a substantial number of businesses, including Amazon sellers, grapple with cash flow problems, making it an omnipresent issue that necessitates attention. Understanding the Domino Effect: The root cause of many cash flow problems often stems from reduced sales and consequently diminished profits. This interconnected web of financial troubles can have a significant impact on your overall financial health. The Vicious Cycle of Diminis

  • Selling the exact same e-commerce product as your competitor? 12 ways to Beat them (Part 1)

    15/09/2023 Duración: 27min

    Introduction In the bustling e-commerce landscape, standing out can be a formidable challenge. When you're dealing with competitors offering the same products, the path to success becomes even more elusive. But don't fret; there are ample strategies to outshine your competitors and elevate your e-commerce brand. In this article, we present you with 12 valuable tips to help you navigate the crowded e-commerce arena. 1. Prioritize Customer Experience In today's cutthroat e-commerce arena, customer experience reigns supreme. To secure customer loyalty, focus on delivering exceptional customer service, lightning-fast shipping, and a user-friendly website. 2. Offer Unique Products or Services Distinguishing yourself from competitors demands innovation. Consider offering unique products, introducing novel services, or providing more competitive pricing. An exclusive offering can entice customers and set you apart. 3. Cultivate a Robust Brand A robust brand is the bedrock of e-commerce success. Consistency in

  • Avoid Legal Deal Killers: Selling Amazon Business with Paul Rafelson

    13/09/2023 Duración: 56min

    Navigating the legal landscape of selling an Amazon business is essential for e-commerce brand owners looking to scale their brands with minimal capital. Paul Rafelson, an experienced lawyer with a background as in-house counsel at Microsoft, Walmart, and General Electric, has been a key player in the world of exits and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) throughout his career. With insights gained from his six years of running an e-commerce law practice, he offers invaluable advice on avoiding legal pitfalls and maximizing the success of your Amazon business sale. Time Stamp [00:00:00] - Introduction: Avoiding Legal Deal Killers [00:01:14] - Preparing for Business Exit [00:01:32] - Interview with Paul Raffleson [00:02:45] - Shifting Focus: Legal Due Diligence [00:03:26] - Lack of Due Diligence in Amazon Deals [00:06:03] - Importance of IP Due Diligence [00:08:13] - Changing Market Dynamics for Acquisitions [00:09:47] - Understanding Representations and Warranties [00:10:30] - Risks Involved in Business Deals [00:

  • How flights chaos reminds us to have a plan B in business

    12/09/2023 Duración: 13min

    In the whimsical world of Terry Pratchett's Discworld, there's a famous saying: "The million-to-one chance happens every day." In this fantastical realm, where magic and chaos reign supreme, this adage serves as a reminder that the most improbable events have a knack for unfolding precisely when you least expect them. While Discworld may be a realm of fantasy, this concept bears an uncanny resemblance to the unpredictability of the real world and the principles of Nassim Taleb's Black Swan theory and "Antifragility." The Million-to-One Chance and Black Swans In Terry Pratchett's Discworld, this saying highlights the absurdity and unpredictability of life. It's a reminder that even the most improbable events can occur regularly. This notion aligns with Nassim Taleb's concept of the "Black Swan." A Black Swan event is a highly improbable, unforeseen, and impactful occurrence that, in hindsight, appears inevitable. Just like in Discworld, Black Swan events defy conventional wisdom and challenge our ability to pr

  • Transforming Amazon Listings through Generative AI: Amplify Your Sales with Max Sinclair

    06/09/2023 Duración: 37min

    In the competitive landscape of e-commerce, standing out and capturing your target audience's attention is paramount. One of the most crucial aspects of achieving this is by optimizing your Amazon listings. However, the traditional approach to creating listings can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Enter Generative AI, a revolutionary technology that has the potential to transform the way you create Amazon listings, boost your sales, and maximize your brand's visibility. [00:00:00] Introduction to technological revolutions and their scale. [00:04:18] Max Sinclair's background and transition to working with generative AI. [00:08:05] Importance of using generative AI for Amazon listings and staying competitive. [00:12:09] Challenges of AI, including hallucinations and managing temperature settings. [00:16:05] Creating effective prompts for generative AI image generation. [00:20:10] Importance of curation, taste, and differentiation in AI-generated content. [00:24:05] Speculating on the future of AI and

  • Best Business Books of all Time – Which books make the cut for ecommerce?

    04/09/2023 Duración: 10min

    Which are my best business books of all time? Well, when you have to get rid of some physical copies, it helps clarify what you really want to keep - and what doesn't make the cut.  I'm busy editing my business book collection prior to moving house. Some books are ones I'm keeping with me. Some are going into long-term storage. And some, frankly, are off to the charity shop (really terrible ones are reserved for the recycling!) Here are my lists: Some of My Best business books of all time All links are for Amazon UK. Some links may be affiliate links. Simplify by Richard Koch and Greg Lockwood - an amazing strategy level book Romancing the Balance Sheet by Anil Lamba Profit First by Mike Michalowitz  Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs by Joe Knight and Karen Berman Influence by Robert Cialdini Keepers but not top priority books Getting Things Done by Dave Allen - a standard texton productivity but frankly I find it overly complex to actually implement. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight (Founder of Nike) Thi

  • How to Survive Tough Times in E-commerce by Business Pivoting

    01/09/2023 Duración: 39min

    In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, adaptation is key to survival. The concept of  business pivoting, often heard in entrepreneurial circles, has gained significant traction. But what exactly does it mean to pivot, and how can e-commerce business owners harness its power to thrive amidst uncertainty? In this blog post, we'll delve into the essence of business pivots and explore various strategies for e-commerce entrepreneurs to consider. Defining Business Pivoting At its core,  business pivoting involves a strategic shift in direction, often prompted by the realization that the current course is unsustainable or that a more promising opportunity awaits. To put it simply, it's the act of making a calculated change to pursue a new path that aligns better with market trends, consumer needs, or a company's strengths. Consider the examples provided in the podcast. Twitter, originally envisioned for a different purpose, pivoted to focus on short messages – a move that catapulted it to global recognition. Simila

  • Increase Ecommerce Sales: 10 Proven Ways to Boost Revenue

    30/08/2023 Duración: 24min

    In the dynamic world of ecommerce, sustaining and increasing sales is a paramount concern for every brand owner. After conducting an extensive review of over 20 businesses for sale on Amazon, it's clear that a concerning trend has emerged – a consistent decline in revenue year-over-year, exacerbated even more on a month-over-month basis since the summer of 2023. This decline is a clarion call for action. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the 10 proven strategies that will empower e-commerce brand owners to reverse this trend and achieve remarkable growth. As we delve into each strategy, we'll address the root problems, discuss solutions, and provide actionable steps to optimize your brand's revenue potential. [00:00:00] - Introduction and Overview of the Challenges in E-commerce Sales Decline. [00:02:08] - Don't Sell at a Loss Unless You Have a Valid Reason. [00:03:06] - Avoid Relying on Discounts and Promotions as They Can Hurt Profit Margins. [00:05:27] - Capture Customer Emails for Marketing and

  • Store branding examples – How to Stand out by Calling out your Target Market

    28/08/2023 Duración: 12min

    Exploring Unique Store Branding Examples: Embracing Identity and Standing Out Are you looking for unique store branding examples that can help your business stand out? In this article, we explore a daring approach to branding that can help you connect deeply with your intended audience and establish a lasting impact. Challenging the Conventional In a world where businesses often strive to blend in and conform to norms, one shop owner in Cardiff made a daring choice to embrace their distinct identity. Rather than hiding their specialty in serving Halal food, they proudly displayed it in their branding. This bold strategy prompted us to reflect on the potential advantages and risks associated with such a unique approach. Applying the Lesson to E-commerce The lesson here is highly applicable to the realm of e-commerce, where setting yourself apart and engaging customers are paramount. Here's how you can incorporate this audacious approach to your online business while optimizing for the keyword "store branding e

  • 3 Simple Ways to Create E-Commerce Pricing Power

    25/08/2023 Duración: 24min

    Unlocking E-Commerce Pricing Power: From Price Taker to Price Maker In the world of e-commerce, where competition is fierce and markets are ever-evolving, the concept of pricing power can make all the difference between struggling as a price taker and thriving as a price maker. The distinction between these two roles lies at the heart of every successful e-commerce venture. While being a price taker might seem like the easier route, being a price maker opens up a realm of possibilities that can skyrocket your business's success. Today, we delve into the art of e-commerce pricing power, exploring the principles that can transform your approach and help you take charge of your product's value. Understanding Price Taker vs. Price Maker Being a price taker means surrendering control over your product's price to market forces. It implies passively accepting the price that the market dictates for your offerings. On the other hand, being a price maker empowers you to shape your product's value and influence its p

  • eCommerce myths – How to really start an ecommerce business

    24/08/2023 Duración: 35min

    Introduction In this episode of "The E-commerce Leader" podcast, hosted by Michael Veazey and Jason Miles, the panel (including Chris Green and Kyle Hamar) discusses common ecommerce myths and misconceptions about starting an e-commerce business. They emphasize the importance of adaptability, critical thinking, and practical experience in the entrepreneurial journey. The panel also touches on the reasons why small businesses fail and the significance of cash flow management. Let's dive into the key takeaways from this thought-provoking discussion. Myth 1: E-commerce is a System The biggest ecommerce myth of all. Chris Green, one of the panel members, shares his experience of helping people learn how to sell on platforms like eBay and Amazon.  It's a common misconception that e-commerce is a straightforward system where following a set of steps guarantees success. However, entrepreneurship and selling on online platforms are not that simple. It requires a deeper level of understanding, expertise, and the abili

  • Boost Ecommerce Sales: 10 Proven Ways to Increase Your Revenue

    23/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    In today's digital era, social media has woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives. For small business owners, harnessing the power of social media offers a plethora of advantages, primarily centered around increasing brand visibility. However, this landscape comes with its own set of intricacies and potential pitfalls. As we explore ten advantages and disadvantages of social media for small businesses in this article, we aim to equip you with the insights needed to make informed decisions. This will allow you to maximize your online presence while conserving precious time and resources. [00:00:00] | Introduction [00:00:08] | Overview of E-commerce Sales Decline [00:01:14] | E-commerce Sales Decline Trend [00:02:17] | Importance of Understanding the Big Picture [00:03:45] | Competition and Market Share [00:06:32] | Understanding Changing Consumer Preferences [00:08:08] | Importance of Demographics and Brand Identity [00:10:08] | Addressing Intense Competition and Customer Acquisition Costs [00:13:14] |

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