Leigh Martinuzzi



Hello Gang, here is my short bio. I am passionate about life and try only do things that have purpose- this hasn't always be the case. This is why The Hidden Why exists. It has been created out of inspiration and as I take my own journey into personal transformation I want to share all that I learn with my audience. I hope you can tune in and have a listen to some of my solo shows and episodes in which I interview inspiring guests. Peace, passion and purpose.


  • 722 Fergus Connolly - Lessons from the Worlds Greatest Coaches, Athletes and Special Forces

    18/01/2019 Duración: 01h56s

    Game Changer "Little moments, BIG memories." Fergus Connolly has spent his life working with the world's elite helping them to prepare and win. From Premier League soccer, The NFL, NBA, Olympic Champions, International Rugby and worlds most secret Special Forces. In this episode, I chat to Fergus Connolly who reveals the secrets he has learned first-hand from working with the worlds greatest winners. Majority of his work and research is within the sports arena and how the most successful coaches and athletes lead, manage, win and create high performing cultures, however, the lessons are adaptable across disciplines and our personal lives. We discuss the keys to winning and it starts with identifying and aligning with values. Enjoy this chat with Fergus and please leave your comments and questions below.

  • 720 The Hidden Why Podcast Presents David Neagle - Mindset

    18/01/2019 Duración: 34min

    Mindset Today's featured guest is David Neagle. The topic is "Mindset." Let the show begin. Guest Bio David Neagle is the founder of the multimillion-dollar global coaching company Life Is Now, Inc, helping thousands of entrepreneurs, experts and self-employed professionals gain the confidence and find the right mindset to increase their revenue, turning their endeavours into seven- and eight-figure ventures. Being in the coaching and mentorship industry for more than 20 years, David has worked alongside other well-known mentors like Bob Proctor and Tony Robbins, and his clients include many well-known people, including New York Times #1 best-selling author Jen Sincero. Because of the results his clients have achieved, along with his dedication, David’s coaching has expanded to more than 30 countries, and he has been featured on Forbes, CBS, NBC, Wall Street Journal, Inc, Entrepreneur and Fox. He is also the bestselling author of The Millions Within, a book focusing on intention, focus and awareness to

  • 716 The Hidden Why Podcast Presents Ron Frey - Relationships

    12/01/2019 Duración: 33min

    Relationships Today's featured guest is Ronald Frey. The topic is "Relationships." Let the show begin. Guest Bio Ronald J. Frey, PhD is a former acting chief psychologist for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and a registered forensic and clinical psychologist. He is the coauthor of Feeling Better and codirector of the Institute for Interpersonal Psychotherapy with Cindy Stulberg. Ron lives in Quebec and you can visit him online at www.feelin gbetterthebook.com.

  • 714 Catherine A. Sanderson - The Positive Shift: Happiness, Health and Longevity

    10/01/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    The Positive Shift In The Positive Shift: Mastering Mindset to Improve Happiness, Health, and Longevity, a book by Dr Catherine Sanderson. In my interview with Catherine, we discuss the science behind thought and how our mindset (or thought patterns) exerts a substantial influence on our psychological and physical health. While our natural disposition is mostly determined by our biology, life experiences, conditioning and environment, regardless, with practice we can make minor tweaks in our mindset that will improve the quality and longevity of our life. Jumping from a collective perspective on happiness to the individual definition Catherine shares advice on how we can change our behaviours and thought processes to improve overall happiness. Enjoy!

  • 712 The Hidden Why Podcast Presents Paul Jarvis - Enough

    10/01/2019 Duración: 27min

    Enough Today's featured guest is Paul Jarvis. The topic is "Enough." Let the show begin. Guest Bio Paul Jarvis is an entrepreneur and author of the new book, Company of One: Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business. He’s worked with professional athletes like Steve Nash and Shaquille O’Neal, corporate giants like Microsoft and Mercedes-Benz, and entrepreneurs with online empires like Danielle LaPorte and Marie Forleo.

  • 721 Book Reflection - Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence by Dr Daniel Siegel

    05/01/2019 Duración: 08min

    Aware: by Dr Daniel Siegel Written by Leigh Martinuzzi A book about the importance and benefits of mindfulness training backed by science. Mindfulness is an ability to focus attention and open awareness. In this book, Aware, Siegel teaches us the Wheel of Awareness and the practical instruction to make use of this tool. With a belief that after mastering the Wheel of Awareness one can expect to discover life-changing abilities in the way of focus, presence and peace to deal with day-to-day life.

  • 717 Book Reflection - Let's Talk about Death (over dinner) by Michael Hebb

    05/01/2019 Duración: 08min

    Let's Talk about Death by Michael Hebb Written by Leigh Martinuzzi For many of us, the conversation about death is one we’d prefer to avoid not to mention one that we'd be delighted to have while enjoying a meal around the dinner table. In this book, the author, Michael Hebb not only encourages us to talk about death but inspires it. Without a doubt a difficult and uncomfortable topic of conversation yet one that has significant importance. Death will happen to us all, at least for the inevitable future, and when that time comes remains largely undecided. It may be that we live a healthy long life, fortunately passing of natural causes, on the other hand, life may be taken from us earlier than desired by illness or accident. Whatever the case, it’s a guarantee and from what I can gather when that day does come, it is something that is hard to navigate, understand, appreciate and manager regardless of whether it’s us or someone else we know.

  • 713 Book Reflection - Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space by Carl Sagan

    05/01/2019 Duración: 08min

    Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan Written by Leigh Martinuzzi Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space was written by the late Carl Sagan, an American guy with many titles to his name, Astronomer, Cosmologist, Astrophysicist, Astrobiologist and Science publisher. Most known for popularising science and taking many on a journey into space and time. A futurist and explorer excited by the opportunities that exist for humankind beyond the pale blue dot that is Earth. Written in 1994 and published later in 1996 this has become one of Sagan’s most popular pieces of work. While reading it I became fascinated by the story of human exploration and what is possible for the future of humankind. Carl makes an incredible, research-backed case about the role space will play in the future of mankind.

  • 723 6 Productivity Hacks - Becoming a More Productive You

    05/01/2019 Duración: 19min

    12 Strategies to Increase Your Effectiveness How many times have you got to the end of the day and while lying in bed before you nod off you wonder, "Shit, what did I really achieve today?" In this episode, I share my top 6 productivity hacks to that have helped me get to the end of most days feeling better about what I achieved. Enjoy the show.

  • 719 The Common Grounds of Victimhood & Hate - by Leigh Martinuzzi

    05/01/2019 Duración: 10min

    The Common Grounds of Victimhood & Hate Humans are animals and as with many animal groups, belonging to social groups provide protection. Although this is not as relevant nowadays because we can survive pretty well without being a part of a tribe, we still do desire to belong to a group or groups. The social bonds and relationships we form in our networks have been proven to have profound benefits to our overall wellbeing. The question I ponder is why humans find common grounds in victimhood and hate. Listen or read here @ The Hidden Why

  • 715 The Art of Receiving - by Leigh Martinuzzi

    05/01/2019 Duración: 11min

    Here is an article I wrote back in 2014. It's a story of how one gets what they ask for in life. Not sure why I titled it The Art of Receiving, however, I suppose it was more taking responsibility for what you receive and how you respond while being grateful at the same time. It's an inspirational story about removing the shit from what we think about and wish for upon ourselves and asking for what we truly desire in life. No vision board b/s or imagining yourself as becoming a millionaire just being a little more positive towards how it is you want to be in life. Listen or read here @ The Hidden Why.

  • 711 Prosperity - by Leigh Martinuzzi

    05/01/2019 Duración: 08min

    An article I wrote about Prosperity. How does one live a prosperous life? How do you define prosperity? What does it mean to you? Does anyone truly care? Have a read and let me know your thoughts. I think if prosperity is a measure of one's success in life it may be an important topic to think over. If not, you may just find yourself in pursuit of shit in life that doesn't make you feel any greater sense of joy. Listen or read here @ The Hidden Why

  • 708 Happy New Year - The Hidden Why in 2019

    05/01/2019 Duración: 10min

    Happy New Year A quick quote and thought and then an update on what you can expect in the year 2019 here at The Hidden Why. Thank you all for your continued support. “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let every new year find you a better man.” Benjamin Franklin This is not a practice savoured for New Year’s Day. New Year’s Day is the day to measure our progress. To reflect on the year that has been. To see how well we succeed in the battles with our vices and how truly peaceful we were with our family, friends and neighbours. How truly peaceful we are with ourselves. The goal is not to be better than everyone else, to compare our achievements with the world. The goal is to be a better person. To compare ourselves with who we were yesterday. To know how we feel. To do this with some level of success we have to be mindful of our priorities in life. This will, I am sure, improve with age. Self-awareness grows in time. Focus on your health. Keep learning. Find ways to connect and e

  • 707 There Is Nothing Wrong With You! - by Leigh Martinuzzi

    29/11/2018 Duración: 09min

    There Is Nothing Wrong With You! By Leigh Martinuzzi The world is in perfect order. Everyone else and everything else seems to be great. Then we look inwardly. “My life sucks!” We get that feeling of irrelevance. Our perspective becomes warped. We begin to believe there is truly something wrong with us. I believe that is was Jordan Peterson who put it so beautifully in his book, 12 Rules For Life, “there is nothing wrong with you!” At least that is where I believe I received the inspiration to write this article. Do you think there is something wrong with you, at times? I have certainly had these feelings. Perhaps on occasions I still do. However, it couldn’t be further from the truth. We are perfectly brilliant and flawed just as we are. Please join me on my exploration as to why this is the case.

  • 703 Finding Happiness: Some Practical Advice - by Leigh Martinuzzi

    29/11/2018 Duración: 08min

    Finding Happiness By Leigh Martinuzzi The primary pursuit in life is happiness. Well, that is at least my belief and despite that, I also understand it’s not. I realise that in the deeper constructs of our human being there are more purposeful motivations in life. The fundamentals of life – love, connection, status, certainty, progress, reproduction, and survival, to name a few. Regardless, for many of us, happiness seems to occupy a decent level of focus in our lives. The question I ask is what is it and how do we find it? Arising from our core human needs stems from our surface level motivations. On a daily basis, it is very unlikely that we make the connection between a surface level motivation and its fundamental source or human need.

  • 699 Life: A Hike Remembered - Find What Ignites You - by Leigh Martinuzzi

    29/11/2018 Duración: 09min

    Find What Ignites You By Leigh Martinuzzi Doing what we love. Breaking free from the monotony of everyday life is freeing. It will bring us beyond confusion and unease into a clearer sense of what matters in life. It can lead us to a deeper sense of purpose in life. When we return, for whatever period we escaped, we are better able to face the challenges ahead. Take the time out to pursue what you desire. If it doesn't ignite you there is no great loss, just lessons in time. Nothing ventured nothing gained. If however, you deny these experiences you will limit the grandness that may otherwise ignite your life. This life is a hike to be remembered, and we will experience it more beautifully by doing what ignites us. Please enjoy this week's Solo Rant.

  • 706 Beth Comstock - Imagine it Froward, Embracing Change in the Face of Uncertainty

    29/11/2018 Duración: 57min

    Imagine it Forward Beth Comstock is one of today's foremost innovation leaders, who in this episode, shares an inspiring and personal approach to mastering change in the face of uncertainty. As Beth states, confronting change is incredibly hard, both organizationally and personally. People become resistant. They are afraid. Yet the pace of change in our world will never be slower than it is right now which is why it's important to learn how to embrace change. As the author of Imagine It Forward Beth shares her inspiring, fresh, candid, and deeply personal story about how to grapple with the challenges to change we face every day. For all those looking to spearhead change in their companies and careers, and reinvent “the way things are done,” you'll love this interview.

  • 710 Steve Sims - Bluefishing, The Art of Making Things Happen

    29/11/2018 Duración: 51min

    Bluefishing Today I bring you my interview with the man who created Bluefish, the internationally famous company that makes once in a lifetime events happen for the rich and famous reveals to the rest of us his trade secrets for making things happen. Today Steve Sims’s day job is to make the impossible possible. With his help and expertise, his clients’ fantasies and wildest dreams come true. From getting married by the Pope in the Vatican, being serenaded by Elton John, or connecting with powerful business moguls like Elon Musk, the possibilities are endless. In this conversation, Sims reveals how he went from bricklayer to living his dream lifestyle and how he can help others accomplishes their greatest feats, too. Find out what Bluefishing is all about as Sims shares his practical tips, techniques, and strategies to help others break down any obstacle and turn their dreams into reality.

  • 704 The Hidden Why Podcast Presents Aaron Walker - Authentic

    29/11/2018 Duración: 32min

    Authentic Today's featured guest is Aaron Walker. The topic is "Authentic." Let the show begin. Guest Bio It would be safe to say that Aaron Walker is a veteran entrepreneur. Having started over a dozen businesses during his four-decade journey has been pretty awesome. Beginning at 18 years old and selling to a Fortune 500 company just nine years later set Aaron on an adventure of a lifetime. The secret sauce for Aaron can clearly be identified with these four attributes: grit, authenticity, determination and perseverance. The glue that holds it all together is his weekly involvement in Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind groups. Aaron started masterminding 20 years ago with Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller and several other notable Nashvillians. Today, he spends time with his wife, two daughters and five grandchildren.

  • 709 Book Reflection -The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

    29/11/2018 Duración: 10min

    The Success Principles Written by Leigh Martinuzzi Jack Canfield is most popular for his book Chicken Soup for The Soul that presents an array of comforting stories of how amazing people have moved through adversity, overcome challenges and risen up to go on and live their dreams. In The Success Principles Jack shares 64 timeless philosophies that many people both past and present use to live their own definition of success. I read this book years ago after a recommendation by a mentor of mine. After reading it the first time it was clear that my mentor had read it several times as he not only lives by the principles but he no teaches them as well. Many in which I have picked up from him. It was time I take another listen and recap on some of the key principles. It's also a chance to rewrite this review. Take a read or have a listen - enjoy this week's book reflection.

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