Healthy Families Made Easy With Dr. Jason Jones



Weekly conversations with leading experts in the field of family health and wellness designed to share challenges, encouragement and help you find simple solutions for your health and improving the lives of your family by making your health a priority.


  • Top 4 Most Inflammatory Foods and Top 4 Swap Options

    26/04/2022 Duración: 06min

    Inflammation is a natural response of the body to infection and injuries to stay healthy. But when this inflammation becomes chronic is when it continues for a prolonged period and cause unwanted damage to the cells in your body. Unfortunately, some foods can increase the inflammatory reactions in your body. Foods that are loaded with unhealthier fats like trans fat and saturated fat, and foods that are filled with sugars are promoters of inflammation. The good news, however, is that some foods help to reduce inflammatory markers in the body. Whole foods like vegetables, fruits, seafood, nuts, whole grains, and seeds have a matrix of beneficial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, and phytonutrients which helps to reduce inflammation. Here are some inflammatory foods and good swap options to keep your body in a healthier state: Swap sugars with natural sweeteners Did you know that a can of coke contains 39 grams of sugar? Most times, food products add sugar in disguise using na

  • Top 6 Ways to Reduce Chronic Inflammation (#2 & #3 are Key!)

    19/04/2022 Duración: 07min

    Inflammation is known to help fight illness or heal injury, but it goes beyond that sometimes. A chronic inflammation state may slowly be damaging your body it won’t even show. This form of inflammation goes into action without an infection or injury. This way, the immune system cells that are meant to protect you will start to destroy your healthy organs, arteries, joints, and other body parts. Several kinds of research have shown that when you don’t eat healthy, rest adequately, or get enough exercise, your body responds by triggering inflammation. The bad part is that chronic inflammation has a long-term damage on the body. If left unchecked, it can contribute to chronic disease conditions, such as blood vessel disease, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and more. How is chronic inflammation measured? Doctors measure inflammation using several measures including conducting a blood test for C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) Measuring homocysteine levels Testing for HbA1C – a measurement of blo

  • Top 7 Sources of Inflammation (#7 is Key to Avoid)

    12/04/2022 Duración: 07min

    Inflammation is simply our immune system’s natural response to illnesses and injury. This involves the release of inflammatory chemicals in the bloodstream to protect the body from foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. In the case of an injury, a localized inflammatory response helps in the healing process. There are two types of inflammation: The acute and chronic form. Acute inflammation helps us heal, so you can think of it as the “good” kind of inflammation. But the chronic inflammation is associated with chronic conditions or diseases, so you can describe it as the “bad” kind of inflammation. What makes chronic inflammation harmful to health? Unlike the acute form of inflammation that is typically caused by injuries or illnesses, chronic inflammation often happens without any injury or illness present. And the bad part is that it lasts far longer than it should. In fact, this condition is a major contributing factor in many diseases associated with getting older. Over time, chronic inflammation can

  • What is Chronic Inflammation & How does it Damage Your Body?

    05/04/2022 Duración: 06min

    When you hear the word inflammation, what comes to your mind? Most people probably think inflammation is all about redness and swelling that follows an infection, wound, or injury. But this is only “acute inflammation” – a beneficial response by the immune system that encourages healing, and usually goes off once the injury improves. Chronic inflammation is another form of inflammation that is less obvious. While your immune system becomes activated, the inflammatory response stays on all the time at a low level. This is unlike the acute inflammatory response that is intermittent during an acute injury or infection. In other words, chronic inflammation may begin even when you have no injury. Worst still, it does not end when it should. Several factors could trigger chronic inflammation, from lifestyle factors such as poor sleep, obesity, or exposure to environmental toxins. Common symptoms of chronic inflammation Symptoms like pain, redness, or swelling are common with acute inflammation. But the symptoms of

  • Nina Manolson: Finding Peace with Your Body and Food

    24/03/2022 Duración: 43min

    Covered in this podcast episode: How to properly acknowledge these relationships Techniques for beginning the conversation Practicing the Body Peace Method How Modeling in Community amplifies results And so much more... Nina has been helping women feel truly at home in their own bodies for 30 years. She is known for her deeply feminist, anti-diet, body-peace approach. Her courses, coaching, and poetry positively change the conversation that women are having with their bodies. According to Nina, too much time and energy is wasted feeling bad about our bodies and food. Now’s the time to create a body relationship based in compassion, listening, respect, and deep nourishment. This is the path to Body-Peace! Our Guest: Nina Manolson MA, NBC-HWC Body-Peace™ Coach Nationally Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach Psychology of Eating CoachCertified Body-Trust® Guide free ebook: How To Be A Woman At Ease in Your Body

  • Why Cardio is so 2010 - Functional Movement Expert Michael Hughes

    17/03/2022 Duración: 41min

    Today's Guest: Michael Hughes Michael Hughes is the founder of Gymnazo, a 7-figure functional training facility on the Central Coast of California that focuses on integrating restoration with performance. With a churn rate of under 3%, Gymnazo’s business model and training style have created security in a volatile market. After becoming a Fellow of Applied Functional Science, Michael integrated physical therapy directly into his programming for group coaching - something that had never been done before in the fitness industry. He realized the power of using fitness as a vehicle for recovery, which led him to implement a blend of performance and restoration training that dramatically increased his lifetime client value. Michael is passionate about functional training and is building his facility to revolutionize how we train all ages to promote vitality and to heal movement dysfunctions that hold us back from living the lives we desire.  Michael founded Gymnazo Edu to share his formula for success with the

  • Vitamin D: What is it and How does it HELP YOU!

    15/03/2022 Duración: 05min

    We all learned, in our basic education, about the benefits of soaking ourselves in the morning sunshine to enjoy the benefits of vitamin D for bone health. Well, let’s assume our teachers didn’t want to say too much. But the truth is that vitamin D offers more benefits, including improved immune function, resistance to certain diseases, and more. Don’t worry, we shall discuss more on these benefits in this article. To start with, let’s define what vitamin D is… What is Vitamin D? We all know vitamin D to be a fat-soluble vitamin, which belongs to a family of compounds that include D1, D2, and D3. However, can I shock you by letting you know Vitamin D is actually a hormone and not a vitamin? Surprised, right? Well, basically, vitamins are obtained from the foods we eat, but in the case of vitamin D, they can be synthesized by the body. When ultraviolet rays or sunlight hits your skin, the rays convert a protein called 7-DHC into vitamin D3, which is then processed by enzymes in the kidney and liver to become a

  • The 21st Century Man - Optimal Health for Men - Judson Brandeis MD

    10/03/2022 Duración: 50min

    In this episode we discuss: How alcohol opioids affect men's health Screening tests all men should have Erectile dysfunction, circulation issues, and what to do about it Low Testosterone Male Rejuvenation Today's Podcast Guest: Dr. Judson Brandeis is honored to have been voted Top Urologist in the SF Bay Area by SF Magazine from 2014 to 2020. In February 2019, he opened his comfortable office in San Ramon, where he focuses his practice entirely on Men’s Sexual Health and Rejuvenation. BrandeisMD is a national leader in technology and innovations in sexual medicine. Dr. Brandeis is the National Director of Clinical Excellence for GAINSWave and created and runs the SWEET Study, the largest study of Shockwave Therapy for ED ever performed. BrandeisMD was one of the first offices in California for offer PT-141, Oxytocin, and Apomorhine for erectile dysfunction. Dr. Brandeis created and directed 5 IRB-approved clinical research protocols in sexual medicine, two of which are still active. These

  • Zinc: What is it and How does it HELP YOU!

    08/03/2022 Duración: 05min

    You certainly would have problems with wounds and cuts on your body if you do not get enough zinc. However, zinc has other essential benefits in the body, including the immune system and metabolism support, and other functions we shall show you in this article. What is zinc? Zinc is an essential micronutrient needed for overall growth and development in humans. This nutrient is important and you can only get it through foods, such as meat, beans, meat, and fish. Low levels of zinc in your body can put you at risk of disease and illness. This shows that zinc is needed in an adequate amount to support your immune system and other functions. And it plays a key role in childhood growth and development. More so, zinc has antioxidant properties. Let’s move on to discuss the benefits of zinc. How does zinc help? When you consume an adequate amount of zinc in your diet, you enjoy a plethora of benefits, including: Immune function The body needs enough zinc from your foods to support immune function. You stand the r

  • Vitamin C: What is it and How does it HELP YOU!

    01/03/2022 Duración: 06min

    Vitamin C: what is it, how does it help? Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor One of the most effective nutrients you can get from food is Vitamin C (some kinds of foods though). This vitamin has been shown to offer a lot of health benefits, including boosting immune system functions, protecting against cardiovascular diseases, skin wrinkling, and a host of other functions. Little wonder, Vitamin C has received a great deal of attention, and study researcher Mark Moyad, MD, MPH, of the University of Michigan, states that “higher levels of vitamin C in the blood may be the ideal nutrition marker for overall health.” He added, “The more we study Vitamin C, the better we understand its benefits in protecting our health, from cardiovascular, stroke, cancer, immunity, eye health, to living longer.” What is vitamin C? Vitamin C, otherwise called ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that supports a healthy immune system and confers other health benefits. This vitamin is not produced by the body, henc

  • What are the BEST SOURCES of SLOW CARBS

    15/02/2022 Duración: 07min

    What are slow carbs and what are the best ones Carbs are an important part of your diet as your body sources energy from these nutrients. Nearly all meat sources, vegetables, or even dairy have carbs in them. However, some sources of carbs work “fast” while some work “slow” in supplying energy.  Also, depending on the speed of carbs, they may be good or bad for weight loss goals. That said, the glycemic index of carbs determines the rate at which they are digested. Slow carbs, as the name implies, release energy slowly into the body. The fast carbs, on the other hand, release energy at a higher pace as they are used more quickly. So, the higher the GI level of carb, the quicker is its delivery of sugar and energy in the body, and vice versa. More about slow carbs The glucose contained in slow carbs or slow-released carbs is absorbed more slowly and this doesn’t cause a rapid spike in insulin. Eating slow carbs combined with protein and fat is a healthy way to reduce your risk of obesity. Best Foods containing

  • What is so BAD about a High Carb Diet

    08/02/2022 Duración: 07min

    What are the negative health consequences of a high-carb diet? Carbohydrates are no doubt good for the health. In fact, according to the guideline of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it is recommended that carbohydrates should represent 45 to 65% of your total daily calories. But it becomes a problem when you consume too many carbohydrates in a short amount of time. If you’re overdoing pasta, bread, rice, chips, and other high-carb foods, you are at risk of suffering some health consequences which we shall be discussing below. Weight gain One of the common negative effects of a high-carb diet is weight gain. When you consume foods that contain too many carbs, it gets to a point that your body stops using it and the carb surplus is converted into body fat. That said, it is good to eat whole grains, fruits, and vegetables – these foods can even promote weight loss. But when you start including a lot of refined carbs in your diet, then you stand the risk of weight gain. Unhealthy fat Another health conseq

  • Glycemic Index & Load: What are they and Why You Should Care

    01/02/2022 Duración: 07min

    You might have heard of the scientific terminologies – Glycemic index and glycemic load and wonder what it means. Well, we are going to keep it simple for you in this piece. What is a glycemic index? Glycemic index is simply a measure of how quickly glucose in your food is absorbed and causes blood sugar levels to rise. Foods that have a high GI are digested and absorbed rapidly and raise blood sugar levels too rapidly. Foods with a low GI, in contrast, are digested more slowly and they lead to a slower rise in blood sugar levels. However, rapid glucose conversion is something that you don’t want to experience, as your body needs sugar levels to be consistent for it to function optimally. Although your brain needs glucose to operate, rapid conversion of glucose is not healthy. As glucose is being processed in the body, the hormone – insulin- is being secreted to allow glucose to be delivered to your body’s cells, resulting in a balance of blood sugar levels. But when your body detects excess glucose, insulin

  • Magnesium and Mood: Mood Disorders & Neurotransmitters

    25/01/2022 Duración: 04min

    Magnesium and Mood: mood disorders and neurotransmitters - Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor Magnesium is an essential mineral needed by the body in small amounts. This mineral is involved diverse biochemical reactions in the body. However, studies have shown a direct impact of low magnesium levels (hypomagnesemia) on mood. Low levels of this mineral may contribute to symptoms of anxiety and depression.   Magnesium plays a critical role in the brain and that’s why it is dubbed as the “original chill pill.” Too little of this mineral can leave you feeling stressed, fatigued, and panicked. More so, numerous studies have shown that low magnesium levels is linked with different psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders. Why is magnesium important for mood? Magnesium blocks stimulating neurotransmitters and binds to calm, restful receptors in the brain. This way, you enjoy good relaxation. Apart from blocking stimulating neurotransmitters, magnesium has an effect on the

  • Foods that are High in Magnesium

    18/01/2022 Duración: 04min

    Foods that are high in Magnesium - - Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a huge role in making your body system function optimally. Without magnesium, your nerves won’t send and receive messages; your muscles won’t work the way they’re supposed to. In fact, magnesium is needed for more than 300 chemical reactions in the body. Unfortunately, your body cannot produce or make magnesium on its own. What this means is that your body depends on the food you eat for magnesium. Although you can get magnesium from multivitamins and supplements, it’s best to get this mineral from natural foods. Besides, taking magnesium supplements can be dangerous if you have certain conditions, such as kidney failure, heart block, bowel obstruction, heart block, and myasthenia gravis. The best way to keep healthy levels of magnesium in your body is to eat foods that are high in this mineral. Foods that are high in Magnesium You can reach the recommended daily allowance (RDA) fo

  • Most Common Form of Magnesium & What is each good for

    11/01/2022 Duración: 06min

    Different forms of magnesium: what is each one good for? - Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor Magnesium is a vital nutrient needed for many processes in the body, including nerve function, blood sugar and pressure regulation, bone formation, and more. Magnesium is a macromineral along with sodium, phosphorus, calcium, chloride, potassium, and sulfur. You can obtain this mineral mainly by eating a healthy diet made up of a wide range of foods. However, studies have shown that a lot of people, especially those in the Western world, do not meet their magnesium needs with diet. Little wonder, health care providers might recommend a mineral supplement. More so, some people have health conditions that require them to take a mineral supplement. Different forms of magnesium There are at least 11 different forms of magnesium that can be taken in supplement form or found in food. However, specific types of magnesium are recommended for certain conditions. The different magnesium forms may be better for you

  • Magnesium Deficiency: Signs & Symptoms + Possible Conditions

    04/01/2022 Duración: 07min

    Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body; in fact, it is the fourth most abundant.  This mineral is an essential cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that are involved in diverse biochemical reactions. These reactions impact a number of body processes, including: Cellular energy production and storage Protein synthesis DNA synthesis Bone metabolism Cardiac function Nerve signal transmission Blood pressure The conduction of signals between muscles and nerves Stabilization of cells However, less than 2% of Americans have been estimated to experience magnesium deficiency, also known as hypomagnesemia. The bad part is that it’s difficult to know you have a deficiency as symptoms don’t become obvious until your magnesium level becomes extremely low. According to the National Institute of Health, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for people between age 19 and 30 years old is: 400mg for males 310mg for females For people aged 31 and above, the RDA is: 420 for males 320 for female

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