Be Amplified



#BeAmplified: The Podcast offers weekly authentic conversations with top influencers to learn their secrets to leading an inspirational + badass life, hosted by Thaís Sky + Bri Seeley. Learn more about us at and join our community of amplified beings at BeAmplified.Community.


  • Cary Williams {on embracing your femininity}

    26/09/2016 Duración: 45min

    In this week's podcast we dive into femininity, and what you can do to open yourself up to feeling more feminine in your life. And no, that doesn't mean wearing dresses or putting on makeup. We are joined this week with a phenomenal guest, Cary Williams, who shares her story as being a feminine role model in a masculine based sport.  About The Guest Cary Williams is a boxer and the founder of a unique clothing brand called Too Pretty. The Too Pretty brand was created out of a Cary’s experience in a male dominated sport: Boxing. As a fighter, Cary was told often that she was Too Pretty to be a boxer. Which really meant in their mind, that she was not capable. Those same people who then saw her fight would say, “You fight like a boy!” And in the world of boxing or any sport where you get punched in the face; that is a compliment. Fast forward 5 years and it dawned on her that she was not the only girl or woman experiencing these comments. There were business owners, surfers, managers, race car drivers, writers,

  • Bri + Thaís {on stepping into your power}

    19/09/2016 Duración: 26min

    Let's talk about what it looks like to stand in your power as a confident, ambitious woman. Because too often we see women lose their power and their integrity for reasons that a simple mindset shift could easily support.  Top Three Takeaways Being passive aggresive hurts no one but you and makes you look like the person in lack of integrity.  The energy of complaining has the power to affect every other aspect of your life. Just because it's working for someone else doesn't mean it will work for you - just do YOU. Links You'll Love Join our upcoming mixer happening Sept 15th in Los Angeles! Find us on Instagram! PS. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast + leave us a review and rating to spread the AMPLIFY message to the world! We simply cannot succeed without your support! Simply visit:

  • Amateo Ra {on living a high vibe life}

    12/09/2016 Duración: 45min

    We all know someone that just seems to glide through life. They are high energy, flowing through life and it seems like everything good happens to them. Why is that? Well, probably because they are living a high vibe life. Join us this week as we break down what it could look like for you to have more energy in your life. We also welcome on Amateo as this week's guest as he shares his insight on this very subject! About The Guest Amateo Ra is the CEO of the Ascension Academy and He is a Top Coach for Conscious Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Healers who are looking to scale their impact and income to higher-level. He combines his long history of expertise in metaphysics, spirituality, business and coaching to create simple yet effective strategies for highly-scalable, high-vibe lifestyle businesses. His blogs have had millions of readers, and he currently specializes in creating World-Class live-events that generate over six-figures in profits. His greatest passion is helping humanity create a high-v

  • Chelsea Sonksen {on overcoming perfection paralysis}

    06/09/2016 Duración: 45min

    If there's anything we know, it's that thinking it has to be perfect or having all the answers before you take action doesn't lead to success. We see so many women feel paralyzed into taking action because they don't have the right business cards or a clear picture of where to go. We get it, we were there once too. But we have figured out a way to bypass perfection paralysis and we want to show you how you can too. About The Guest Chelsea Sonksen is a writer, editor, and entrepreneur based in Santa Monica, California. She is the Founding Editor of Bossladies, a print magazine celebrating women creatives and entrepreneurs. She is also a freelance editor and editorial consultant, and three of her recent projects will be published in the coming year. When she’s not making sense of other people’s words, Chelsea can be found writing her own. Her most recent collection of essays, This is What Missing Her Feels Like, is due for publication next year. Her favorite places are Yosemite National Park and Rockland, her h

  • Billy Anderson {on getting uncomfortable}

    29/08/2016 Duración: 52min

    Let's talk about overcoming fears, doing what is wildly uncomfortable and how to overcome this incessant desire within all of us to make sure other people like us. Because if you want to live a wildly amplified life, you're going to have to get clear on what is important to you. And odds are, people liking you is low on that list. About The Guest When Billy was 5 years old his mom heard him crying in his room. He said, “You’re born, you live for a while, then you die. What’s the point?” He spent the rest of his life figuring it out. The point is this: have the courage to be authentically YOU all the time, and have a sh!t-load of fun while you do it. After years of doing what the world said he “should” do, Billy redefined his version of success and went after it. He left his successful advertising career, moved into the woods and led wilderness trips for Outward Bound, while leading volunteer projects in Central America and the South Pacific during the winter. Billy is now an International Speaker and Professi

  • Bri + Thaís {on outgrowing relationships}

    22/08/2016 Duración: 37min

    Join Thais + Bri as they share their experiences on outgrowing friendships and what it looks like to navigate relationships when they no longer support you. TOP THREE TAKEAWAYS You are the product of the five people you surround yourself with - choose wisely. Being selective on who you you surround yourself with is not selfish, it's imperative. Boundaries is the most crucial conversation for feeling empowered in your relationships. Links You'll Love Our upcoming events schedule can be found PS. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast + leave us a review and rating to spread the AMPLIFY message to the world! We simply cannot succeed without your support! Simply visit:

  • Gwen Paja {on LA living}

    15/08/2016 Duración: 46min

    Los Angeles is a pretty magical city! In this episode, Thais + Bri diverge from their usual topics and have fun sharing their thoughts about celebrities, regrets and their favorite things about Los Angeles. They are joined by LA expert Gwen Paja where you will learn about growing a blog, being a passionate woman, and fun LA tips. About The Guest Gwen Paja, founder of The LA Girl, is a marketing professional with a passion for editorial content, living a healthy lifestyle and inspiring other women. She is an LA native and is a self-proclaimed Los Angeles ambassador. When she's not at her day job at AwesomenessTV or working on The LA Girl, she enjoys doing yoga, hiking mountains, traveling the world and spending time with her fiance, Luke, and their dog, Pucci.  Top Three Takeaways Purpose, passion and balance are crucial to living an amplified life. Growing a thriving blog while balancing a full time job is possible with the right tools! Los Angeles is the best city in the world! Links You'll Love Sign up

  • Jaclyn Mullen {on being an entrepreneur}

    08/08/2016 Duración: 56min

    Being an entrepreneur is tough. We are constantly juggling the desire to be successful while simultaneously enjoying our lives. This week Thais + Bri chat about being an entrepreneur and how to be productive, creative and joyful in the process of building an empire. Jaclyn Mullen joins the conversation to share her input on work/life balance and creating structures for success. It's a must listen! About The Guest Jaclyn Mullen is a performing artist by trade, and an entrepreneur by experience. For the past 6 years, she's had the great honor of using the internet to meet other BOLD movers, shakers and makers in the world and advise/coach/mentor them on the risky yet rewarding endeavor of launching a brand and business themselves.  The world wide web has been the canvas she's used to:  •Help business owners take inspired action that generates results. •Find FUN in formulating strategies that scale. •Cheer clients on on as they've faced their fears, limiting beliefs and self-doubts. •And lastly, show her clients

  • Amanda Frances McKinney {on making fabulous money}

    01/08/2016 Duración: 01h50s

    Money is an uncomfortable topic. And yet we obviously need money to survive. So what type of conversations do we need to have around money to feel empowered and supported by it? That is what Thais + Bri explore in this week's episode. Because there is definitely a way to have a relationship with money that excites you and makes you feel abundant. Plus, we are joined by money expert Amanda to share her take on how to use money as a tool to success! About The Guest Amanda Frances is a business coach for women entrepreneurs, a digital course creator and a self-proclaimed money manifestation queen. Through her four digital courses, weekly vlog, and private coaching packages, Amanda helps women to design a life and business they are wildly obsessed with.  Top Three Takeaways Money success starts by having the right money mindset. If you want new results in your life, you're first going to have to look at what beliefs created the results you are currently experiencing. Doing things afraid is better than not doing

  • Ashley Cooper {on the art of surrender}

    25/07/2016 Duración: 49min

    The root of your suffering comes from attachment. We hear this a lot in the spiritual conversation but what does it really look like to let go? How do we let go when we are so attached to the outcome? Bri + Thais dive into the topic of surrender and are joined by empowerment coach Ashley Cooper where she shares her journey from being suicidal to stepping into her power and being a beacon of light to the world. About the Guest Ashley Cooper is an empowerment coach, inspirational speaker and writer on a mission to help people everywhere unlock their full potential. She overcame years of depression & suicidal ideology as a child to honour her life’s purpose of helping others unlock their full potential.  All areas of Ashley's life are infused with a heartfelt combination of passion & compassion. Through her public speaking, writing, art & charitable project’s she plants the seed of possibility in the hearts of those she touches. She is an expert on helping you overcome self-sabotage so can truly come

  • Kelly Lundberg {on knowing how to receive support}

    18/07/2016 Duración: 51min

    Getting support is absolutely critical to the success of an ambitious woman. But it can also feel so hard to ask for help, especially in a culture where we are expected to do it all. In this episode, Thais + Bri dissect what it looks like to receive support in a way that feels really good. They are joined by stylist expert Kelly as she shares her insights on integrity, consistency and overcoming the beliefs around getting support. About The Guest Kelly Lundberg is a renowned entrepreneur, keynote speaker and author, who has built her cutting-edge empire from the fabulous world of fashion styling. Comfortable in the currency of catwalk and commerce alike, Edinburgh-born Kelly is a pioneering entrepreneur and style guru.  In 2005, she launched, a bespoke styling agency, which taps into the regional insight that women (and men) like to have help with choosing clothes, shoes and accessories.  Starting off with at-home wardrobe consultations and shopping sessions, Kelly’s business has grown into

  • Bri + Thaís {on women in partnership}

    11/07/2016 Duración: 38min

    Join Thais + Bri as they share their crazy good knowledge on how to create supportive, empowering partnerships that will guide you into creating the most epic life + biz! Top Three Takeaways The three C's of partnership is KEY to any relationship There is a way to be in collaboration with people you would normally think to compete against Partnerships is a mirror that shows you where you need to grow! Links You'll Love Bri's article on Boss Ladies Mag on Collab over Competition AMPLIFY's upcoming events   PS. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast + leave us a review and rating to spread the AMPLIFY message to the world! We simply cannot succeed without your support! Simply visit:

  • Sabrina Dax {on authentic connections}

    05/07/2016 Duración: 59min

    We live in a world of relationships. From relationships with our partner to our co-workers, to our neighbors to strangers, how we relate to one another matters. In this powerful conversation, we share our tips for how to create connections that last. Because community matters. And if you want to do something great in your life, you first have to look at the people in your life and whether they support you or not. Plus, we have an incredible conversation with renown publicist Sabrina Dax as she shares her insights on creating connections. About The Guest Sabrina Dax is an independent publicist based in Seattle who leads publicity campaigns for entrepreneurs, authors, and thought leaders. She has a BA in English and European Studies from Brandeis University, a Masters in European Literature from Oxford University, and she spent a year at Harvard University as a Visiting Fellow. She has also worked at the Harvard Center for European Studies in Berlin, where she managed and promoted The Berlin Dialogues, a speake

  • Sarah Kaler {on making empowered decisions}

    27/06/2016 Duración: 57min

    Making decisions is tough. Especially when those decisions have BIG consequences. How do we make decisions from a place of excitement? And how do we guarantee that those decisions are going to get the results that we want? That's what we discuss in this week's episode including an amazing interview with leadership expert Sarah on taking your life to the next amplified level. Tune in! About the Guest Sarah Kaler has been developing business leaders and CEOs for over 17 years across a number of industries. She is an Executive Leadership Coach, Business Mentor, and Consultant, currently working with Women Leaders building dynamic purpose-driven companies and larger progressive value-based organizations on a mission to create change in the world. Overcoming many health challenges early in her career while in senior leadership roles, Sarah has become a stand for health and self-care as the foundation of conscious leadership and defining success on your own terms. Experiencing personal breakthroughs in this area, s

  • Katie Bressack {on balance + flow}

    20/06/2016 Duración: 55min

    Health. Balance. Flow. These are all tricky subjects that we dive into in this week's episode. Because if you want to live a truly amplified life, you have to find a way to navigate your relationship with your body and yourself in a way that feels good. Joining our conversation this week is wellness coach, Katie Bressack. About the Guest A lover of all things health and wellness, Katie Bressack is a women’s health expert living in Los Angeles. While working in the corporate world, Katie noticed that when she took time to eat healthy, exercise and take breaks during the day, she felt more focused and performed better at work. Watching others around her struggle to make it through the day inspired Katie to support busy women with nutrition and wellness counseling. Katie works to help implement simple, healthy choices that make a big impact on women’s health. Katie specializes in healthy weight loss, hormone balancing and body love. With Katie's support, the woman she counsels lose weight, eat healthier, maintai

  • Bri + Thaís {on navigating the online world like a boss}

    13/06/2016 Duración: 37min

    We live in the digital age which means we spend an increasingly amount of time online and connected. So how do we do it in a way that feels good for our soul instead of getting sucked into what other people are doing? How do we navigate the online world with presence and grace while simultaneously being deeply rooted in the real world? That is what Thais + Bri explore in this week's episode. Enjoy! Top Three Takeaways Be intentional with your posts. Always ask yourself, "why am I sharing this?" and "what do I hope people will gain from this?" Social media is a great platform to get to connect with people OFFline. It should not replace in person contact! Unfollow people who don't make you feel good. Period. Links You'll Love Join us on snapchat!! We have a mixer coming up in Los Angeles at the Blo Bar in Brentwood on June 22nd! Grab your ticket here. PS. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast + leave us a review and rating to spread the AMPLIFY message to the world! We simply cannot succeed without your su

  • Sarah Moshman {on quantum leaps + epic journeys}

    06/06/2016 Duración: 01h13s

    This week's podcast episode is a must listen! Join Thais + Bri as they dive into what it looks like to truly quantum leap in your life and go on epic soul journeys. They share awkward moments, difficulties, and how to overcome difficulties in the name of creativity. They are also joined by Sarah Moshman as she shares her take on the creative process, doing what feels uncomfortable, and being surprised by life. ABOUT THE GUEST Sarah Moshman is an Emmy Award winning documentary filmmaker dedicated to empowering women and girls through media. Her latest documentary is called "Losing Sight of Shore" which follows the extraordinary journey of four women who set out to row across the Pacific Ocean.  Top Three Takeaways Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is essential for the creative process! Don't wait for permission to get started because it may never come.  You never know where the next million dollar idea will come from. Be open to all possibilities and don't turn away from new ideas simply because i

  • Hillary Gadsby {on collaboration over competition}

    30/05/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    In a world where we are taught that we must compete for the same resources and win to be successful, Thais + Bri have a different approach. Technically, these two women run competing businesses. It would be in their best interest to not be friends. Here's how they make it work, and how collaboration over competition is the new way to do business. And you will hear from our special guest today, Hillary Gadsby on her take on business, mentorship and how to get ahead as an empowered woman. ABOUT THE GUEST Hillary Gadsby, Founder and CEO of A Gadsby Affair, is an event and marketing dynamo whose international career spans the United States, UK, and France. Hillary is known for creating and producing outstanding and diverse events including a wide range of corporate events, public relations, corporate meetings, product launches, tradeshows, fashion shows and non-profit fundraisers. Her extensive experience in Sales, Marketing and Event Management as well as providing exemplary service, has gained her recognition

  • Angela Mader {on overcoming struggles}

    23/05/2016 Duración: 48min

    The struggle is real. We hear this a lot and we feel it a lot. It's not easy being human, especially the more we say yes to our purpose and endeavor down a road that not many have been on. So what can we do to struggle less? And is it about struggle that knocks us down so often? That's what we explore in this episode of Be Amplified. Plus, check out an amazing interview with Angela where she shares her vulnerable truths about having it all, creating a business and embracing grace in the midst of struggle. ABOUT THE GUEST Based out of Orange County, California, fitlosophy was founded in 2008 by Angela Mader. The mission of fitlosophy is to inspire people to live a healthy, active lifestyle by motivating and supporting them with innovative products, to redefine how people integrate fitness into their lifestyle, and to change the shape of our world - literally.  As fitlosophy's founder, Angela created the company's flagship product, fitbook™, and subsequent line of healthy lifestyle products and programs to pro

  • Jenny Fenig {on gracefully moving through transitions}

    17/05/2016 Duración: 46min

    Do you ever feel lost in the transitions? Like maybe your life is one endless transition. Or like you're ready for a major shift... but the idea of saying yes to that new step feels super intimidating? If so you're going to love this week's episode as we explore how to move through transitions without wanting to pull out your hair and tools and tips to shift your perspective on transitions so you experience quantum leaps without the quantum pains. Plus we have Jenny Fenig as our guest and she shares her wisdom for practical steps you can take to make sure your transition goes smoothly.  About The Guest Jenny Fenig is a brand strategy coach, bestselling author, motivational speaker, and champion of gutsy women in business. She believes that women have the power to create their own economy through unleashing their unique gifts and believing in their value. Jenny is the author of Get Gutsy: A Sacred, Fearless Guide for Finding Your Soul’s Calling and Living Your Dream. Jenny has been featured on NBC’s TODAY Sho

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