School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning



Pure enthusiastic awesome sauce! In each episode youll hear Incredible life-changing stories, proven principles, and stunning strategies to transform your life for ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY in less time than you thought possible. And this isnt just one aspect of life. Its holistic. We aim for total transformation and refuse to settle for anything less. Your life will be what you make of it, so come learn how to make it awesome. Because AWESOME is ALWAYS an option!


  • #168 What to Do When People Oppose Your Lifestyle Choices

    25/01/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    Welcome to the podcast! In this episode Greg and I are answering a question about clashing cultures — what to do when the status quo conflicts with your unconventional lifestyle choices — especially if the clash is happening in your own family. It’s not uncommon for someone like you to try to do life differently and then to get ‘thrown under the bus’ by the naysayers and ‘reality checkers’. Maybe you want to homeschool, travel with your family, eat a different way than you were raised, or to take a different path in college or career than the generation before you. How do you handle the unavoidable conflict that arises from your unconventional choices? Is it best to create healthy distance and accept these differences? Or is there a way to create agreement and harmony despite diametrically opposed viewpoints? Listen now to hear the answer! This episode is sponsored by our Be Your Best Self Bundle. The Strength of Your Family Begins With the Strength of the FOUNDATION = YOU YOU are the foundation of your fami

  • #167 How to Get Your Spouse on Board -- Plus Why You Need a 'Breaking Point'

    18/01/2022 Duración: 01h11min

    Welcome back to the podcast! In this episode Greg and I are answering some often asked questions about how to get your spouse on board. This could be getting them on board with your big dreams and goals, or simply on board with the process of growing and improving. There’s nothing worse than starting to learn, grow, and develop as a person but then to feel that your spouse is getting left behind or, even worse, creating their own self-sabotage. One question we received said, As I’ve focused hard on self-improvement over the last 18 months, and not seen my wife doing much to try to improve with me, it has been hard not to judge her and become frustrated with her. That has been especially true with our parenting. It’s extremely painful to observe her parenting and I’m trying to think of what might be affecting her parenting negatively.” We’ll discuss several approaches than can be used to help make tricky situations like this one easier.  We’ll also explain what a ‘breaking point’ is and why every marriag

  • #166 The Size of Your Dreams MUST Exceed Your Current Capacity to Achieve Them

    11/01/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    In this episode, Greg and I talk about one of our favorite topics — dreaming BIG and setting (and achieving) BIG goals. Greg has said that  “The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them.” We discuss dreaming, why it’s so important, and why (and HOW) to dream BIG and become the person who can fulfill those dreams. We show you how to take the lessons you learned in the last year and start with a fresh canvas to make this year your best year yet. We also discuss why your obstacles are your opportunities and how to learn to see them as stepping stones to creating your dream life. You have to stop approaching life in a haphazard way and instead learn how to be strategic and intentional to create the family life of your dreams. And finally, we talk about making progress on the things you want to make progress in so you can start loving the life you’re living. This episode is sponsored by our Extraordinary Life Planner. Too many people spend their days working on to-do lists

  • #165 Exposing Your Kids to the Dark Side -- WHY and HOW

    28/12/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    Welcome to this episode where we will be discussing a sensitive and sometimes frightening topic to many parents — and that’s WHY and HOW to expose your children to the darkness in order to help them be stronger and more prepared to face and fight evil and malice in the world (which does exist, in case you’re like I used to be and naively thought there are no ‘bad people’ in the world or that bad things don’t happen to me or my family. We’ll also touch on the Law of Attraction or Expectation and how that works into our encounters with evil -- as well as why allowing your children to choose the music and movies they listen to or watch can be a helpful place to start discussions that should be taking place regularly if you want to help your kids develop resilience. This episode is sponsored by Mr. Denning’s Habits for a Successful Life — a live, online class for teenagers. After studying personal development for 20 years, we looked far and wide for a class that would teach our teenagers something MORE important

  • #164 Teen Mental Health Strategies That WORK! Pattern Interrupts & State Changes

    21/12/2021 Duración: 01h14min

    In this episode, we’re discussing teen mental health and strategies for helping them not only overcome mental health challenges but to learn to thrive despite their difficult circumstances. We’re empathetic to the real struggles and suffering that parents and youth are dealing with and want to provide hope in this episode. Through personal experience, as well as from working with thousands of youth, and doing decades of research, we’ve discovered what actually works to help teens deal with the challenges they face. We know that not every situation is black and white with clear-cut answers or solutions but this episode will provide some puzzle pieces that may fit perfectly for your unique situation. Please use what you can and share it with others who may need to hear this message. This episode is sponsored by Mr. Denning’s Habits for a Successful Life — a live, online class for teenagers. After studying personal development for 20 years, we looked far and wide for a class that would teach our teenagers someth

  • #163 The Failure to Launch Epidemic and How to Prevent It In YOUR Children & Teens

    14/12/2021 Duración: 01h20min

    In this episode, we’re talking about Failure to Launch syndrome — a significant growing phenomenon among young adults who are not successfully making the transition to adulthood. Its symptoms include young adults who continue to live at home or to be supported by their parents, YA who don’t contribute financially to their own living expenses and begin to withdraw from the world and society. Failure to launch — known as Peter Pan syndrome in the U.S. -- can take the form of unrealistic (or NO) goals, blaming others for their situation, narcissism, a lack of motivation to change, low levels of persistence, high expectations without reciprocation, lack of basic adult skills, and no ‘liftoff’ into adult responsibilities — among other things. In the extreme, it can lead to the proverbial 30-year-old living in the basement and can be accompanied by anxiety, depression, and sometimes suicide. In this episode, Greg and I discuss the contributing factors to failure to launch plus strategies to avoid it. Whether you ha

  • #162 'Entertainment Overrun' is Creating a Painful Gap Between Here and the Life of Your Dreams

    07/12/2021 Duración: 53min

    We often receive emails from parents or spouses asking questions -- we love it. (Email us your questions at support @ This email asked us: “How can our family create balance and not feel guilty for doing things we enjoy (Netflix, video games, etc.) that aren’t necessarily productive (toward achieving our goals)?” Great question! We've also experienced the 'gap' between the reality of where we are and where we want to go/be (our BIG dream or goal). Sometimes that gap is painful. And it often requires that we sacrifice, give up, or exchange some of what we're doing now in order to achieve what we really want to have. We call this The Exchange Rate. But where there's pain there's power. And you can use that power to transform your life. If you enjoy this episode, please leave a review. Take the next step in leveling up your family life. You can also join Greg's Be The Man Masterclass & Tribe

  • #161 Question Everything -- Including C*vid -- Take Responsibility, And Get Healthy!

    30/11/2021 Duración: 01h11min

    Under duress, Greg agreed to do ANOTHER podcast touching on issues around C*vid -- but only because someone was confused about our 'statement' and position during the last one. They also believed there were some holes in our arguments. We address those in this episode. We also encourage you to take 100% responsibility for your health, your life, your family, and your circle of influence.  Stop wasting your energy on trying to get others to understand, agree, or conform and put it back into making the most of yourself. Stop hacking at the branches and start getting to the root of the problems. Listen now to see how. Wim Hof & Jordan Peterson podcast Wim Hof Instagram Be the Family Man Workshop -- for wives -- for men

  • #160 "You're Good Enough the Way You Are" Isn't the WHOLE Truth

    09/11/2021 Duración: 58min

    It IS true that 'you are good enough the way you are'. You are special. You are lovable. You are allowed to just be YOU. But those ideas are INCOMPLETE truths. You were also designed, created, and evolved to continually aim to become YOUR best version of you. So you'll never feel completely content remaining the way you are now. No matter how many times you tell it to yourself. The only way to be completely fulfilled is to regularly work on letting your inner light shine... To get comfortable with discomfort, because that is how you grow... To become self-aware enough to know when to give yourself grace and when to push yourself harder. Because loving yourself for who you ARE -- and being discontent for who you've not yet BECOME... ...being grateful for the progress you've made -- and being dissatisfied with the results you've gotten so far -- -- are two sides of the same coin. And wholeness comes when you learn to hold and operate by these two seemingly opposing viewpoints. Visit

  • #159 Teenage Rebellion & "Restaurant Parenting"

    03/11/2021 Duración: 01h19min

    "Rebellion of basically any kind stems from needs that are not being met." "Which needs are commonly not met that are likely to lead to rebellion?" Is there a difference between healthy and unhealthy rebellion? Do you consider some kind of rebellion necessary in a person’s life? In this episode, we discuss these and other parenting topics and how 'restaurant parenting' (as I call it) may contribute to future teen rebellion. We also talk about rule-breaking and why we encourage a healthy version of it in our teens and young adults. If you're a parent, no matter the current age of your kids, don't miss the critical lessons in this episode! 

  • #158 The Politicization of C*vid & the V*ccine -- the episode we 'shouldn't' be doing ;)

    25/09/2021 Duración: 01h38min

    In our last episode (#158), Greg hinted at doing another episode about the v*ccine. I wasn't so sure. But after thinking and discussing it, we decided to do it together -- partly because our individual views balance each other out and help us both to come to a more centered truth. We discuss how C*vid and the v*ccine have become politicized and what implications that has. We also examine C*vid's significance now compared to other times in history, and examine how politicizing a topic can skew each individuals understanding of the real facts. Most of all, we emphasize points that all sides are likely to agree on, and how that approach overall will help us to come together to find solutions that will benefit humanity as a whole.

  • #157 Our Response to 'Incomprehensibly Stupid' Memes & Current Events

    12/09/2021 Duración: 01h03min

    What happens when you share a 'controversial' meme on social media? Lots of comments and ensuing arguments. In this podcast, Greg and Rachel respond to comments on a meme that was shared which said: "If you've ever wondered if you would have complied during 1930s Germany, now you know." The reactions included words and phrases including: incomprehensibly stupid asinine comparing people who have been vaccinated to Nazi Germans and a lot more... An adequate response was not feasible in a Facebook comment, so we answered in a podcast episode instead. Plus, it was a lot more fun that way! "Covid is a problem but it's not the real problem. There is something bigger than that which is the real problem. Until we address the bigger problem at the bottom of the swamp, we won't really solve the problem." We'd love to hear your feedback, questions, comments, or requests for clarification -- or show us where we were wrong! Resources: The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn In Order to Live: A North Korea

  • #156 How to know if you’re WINNING in life

    05/09/2021 Duración: 43min

    How do you know if you’re winning in life? It’s Easier in sports where there’s a scoreboard, but even that isn’t always reflective of true winning. You might lose the game but still be winning in personal improvements, performance, effort, giving your best, sportsmanship, integrity, grit, etc What about each of the areas of your life? How do you know if you’re winning? Do you have a scoreboard? Are you keeping score? In what ways? Are you trying to compete with others or with yourself, or with an ideal? Some are not keeping score at all. They have no idea how they’re doing. They don’t think about it; they don’t measure it; they’re so distracted, or unconscious, or in survival mode, or on autopilot, that they have no clear picture of how they’re doing. Some are even against keeping score at all. They may not like the idea of tracking, measuring, or scoring. You can’t master what you don’t measure! I’m choosing to win as a man! As a man. That includes several roles. I’m not trying to only win in busi

  • #155 This is Why You Misjudge Other People

    14/08/2021 Duración: 35min

    Misjudging people it’s so easy and most of us do it pretty often if not all the time. Outward Symptoms can often help, but not always. They might Look rich but are broke. Look poor but have millions. Look nice but are evil. Look rough but are as honest as Abraham Lincoln Sometimes you meet people who in your first impression you mentally toss them out because they don’t fit, only to find out later that they’re AMAZING! We often misjudge because we have categories, labels, and boxes in which we psychologically try to arrange all the people, places, and things in our lives. The problem is that there are always people who don’t fit in our boxes, and that is where we get ourselves into trouble. Revisit the categories, rules, and labels that you have and see where they might be inaccurate. Leave an open box for those who don’t always fit the mold.

  • #154 Learning To WANT What You NEED and LOVE What You Don’t Like

    07/08/2021 Duración: 01h03min

    Here are 5 ideas about learning to like and enjoy the things you need to do but may not always want to do. 1—Like the results. You may not like the method and that’s okay. FOCUS on the results. What you focus on you feel. Need motivators? Grab a chunk of belly or flabby arm, and then get your running shoes on and out the door. 2 —If you used to like it but now you don’t, find out what’s changed. Try what you used to do. Or try liking it in new ways. 3—Do something totally different. Try new things. Get creative. Learn to like something else. 4—Train yourself to like what you need, what you must. Do you realize that EVERYTHING you like or dislike is all because of conditioning. I believed for a long time that it was just the way I was. Perhaps I was born that way. I didn’t realize that I had conditioned myself or had been conditioned to it. Now I know that I can recondition myself to anything. 5—Sometimes you don’t like it. Do it anyway. That’s called being mature, responsible, an adult. Sometimes i

  • #153 Being a Good Person Won’t Be Enough

    04/08/2021 Duración: 28min

    Being good is not enough Most of our default thinking is that if we’re a good person it will be enough. That’s just not true! You can be a good person and a piss poor husband You can be a good person and a lousy lover You can be a good person and a poor loser You could be a good person and be terribly unproductive You can be a good person and a lousy listener You could be a good person distracted absent father You can be a good person and a terrible businessman You can be a good person and a very Foolish investor You can be a good person and a flimsy friend You can be a good person and an unresponsive son You can be a good person and totally ignorant and uneducated You can be a good person and clueless to what’s going on around you and the needs of other people Now if you’re not good at tennis, that’s OK. If you want to be good at it you can work on it. If you don’t want to be good at it then you don’t have to do anything. But that’s not true of the other areas of your life like marriage and parenting a

  • #152 Your Money & Your Marriage

    16/07/2021 Duración: 46min

    What are good beliefs and practices around money in your marriage? What if one spouse brings in the income and the other stays home, who should be in charge of how it’s spent? Does the non-income earning spouse have any say on how the money should be spent? What if one spouse wants to save every penny and the other sees it as a tool for experience and growth? What if one spouse wants to approve every purchase before anything can be spent? What if they become upset when they feel you spend in a way they don’t approve of? What if one spouse spends out of control? What if one spouse hates their job and feels resentful and frustrated and doesn’t want their ‘life’ to be spent on anything they don’t personally agree on? What if spouse have completely different paradigms about what money is (good or evil, tool or curse)? Greg and Rachel discuss these and other issues related to money in your marriage. Listen now and share with your spouse! Sign up for our Extraordinary Marriage course or our Master Your Mone

  • #151 What husbands NEED to know about their wives

    09/07/2021 Duración: 59min

    Many marriages are merely okay, or even slowly dying simply because men are inadvertently neglecting their wives. Gentlemen, you’re living far below your privileges in your marriage. Inadvertent negligence is costing you the spark, romance, and relationship you could have. With a little awareness and a few simple habits, you can totally transform your marriage. How is your health and fitness? It is affecting your relationship! Do you have clear boundaries between work life and family life? That is affecting your marriage. Are you leading at home? Spiritually mentally, emotionally, socially, physically, and financially? Are you fully engaged or usually distracted? Do you listen? Really listen? Are you making daily romantic gestures and planning awesome weekly dates? Are you taking ownership of the condition of the house and raising the children? Your wife will admire you more as you become more admirable. Your wife will respect you more as you become more respectable. Those of you who are married to hig

  • #150 The Sex-quel. Follow up sex episode with Rachel Denning

    16/06/2021 Duración: 01h17min

    Is sex ever a source of frustration, confusion, or contention in your marriage? It definitely was for us early in our marriage. Most of it came because we didn’t understand each other, or ourselves for that matter, and we didn’t know how to communicate effectively in order to share our unique perspectives. Once we were able to communicate, understand, and not resent the different and often difficult perspectives between us, everything in our marriage got better. In today’s episode Rachel shares her perspective about both the importance and the complexities of a great sexual relationship in marriage. Listen to this episode today and share it with the other couples you care about.

  • #149 Making Your Mark

    08/06/2021 Duración: 39min

    What Mark are you making in the world? What Mark are you making in your family? We all have the privilege, opportunity, and even responsibility to make a mark in the world and in the lives of others. Interestingly, we are always making a mark. We can’t not.And so we must be responsible for the mark we are making. Some of you are making a significant mark, while others are leaving an insignificant scratch that will quickly wear way. What Mark are you making? What Mark do you need and want to make? How can you actually do it? Listen to this episode today to find out

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