The Story of the Mikado is based on one of the many fantastic operettas written by renowned duo Gilbert and Sullivan. During their 25 year partnership the pair wrote 14 comic...
The last few months have been a rough road for Melissa. Her grades have slipped, her parents treat her like a prisoner, and her closest friends are too involved in their own lives...
Once again the Old Gray Goose delivers a collection of funny, heartwarming tales perfected over six decades of campfires and thousands of enthusiastic young campers as part of his...
The Beech Bank Girls are back! Teenage friends Chloe, Willow, Annie, Rachel, Holly and Amber become absorbed in a diary from the First World War, and discover that the choices...
The second in the Beech Bank Girls series. Not long after Chloe's surprise birthday party (Beech Bank Girls, Every Girl Has A Story), the Beech Bank Girls are back. Holly is in...
Now, children of all ages can enjoy the world of The Wraith, his friends and his enemies. A fun story and a fantastic learn-to-read aid, this will thrill generations of children...
It’s bedtime. Gabriel’s Mommy and Daddy are hoping for a good night’s sleep. But Gabriel has other plans…In this humorously read Audio Book for ages 2 and up, Gabriel...
Lisa brings this rich collection of Poems, Stories and Illustrations, culled from her experience over more than 10 years of teaching specialist Waldorf oriented Art & Craft...
People will tell you that there are no such things as monsters. But, if you ask Alexander Applebee, he will tell you another story. He has a math monster, and that monster can...
Nineteen-year-old Myla Lewis is loving life--she’s now a wife, mother, and Queen of the Thrax. Oh yeah, and being a super-powerful demigoddess who moves souls into Heaven or...