The Doubter

I shook his shoulder. ‘All right? You all right, Dave? Dave?’He leaned his head back and closed his eyes hard, as he clenched his fists and started beating them against the...

Nicola And The Child Correction Centre

Nicola’s father froze. He slowly put down his knife and fork. She looked at him, shocked to see how he had suddenly turned chalky white. She began to shiver. What did her father...

Anita’s Homecoming

The warm blood trickled over her fingers. His body contracted as he stared at her, a rattling sound passing his lips. Then his knees suddenly caved in and he collapsed in front of...

Alyssa's Revenge

Alyssa's little brother, Rory, is totally annoying. He is doing nas-ty things to her all the time, until one day Alyssa decides to revenge herself...

Anna And The Axe Murderer

Anna is getting harassed by her older brother, Michael. He has been watching far too many horror movies and therefore he pretends to transform himself into a character named Mik....

Business Class

Todas las semanas, el profesor Moisés Ruiz, de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UEM, nos habla con sus alumnos del mundo de la economía. Emisión: miércoles de 13 a 13:30...

Cosas De Clase

Queremos compartir toda nuestra experiencia a nivel educativo en asambleas, proyectos,metodología...Y demostrar que una educación diferente es posible y llena de buenos...

Combinación Clave

Fernando Paulsen junto a un panel de expertos presentan todos los días un programa de opinión, información y debate. Se analiza la contingencia nacional e internacional con una...

Clave 45

Un podcast de misterio y conspiracion, con el lema "Las conspiraciones....existen". No intentamos propagar ni promulgar ninguna idea en particular, sino dar con visiones...

La Clave Pinner

Un impactante thriller político alrededor del desembarco de los aliados en el Mediterráneo durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Andrés Pérez Domínguez nos presenta una...

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