Discernment Of Spirits With Fr. Timothy Gallagher - Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

The Discernment of Spirits: Setting the Captives Free Serves as an introduction to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Un Pavorreal En El Reino De Los Pingüinos

"Un pavorreal en el Reino de los Pingüinos" es un bestseller internacional y se ha publicado en 22 idiomas. Se trata de una fábula que entraña grandes verdades sobre el mundo...

Fr. Dan Gallaugher's Podcast

mp3 files of homilies and talks from a Catholic priest

Take A Big Breath For Teens

With all the pressures that come with being a teenager, it is essential they find time to de-stress to help navigate the fast-paced world in which they live.By combining biblical...

A História Da Airbnb

Esta é a notável história por trás da cúpula da criação e crescimento da Airbnb, a plataforma de hospedagem online que se tornou, em menos de uma década, o maior provedor...

Three Stupid Weddings

On the heels of a painful and long overdue breakup, what Victor Nelson needs is time to lick his wounds. What he doesn’t need is everyone in his family trying to play matchmaker...

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