The Country Of The Blind

Three hundred miles and more from Chimborazo, one hundred from the snows of Cotopaxi, in the wildest wastes of Ecuador's Andes, there lies that mysterious mountain valley, cut off...

The Stolen Bacillus

An anarchist intent on wreaking havoc throughout London steals a sample of deadly virus from an unsuspecting scientist.

The Wonderful Visit

The Wonderful Visit tells how an angel spends a little more than a week in southern England. He is at first mistaken for a bird because of his dazzling polychromatic plumage, for...

The Valley Of Spiders

Towards mid-day the three pursuers came abruptly round a bend in the torrent bed upon the sight of a very broad and spacious valley. The difficult and winding trench of pebbles...

The Time Machine

The Time Traveller’s astonishing firsthand account of his journey 800,000 years beyond his own era—and the story that launched H. G. Wells’s successful career...

Aepyornis Island

It was about the end of the second year our little paradise went wrong. Friday was then about fourteen feet high to the bill of him, with a big, broad head like the end of a...

Underground Man

« The darkness deepens, the cries without die away, and nothing is left but the shift and falling of the incessant snow from roof to ground. » …Are we...

The Flowering Of The Strange Orchid

The buying of orchids always has in it a certain speculative flavour. You have before you the brown shrivelled lump of tissue, and for the rest you must trust your judgment, or...

The Time Machine

"The Time Machine" is a science fiction novella by H. G. Wells, published in 1895 and written as a frame narrative.The work is generally credited with the popularization...

The Remarkable Case Of Davidson's Eyes

The transitory mental aberration of Sidney Davidson, remarkable enough in itself, is still more remarkable if Wade's explanation is to be credited. It sets one dreaming of the...

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