
"Like shyte through the Bull's anus, so are the days of our lives".BEWARE! DANGEROUS HORRORSCOPE!! READ AT YOUR OWN PERIL!!!


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Cuánta Tierra Necesita Un Hombre: Tolstói

León Tolstói fue un escritor ruso nacido en 1828. Padre de la novela moderna y autor de obras extraordinarias como: Guerra y Paz, Anna Karénina, La muerte de Iván Ilich, Los...

Mañanas Con Leo

Hola Gente! Bienvenidos a Mañanas con Leo un Podcast diario donde de Lunes a Viernes entrego mensajes cortos llenos de energía e información interesante. Para comenzar el día...

Stories Of Leo Tolstoy

A collection of short stories from one of the most famous writers of very long novels Leo Tolstoy, including: Ilyas, Little Girls Wiser Than Men, The Coffee-House of Surat. 'For...

Stories Of Leo Tolstoy

A collection of short stories from one of the most famous writers of very long novels Leo Tolstoy, including: Ilyas, Little Girls Wiser Than Men, The Coffee-House of Surat. 'For...

Childhood By Leo Tolstoy

Childhood ( [Detstvo]; 1852) is the first novel in Leo Tolstoys autobiographical trilogy. They are the works that launched his writing career. These books earned him instant...

Boyhood By Leo Tolstoy

Boyhood is the second in Tolstoy's trilogy of three autobiographical novels, including Childhood and Youth, published in a literary journal during the 1850s. (Introduction by Bill...

Boyhood by TOLSTOY, Leo

Boyhood is the second in Tolstoys trilogy of three autobiographical novels, including Childhood and Youth, published in a literary journal during the 1850s. (Introduction by Bill...

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