Georg Friedrich Händel

Georg Friedrich Händel, il grande compositore barocco, celebre per le sue opere e i concerti d'organo. I mini-ebook di Passerino Editore sono guide agili, essenziali...

Händel With Care

Indicando i cartelloni più interessanti a Milano e fornendo le chiavi di lettura delle opere in programmazione, Händel with care si pone lambizioso obiettivo di rendere la...

Looking For Händel

Looking for Händel "Greatest Hits". Seit 250 Jahren in den Charts: Die Musik von Georg Friedrich Händel ist ein Dauerbrenner. Im Rahmen von BR-KLASSIK Tafel-Confect haben wir...

Handel am Sonntag

Handel am Sonntag - der Podcast wo ich mit meinen Gästen über die Aktuellsten Themen des Handels spreche, aus wirtschaftlicher wie Menschlicher Sicht.


Welcome to the Michael podcast, where amazing things happen.


Welcome to the Michael podcast, where amazing things happen.


Welcome to Michael, where amazing things happen.

Handel On The Law

Marginal legal advice, where you are told you have no case.

Bill Handel On Demand

Bill Handel is heard live Monday-Friday from 5-9 a.m. on KFI AM 640. His syndicated show, Handel on the Law, airs every Saturday from 6-11 a.m.

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