
It's a random topic which I will discuss with you mixed with my point of view.

Taras Bulba: Nikolai Gógol

Nikolái Vasílievich Gógol en ocasiones adaptado al español como Nicolás Gógol; (1809 - 1852) fue un escritor ruso de origen ucraniano. Cultivó varios géneros, pero fue...

Dead Souls By Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol, Russian writer, was first published in 1842, and is one of the most prominent works of 19th-century Russian literature. Gogol himself saw it as an...

Cloak, The by GOGOL, Nikolai Vasilievich

The Cloak is a short story by Ukrainian-born Russian author Nikolai Gogol, published in 1842. The story and its author have had great influence on Russian literature, as expressed...

Steel Flea, The by LESKOV, Nikolai

An 1881 comic story by Nikolai Leskov, presented in the form of a traditional skaz or folk-tale, but entirely of Leskovs invention. It tells the story of a left-handed Russian...

La Pauvre Lise

Une histoire d’amour à la fois belle et tragique entre Lise, une jeune paysanne venue à Moscou pour vendre des fleurs, et Login, jeune homme d’une naissance distinguée,...

Nikola Tesla: Mis Inventos - Autobiografia

En su autobiografía, Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), uno de los inventores más importantes del siglo XX, retrata su trayectoria desde la infancia en Croacia hasta su establecimiento y...

Nikolay Polushkin


Nikolay Polushkin

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