Essays, First Series (version 2) by EMERSON, Ralph Waldo

Essays: First Series is a series of 12 essays written by Ralph Waldo Emerson concerning transcendentalism, including Self-Reliance. It was published in 1841. (Summary by Wikipedia)

Three Great Virtues - Three Essays by Emerson, The by EMERSON, Ralph Waldo

Faith Hope and Charity ...... In the Language of Emerson these translate as: Self - Reliance, Love, and Friendship. (summary by Robert Scott)

Essays By Ralph Waldo Emerson - The Naturalist And The Poet

Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on 25 of May 1803 in Boston and was a famous writer, American philosopher and poet.The Naturalist and The Poet was published in 1836 and is considered...

In Tune with the Infinite by TRINE, Ralph Waldo

Trine tells us that by connecting and harmonizing with the Universe we attract love, health, peace and success. Trines writings may have been the most important to the New Thought...

Emerson Uuc

Sermons from Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church - Canoga Park, CA

Samuel Emerson

Husband of One, Father of Five, Lover of Christ, Pastor at Cloverdale Christian Fellowship preaching God's heart to a lost generation "So others may live". Follow @samemerson...

Emerson Goes Navy: An Emerson Adventure

Emerson Francis Whitman, whose parents are great admirers of philosophy—and philosophers—has the distinction of being the technical representative of Primary Pulse Energy...

Ralph Castillo

Welcome to the Ralph Castillo podcast, where amazing things happen.

Ralph Winter

Welcome to the Ralph Winter a.k.a Ralph Ravega podcast, where amazing things happen.

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