We Don't Die® Radio Show With Host Sandra Champlain

008 Ann Ellis, M.Div., Ph.D.



478 Near Death Experiences studied by Ann Frances Ellis, in which she based her doctoral dissertation, sharing about the love reported so often by those who returned from heaven. Her first career was as computer systems programmer/database system researcher/data communications network manager for the U.S. Navy. Her second career was as a hospital/hospice chaplain. Her third career is now author/owner of Trail of Hope Publishing. She has degrees in Mathematics (B.A.), Computer Science (M.S.), Divinity (M. Div.), and Religious Studies/Comparative Religion (Ph.D.). She is a licensed minister and one smart lady. Inspirting and LOVING. After hearing her experiences we talk about how we can experience the feeling of love DAILY and often. Easy homework for a great life. Enjoy the conversation with Ann! -Sandra