Me & Paranormal You

Experience 84 - April Adams (returns!), My Personal Breakthrough & EFT



April Adams returns to the progam to talk to me about the change in her life journey, her calling, and what is next on the horizon. Who heals the healers? April's change in focus has led her down a path of working with and on other highly intuitive and empathic healers. One of the greatest parts of starting this project is that I have somehow, someway been able to get in contact with so many wonderful, deep, and interesting people and April is one of them for sure. We discuss healing techniques such as EFT and more as we (mostly me) seem to figure out one of the main things I've been doing wrong in my interpersonal relationships romantically. We also plan a third visit that involves me having a healing session in which she will consult my sacred elders. Whoa. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindline