Rusted Culture Podcast



Truth matters and trust in government matters- both of which are lacking today. Well discuss how we go forward from here and of course well take the time to laugh at all of this and more along the way.


  • Wake Up and Smell The Treason America

    08/08/2019 Duración: 18min

    Trump goes to El Paso and says he got “love and respect”... don’t come to me looking for love and respect Mr. Trump, you won’t get love and respect by trying to fix a problem you helped create.. Treasonous I say! It’s borderline treason not to not even try and secure our 2020 elections..

  • Pelosi Impeachment Strategy, Fight For Women’s Rights

    19/06/2019 Duración: 28min

    Pelosi Impeachment Strategy, Fight for Women’s Rights Could this be the Pelosi Impeachment strategy? My bets are still on Pelosi for ultimately holding Trump accountable for obstruction... The problem with plastic What has Trump done about plastics pollution? By 2050, the weight of garbage plastic in the world’s oceans will equal the weight of all the fish in the ocean According to a study below.. What’s worse is that these things I talk about are all confirming that study.. The laws old men make regarding women’s rights Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas has just said The Supreme Court should not feel the need to be bound by prior precedent in making decisions.. you can bet on the fact that he is savoring the chance to knock down Roe V. Wade Newly Broken Guinness Records and a startup to.. help name your baby?

  • Trump has a tiger by the tail

    28/04/2019 Duración: 27min

    Trump has a tiger by the tail Congress is being thwarted in its attempts to look into the Mueller Report (which they still have yet to see in an un-redacted form). Trump vows to block any subpoenas issued by Congress. Did Trump forget that there are three equal branches and the Legislative branch is one of the three that has every right to the information to conduct their own research into the Mueller findings? Did Trump forget that we elected those representatives? When Trump defies those whom we have elected, that’s the day our democracy as written in The Constitution fails to work.. Next up: This weeks ‘wink and nod’ to white supremacy by Trump Lastly some strange stories in the news this past week.. Our question to listeners: what would you do if stranded on a deserted island with Trump? Go to and you can leave a message we may just play on the air.

  • Contagious obstruction: help Cummings fight high drug prices; Mueller facts vs Barr‘s ‘spin cycle’

    19/04/2019 Duración: 26min

    Contagious obstruction: help Cummings fight high drug prices; Mueller facts vs Barr‘s ‘spin cycle’ Congressman Cummings, chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee is trying to lower drug prices but is being thwarted by republicans Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows. Is it any wonder when drug companies gave 42% more money to House Republicans than Democrats in 2018? Link to ‘Open who track the money.. Barr hits the ‘spin cycle’ as fast as he can to try and wash away the lies, collusion and obstruction Some strange stories about... a haunted grocery store?

  • Running a country on zero taxes? Buttigieg gathers steam; ICE unchecked..

    16/04/2019 Duración: 55min

    Running a country on zero taxes? Buttigieg gathers steam; ICE unchecked.. Ohio swing voters prefer this person over all other candidates for president in this study.. Thoughts on presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg declaring his run and his appearance on the Rachel Maddow Show last night.. Here we go again, over 60 companies pay zero taxes and guess who has an interesting solution? Trump’s ICE deported the husband of a female US soldier killed serving our country in Afghanistan and leaves their 12 year old daughter behind? And we have some interesting news stories that include what Assange was really up to in the Ecuadorian embassy.. would you want a houseguest like this? Interview with Nancy Hartwell, an internationally recognized authority on human trafficking. Nancy has authored 3 best selling, award winning books about victims of this crime and has been featured on over 500 radio shows. Hear her insight and tips on how to protect your kids and yourself from this growing problem. For further inform

  • Mueller Investigators If you are listening; Income Inequality and the need for greed

    10/04/2019 Duración: 21min

    Mueller Investigators If you are listening; Income Inequality and the need for greed When the richest of the rich are worried about income inequality folks, you know it’s a big problem. The system is rigged for people like Trump and they know it- it’s all about their need for greed. When the billionaires get worried they start pointing and screaming socialism at the top of their lungs. They screamed socialism at FDR’s “New Deal” they screamed socialism at “Social Security”, it’s what they do folks.. In my opinion, Attorney General Bill Barr is obstructing justice with the Mueller Report.. Trump calling the report “Treasonous” and “against the constitution” that’s why I say “Mueller Investigators, if you are listening.....l

  • Foreign Aid Isn’t Bribery Mr. President; Facebook’s Grand Bargain

    03/04/2019 Duración: 30min

    Foreign Aid Isn’t Bribery Mr. President; Facebook’s Grand Bargain Foreign aid shouldn’t be treated like a bribe where if a country doesn’t do ‘what you want’ (has to many immigrants to the US) then you simply pull the foreign aid. Normally, one would do an assessment of what’s working and what’s not working and make changes. Do you thinkTrump has any idea of this? Facebook is willing to make a “Grand Bargain” to encourage regulation of their platforms. We’ll discuss why and what’s behind their call for regulation. Time for news tidbits with Curtis where we discuss the news of the day and solve all the worlds problems!

  • Time for a bipartisan committee to review the Mueller Report

    28/03/2019 Duración: 15min

    Time for a bipartisan committee to review Muller Report Something doesn’t look right here folks, on one hand AG Bill Barr is saying there’s nothing to see here, the Mueller Investigation is over, yet on the other hand, a prosecutor for the Mueller Investigation says “it is continuing robustly” (Politico ) How this could be a calculated move by Mueller to protect and “immunize” the Investigation.. We have had tax cuts for the rich and now it’s cut time for budget cuts to pay for that.. PBS and Special Olympics are in the cross hairs

  • Is Trump Is Dancing In A Legal Minefield? ; ACA Healthcare Attack Resumes

    26/03/2019 Duración: 19min

    Is Trump Is Dancing In a Legal Minefield?; Oil Exec’s Celebrate Environmental Rollbacks!; ACA Healthcare Attack Resumes Trump is celebrating the 4 page Attorney General’s summary of a two year Mueller Investigation but really, I don’t see any reason to celebrate. How can you say “no collusion” until these court cases are over?... Oil Executives are ‘clicking their heels’ at how they easily get the Trump administration to rollback these four key environmental regulations.. You knew it was coming: under Trump’s direction the Department Of Justice reversed it’s earlier course and has adjoined a lawsuit in the most conservative court of the land to declare the entire Affordable Care Act null and void... Music credits; "Iron Bacon" and “Rocket Power” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

  • 71 Socialism Is The New McCarthyism

    21/03/2019 Duración: 47min

    E 71 Socialism Is The New McCarthyism Are you sick and tired of Trump and his henchmen calling Democrats socialists? Republicans invented corporate welfare as we know it.. The Trump family has made building wealth using Government subsidies a family tradition.. article on how the Trumps made a fortune on Government subsidies. “Corporate Welfare Lives On and On” article by the Cato Institute The Trump tweets about ( McCain) and George Conway, the Conway family dynamic casts light on just how divisive Trump has been to many families

  • 70; Time To Confront The Ideology Of White Supremacy Mr. Trump; Boeing Crashes With Less Oversight

    18/03/2019 Duración: 20min

    70; Time To Confront Racist Ideology Mr. Trump; Boeing’s Incredible Lack Of Regulation Here’s an example of how allowing a company to “self regulate” is a problem. Common sense regulation is necessary otherwise you have players like Boeing who try and rush the system just to make a deadline on a new plane and you know what happens then.. see article I’m sick of this: time and time again, Trump refers to ‘bad people’ and never confronts the racist white extremism or white supremacy that is the root of the growing problem in the USA. Listen to Chief Of Staff Mick Mulvaney spin this issue in technicolor folks and you will ‘hear’ what I mean!

  • 69: How Our Tax System Favors Income Inequality & What We Can Do First

    20/02/2019 Duración: 26min

    69: How Our Tax System Favors The Rich How our tax system favors the rich and how we can change it. -Trumps creative accounting for a billion dollar write off: -Let’s get capital gains taxes inline with the tax brackets, it’s how the rich get rich after all Now for the soon to be released Mueller report, here’s why we are gonna have to fight to get the truth.. like KellyAnne Conway says, “we’ll see” if the report gets released.

  • 68: Trump Just Wasted 2 Years On Healthcare; More Storms Ahead For Trump

    17/12/2018 Duración: 22min

    68: Trump Just Wasted 2 Years On Healthcare; More Trump storms ahead What a waste. In the past two years, Trump could have been fixing what wasn’t working “right” with The Affordable Care Act.. instead, republicans have done everything to sleazily dilute, kick and now almost kill the Affordable Care Act.. as an American, you should be disgusted. Judge Reed O’Connors half baked judgement is now off to the 5th Circuit Court Of Appeals so let them know your healthcare and all the provisions that go with it are important to you and should be improved for all Americans, not killed: US Court Of Appeals For The 5th Circuit 600 Camp St. New Orleans, LA 70130 Attn: clerk Lyle W. Cayce

  • 67 Mueller Probe; Has Corsi Lost the Truth?; Did Trump set up CNN’s Acosta?

    13/11/2018 Duración: 30min

    Jerome Corsi has lost the truth someplace and fears he may be indicted and we are supposed to feel sorry for him? Jim Acosta was set up to be dismissed.. This Trump ‘Trade War’ with China won’t end well for farmers.. Trump sends troops to fight a ‘ghost caravan’ on our border but can’t use military assets like the 6000 helicopters in the military to help save lives in California?

  • 66 The VA’s Frankenstein Dog Experiments and Sleazy Stone Gets Nervous

    03/11/2018 Duración: 42min

    Episode 66 The Rusted Culture Podcast Jimmy Buffet concert for Gillum as Florida Governor Do you realize how much information your web browser is collecting about you right now? -what is being collected and what you can do about it.. USA Today reports the VA is using dogs for useless fatal experimentation? -is it not enough that we fight corrupt, lying politicians everyday now we have to fight the VA for killing dogs in Frankenstein type experiments. If you love dogs please listen to this and then help stop it with a donation to this non profit organization called the “White Coat Project” which is dedicated to stopping experiments on dogs by the Federal Government. A Pleasant Koch Brothers Surprise.... Drama Builds around Roger Stone in Mueller probe.. You knew this was coming didn’t you? I think the Sleazy Stone has more to offer the Mueller probe than he thinks..

  • 65 Trump and the Gullibles

    30/10/2018 Duración: 27min

    Show notes for the Trump and the Gullibles” episode by Frank Ebersold and the Rusted Culture Podcast: Trump calls Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum a thief? Show me YOUR taxes Mr. President and I will show you a thief.. The Gullibles: How facts are mutated and conspiracy theories are molded into an alternative reality that makes the Gullibles feel comfortable.. -the migrant caravan is hiding gangs and diseases.. Gullibility in America isn’t a state of mind it’s a movement with Trump and Fox News as the machinery that turns conspiracy theories into their comfortable form of reality for the “Gullibles” to easily digest..

  • Kavanaugh, ‘Daddy’s Little Boy’ and ‘Pocahontas’

    17/10/2018 Duración: 29min

    Show notes for this episode of The Rusted Culture Podcast by Frank Ebersold Is Trump “Daddy’s Little Boy”? Secretary Of Defense must have a loyalty problem because Trump calls him “a sort of Democrat”.. Michael Cohen why something big is coming.. “Pocahontas” calls Trumps bluff but what about Congressman Kevin McCarthy? His family prospers claiming shaky Native American roots?

  • Power To The People: Immigration to Upcoming Budget Cuts

    22/06/2018 Duración: 24min

    Power To The People: Immigration to Upcoming Budget Cuts by Frank Ebersold

  • Trump: You Make My Dreams Come True... Trashing The G7, Trashing The G7 and..

    16/06/2018 Duración: 31min

    The hosting provider for The Rusted Culture Podcast has changed but I will continue to update on SoundCloud until October. You can find us easily by going to! Thanks

  • Trumps Immigration Policy Is A Disaster

    10/06/2018 Duración: 37min

    61 Trumps Immigration Policy Is A Disaster by Frank Ebersold

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