Things Worth Considering

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 140:01:18
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This is a show about connections. Connections to your self, your spirit, your feelings and your story. We know one of the most powerful healing tools we have is our connections. Explore connecting to your intuition and those aha moments. Discover how we get in our own way and how we can overcome obstacles to move on. We will discover that how we think, what we believe, and our attitude defines how we experience our life. Fascinating is the idea that we shape our reality to what we believe it should be, in our minds. Connection to our families, our aging family members and becoming caregivers, not caretakers.Reality of our self aging, not into senior citizens but embracing the archetypal Elder, the Wise One. Living the Spiritual idea of being of service but not feeling like someones servant. Moving forward, with our guests, we will connect to each other embracing the mysteries of life as we explore the many roads of the human journey and those will be things worth considering.


  • Time Out

    14/04/2022 Duración: 54min

    On January 3, 2019 – the first episode of Things Worth Considering premiered. A talk show looking at Connections in our lives and to our self. Just over a year on-air, a new respiratory virus, Covid-19, was declared a world-wide pandemic. Thus began 2 years of mask wearing, lock-downs, work from home and social distancing. The irony would be that the various methods of containing the spread of Covid-19 are all ways that we connect. The masks obliterated the lower part of faces, and we didn’t know if someone was smiling or scowling. So we learned to smile with our eyes. Lockdown in our homes and not allowed to socialize with anyone with whom we did not live, we watched our connections diminish. Some technically astute individuals found ways to stay in touch and even host cocktail party’s via Zoom. Clever and maintaining some contact, even if digitally, it would have to suffice, but it was not the same as face to face. Connections were changing to digital and if it is in person, the touching of our forearms w

  • Letting Go

    07/04/2022 Duración: 53min

    How often have you been told to let it go? Or how many times have you told others they need to let go and move on. We humans do not let things go easily. Our natural tendency to attach to people, places and things makes letting go seem counter-intuitive. Yet it is our attachments that cause so much pain and suffering in our life. Buddhism’s Noble Truths states so clearly that our human suffering is in direct proportion to our attachment and the value we place on those attachments. In this episode, Alexia and Gord discuss ideas around letting go, how we can move on and the positive outcomes that can be associated to letting go: if only we understood what that really means! Join us tonight – LIVE at 8pm Eastern/5 PM Pacific.

  • Now What?

    10/03/2022 Duración: 55min

    Over the last 2 years we have been moved from one crisis to another, seemingly more anxiety producing than the one before. Staying connected, and not to the television, becomes more difficult. This episode Alexia and Gord discuss what is going on in our world from a spiritual perspective and how to continue to walk through our global events. Join us at 8 PM eastern.

  • It was the Best of Times…

    03/03/2022 Duración: 55min

    After 2 full years of pandemic unpredictability, we are now subjected to watching insanity exerting itself onto the planet. The energies of control, ownership, wealth and entitlement are destroying millions of people. Perhaps not through out right death but through trauma and fear. Every empathic individual on the planet is feeling the unsettling vibration being created by the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Tonight’s guests, both mediums, will be discussing how we can protect our self from the energies that are disturbing so many people. How can we stay grounded and centered in order to stay functioning and healthy? What role spirit can play in our lives when it feels like we are losing our way? My guests are 2 excellent mediums who amongst many talents teach empathic individuals how to harness their energy and connect to the world of Spirit. This episode is Live at 8 pm eastern/ 5 pm Pacific. Hope you can join us.

  • Hypnosis - Our Mind Knows

    24/02/2022 Duración: 56min

    Have you ever considered being hypnotized or are you considering it in the near future? If so, then tonight’s episode will give you some sound information to help you make that decision. Hypnosis is actually very old, ‘Hypno’ is from the Greek word ‘to sleep’, and it has had a number of different names, with the current name being derived from neuro-hypnosis, so named by Scottish Physician James Braid in 1841. If we go back a hundred years before Dr. Braid, we meet Franz Mesmer, a physician who discovered and worked with the ideas of energy and magnets, his work being named ‘animal magnetism’. Now Two Hundred years later, Hypnotism is used for a great many problems from anxiety, nervousness to depression and substance abuse. Contrary to a popular misconception, that hypnosis is a form of unconsciousness resembling sleep, research proves that when in hypnotic trance people are fully awake with focused attention and a corresponding decrease in their peripheral awareness. There is an increased response to sugges

  • Shamanism - Between Worlds

    17/02/2022 Duración: 55min

    Have you wondered what is involved with Shamanism? If you went to a Shamanic Practitioner, what do you imagine would take place? While Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and is a way of life, it is also gaining greater recognition in the Western world. The word shamanism can be used to describe the ancient spiritual practices of many cultures, worldwide. It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation. One could view shamanism as the universal spiritual wisdom inherent to all indigenous tribes. As all ancient spiritual practices are rooted in nature, shamanism is the method by which we as human beings can strengthen that natural connection. Shamanic practices tap into the power Mother Earth has to offer and the healing powers of the Spiritual Beings in our parallel world. The ancient teachings are derived from the simple truths of nature. It is not only concerned with the health of the individual, body, mind and spirit but also with the health of the entire community. This includes all people, p

  • February is to Celebrate

    03/02/2022 Duración: 55min

    February is Black History month and while it is a celebration of the history of Black people, it is a chance to look forward to a future of accomplishments and recognition of Black and BIPOC persons fully integrated into society. Tonight our returning guest, Jennifer Drummond, talks with Gord about Black History Month and how culture is such an important factor in integration. We take a look at the hopes and aspirations that this North American month-long event inspires.

  • Strengthening your Spiritual Connection

    20/01/2022 Duración: 55min

    Have you noticed that as situations in life become more harried, indecisive, even scary, we stop doing the good things we may have been doing for our self. We will sleep less, eat more junk food , spend less time exercising and gradually watch our mental state become less clear, if we even notice. In this episode Alexia and Gord are discussing the necessity of strengthening our Spiritual connections. What practises, while they may not be able to turn the situation around, does allow us to continue to take care of our self? Find out how they help us to respond to issues so that we may be able to move through them, without losing our connections. Join us Thursday at 8 PM we will be LIVE!

  • Ritual Connections

    13/01/2022 Duración: 54min

    Maria Galle joins Gord Riddell in discussing the role of Ritual in our lives and their importance. Although we tend to think of rituals as being tied to religion that is not always the case. Religions understood the role of rituals on the human psyche and many centuries ago adapted and created them as a binding belief and behaviour amongst its adherents. Rituals in our modern life are substantially less in number than in years gone by. Weddings and funerals are the 2 most dominate ones that stand out for us all, but rituals are much more numerous in our lives than we may imagine. This episode we will discuss the power of ritual, and why ritual is important for us. Does ritual create connections both internally and externally? How to tell the difference between habitual behaviours versus rituals. What is the difference between a ceremony and a ritual? How to create personalized rituals that are significant to you. Join us Thursday at 8 PM as we discuss Ritual Connections.

  • 2022 - Looking Back, Going Forward

    06/01/2022 Duración: 53min

    Our first episode of 2022, Linda Kuschnir and Gord Riddell ask what we may have learned throughout the last two years. There has been lots of talk about fear and the dramas we have all ensued, but can we identify what we are learning, or have learned? It is said from so many places that this is a spiritual crisis that the planet entered into. Most of us have seen and heard the reactions to the changes, inconsistencies and political involvement however, if this is an intended spiritual crisis, how are we responding to the pandemic? Where are we going with what we may have learned? Some things we are considering, are, mob mentality, how fear is very divisive, how fear separates us from our intuition, our ability to listen and our ability to come from the heart. Our egos definition of our mortality and our existence. Even so far as what does it mean to be human? Ultimately, how do we reconnect to the parts of our self that still cower in fear, but we must bring back the connection we so desperately need to mo

  • Religion and Medicine

    23/12/2021 Duración: 53min

    Modern medicine as we know it today is about 200 years old. Some medical traditions like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine date back 3,000 and 4,000 years. Medicine and science are not stand-alone entities, as some may portray, but are intricately connected to our religions and spirituality. As modern medicine was in its fledgling years, many people are unaware that the 1800’s experienced a very active spiritual renaissance. A number of religions were founded, many of which, in today’s world are not mainstream religions, but most held strong beliefs around health, medical practices and rituals. As medicine has grown so too has the influence of religions and their conflicts beliefs and technology. The upcoming US Supreme Court challenge of the 1973 Roe vs Wade decision giving women the right to choose to have an abortion, is a perfect example of the influence of religion in medicine. While science informs and defines medical practices, it is religion which defines the practitioner as caring, serving h

  • Mysticism’s Rich History

    16/12/2021 Duración: 51min

    Mysticism holds a fascination worldwide. Every major religion has a tradition of mystical experiences and individuals who are ultimately viewed as Mystics in their own right. However the institutionalization of the great religions has controlled just how much information would flow out regarding mysticism. Christianity before 1,500 CE. , in other words before the Reformation, was an immensely powerful institution. One cannot study European history without studying the Church which is the history of Europe. Yet hidden amongst the politics and the power struggles to control is a history of mystical tradition that in many ways is secretive. Yet it can boast a long-held mystical tradition, men and women who experience deeply personal encounters with the “Living Presence” of their God. However, such experiences have not always garnered positive responses. The heavily structured and patriarchal Church holds such personal mystical encounters suspect. Still, the wisdom gained through Christian mystical experience per

  • Bullying - Part 2 - Adults

    09/12/2021 Duración: 56min

    Last time in Part 1 of our series on bullying we talked about childhood bullying. The four different types of bullying: emotional, physical, relational and cyberbullying. The devastating effects it can have on children from low self-esteem, not sleeping or eating, failing grades, substance abuse and even suicide. Tonight’s episode is about adult bullying. We discuss the personality types who target others but not without a group of other people surrounding them and asserting the power of the bully. Why would people allow bullying of others but what draws them into this toxic group of people? There is a fine line between bullying and abuse. Many adults who are bullied as adults were bullied as children, and often the opposite can be true that the adult bully was a childhood bully. How can they allow themselves to be bullied again? What has been discovered is the bullied person drops back into being that young child, feeling and experiencing exactly as they did when they were age 8. 10 or 12 years old and suff

  • Bullying - Part 1

    02/12/2021 Duración: 54min

    Bullying is defined as mean, hurtful behaviour that occurs repeatedly in a relationship with a perceived imbalance of power or strength. It takes many forms — name calling, beating up, relationships, and internet. Although schools are doing more to deal with bullying, parents are still the key to empowering kids to prevent and stop it. Bullying is not just one kid to another. It can be a parent to child, or a teacher or coach. Verbal bullying, using cruel spoken words, ongoing name-calling, threatening, and making disrespectful comments about someone's attributes (appearance, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, etc.). Physical bullying includes aggressive physical intimidation, with repeated hitting, kicking, tripping, blocking, pushing, and touching in unwanted and inappropriate ways. Relational bullying, can include exclusionary tactics, by deliberately preventing someone from joining or being part of a group, whether it's at a lunch table, game, sport, or social activity. Cyberbullying, t

  • Live and Love Again

    18/11/2021 Duración: 55min

    ACT 1- Imagine going along in your life and being quite sure that all is well. You live in the belief your long-term marriage is ,well, long-term. Three talented children you adore, and a very lengthy career which encompasses the very things you love, in two of the most well-known food companies, developing delicious recipes in their test kitchens. Then it hit – the pain. Excruciating pain which was not treatable, and relief was next to nonexistent. Your world was turning upside down. Culminating in a near death/ out of body experience which sees you emerge with strong mediumship abilities, with an intuitive sense so very connected to this world and the next. ACT 2 – What do you do with all this? First, our guest worked intensively in a 5 seminar and cured herself of the disorder causing all the pain. She discovers how powerful our minds are in creating all levels of our reality. She discovered in her massive out of body experience that life goes on, it does not end at a place we on the physical earth call,

  • Remembrance 11:11

    11/11/2021 Duración: 54min

    The 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour, the Great War came to an end through the signing of the Armistice Agreement. On this day each year throughout the Commonwealth, we stop and remember those that lost their lives through the aggression of nations or power-hungry men looking to expand their country, resources and personal fortunes. In America, the same date is observed but with a different name, it is called Veterans Day. On November 8th, we commemorate our Canadian Indigenous Veterans. It is with sadness and gratitude we remember the men and women willing to fight in far off lands for the freedoms we enjoy today and will tomorrow. A great many families have been touched by the wars. Although the November 11 date was specific to World War 1, it has been expanded to included World War 2, the Korean War, the Vietnamese War, Iran Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. The November 11 date is of interest as 11: 11 holds much mystical meanings. The choosing of that date and time had to have been for reasons we

  • Free Association

    04/11/2021 Duración: 56min

    Have you noticed when you connect with someone and things like trust kick in, you experience another part of yourself. A part that is more open, more curious, perhaps softer. When we connect with others, who we enjoy, we enter into a flow, a here and now experience. Our defences gradually lessen, there is a back and forth in our communication. Our internal editor begins to relax as we begin to show-up and be seen. Be seen for who we are, and how we experience our life as opposed to our guarded self who shows only what we want you to see and experience about our self. This flow idea scares the hell out of people and yet most of us have already had someone at some point in our lives with whom we flowed. Join us on Thursday at 8 pm for our Free Association episode and experience what the flow may be like.

  • Bonfire of the Celts

    28/10/2021 Duración: 55min

    October 31st – We had it cancelled last year, but this year, it leads us to ask where did this evening of Halloween begin? We must admit it is a very strange event, quite apart from anything else we see on our calendars of holidays and celebrations. From a celebration of Celtic lore that celebrated the harvest until the Catholic Church got involved, with at least two Popes adding new dimensions to the evening and the days that followed. The inclusion of the saints and those that had passed on heightened the supernatural element. From Mexico’s Day of the Dead to Canada’s and America’s Halloween, although influenced by the Church, it remains a very secular celebration of spirits, ghosts and goblins, oh and Candy! The Celts calendar was divided into 2 seasons, the light season and the dark season and this is the start of the dark season. It is also the time that they say the veil between the living world and the next world is at its thinnest. Communication between the 2 worlds is strongest at this time of the ye

  • Here’s to Life

    21/10/2021 Duración: 55min

    Have you ever spent time reflecting on how you got to where you are today? What longing, yearning desire, probably unnamed, has been driving you forward? The connections along the way, the detours and dead-end streets, yet here you are, ready and waiting to blast into life. This is an interview with a remarkable woman, who has done the reflecting and connecting the dots and has blasted into her Life doing exactly what she wants and the empowerment she experiences. Her connection to her own soul, uncovered step-by-step, connects us to her authentic self. This is about a creative journey of singing, musicals, high fashion, art, advertising and numerology. And this is about a dynamic woman who is soulfully led to serve others, to extend her hand helping others reach their own life’s journey and blast them into why they are here in the first place. You don’t want to miss our guest, who is making a couple of very generous offers to our listeners, but you have to be listening to the show to be able to benefit and

  • Canine Connections

    14/10/2021 Duración: 54min

    “This individual, this someone called Nanabush was the one that named the things as he travelled. There are many legends talking about the trees and shrubs and the places where these things would grow. The creator was the provider for everything that was growing on the land………. This legend does not end, only the people will forget what the legend is.” From interview with elder Abogooshish and elder translators of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake done in 2018 In the 17th century, European explorers and traders discovered Algonquins as a well-established society that controlled the Ottawa River. In fact, “If other people wanted to use the river, we have historical reports where Algonquin people used to charge a toll at Morrison Island for other people to use our territory. There was a vast trade network in this area for many thousands of years, a trade network between our nations. We had an economy long before the arrival of the Europeans. Algonquin Anishinaabe emerge from a rich historical legacy deep within th

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