Things Worth Considering



This is a show about connections. Connections to your self, your spirit, your feelings and your story. We know one of the most powerful healing tools we have is our connections. Explore connecting to your intuition and those aha moments. Discover how we get in our own way and how we can overcome obstacles to move on. We will discover that how we think, what we believe, and our attitude defines how we experience our life. Fascinating is the idea that we shape our reality to what we believe it should be, in our minds. Connection to our families, our aging family members and becoming caregivers, not caretakers.Reality of our self aging, not into senior citizens but embracing the archetypal Elder, the Wise One. Living the Spiritual idea of being of service but not feeling like someones servant. Moving forward, with our guests, we will connect to each other embracing the mysteries of life as we explore the many roads of the human journey and those will be things worth considering.


  • There by the Grace.

    07/10/2021 Duración: 55min

    As Canada prepares for another Thanksgiving Day celebration, and good old Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc world-wide, again Public Health is telling us it is best to curtail large family gatherings in our homes, for the second year in a row. Unless we live together in the same residence, of course. While Thanksgiving has always been one of the must attend annual family gatherings, the pandemic has given some people reprieve from the must attend annual dinner and weekend and are discovering alternate ways to observe Thanksgiving. Since it was a must attend for most families, whether we wanted to or not, we showed up and watched ourselves regress into the same family dynamics we were ensconced in at age 15. This episode looks at ways to shift the dramas played out in families at holiday time. We will also, finally shed some light on the age old question, why is Canadian Thanksgiving almost 7 weeks ahead of American Thanksgiving? Tying into Thanksgiving, what does it mean to be grateful. The research tells u

  • Soul Rhythms

    30/09/2021 Duración: 54min

    Rhythm. That singular word says so much and has so many meanings. The rhythm of Life, of the beating Heart, the rhythm of Nature and of the Cosmos. The rhythm in musical compositions, the songs we all know. The one that gets the feet to tap and the hands to clap. We all have our own rhythm and when we lose that rhythm, we lose our connection to our self and then to others. Drumming is an almost magical way to bring ourselves back to re-establishing our rhythm. A group in a drumming circle captures the participants and the onlookers as the improvisational rhythm builds in the circle, each drummer contributing to their own rhythm and then something magical happens, this improvisational group, each drumming away, fall into a synchronized rhythm. The entire group of drummers are all match up into a group rhythm that is mesmerizing to observe and even more profound for the drummers. Drumming is used as a casual improvisational get together, through into therapeutic sessions and in corporate coaching and team build

  • Loneliness – the Other Pandemic

    23/09/2021 Duración: 55min

    At no time in the history of Humanity have we been more connected. Just over a hundred years ago, the telephone was invented. It was in 1927, the first transatlantic overseas call was made. Now, we can call anywhere in world but that’s old technology. Today we can call, text, video call, zoom conference with multiple people (as in hundreds) all at the same time. The click of a button and we are talking and seeing anyone from anywhere on our planet. In spite of these technological achievements, loneliness has reached epic proportions worldwide. Alone and lonely are very different things, one, alone, is a choice and can be glorious. Loneliness, however, is a perceptual feeling that experiences a lack of connections, or more specifically, quality relationships. The rise of loneliness was well researched long before Covid-19 debuted, which has only exacerbated our loneliness through isolation and physical distance. It has reached such levels that the UK. in 2017, appointed an elected member of parliament to b

  • Absolutely, I'm Possible

    16/09/2021 Duración: 54min

    Every human has a story, we also all have a narrative we tell ourselves and others. Few people take a hard look at that narrative, fewer yet, look at the meanings of those events that occur across our lifespan. Tonight's episode questions what outcomes we can expect to have if we take the time to go through with this kind of examination or are we constantly keeping our self in pain by always looking back and examining what has happened. Imagine a young girl diagnosed with epilepsy, eventually taking the maximum number of drugs to control her seizures Then, as a teenager diving into a shallow quarry and literally hitting rock bottom. In that moment of impact, her spirit leaves her body and she finds herself in front of spiritual judges asking if she was ready to stay in the non-physical or is there something that draws her to return to a broken body. She said, ‘No, I want to go back’. When she returns to her body, she discovers she is a quadriplegic. Thus, the journey begins with surgeries, a Halo brace and ne

  • White Water Woman

    02/09/2021 Duración: 54min

    This story starts on the Madawaska River, this river, as with many, flows out of Algonquin Park, wild in its natural state and after 240 km it joins the Ottawa River. Algonquin Park is the headwaters to many rivers as it is the highest point of land in Ontario. For 50 years now, this river and this forest have been our guest's home . The Algonquin and Anishinabek people have lived here for millennia. They now hold the responsibility to ensure it will continue to thrive for future generations. This watershed is their home, their work, their community and their playground. They teach how to work with the river, you cannot fight the currents, you need to work with it, learn how to place your boat to harness the energy for the water to do the work for you – it’s a gravity sport; thus equal for men & women, using the water - being one with the RIVER. The river is such a metaphor for life, we can learn to enter into the rapids and let the rapids and gravity move us along doing the work, or we just jump in

  • Spiritual Awakening – The Myths & The Realities

    26/08/2021 Duración: 54min

    Are we in a catch-22 with mental health and spiritual awakening? On the one hand we are finally seeing mental health moved out of the darkness and being recognized for its crucial role in our overall wellness but on the other hand, people talk of the Covid-19 pandemic as being a global spiritual awakening. Why is it a catch-22? Both mental disorders and spiritual awakening can share similar symptoms and experiences but if treated the wrong way can alter the outcome. A Spiritual Emergency and the Dark Night of the Soul may not always be part of spiritual awakening. Both however can include depression, dissociative experiences, feeling disconnected and psychosis. Experiences that many people may wish to go to a therapist for or it may be suggested that they go to their health care provider. If the health care provider prescribes medication, which given the conditions above would seem like a good choice, the spiritual emergency has now been moved to a psychiatric emergency. The medication will help alleviate th


    19/08/2021 Duración: 55min

    From ancient times to the present, mystics, scholars and authors have been pondering and writing about how we co-create our reality with the Universe. This episode explores the ins and outs of moving our self to reach our highest potential. In general, the closer you are to who you really are, your TRUE SELF, the better you feel. At the top of the spectrum you feel happiness, freedom, joy etc. At the other end you feel completely powerless depressed, unworthy, and afraid. Our beliefs, our emotions and our habits all work together to form our perception of the world. Neuroscience has taught us that there are so many possibilities to perceive differently from everyone around us. Those differences in perception are what allow us to think, and act from our own unique experience and it is the uniqueness of those possibilities that open the door for each person to bring to life their own creation from their own perception. This is the point of Magic! Join Pauline, Gord and Alexia on Things Worth Considering. Paulin

  • Moon Magic 101

    12/08/2021 Duración: 53min

    It is powerful enough to move the world’s oceans, creating waves not just by a few inches but by many feet. As humans are approximately 70 % water, how can we not be affected it by its phases? We are of course talking about the moon, La Bella Luna. Mythical, mystical, and majestic! Our guest will take us on a journey of discovery as we explore the power, the myths and the magic of the moon. Can working in tune with the moon change your life for the better? Can using lunar cycles be a tool as your “cosmic planner”? Are certain times or phases better to get the best results like when setting your intentions, or when to forgive and release. Join with our guest in this episode which is dedicated to La Bella Luna and see what’s possible for you in 2021!

  • Psychopomps: A Hand in the Dark

    05/08/2021 Duración: 54min

    Defined in ancient Greek as the “guides of souls”, psychopomps have traditionally bridged the physical and non-physical worlds. Stemming from a similar root, psychology can be defined as the “study of the soul”, serving to bridge conscious and unconscious awareness. In an age marked by increased anxiety, depression, addiction, mental illness, and suicide, there is no doubt we need a little help moving through these important moments of great transition. Throughout much of history, such escorts have been of great comfort to the dying and to the retrieval of lost souls. Today’s pressures have contributed to many people losing their way along their path. The Psychopomps today may not be just spiritual and archetypal entities but are our Psychotherapists, Spiritual counsellors, hospice workers, death doulas and shamans. Psychopomps are generally: adept at guiding others through transformative experiences including death. They are compassionate, nonjudgmental, and friendly and are arbiters of change for individ

  • Racism and Spirituality

    29/07/2021 Duración: 55min

    Racism, spirituality and the chakras; three things that you don't see together very often. Surprisingly, they can actually work together very well. Tonight, we will talk about the structures, language and phrases used to describe racism and how they tend to confuse, scare and sometimes create denial of racism. We will be talking about how racism actually affects everyone's chakra system and how spirituality can help us to become a conscious anti-racist. By understanding how spiritually, racism affects us all, not just BIPOC individuals, perhaps we too will be motivated to combat systemic racism. Our guest is well known for creating safe, non-judgmental spaces to allow for such discussions to happen while embracing openness and humour. Jennifer will be facilitating a workshop on Wednesday August 4, 2021, at 7 PM. An interactive session where you will have the opportunity to work in depth with the structures, language and phrases used in racism, working with the Chakras and our spirituality. Join us for Jenni

  • Conscious Soulful Relationships

    22/07/2021 Duración: 55min

    In our everyday life , we are constantly dealing with relationships. They can be romantic, with co-workers, family, friends, the cashier at the grocery store and most importantly the relationship that we have with our self. In most cases we allow old patterns, mainly unconscious ones, to dictate how we show up in these relationships. We will explore these patterns and what role we play in attracting the same type of people. We will look at the role that trust plays in our relationships. We will examine the different stages of relationships and will discover how we can make any and all relationships more conscious and soulful, Maria will be facilitating a workshop on Wednesday July 28, 2021, at 7 PM for an interactive session where you will learn and practice skills that will enhance your relationships. Register on-line Register for workshop:

  • Are You Intuitive?

    15/07/2021 Duración: 55min

    How Intuitive do you consider yourself? Do you wonder sometimes why the phone rings and it’s a friend who you were just thinking about? Do you realize that sometimes when you think of an idea, and act on it, your world improves tremendously! Do you think it is fate or could it be that we are getting help from loved ones who have passed on, guardian angels, and other Angelic messengers and spirits? How do we trust the information we may be receiving? Am I actually receiving information or is it my own thoughts – learning to discern the source of messages received. Open your self to live a richer and fuller life by exploring new possibilities . Find out what is your soul's purpose in life! We are all intuitive. Maybe all we have to do is train ourselves to listen and pay attention! We can all communicate with Spirit if we learn to listen. Karen and Dianne will be facilitating a workshop on Wednesday July 21, 2021, at 7 PM for an interactive session where you will learn and practice skills that will enhanc

  • Tapping In !!

    08/07/2021 Duración: 55min

    Its casual name is ‘Tapping’ and its formal name is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). In short, by Tapping on specific acupressure points a profoundly relaxing effect is produced and when you pair this with focusing your attention and exploring thoughts and beliefs, it can help shift anxiety, stress, fear, depression and limiting thought patterns. EFT is an evidence-based modality and is recognized by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario as such. Extensive research into EFT is proving it to be an important resource for shifting the psychological and physiological indicators of common mental health issues. As studies reported, anxiety levels decreased, so too did the levels of cortisol, a measurable stress hormone, in the participants. Blood Pressure, respiratory rates, heart rhythms and pulse all showed marked improvements. Of further interest, a definitive diagnosis of a pathology is not necessary in order for the benefits of EFT to become measurable and the perceived relief by the particip

  • Worth Shaking For

    01/07/2021 Duración: 55min

    Have you ever wondered why people shake or develop tremors after a traumatic event? Whether we are involved in say, an accident or we observe a bad accident we will possibly develop the shakes. Even receiving bad news over the phone or in an email can have the same effect. In other words we don’t have to see it, or physically experience it because even hearing traumatic news can activate this mechanism. Trauma researchers have identified that shaking is our bodies natural way of assisting us to get through the trauma by calming and quieting our nervous system and our brain. By keeping everything moving in such a way that we can get back to what our baseline or our normal is. However the benefit of shaking is often interrupted or cutoff from finishing its task. The trauma then becomes stored in our bodies and can cause problems later on. Dr. David Berceli, developed techniques to work with our natural vibrations, it is called TRE®. It can release emotions ranging from mild upset to severe anxiety whether c

  • Our Right to Love

    24/06/2021 Duración: 55min

    This weekend brings to a close Pride Week in the major North American cities. It is both a celebration of rights attained, and a political event of rights denied for the 2SLGBTQI+ communities. Regardless of how you may personally identify for both gender and orientation, Pride can serve to help us take a look at the repression of sexuality and gender expression by our societies. The male and female stereotypes with their associated character traits become moulds which people try to fit themselves into, even when they just don’t fit. The repression of such basic human elements as gender identification and who we are allowed to love leads to untold suffering, mental anguish and can lead to mental disorders. Whether you are hetero-normative, gay, cis-binary, non-binary or just confused, we want to encourage everyone to follow their own heart in a healthy and self-affirming way. We want Pride to remind everyone that who we are at our most fundamental core, deserves to be expressed and celebrated and those who wo

  • 7 Rays of Power

    17/06/2021 Duración: 54min

    Are you aware that some of the world’s oldest religions, from Hinduism and Buddhism to the esoteric Mystery schools, inform much of what we can call 21st century Spirituality? Brought to awareness originally by Madame Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy and later by the extensive writings of Alice A. Bailey, the Seven Rays are the fundamental energies that organize and maintain all that exists on the planet. Given this concept, all things are comprised of the Seven Rays, which give way to sub-rays, since each ray is also comprised of the full 7 Rays. We see that magical 7 manifested in many ways, 7 musical notes in a scale, 7 days of the week, 7 colours in the visible spectrum (including the rainbow), and the seven major chakras. Theses energies can be seen as stemming from Universal White Light and represent different characteristics and qualities of the Divine or Source. As universal energies, the Rays, are available to us all and by understanding them can help us understand ourselves and the world as a w

  • Spirit Chaser

    10/06/2021 Duración: 55min

    Have you experienced what is sometimes called, a spiritual visitation - the perception that something or someone is attempting to communicate with you from beyond the normal physical world? There are those who claim to have seen apparitions of an otherworldly nature, while others have perceived clear and distinct voices that seem to come from nowhere in particular. While such encounters in waking life can be perplexing enough, these can also powerfully arise within dream states, particularly among those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. How do we make sense of such experiences? Might a spiritual visitation have truly occurred? And how do our beliefs about such things colour our interpretation of the event? On this Episode, we will look at the more common experiences qualified as spiritual visitations”-from the visible apparition to those who hear voices; from dreams playing host to visitors from beyond the grave to deathbed encounters with otherworldly beings. While meandering through the mysterious

  • Self-Sabotage

    03/06/2021 Duración: 55min

    Have you ever found yourself getting close to a goal, they called you in for the interview and with anticipation increasing, you realize you forget to submit a required document? The job went to someone else. Or you are out on a date, it has been a while and you gradually have steered the conversation to your talking most of the evening about your ex-partner and your break-up. You wanted to explain your side of the story and that you are a good guy. Your date very politely at the end of the date asks that you not contact them anymore. You knew as your story was tripping out of your mouth that this is not something to do on a first date or any date actually. Both of these examples show someone self-sabotaging. What they want for the future is hijacked by behaviours that obstruct their movement towards their goals. Many times it is subconscious. Every time something good is taking off for you or you are about to finalize a project, you blow it up. Why do we do this? Not just once but consistently. Join us as

  • Influence of Planetary Energies

    27/05/2021 Duración: 55min

    We have been talking about the changes people have made while in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Changing jobs, leaving the city and moving to the small towns and rural areas. Work from home has opened up a lot of eyes to the possibilities of life changes that may be possible. This episode we are talking to someone who decided to use the lock down time and pursue a passion of hers and move towards turning her studies into a career. The time gave her the freedom to study via workshops, a well known practitioner and the very circumstances we are all living through provided the lived experience of feeling and seeing what the planets are showing us we are experiencing. Learning to read the energy that is shown in astrological charts can teach us where we have been, where we are and where we are going to. We look forward to perhaps being given some insight as to where are we going from here?

  • Looking for a New Normal! Part 2

    20/05/2021 Duración: 51min

    As we approach the eventual stabilization of the Covid-19 Pandemic, we dare not say the end, we all are being presented with possibilities that many, if not most people, may not be considering. For the majority, we have, perhaps this only one-time in our lifetime opportunity to completely change our life. For many, if they had a job or were able to stay employed during the pandemic, off-site at home office became the norm. Is this your new normal? Experts are predicting that when the restrictions to movement and being indoors ends, there will be a large number of resignations, especially those who don’t want to return to an in-office situation. Or those who have come to realize they really don’t like their jobs or chosen professions. We wonder if we had done a survey prior to the pandemic, and this survey listed all the things that were constants in your life and all the things you say you miss in your life while under these stay-at-home orders, how many of the items on your list do you even like? In our ru

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