Amazing Fba



No BS, Just Solutions


  • Shipping to Germany from UK for Non-European Sellers with Jacob McQuoid of Avask

    22/08/2022 Duración: 26min

    Germany is still Amazon's second biggest marketplace by value in the world, beating the UK and Japan. It's a great opportunity for many sellers to sell there. However... UK, American, Australian Amazon Sellers - or any other non-European sellers - struggle to export to the EU. Whether it's VAT, customs or other red tape, it's often confusing and frustrating.   For UK sellers, Brexit has been a brutal experience. From being able to sell effortlessly, we’ve had to learn to jump through ever-changing hoops.  Step forward Avask. Used by several 10K Collective mastermind members, they are tried and trusted experts in solving these problems - and getting us access to those lucrative European markets!  What You'll Learn The benefits of considering shipping to non-European sellers The common misconceptions of of shipping How to approach European markets Start with UK and Expand to other places, why is it the best option You need someone for customs to clear shipping Get In Touch  More info about e

  • 5 Steps To Your Next 5K Instagram Followers

    19/08/2022 Duración: 30min

    Instagram is incredibly hot! I’m honored to have written Instagram Power with McGraw Hill in 2014. Until then, we’ve written a little ebook for you – just as a starter tool. Simply follow us on Facebook Messenger and it’s all yours! Resources : Download the Ebook Here!

  • How to Work with Ecommerce Bookkeeping Services with Nathan Hirsch of EcomBalance

    17/08/2022 Duración: 14min

    Bookkeepers and entrepreneurs sometimes feel like they speak separate languages! And many e-commerce sellers are not very familiar with hiring experts. So there are a few errors of communication it’s critical to watch out for as an eCommerce operator when hiring and communicating with a book-keeper   Muddling up personal and business banking, not telling bookkeepers critical information; assuming bookkeepers know everything - these are some of the ways entrepreneurs shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to communicating with bookkeepers!  But there are a few simple rules of thumb that Nathan and his team have developed to get much smoother communication!   About Nathan Nathan Hirsch is a lifelong entrepreneur and currently the CEO of EcomBalance and Outsource School. Nathan is best known for co-founding in 2015 with an initial $5,000 investment, scaling it to $12 million in yearly revenue, and having it acquired in 2019. Today, he leads EcomBalance, an online bookkeeping service for eCommer

  • E-commerce Bookkeeping Mistakes with Nathan Hirsch of EcomBalance

    15/08/2022 Duración: 23min

    There's a saying "it's not the things you don't know that hurt you;  it's the things you think you do know and are wrong! Bookkeeping is one of the areas in which I see e-commerce sellers messing up the most in my client work. Many people simply ignore the numbers, which is a bit frightening. Other people, however, I think they're doing things the right way but they are in fact not!  And that is possibly the most dangerous of all. Join Nathan Hirsch of ecombalance to find those errors and how to work with a book-keeper to correct them!   About Nathan Nathan Hirsch is a lifelong entrepreneur and currently the CEO of EcomBalance and Outsource School. Nathan is best known for co-founding in 2015 with an initial $5,000 investment, scaling it to $12 million in yearly revenue, and having it acquired in 2019. Today, he leads EcomBalance, an online bookkeeping service for eCommerce and digital businesses, and Outsource School, a membership teaching business owners how to hire effectively online. Nathan h

  • Using Shiny Object Syndrome To Your Advantage

    12/08/2022 Duración: 21min

    In this week’s video Kyle and I discuss Shiny Object Syndrome. Why it happens, but also when and how to use it to your advantage to grow your business! Of course we also share tips for how to avoid it when it’s hurting you.

  • How to Ship to Amazon Germany From UK with Andy Hooper

    10/08/2022 Duración: 24min

    Many of my big seller friends in the UK made millions of pounds and Euros before Brexit. Same is true for the 7-figure clients in my mastermind. But after Brexit, many went from €1 million or more a year in Europe to a handful of Euros. It's been a painful road back for some of us. So is selling into Amazon Europe still viable? And if most of your stock is in the UK to start with, how do we cross the EU barrier? There seem to be so many issues. Between VAT registration, "indirect representatives", and customs declarations, it can seem very intimidating. Add in the vagaries of the German and French governments and it can feel like it's not worthwhile. There are two reasons to rethink this position. Let's look at the opportunity first. Firstly, the size of the opportunity is bigger than ever. The pandemic boosted sales in Germany as it did in all Amazon marketplace. Relative to other marketplaces, Germany is the 2nd biggest in the world. Relative to its own size 2 or 3 years ago, it's huge. Either way, it'

  • How to Sell on Amazon Europe with Andy Hooper

    08/08/2022 Duración: 23min

    Selling in Europe has been a goal for many Amazon sellers. Whether you're based in UK or USA it's always a siren call. But is it worth the hassle? Many of my big seller friends in the UK made millions of pounds and Euros before Brexit. Same is true for the 7-figure clients in my mastermind. But about post Brexit? Is it still viable? There seem to be so many issues. Between VAT registration, "indirect representatives", and customs declarations, it can seem very intimidating. Add in the vagaries of the German government and it can feel like it's not worthwhile. If that's how you feel, it's worth thinking again. For starters, Amazon Germany and Amazon UK together account for well over 2/3 of all European Amazon sales. And with German sales being even bigger than UK ones, they are problems worth solving. Particularly as you're not the only seller facing these problems. And on the other side of barriers to entry are: less competitive markets! We talk to the specialist in solving these issues, Andy Hooper of

  • Running A Membership Program On Shopify

    05/08/2022 Duración: 18min

    In this video we discuss how you can set up and run a membership program on a Shopify website. We share details about our program and explain the benefits of the model.

  • Off-Amazon PPC and Amazon Attribution with Hai Mag of Eva

    03/08/2022 Duración: 14min

    Today we will continue with Off-Amazon PPC and Amazon Attribution with Hai Mag and it's marketing value to your business.  Amazon Advertising is a mixed blessing at the best of times. On the one hand - pull the lever and the traffic comes (most of the time anyway!). On the other - not only does it cost a good % of your revenue - but the price keeps going up for ads! Now add in a recession - and what should we be doing to grow our Amazon PL businesses? To discuss this and more, Hai Mag from Eva joins us. With many large PL clients using their service to manage Amazon PPC, they have the inside track on the data! What You’ll Learn Find out how to increase your profits from 5% to 20%! How to maximize your profit from pricing. Discover the things that improve profit, such as using reimbursements Resources Get Your Reimbursement Repricing and Stock Management Free PPC Audit + Account Audit + Market Share Analysis

  • PPC Optimization for Amazon in the Slowdown with Hai Mag of Eva

    01/08/2022 Duración: 30min

    Amazon Advertising is a mixed blessing at the best of times. On the one hand - pull the lever and the traffic comes (most of the time anyway!). On the other - not only does it cost a good % of your revenue - but the price keeps going up for ads! Now add in a recession - and what should we be doing to grow our Amazon PL businesses? To discuss this and more, Hai Mag from Eva joins us. With many large PL clients using their service to manage Amazon PPC, they have the inside track on the data! What You’ll Learn Understanding a recession and how to leverage it to your advantage! What you should do is build a data-driven strategy with your partners, Hai's two cents on increasing your business The Small and Big Data how does this affect your business? How to find holistic target competitors. What to do with the boutique agencies? Resources Get Your Reimbursement Repricing and Stock Management Free PPC Audit + Account Audit + Market Share Analysis

  • Defend against a Downturn in eCommerce

    30/07/2022 Duración: 17min

    Running an e-commerce business in an economic downturn can present intense challenges. Some businesses will thrive & grow. Others will struggle. Of course, we all want to survive. And if possible, thrive. That means we have to prepare ourselves to defend against a downturn. To defend against a downturn, we must first all determine if we are yet in one. So first of all, we must figure out where we are at in an economic cycle. That's actually extremely hard to a degree. And a personal judgement call. Nonetheless, one we have to make. Next, we need to be prepared in advance. Trying to sort this out on the fly is a bad plan for several reasons. One is that we won't be able to handle the workload and stress. The second is that our competitors will be after the same resources at the same time. We need to think through a downturn optimal product strategy (physical vs digital). We also need to have a downturn optimal pricing strategy. These are some of the many thoughts we explored in today's discussion. In this

  • Business Buying Loans in eCommerce - How to Massively Increase The Size of Business You Can Acquire! with Stephen Speer of

    25/07/2022 Duración: 14min

    Business loan for ecommerce is the main topic for this episode and Stephen will share his insights and help you increase the size of the business you can possible acquire! Debt. The word has so many negative connotations and yet - used wisely - it can be a key to making the operations of your ecom business work. But debt can also to fund the acquisition of a business - or enable your business to be sold using debt. Why would you even consider doing this? And What is the difference between financing for exit vs for operations? Today's expert guest, Stephen Speer,  answers this and more. Stephen  is a 28-year veteran of funding and  His lending career spans over 28 years. His company, eCommerce Lending Inc, has funded over $300 million in online business acquisition loans. What You’ll Learn How to use the “Plug and play angle” that would benefit you from your competition! Stephen shares his thoughts on how he does his deals and how it benefited him (This section has some details you might want to look

  • 10 Amazon Selling Hacks Part 2 (Amazon Selling Strategy, How to Sell Successfully on Amazon)

    23/07/2022 Duración: 30min

    This week we mix it up and share a special list Michael’s prepared after interviewing over 500 Amazon sellers. It’s a list of 10 powerful business concepts from top Amazon experts. So join us as we share the best of the best. What you’ll learn 10 powerful business concepts from over 500 episodes of the amazingfba podcast. Links to Amazing FBA Podcast interviews mentioned The Amazon Jungle with Rick Cesari and Jason Boyce PL cf Wholesale sourcing with Dylan Frost of The Wholesale Formula How to choose products for amazon private label with Kevin king Stephen Somers on Product Research for Amazon (from Marketplace Superheroes) Inventory management ecommerce with Marvin Harris of Ovalz Amazon Fulfilment Problems (and solutions) with Will Tjernlund of Goat Consulting Daisi Jo Pollard Sepulveda on models in product photography Ecommerce Business Processes with Dillon Carter of Vendrive CRM e commerce trends 2021 with Dylan Frost of The Wholesale Formula Some of the resources on this page ma

  • Amazon inventory management

    22/07/2022 Duración: 47min

    Amazon inventory management doesn’t sound very sexy. Sadly, it’s not just necessary. It's critical. The great news is this: get this right and you can improve everything you care about as an entrepreneur. It can actually transform your business. Especially its cash flow and profitability. If those aren't sexy words to you yet, they should be! Cash flow keeps you in business. And profit enables you not only to pay yourself. It creates 100% of the value in your business! Why it's important to get right Amazon inventory management right All systems selling products need to manage inventory well. Certainly, that's especially true for physical products. The sheer sales velocity on Amazon makes inventory management particularly critical on Amazon. It's a classic case of balance sheet management. You can make the same sales with lower working capital. That's less money invested. You can have stronger cashflow. Meaning it's safer. In addition, you can also make more sales. A LOT more sales. AND more profits! The

  • Exit Financing For e-Commerce Owners - How To Massively Increase the Buyer Pool with Stephen Speer of

    18/07/2022 Duración: 26min

    Debt. The word has so many negative connotations and yet - used wisely - it can be a key to making the operations of your ecommerce business work. But exit financing for ecommerce - aka using debt to sell your business - is a great way to sell your business for more money! But debt can also to fund the acquisition of a business - or enable your business to be sold using debt. Why would you even consider doing this? And What is the difference between financing for exit vs for operations? Today's expert guest, Stephen Speer,  answers this and more. He specialises in exit financing for ecommerce businesses.  Stephen  is a 28-year veteran of funding and his lending career spans over 28 years. His company, eCommerce Lending Inc, has funded over $300 million in online business acquisition loans. What You’ll Learn The definition of exit financing for e-commerce and its value to you The difference between financing for exit vs for operations understanding this can make or break your business! Add value to

  • 10 Amazon Selling Hacks Part 1 (Amazon Selling Strategy, How to Sell Successfully on Amazon)

    16/07/2022 Duración: 51min

    This week we mix it up and share a special list Michael’s prepared after interviewing over 500 Amazon sellers. It’s a list of 10 powerful business concepts from top Amazon experts. So join us as we share the best of the best. What you’ll learn 10 powerful business concepts from over 500 episodes of the amazingfba podcast. Links to Amazing FBA Podcast interviews mentioned The Amazon Jungle with Rick Cesari and Jason Boyce PL cf Wholesale sourcing with Dylan Frost of The Wholesale Formula How to choose products for amazon private label with Kevin king Stephen Somers on Product Research for Amazon (from Marketplace Superheroes) Inventory management ecommerce with Marvin Harris of Ovalz Amazon Fulfilment Problems (and solutions) with Will Tjernlund of Goat Consulting Daisi Jo Pollard Sepulveda on models in product photography Ecommerce Business Processes with Dillon Carter of Vendrive CRM e commerce trends 2021 with Dylan Frost of The Wholesale Formula Some of the resources on this page ma

  • Amazon Repricing

    15/07/2022 Duración: 16min

    Amazon repricing is the act of changing the sales prices of Amazon products multiple times. A common aim is to maximise the profit made over a given period. And that's what this series is all about: maximising your profits on Amazon. Amazon repricing - why this matters Most sellers - the vast majority in my experience - have rigid Amazon pricing. Here are some knock-on effects: Effects of Pricing too low on Amazon 1. You'll run out of stock more quickly...Usually of your best-selling products! 2. Weeks (months?)of zero cashflow and Zero profit while out of stock. 3. leaving profit on the table 4. no presence on Amazon while out of stock 5. Handing market share and sales to competitors 6. it can be hard to rank again when back in stock Effects of pricing too high on Amazon 1. Low sales velocity - which ties up a ton of cash. 2. Lower ranking, which can be hard to regain. Which in turn leads to lower visibility...and lower sales 3. You can lose the buy box – and sales - to your competition! (and YES

  • What To Do After Selling Your Business with Ben Leonard of Ecom Brokers

    11/07/2022 Duración: 18min

    So many Amazon business owners these days are very focused on selling the business. And rightly so. With values of over $1 Million for a business that could be just 3-4 years old, and with 60%+ of ALL the money you EVER make from your business coming at exit, it makes total sense! But what happens if you're successful? Like the dog that caught the car, you need to know what to do if you actually achieve the dream? What do people actually do with their lives and money? Well, Ben Leonard sold a private label Amazon-focused business for 7 figures within just 3 years of starting. He shares with us some of his experiences of life after Exit. What You’ll Learn What Ben did after selling his business - inspired by the book “Hero on a Mission” by Donald Miller How the book influenced Ben to exit and sell his business. After the exit sell, Ben invested on other ventures with his money. The importance of talking with an expert when selling your business. Freebies Get your free consultation with Ben Leon

  • Rebranding A Shopify Site

    08/07/2022 Duración: 21min

    In this week’s video Kyle and I behind the scenes as we discuss a rebranding project we did for our Shopify project, We describe the project, how we got it built in less than two weeks, how we migrated it over to the new name and URL and the WHY behind the site structure and style.

  • Amazon pricing strategy

    06/07/2022 Duración: 32min

    "In the mundane act of naming a price, we translate the desires of our hearts into the public language of numbers. That turns out to be a surprisingly tricky process." William Poundstone   Why Pricing Strategy Matters in e-commerce So let's talk about this. First of all, why does this even matter? More than ever, e-commerce entrepreneurs have had crazy rises in costs. Whether it's shipping or raw material costs, they have shot up. Amazon ads costs have also gone up across the board. At least 50% year-on-year increase in Amazon ad costs.   Focussing on Amazon pricing and how it drives profits, the maths is pretty simple. Let's come back to more mundane math that we can all grasp, but overlook, which is this:   If you have a $20 product, which has say a 20% profit margin, that means if you're good at math, you are making $4 in profits.   Let's say you increase the price by 10%. Let's say also you can maintain that price and keep your other costs the same.   Well, guess what? Your profit has increased f

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