Late Night Health



Award-winning host and producer Mark Alyn encourages people to take charge of their healthcare! Mark is a veteran host and healthcare consumer. New shows downloaded every weekend!


  • LNH Parkinson's Foundation 4 4 23

    08/04/2023 Duración: 08min

    Parkinson’s Disease (PD) affects nearly one million people in the U.S., and more than 90,000 are newly diagnosed each year – a 50% increase from previous estimates of 60,000 diagnoses per year. There is no “one way” to diagnose PD, making it difficult to recognize. Some early signs of PD can include a tremor, small handwriting, loss of smell, trouble sleeping or walking, a soft or low voice, stooping or hunching over, as well as non-motor symptoms like depression and anxiety. No two people experience PD the same way.John L. Lehr, President, and CEO of the Parkinson’s Foundation, and Vikas Chinnan, a person living with Young-Onset Parkinson’s disease (YOPD) visits with Late Night Health. We discuss how to recognize the disease and share information about resources available to help the PD community. The Parkinson’s Foundation is a trusted ally for information at every stage of PD, offering life-changing support to people living with the disease and their care partners. For more information, visit

  • Releasing Patterns That No Longer Serve You Well

    26/03/2023 Duración: 22min

    There is a wealth of potential trapped within our hidden and unresolved places of pain. Yet, without conscious participation, we can become stuck in a cycle of repetitive patterns that leave us feeling like an imposter in our own lives. In Expired Mindsets, Charryse Johnson gives people both the courage and the keys to understanding the root of their patterns. She provides an introspective mind-body approach that demonstrates how to shift into a higher place of peace and potential. This book has a gentle yet poignant way of compelling you to own your story and to stop blaming yourself for the choices you made as you sought to survive. Johnson is boldly creating a new lane between the intersection of mental health, inclusivity, and a growth mindset. In this body of work, she is unapologetically challenging the rigidity and stigma that reduces human struggle to a sequence of self-help steps. As you read this book, you’ll create a framework that allows you to investigate the diversity of your experiences throu

  • Get a Good Nights Sleep

    20/03/2023 Duración: 10min

    Just in time for National Sleep Awareness Week, World Sleep Day, and the change to Daylight Saving Time (March 12), Carlos M. Nunez, M.D., visits with Mark Allyn on Late Night Health. Dr. Nunez talks about the importance of quality sleep on mental and physical health, including why the American Heart Association recently added sleep as a metric for cardiovascular health. Learn what’s keeping people up at night, what symptoms of sleep deprivation 4 in 5 people say they have – despite most people saying they’re happy with their sleep, and what a “sleep-sumer” is. Feeling bad the next day after a full night’s sleep is also an indicator of a sleep disorder like insomnia – or sleep apnea, which an estimated 54 million Americans have. The lack of deep sleep can cause significant fatigue and elevate the risk for serious health problems and alarmingly, most people with sleep apnea are unaware they have it. Dr. Nunez can discuss how to easily identify whether a person might have a sleep disorder along with remedies to

  • Remove The Friction From Your Life

    07/03/2023 Duración: 24min

    In THE FRICTION FACTOR: The Busy Person’s Guide to Sustainable Diet and Exercise, Tyler Martin provides a philosophy and framework for fitness that fits into even the most hectic life—and can be followed for a lifetime. A former competitive wrestler and coach, Martin realized that staying fit would be a significant challenge after he retired from athletics and embarked on a demanding career in marketing and business. In 2010, he began the serious endeavor of trying to select and implement the most effective and sustainable fitness practices. Tyler visists with Mark Alyn on this editon of Late Night Health.

  • Identifying the Elephant in the Room: Sexism

    07/03/2023 Duración: 25min

    Harper Hall, Global Flavor Applications and Technical Service Lead at Ingredion, supports Ingredion’s DEI initiatives such as self-ID, access and policy creation. In addition to volunteering with Informa’s JEDI Content Creation Advisory Council and Naturally Proud Network’s board of directors, Harper assists Garden State Equality, New Jersey’s largest LGBTQ+ advocacy organization. Harper holds a bachelor of professional studies in baking and pastry arts management from The Culinary Institute of America and a bachelor of science in Culinology® from Southwest Minnesota State University. visits with Mark on this edition of Late Night Health.

  • Reduce Stress With Unique Stimulus Spa Treatments

    28/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    Nestled along the beautifully restored LA River in the Elysian Valley sits LA’s newest center of health and wellness Quantum Clinic, providing spa treatment for your DNA through a pioneering a model of preventative health. Recently named one of LA’s Best Spas by Spa and Beauty Today, Quantum’s treatments empower clients to engage the quantum field and activate their deepest potential for bioregenesis through stress reduction and relaxation.“All of our services operate in a paradigm called healing through coherence, which is when all the electromagnetic fields in your body operate in harmony with one another and facilitate deep states of relaxation and transcendence,” states Quantum Clinic’s co-founder, Dr. Katelyn Lehman, Ph.D. “Our clients love that we combine elements of biofeedback training in heart-brain coherence and frequency therapy as a core part of all our service offerings. And people consistently say that they’ve never quite experienced anything like our service or facility before.”Dr. Lehman joins

  • The Elephant in the Room: A Look At Sexism

    28/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    Should we be using “locker-room talk” as a blanket term for inappropriate conversations that men have about women or does this term create an unwarranted negative depiction of the behavior of men behind closed doors? Register to join the conversation: Amy Summers from Pitch Publicity joins Mark Alyn as we talk about sexism in the workplace.

  • A Listen At Hearing Issues

    26/02/2023 Duración: 05min

    According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, nearly one in five Americans experience some form of hearing loss, and about 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from using hearing aids. Worldwide, the World Health Organization warns that by 2030, nearly 630 million people will be living with some degree of hearing loss. Yet many still wait to seek treatment for this common health problem. Despite the fact that hearing loss is an issue facing millions of people, wearing hearing devices is still taboo. While wearing glasses for your vision is now “cool” and even fashionable, many people feel embarrassed or ashamed to wear assisted hearing devices and delay seeking treatment. In fact, according to the Hearing Loss Association of America, people with hearing loss wait an average of seven years before visiting a hearing specialist. Martin Grieder, Group Vice President at Sonova Consumer Hearing/Sennheiser, talks with Mark Alyn about the latest data on hearing loss and addreses the shame some feel wh

  • Have An Amazing Sex Life

    20/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    Nika Cherrelle is the owner of The House of Cherrelle, The House of Cherrelle is a social enterprise that increases diversity in conversations on health and sexuality. Its mission is “to inspire and empower everyone to enjoy their sexuality, creating a world where all people feel loved, honored and respected.” The host of The “It” Cast: Real Talk on Sex podcast since 2016, and a personal empowerment coach specializing in health and sexuality, Nika joins Late Night Health host Mark Alyn to discuss all of the above and more. As part of the Polk Institute’s second cohort, their product, the Nikita, can be viewed at Trigger Happy Toy’s products were inspired by some of Nika’s fine art and carpal tunnel. Nika shares her story with with Mark Alyn.

  • Plants To Make You Healthy

    20/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    Plantiva has developed effect-targeted herbal remedies for immune function, allergy season, digestion, and athletic performance and recovery that have shown in placebo-controlled studies to offer fast acting and perceptible benefits that no other natural products have shown to provide. Plantiva not only provides best in class health solutions but has also spent years traveling the globe searching out the best growers for the plants used in their products. Plantiva controls all aspects of their supply chain from farm to finished product so that optimal quality is assured in every bottle. Stephen Morrissey OMD visits with mark Alyn on this episode.

  • Intuitive Energy Management

    19/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    MarBeth Dunn is an Intuitive Energy Management Maven who helps highly sensitive professional women to create personal and economic miracles. A spiritual teacher for over 30 years, MarBeth uses her intuitive abilities to accurately pinpoint the hidden issues holding you back from your greatest successes. Her proprietary Miracle Activation Technology© System is an integrative approach to activate Your Miracle Power breakthroughs to greater confidence, alignment, financial success, emotional freedom, peace of mind, and more harmonious relationships. Mrbeth joins Mark Alyn for an uplifting conversation.

  • Live to 110 and Beyond

    18/02/2023 Duración: 23min

    L-Nutra L-Nutra is the first nutra-tech company to focus on providing people the knowledge and products to live to 110 and beyond. A culmination of 25 years of research at the University of Southern California (USC) and 12 other partner universities, L-Nutra is pioneering Nutri-technologies that mimic and enhance the effects of fasting to unleash the body’s natural ability to fuel and rejuvenate itself. L-Nutra’s team of researchers and collaborators are leaders in the field of nutrition related to longevity and healthspan. Dr. Joseph Antoun, CEO of L-Nutra visits with Mark Alyn.

  • Remembering Qualities of Your Soul

    18/02/2023 Duración: 23min

    People in the medical profession were astounded at how quickly Paul L. Hannah M.D. was able to diagnose and heal his patients’ illnesses and problems. It’s because he had something they didn’t—an ability to see the blocked energy that was causing the issue! Plus, he had a way of treating people that showed his high regard for them as human beings. Years later, he has made the full transition from DO NO HARM to HEAL WITH LOVE… moving beyond the creed of allopathic medicine to the medicine of the quantum era to help folks heal, overcome, grow and connect with their essence. Today, although he still helps people resolve their physical problems, it is from the point of healing their souls. His new book, Remembering Qualities of Your Soul: Joyfully Living Your Godself is giving people the tools to transform their lives—on all energetic levels -- spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. Dr. Hannah visits with Mark Alyn.

  • A Girl And Her Backpack

    18/02/2023 Duración: 24min

    With an excerpt from it recently named as a finalist for The Lascaux Prize, As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back is “A Girl And Her Backpack” story—except that this girl, Carlie, she’s not just traveling. Carlie steals ten thousand dollars from her parents to get as far from them as possible. She flees to Asia. The Lonely Planet path of hook-ups, heat, alcohol, and drugs takes on a terrifying reality for the teenaged survivor. Alle visits with Mark Alyn on this episode of Late Night Health.

  • Gray Love

    18/02/2023 Duración: 24min

    One hundred years ago, the average life expectancy in the US was around 47 years of age. In 2022, even in the aftermath of a devastating pandemic, the average life expectancy has nearly doubled, with the numbers now hovering around 80 years old. Older Americans now have many more decades of time to fill, which makes the question of how they spend their later years – and who they spend them with – more relevant than ever. GRAY LOVE: Stories About Dating and New Relationships After 60, edited by Nan Bauer-Maglin and Daniel E. Hood, takes readers inside the romantic relationships being sought and formed by older Americans, in all their varied forms. Nan Bauer-Maglin joins more for an enlightening conversation.

  • ClearMind Medicine

    18/02/2023 Duración: 24min

    Mark Hayden has provided public education on drugs and drug policy for over 30 years. Mark works with the Health Officers Council of British Columbia on their position papers on the issue of a regulated market for all currently illegal drugs. Has presented in conferences and training events in many countries. Awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for drug policy reform work in 2013. Mark is the Director of Clinical Research for Psygen. Mark visits with Mark alyn to talk about how psychedelic can help combat addiction issues.

  • Art To Heal The World

    18/02/2023 Duración: 23min

    Before Nita Patel applies a single brushstroke to her paintings, she takes a moment to sit with the canvas and pay close attention to its energetic qualities. She then marks the surface with an infinity symbol, or lemniscate, in an effort to imbue the surface with infinite possibilities for creation and reception. Aesthetically Patel’s work shares similarities to the mid 20th century North American movement of Abstract Expressionism.She offers a dynamic contemporary revision of this style that draws from the glistening jewel-toned color palette of our post-digital “lossless” world. Her non-differential treatment of the two-dimensional surface moves with spontaneous gestural brushstrokes and rich, optimistic pigments. Yet, to see Patel’s artwork as simply an extension of this earlier art historical canon would be a mistake. Her paintings must be situated within the performative power of the artist’s broader social influence as an entrepreneur, author and success coach who provides public education on self-empo

  • To See God

    18/02/2023 Duración: 23min

    In today’s world, wars and controversies surrounding religion are becoming more common. What effect does this have on believers who happen to be a part of a multi-religion family? Bruce J. Berger, a Professor of Creative Writing at American University and a former trial attorney, will join us today to talk about his new book, TO SEE GOD, which explores questions of faith, trust, and healing among people separated by life experience, culture, race, and religion.Amongst the topics Bruce will be discussing on today’s program: * The beliefs that unite Jews and Christians despite their differences in religious traditions, and why affirming what people of all faiths have in common is vital to promoting religious tolerance. * Overcoming the stigma of mental illness through knowledge and understanding that even incurable conditions like schizophrenia are manageable with the right medication.*The many different types of Jewish identity—and how to honor different ways of being Jewish or being Christian in a multi-reli

  • Have A Clean Ride To School - PERC

    16/02/2023 Duración: 09min

    Every child deserves a safe, clean, healthy ride to school. While there are diverse energy options that can achieve that goal, not all of them are affordable or available today to provide a better tomorrow for more students. With significant investments being made to clean up the nation’s school bus fleet, like the billions of dollars in funding available through the EPA’s Clean School Bus Program, there’s never been a better time to prioritize clean transportation. Tucker Perkins, President and CEO of the PERC, the Propane Education & Research Council, discusses a cleaner option for the nation’s school bus fleets, and a study that shows low-emission buses are linked to improved test scores. We’ll also provide information about school districts using propane buses in your market. More than 1.3 million students will ride a propane school bus this year, with 22,000 propane school buses on routes today in school districts in 49 states. Tucker visits with Mark Alyn.

  • Father Son Creative Team - Time Lock

    14/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    Author Peter Berk reflects on working with his father & the inspiration for the new action thriller series, TimeLock. Peter and his father, Howard, shared more than DNA—they shared a love of film and television and a talent for writing. Indeed, Howard was an award-winning film and TV writer and book author whose credits included such classic series as Columbo, Mission: Impossible, and The Rockford Files. Over the years, Peter and Howard worked on numerous projects together, but one screenplay stood out among the rest. It was a clever idea about the future of the justice system in America. In a country burdened with rampant crime and prison overcrowding, ambitious politicians roll out an innovative, but controversial technology called 'TimeLock' that instantly ages prisoners the number of years of their sentence—the ultimate punishment for inmates and the ultimate deterrent for potential criminals. Just one problem, though: what happens . . . if you happen to be innocent? These and other questions about m

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