Ba Teen Cast



BA Teen Cast is an AudioBoom Channel produced by Blind Abilities for State Services for the Blind of Minnesota. the BA Teen Cast promotes the sharing of information, news and audio interviews of stories, testimonies and successes.Send an email to ( and you too can contribute, share your experiences so that others can learn and have a resource for the transition from High School to College/University and the Work Force.


  • An Oatmeal Recipe - While You Sleep! Presented by MoeLucie

    18/11/2015 Duración: 04min

    An Oatmeal recipe for the crock pot that cooks over-night and is ready for when you wake. Cheryl goes through the recipe and ingredients and offers up some alternative choices that just may fit the needs of your tastes. Join Cheryl and in this recipe cast and you can follow Cheryl @MoeLucie on twitter and MoeLucie on AudioBoom. Blind Abilities Teen Cast is produced by Blind Abilities for State Services for the Blind of Minnesota and you can find out more about State Services and what they provide at

  • The news for November 18, 2015 By @amguima

    18/11/2015 Duración: 03min

    TeenCast News by antonio and you can follow Antonio @Amguima Blind Abilities Teen Cast is produced by Blind Abilities for Minnesota State Services for the Blind and you can learn more about State Services and what they provide on the web at

  • Mel Scott gives BlindAlive update By @BlindAlive Eyes Free Fitness #BATeenCast

    29/10/2015 Duración: 03min

    (Transcript below) #fitness update on giveaways, Newsletter and much more. Check us out and sign up for our Newsletter! #EyesFreeFitness Transcript: Hey everybody this is Jeff Thompson I want to give a shout out to Blind Mel and her team doing such a great job of such a great product. Check it out. [Music] Do you have dreams of getting fit and healthy? Only to have them shattered? Blind Alive is here to help. We offer competitive price eyes free workouts with complete descriptions designed for you. Whatever youíre level of health or fitness. You can down load or purchase CD's and if you have any trouble support is just a click or call away. Check us out today at and if you like what find be sure to tell your friends. Don't just live be alive. [Music] Hey everybody this is Mel Scott and I am excited to announce that the new eyes free fitness Blind Alive Pilates chair with ring workout is out. This workout is totally done in the chai

  • Blind Abilities Presents: Robin Ennis: Overcoming Obstacles Through Blindness By @Walking_TheTalk #BATeenCast

    27/10/2015 Duración: 13min

    (Transcript Below) Robin Ennis @Walking_TheTalk tells her story through blindness. Losing her eye-sight and facing her return to college, entering graduate school and facing the largest obstacle of gaining employment. Robin prevales through her determination and her ability to never give up on herself. #BATeenCast #College #Blindness #RobinEnis Transcript: [Music] Blind Abilities presents Robin Enis, Overcoming obstacles through blindness. We hope you enjoy. [Music] October is national disability employment awareness month. In recognition of this month I want to share with you my story through blindness. [Music] It all started in 2002 when I was 18 years old about to turn 19. My vision declined started with me having difficulty seeing the mass on the computer, 4-6 weeks later being barely able to count fingers. My eyesight was rapidly declining and there was nothing I could do to stop it and there was nothing I could do to bring it back. I did not know what future lies in front of me. Wou

  • Organization Quick Tip: The Caliber Organizer-, Canned Goods, Contacts and More #BATeenCast

    26/10/2015 Duración: 06min

    (Transcript Below) Lori Thompson gives a demonstration on how she organizes her canned goods, contacts, phone numbers and more by using a inexpensive device made by #Caliber. this accordion like case holds and indexes the PermaBraille index cards from #American Printing House web site that she has Brailled her information upon. Lori can be found on twitter @LThompson6835 and LoriThompson on Audioboom. BATeen Cast is produced by Blind abilities for State Services for the Blind of Minnesota and you can find out more about State Services at Transcript: [Music] [Intro] Hey everybody this is Laurie Thompson I am coming in here with a little tip on some organization something that is very inexpensive and you can use it for multiple things that you want to organize. Today I have itís called a caliber. I picked it up at a drug store. It's a little like recipe box but it's an accordion recipe box. It has 12 different little plastic dividers throughout this accordion box. It's got the l

  • QuickHit: Demo of KNFB Reader Grabbing Text Images off of Facebook

    25/10/2015 Duración: 10min

    (Transcript Below) #QuickHit Demonstration of grabbing text images off of #Facebook and storing them into your camera roll and using #KNFBReader to extract the text. #BlindAbilities #BATeenCast #Voiceover #A11Y @BlindAbilities Transcript: [Music] Hey everybody, this is Jeff Thompson. I received a message from Rob Fishwick from England on Facebook. It was photographed actually it was three photographs of some text. It was an article that he wanted me to read and give my opinion on it. So how did I do it I used K and FB reader. Let me show you how. Here's the article. Rob Fishwick shared (inaudible) post with Laurie Thompson and Jeff Thompson. October 7 at 2:10 pm friends (inaudible) photos October 7, 5:05 am. Everyone at American tourist observations ellipsis (inaudible) no guns what do you think of gun list? Photo October 7 2015 phot October 7th 2015 photo October 7 2015. Double tap to interact with this story. All right there you go. You heard the three photographs at the end. So I a

  • People at Their Best... What Happens at Ski For Light, Doesn't Stay at Ski For Light

    25/10/2015 Duración: 06min

    Transcript Below Christine writes about the wonderful volunteers supporting the Ski for Light program. Check out more about SkiForLight on the web at www.skiforlightorg And follow Christine Malecc on Audioboom and twitter @ChristineMalec Transcript [Music] Hey everybody on the Blind Abilities channel, thanks for following and today for through back Thursday Ah Jeff it's Tuesday We're featuring Christine Malec's post on ski for light. It's a great post and make sure you follow Christine Malec on Audio Boom and on Twitter @ Christine Malec. So without further ado here's her post. [Music] Hello, I'd like to read a blog post I wrote about this time last year. It's about an event called Ski for Light which you may have heard of. The post is titled "People at their best". On the desk in my treatment room rest a new ornament it's a trophy consisting of a ski tip set into a beautiful wooden base. On the inscription on the front declares it to be an award for second place in the women's snow s

  • BlindAbilities Presents BlindJoe - The Voice Press Conference Following The Battle Round

    25/10/2015 Duración: 13min

    The BlindAbilities Team check in on Joe during his Press Conference after the Battle Round. Stay tune for an in depth interview with Blind Joe early next week! #BlindAbilities Presents #BlindJoe #TeamBlake #TheVoice @JThompson6835 #@ane7625

  • newscast for october 21.

    21/10/2015 Duración: 03min


  • I Have a Blind Student in my Math/Science Class... Should I Panic? How to Promote Inclusion

    18/10/2015 Duración: 30min

    Transcript coming soon. Check out this video on YouTube: Uploaded on Nov 3, 2011 · "I Have a Blind Student in My Maths/Science Class, Should I panic? How to promote inclusion for blind students" Invited speaker session by Donal Fitzpatrick, Lecturer at the School of Computing at Dublin University, at Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate, the 2011 conference of the Association for Learning Technology (ALT). Session given in Leeds, UK, on Thursday 8 September 2011 at 10.30. For information about ALT go to Made publicly available by ALT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 2.0 UK: England and Wales license

  • Blind Abilities Presents - Olympus Digital Recorders, An Interview With Olympus America

    17/10/2015 Duración: 35min

    Join Jeff Thompson, Raquel G and Pete Lane as they delve into the details of accessible digital voice recorders in this in depth chat with Tiffany Nelson and Stanley Freeman of the Olympus America Corporation. Many of the Olympus recorders feature voice guidance which allows blind and visually impaired customers to enjoy an audio experience ranging from basic note taking and file management to high-end, sophisticated multi-track and editing features, at a variety of price points. Listen as the team learns of possible new products coming in the not to distant future and hear of potential Beta testing that may be forthcoming for members of the blindness community. #BlindAbilitiesPresents #Olympus #Audiorecorders #Lane7625 #JThompson6835 #RaquelG

  • From the Pocket: Blind Runner Goes the Distance with Help from the Nation's 1st Official Seeing eye Running dog

    17/10/2015 Duración: 04min

    {Music} Blind Abilities Presents From the Pocket a series where we use 2 apps, Pocket and Voice Dream to bring you articles from the web using Pocket App and seamlessly into Voice Dream. today we bring you an article from about a Blind runner who goes the distance with the help of a running guide dog. Hope you enjoy. {Music} Blind Runner Goes the Distance With Help from the Nation’s First Official Seeing Eye Running Dog UPDATED 10/16/2015 AT 3:43 PM ET •ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 10/16/2015 AT 3:39 PM ET At nine o'clock sharp every morning, Richard Hunter heads out for a jog through his neighborhood in Folsom, California, racing side-by-side with his partner: a long-haired, lively type with a tongue that hangs out of his mouth from the start of the run to the finish. Klinger, a German shepherd with a playful demeanor, is the first guide dog in the country to be officially trained as a running partner for a blind person. In this case, that would be Hunter, 48, a former school psycho

  • Time To Hone Your Definition of Professional #BlindAbilitiesTeenCast

    10/10/2015 Duración: 06min

    "The following podcast was recorded for use by customers of Minnesota’s State Services for the Blind. You can get more information about State Services for the Blind and the services it offers by going to www (dot) mnssb (dot) org. I’m Stuart Holland. (music) " We turn now to the Working Strategies column of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, by Amy Lindgren, from May 17. It’s entitled Graduates: Time to hone your definition of ‘professional.’ " Graduation time always puts me in mind of new workers, headed off to summer jobs or career-path positions. For many, this is the transition point from student to professional -- a leap of enough magnitude that it's worth pausing to consider what that actually means. So here's a question for you: What comes to mind when you hear the word "professional"? Perhaps you think of someone who seems to embody a professional ethos. Or maybe a code of conduct springs to mind, with specific standards for measuring professional behavior. You might even conjure an image of a cer

  • Don't Be Intimidated #BlindAbilitiesTeenCast

    10/10/2015 Duración: 05min

    The following podcast was recorded for use by customers of Minnesota’s State Services for the Blind. You can get more information about State Services for the Blind and the services it offers by going to www (dot) mnssb (dot) org. I’m Stuart Holland. (music) September 21, 2015 Don’t be Intimidated: Asking Questions in Class as a Blind Student Learning Ally College Success Program mentor Joe Retherford shares his thoughts on why blind college students should never be gun-shy when it comes to asking questions. For me, the hardest thing in college was not the subject matter – it was building up the courage to ask questions. Asking questions sounds easy. We ask so many in our lives, but as the only blind person in my college classes, I hated feeling even more different by calling attention to myself. As much as possible, I avoided being the thorn in my professor’s side. At the beginning of my college career, I did not ask any questions in lectures and never utilized office hours, and consequently, I

  • First Legally Blind NCAA Football Player #BlindAbilitiesTeenCast

    10/10/2015 Duración: 03min

    The following podcast was recorded for use by customers of Minnesota’s State Services for the Blind. You can get more information about State Services for the Blind and the services it offers by going to www (dot) mnssb (dot) org. I’m Stuart Holland. (music) Tulane snapper Aaron Golub becomes first legally blind player to play for FBS school in NCAA game This article was written by Andrew Lopez, who writes for The Times-Picayune Tulane's Aaron Golub made history on Saturday afternoon when he became the first legally blind player to play for an FBS program in an NCAA game. Golub took the field for the Green Wave in the fourth quarter and successfully completed the long snap with 8:20 left to play. Andrew DiRocco's PAT attempt was good and Tulane went up 45-17. "It was a great opportunity," Golub said. "I'm happy they gave me a shot. It just felt great."  The sophomore long snapper has zero sight in his right eye and limited vision in his left eye.  Tulane coach Curtis Johnson said he wanted to reward

  • Acknowledge The Elephant In The Room #BATeenCast

    10/10/2015 Duración: 06min

    Career Corner is a program produced by the Minnesota Radio Talking Book Network, part of State Services for the Blind and it is recorded for people who are blind or have reading disabilities. You can find complete programming of the Radio Talking Book at and the password is rtb. Your host for Career Corner is Anne Obst. (music) We turn now to the Working Strategies column in the St. Paul Pioneer Press, by Amy Lindgren, from August 16: Acknowledge the 'elephant in the room,' before it crowds you out I frequently hear from job seekers that they fear they were -- or will be -- turned down because of something that couldn't easily be discussed, such as being too old or too young compared with others on the team, or being very large in stature, or for having a personality that was notable in some way (very outgoing or taciturn, for example). These job seekers know going in they're different from the candidate the employer was anticipating. And yet they made it to the interview, so something


    25/09/2015 Duración: 05min

    {Music} BA Teen Cast is Produced for State Services for the Blind and you can find out more about State Services and what they provide on the web at NAVIGATION DEVICE LETS YOU FEEL YOUR WAY THROUGH A CITY A GUIDE THAT SITS IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND By Claire Maldarelli Posted September 4, 2015 Navigating through a crowded city like New York or London can be a challenge, especially for those who are visually impaired. Adam Spiers, a postdoc in robotics at Yale University, set out to create a tool that helps visually impaired individuals easily follow navigation instructions. His tool, a 3D printed device called Animotus, sits in the palm of your hand and changes shape to guide you to your destination by touch. The Animotus communicates in two ways. The top piece twists right and left to indicate the direction the traveler should turn, and slides forward to show how far in that direction the user should move. O

  • Blind Abilities Presents: Blind Joe, His Journey Continues On The Voice #BATeenCast

    25/09/2015 Duración: 23min

    Join Jeff and Pete as they chat with Blind Joe following his historic debut on the Get to know Joe, his family, his music and the behind-the-scenes experience on the set of the NBC blockbuster, The voice. Join Joe as his journey continues to the next phase of the competition, the Battle Round! Good luck Joe! #BlindAbilities #BlindJoe #Music #TheVoice #GoBlindJoe!2015 season of The voice.

  • In Bed With the Elements - The Periodic Table #DescribedForTheBlindByTheBlind

    23/09/2015 Duración: 09min

    You can follow @MoeLucie on Twitter and on AudioBoom. #STEM #chemistry#Blind#Accessibility in this post I describe The periodic table from a blindness perspective. #chemistry

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