The first in Edgar Rice Burrough's Science Fantasy Barsoom series. A Princess of Mars introduces former Civil War captain John Carter, who through mysterious means finds himself...
The year is 1916, Europe is ablaze with war, and Bowen Tyler is crossing the Atlantic to join the Lafayette Escadrille when the course of his life is forever altered by a torpedo,...
The first tale of this well known character, this story follows Tarzan's first adventures, from his childhood being raised by apes in the jungle to his eventual encounters with...
"Yes, I was a fool, but I was in love, and though I was suffering the greatest misery I had ever known I would not have had it otherwise for all the riches of Barsoom. Such is...
Following the events of the first novel, Tarzan is grieving his beloved Jane, who is about to marry someone else. But he soon finds that there is more love to be had as he sets...
The original interplanetary swashbuckler:John Carter is a fighting man of Earth (or is he?) transported suddenly to the surface of a strange planet full of fierce green giants,...
Captain John Carter of the Virginia Cavalry finds himself transported to Mars, and is immediately captured by the great and fierce Thark, Tars Tarkas. While still in captivity, he...
It all starts with a message in a bottle, a cry for help from a lost world. Submarine manufacturer Bowen Tyler was on an Atlantic journey to Europe, when his boat was torpedoed by...
In the wild, unexplored coastal jungles of West Africa lives a wild human boy named Tarzan, the adopted son of a tribe of fierce almost-human anthropoid apes — but in reality...
Captain John Carter returns to Mars to find himself embattled with the real live manifestations of Barsoomian mythology. He must win his way to freedom, then fight them to save...