In this High Victorian detective novel, Dyke Darrel investigates the robbery of the Central Railroad’s midnight express, during which Dyke’s friend Arnold Nicholson, a...
"For some moments distant Vesuvius had beguiled my thoughts from the still more distant mountain of the secret, when suddenly a white girl in a white hood and a long white cloak...
The humour in ‘Cranford’ (1853) is so sly it can be difficult to believe it was written over 150 years ago. Originally published in instalments and edited by Charles Dickens,...
"'It is no use!' she cried, at last, pushing back the mass of thick black hair falling over her white brow; 'I shall never be able to get India by heart, unless I can see the...
An engaging introduction to four of the greatest Americans George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Daniel Webster, and Abraham Lincoln. Their lives are set forth in a simple manner,...