Hello Phd

A podcast for scientists, and the people who love them.

Was Weiß Ich ?!

Unnötige Fakten aus der Tierwelt, verrückte Stories aus der Menschheitsgeschichte, oder einfach seltsame Dinge, die man sich so auf der Straße erzählt. Was weiß ich?!? ist...

Dj Victor Weiss

Victor Weiss, Brazilian and passionate about music, brings an exciting repertoire and loaded with a unique vibe. The tuning with his audience makes for sure , his presentation an...

Phd Trekkers

Join us, Mari, a Latina soil scientist from Massachusetts, and Yan, an Asian chemist from California, on our graduate trek towards a Ph.D. and beyond. A podcast on the interface...

Phd Podcast

A podcast where PhD students get to talk about their current work in an interview/conversation style podcast setup.

Weiss - A Mente É O Limite

Ao descobrir que era capaz de invadir e controlar os corpos de outras pessoas, Lucas jamais poderia imaginar o que o futuro lhe havia reservado. Foi somente quando Mark – um...

Daniel Weiss Nutrition

Average to Exceptional podcast

Weiss Nicht, Wie?

Im Podcast greift Kabarettist Manfred Riegler Situationen des alltäglichen Lebens auf, und verwandelt sie auf seine spezielle Art und Weise in ein dramatisch-komödiantisches...

Alan Watts

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.The past and future...

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