Discuia Sptmânal Cu Radu I Matilda

Discuia sptmânal cu noi doi i ce subiecte interesante gsim de dezbtut. Show-ul original are loc cândva în weekend live pe Facebook, ca s interacionm în direct cu ali oameni....

Young Robin Hood by FENN, George Manville

Ever wonder how Robin Hood became Robin Hood? Well, now you can read how a young boy was molded into the famous hero who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor. This...

Peril Finders, The by FENN, George Manville

In California settlers are trying to make a living working as fruit-growers. Problems with blights and insects mean that the crops are failing. A prospector arrives and tells...

Cutlass and Cudgel by FENN, George Manville

Based around the crew of cutter HMS White Hawk, this is a tale of smuggling in the early 19th century off the coast of Wessex. The midshipman of the cutter is taken hostage by the...

Manila Real: A Brief Herstory Of Time

In Manila Real: A brief HERstory of time, women share their stories with a motorcycle-riding, goatee-growing, tequila-slugging, forever bachelor named Aljor Perreras, equipped...

The Ghost By The Billabong (the Matilda Saga, #5)

The fifth title in the sweeping Matilda Saga Hippies wear beads, demonstrators march against the Vietnam War, and the world waits to see the first human steps on the moon's...

O Dependente Químico De Crack E A Compreensão Do Tratamento Em Uma Unidade De Acolhimento Mantida Pelo Sus: Um Relato De Experiência Sobre A Ressignificação Do Sujeito Dependente Químico Do Crack

Norma Maia aborda, nesse livro, as estratégias pessoais de enfrentamento à dependência química do crack. Você vai entender melhor como a droga age no organismo do sujeito, a...

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