Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast



Online crystal healing classes for heart-centered healers and spiritual entrepreneurs Become a certified crystal healer


  • Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper: A Crystal for Love & Earth Connection

    08/03/2021 Duración: 24min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper: "I am gently grounded as I listen to the whispers of the earth and connect to the energy of my crystals."   Common Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper: Promotes a connection with nature Enhances a “green thumb” and to expands your knowledge of the plant kingdom (especially of herbalism) Instills respect for all living things Connects you with Gaia (the Earth Mother) Stimulates creativity Enhances love and trust in a relationship Colors: Mottled spots of clear, brown, gold, and orange on a base of olive green Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 4th (Heart) Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Trillium Companion Essential Oil: Oregano Companion Stone: Orange Aventurine Common Origins: Australia Notes: Also known as Rainforest Rhyolite or as Rainforest Rhyolite Jasper. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crys

  • A Crystal Grid Recipe for Wellness

    09/02/2021 Duración: 20min

    Crystal grids are an amazing and effective way to work with crystal energy. Plus, they’re absolutely stunning to look at! You can use grids to create positive energy flows, for protection and to enhance your manifestation practice. You can even create a crystal grid for wellness and health, which is what you’ll learn to create in today’s blog and podcast! This grid recipe for wellness is from my book, Crystals for Energy Healing, and can be used to energetically support your health and wellness. Creating Your Crystal Grid for Wellness Begin by gathering your supplies and making sure that all of your crystals have been cleansed.  Create an intention statement for your grid such as, “My physical body is healthy and well.”  Your intention may be general if you’d just like to focus on overall physical health. You may also get as specific as you like to your idea of wellness when crafting your intention statement. Your Crystal Grid for Wellness Supplies: One Emerald stone (or a green stone connected with wel

  • A Distance Healing Crystal Layout for Physical Wellbeing

    02/02/2021 Duración: 26min

    Keeping the energy body healthy and in balance is equally as important as maintaining your physical health.  A healthy diet, regular exercise, and getting enough sleep can go a long way toward good health. However, to round things out, you should consider incorporating crystal healing layouts for energetic support as well.   Performing a layout for yourself can be a bit challenging. I’m talking reaching far, struggling with flexibility, and having all your crystals roll away when you try to place the next ones. Don’t fret! You can still make even a complicated crystal layout work.  Did you know you can apply the principles of distance healing to a layout for yourself? You just need a representation of you -- this could be a photograph or your name written on a piece of paper. Plus, a “stand-in” for your body, like a distance healing board or a drawing of the human body. You can place your crystal layout for physical wellbeing on this stand-in and intend to send healing to yourself. Or, you can use this sam

  • Imbolc & the Wheel of the Year

    25/01/2021 Duración: 01h03min

    One way that I like to connect with the seasons and cycles of the earth is by tuning into The Wheel of the Year. As we approach Imbolc (here in the Northern Hemisphere), I’m reminded of all that the Wheel of the Year represents: the cycles of light and dark, and of the constant flow and unending cycle of all things from birth, growth, and death to rebirth.   The Wheel of the Year can help you tune into natural cycles (similar to the Lunar Phases - but on an annual scale rather than just monthly) and helps you internalize these outward changes in nature as reflections of the growth and evolution you experience in your own life. Living in harmony with the seasons and the ebb and flow of nature helps you to lead a more soulful life and to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself on a soul level. The Wheel of the Year helps you recognize who you are and your role in the world around you. Learn more about the Wheel of the Year and Imbolc in my latest podcast! Tune in here…   So what is the Wheel of the Year?

  • Healing Properties of Selenite: A Crystal for Cleansing & Purification

    14/01/2021 Duración: 33min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Selenite: "I am energy manifested in the physical realm. I embody peace and clarity in all I do."   Today, we're exploring the Healing Properties of Selenite — a popular crystal that is primarily worked with for its cleansing and purification properties. But there's also a new myth that's been floating around lately about Selenite, that I'd really like to address. Listen in to my latest podcast now to find out more... Crystal Controversy: Is your Selenite fake? Watch my recent live video to find out! A lot of people are claiming that the traditional Selenite that most of us are used to seeing (the white, striated form) is NOT true Selenite... They're saying that this is actually a crystal FAKE. It's causing a lot of confusion amongst the global crystal community. So what's the truth? I've received a ton of messages from my students asking for my thoughts on this controversial topic. So, if you're feeling confused (or even if this is the first time you'v

  • What Poisonous Plants Can teach Us About Healing: An Interview with Kathryn Solie (Founder of Persephone’s Path)

    15/12/2020 Duración: 32min

    Hello and welcome! Today, I am so excited and honored to be interviewing the amazing Kathryn Solie. Kathryn does a lot of amazing different work, but primarily she teaches some meditation classes and workshops on poisonous plants and plant medicines.    An Interview with Kathryn Solie: What poisonous plants can teach us about healing.   Kathryn Solie: Thank you for having me here! Ashley: Oh, it is my pleasure and my honor. I have really been getting into this journey with plants and plant medicines and I actually signed up for your Poisonous Plant Medicine, Class 1 and Class 2. And I know that you are going to be starting a new round of that very soon. I was wondering if you could introduce yourself to everyone? Tell them a little bit about your story, and how you got started on this path, and what you are up to now? Kathryn: That is always an interesting question to ask because it is hard to know what exactly brought me here. There has been so many different things, but essentially, I work with plant

  • Healing Properties of Carnelian: A Crystal for Creativity & Sexual Energy

    07/12/2020 Duración: 25min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Carnelian: "I am motivated by divine purpose. I allow myself to tap into Universal creativity and feel it flow through me. If I remain focused, I will manifest my vision with ease."     Common Healing Properties of Carnelian: Helps you to feel grounded Enhances creativity & the flow of creative ideas Increases motivation Stimulates success in business and financial endeavors Assists you in overcoming negative thought patterns and self-limiting beliefs Enhances sexual energy Improves concentration Opens your heart chakra to divine guidance and love Instills a sense of peace and calming within the user Removes negative energy from items or from your environment Helps lessen pain associated with the back or with the sciatic nerve Speeds up recovery of broken bones Remedies sluggish digestion by enhancing the digestive fire Aids with emotional balance Helps heal the reproductive organs Increases blood circulation Regul

  • Card Reading from the Heart: An Interview with Dana Whitby (Host of the Soul Rising Podcast)

    01/12/2020 Duración: 36min

    Hi everyone and welcome. Today, I have the pleasure of re-interviewing the amazing Dana Whitby about card reading. Dana has been on the podcast before so you can go back and check out that previous episode because she always has so much to share.      Thank you so much for being here with us today again! Dana: Thank you so much for having me, Ashley. Ashley: So for those of you who remember Dana, you probably recall that she is the host of the Soul Rising Podcast, which is one of my faves. It is so worth binge listening to, so if you are in quarantine and you need something to do, the Soul Rising Podcast is so so perfect. I was wondering if you could tell everybody a little bit about your journey? You have so many roles in your work as an empath and a Healer. Dana: Yes, thank you so much, Ashley. First of all, I am just so excited to be here. I love spending time with you Ashley. So, I began my podcast journey almost two years ago, and this really was born out of a spiritual awakening that I had a few

  • 4 Crystals to Amplify the Energy of the Full Moon

    24/11/2020 Duración: 36min

    The time of the full moon is the peak time to engage your intuition and use your psychic gifts, such as clairvoyance or clairaudience. Be on the lookout for any signs or symbols that present themselves in your life during this lunar phase.   Do you keep seeing a specific number? Have you come across an animal messenger? These may be signs from the universe. The energy of the full moon is incredibly powerful, so be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in this energy. Using the right crystals for the full moon can enhance the energetic power of this time.    The Full Moon carries the energy of: Achievement Completion Dreams Flow Intuition Manifestation Power Protection Wholeness    Go with the flow rather than fighting what is being revealed. Allow sensations of wholeness and completion to wash over you as your dreams are manifested into being. Although manifesting usually takes center stage during the time of the full moon, there’s another important aspect to i

  • Healing Properties of Red Jasper: A Crystal for Passion & Life Purpose

    17/11/2020 Duración: 23min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Red Jasper: "I am fully in touch with my creative fire, my passion, and my purpose in life."     Common Healing Properties of Red Jasper: Promotes grounding Encourages justice Stimulates intuitive insight and provides perspective into your problems and challenges Helps you to remember your dreams Aids you in asserting your personal boundaries Brings peace and calming Encourages you to lend a helping hand (or to receive one from others) Promotes shamanic journeying and astral travel Enhances protection Cleanses the etheric body Banishes electromagnetic pollution Facilitates accurate pendulum dowsing sessions Assists energetically sluggish digestion and increases your digestive fire Enhances will power Stimulates courage Helps you to organize your environment Increases support during times of illness Stimulates cognition Encourages nurturing attitudes and behaviors Stabilizes your energy   Colors: Brick red to dark, bl

  • Healing with Flower Essences: An Interview with Alena Hennessy (Author of The Healing Guide to Flower Essences)

    07/11/2020 Duración: 34min

    Today I'm thrilled and super excited to be interviewing the amazing Alena Hennessy. Alena has released one of the most beautiful books I have read in a long time, the healing guide to flower essences.     Ashley: So flower essences are only part of your journey. You really combine the beauty and I think soft, gentle energy that flower essences share with us along with some creative expression and art. I'm wondering if you can tell everyone a little bit about your journey and how you got here today? Alena: Sure. Well, I have been an artist and been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. I was also a tomboy nature girl. I grew up in Florida and so I spent all the time outside in the parks and just riding bikes. So I fell in love with nature at an early age and just have always been drawn to painting botanicals and animals and other things. I was a commercial artist for a long time and doing well with that. Selling to galleries and catalogs and whatnot. I came to a point in my journey where I wa

  • A Crystal Elixir Recipe for Shadow Work & How to Use It for Scrying Divination

    27/10/2020 Duración: 24min

    Shadow work helps you gain an intimate understanding of your inner self. It’s the process of exploring the dark, interior realm of your subconscious mind to shine a light on the parts of yourself that are hidden within the Shadow Realm.   Uncovering these hidden aspects of yourself is often easier said than done. But by engaging your intuition, you can connect with your subconscious mind. Using this crystal elixir recipe for shadow work will bring important messages and wisdom to the surface. Once there, your conscious mind can be made aware of them. It’s in these messages that we find the gifts that our Shadow side holds.   One of my favorite methods of retrieving Shadow wisdom is scrying divination. Scrying is an ancient divinatory art that can be practiced with a number of mediums. From fire, to crystal balls, to clouds, to water and more. In my Crystal Shadow Work Master Class I teach my students how to uncover the hidden meaning of Shadow Work symbols. We do this through the art of crystallomancy (w

  • 5 Best Crystals for Shadow Work

    19/10/2020 Duración: 26min

    We’re approaching Samhain - the time of year when the veil is the thinnest and when we move into the dark half of the year. This is a time for withdrawing inward.   This is not just about the ways that we withdraw from the world and start enjoying the warmth of the home as the weather turns colder (here in the northern hemisphere). It is also about how we start to reflect upon our own inner world. It is the time for getting comfortable with the darkness and following the flow of the earth’s natural cycles. It’s the time for Shadow Work.   Shadow work is a journey inward to reclaim the darkness and light within you. Shadow work helps you gain an intimate understanding of your inner self. It’s the conscious undertaking of exploring the dark, interior realm of your subconscious mind and the hidden feelings and wounds that reside there. In a modern, spiritual sense, Shadow Work is about uncovering and exploring the parts of yourself that are holding you back. These parts may be preventing you from living in a

  • Clearing Cords with Crystal Energy: An Interview with Heather Askinosie & Timmi Jandro from Energy Muse

    13/10/2020 Duración: 41min

    Today I'm so excited to get to be speaking with the amazing ladies at Energy Muse, Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro. So ladies, thank you so much for being here with us today.     I've been really looking forward to talking to you both again. Our last conversation really got me thinking...One of the things that we touched on during that interview was clearing cords with crystal energy. So, I thought that would be a great thing to share with everyone today. Can you tell us a little bit about energetic cords? Timmi Jandro: So, sometimes people don't even realize that they have attached to someone energetically. Again, I could just use Heather and I as an example. We're around each other a lot. And so, let's say I come in and I'm having a terrible day. I might not mean to put that energy towards Heather, but because we're so close, she feels it. It's a good practice that we use often because you want to just be free of that energy and it's not like she's cutting me out of her life. She's cutting that energe

  • Crystals for the Virgo New Moon

    15/09/2020 Duración: 36min

    Before we get into my 3 favorite crystals for the Virgo New Moon, I want to share a personal story with you about how I got started working with lunar energy and why it’s so important to me.         I know how important this work is based on my own experience. I want to share it with you so that you may find healing and comfort through working with the moon just as I have. About four years ago, my life was interrupted dramatically when I needed to have a hysterectomy. It was only two weeks before my 29th birthday, and it wasn't entirely devastating for me because I had long before decided not to have children. Despite this, it hit me in quite an unexpected way. My personal choice not to bear children felt positive and somewhat empowering, but when that choice was completely taken away, part of me grieved for what I may have lost. Over the next few years, I struggled silently with grieving a part of myself that I hadn't realized was so important to me. Part of me felt incomplete. I felt a longing for

  • Healing Properties of Shungite: A Crystal for Healing & Purification

    07/09/2020 Duración: 31min

    Shungite is an amazing stone for healing and purification, but it's controversial due to some of the claims made about its use. I was recently interviewed for an article at mindbodygreen about the properties and benefits of Shungite.       After our conversation, and since I receive so many requests for information about this popular stone, I felt inspired to share more with you about this non-crystalline mineraloid. Before we dive into the healing properties of this stone and how to work with it, it's important to note that not all Shungite is created equally. The name Shungite was first used in 1879 to describe the high-carbon (98%+) mineraloids found in Russia near Shunga (in the Lake Onega area of Karelia). This high-Carbon variety of Shungite is the stone linked to claims of water purification and anti-bacterial properties. However, there are many other Shungite-containing minerals with much lower proportions of carbon. These vary greatly with the Carbon content ranging from less than 10% up to about

  • Healing Properties of Blue Lace Agate: A Crystal for Happiness & Personal Growth

    31/08/2020 Duración: 19min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Lace Agate: "I surround myself with people that support my happiness and personal growth."           Common Healing Properties of Blue Lace Agate: Promotes peace and calming Encourages you to speak your truth Encourages general plant health in the garden and is said to increase crop yields Instills joy Promotes forgiveness Encourages healthy friendships and relationships Supports personal growth Enhances empathy Shields your emotional body from negative energy Helps you to become grounded when you're feeling angry or frustrated Keeps you centered and balanced in mind, body, and spirit Removes energetic causes of acid reflux or heartburn Encourages truth in communication Promotes acceptance of things that cannot be changed Stimulates will power Energetically supports healing of the nervous system or circulation Facilitates communication with your totem animals, spirit guides, and angels Assists with emotional heal

  • A Crystal Layout for Intuitive Guidance

    22/08/2020 Duración: 15min

    Performing a crystal layout involves placing stones on and around your physical body to create a shift in your energy field.  Crystal layouts can follow geometric patterns or may be done intuitively. The overall purpose is to direct the flow of energy from the stones to shift the energy within your body, mind, spirit, and life.   Crystals can work wonders to help open you up to receiving intuitive guidance and messages from your spirit guides and angels.  This simple crystal layout for intuitive guidance can open your Third Eye and facilitate a connection with the divine.  These stones will help assist you in tapping into your psychic gifts. This will aid you in learning to trust your own intuitive guidance. The following crystal layout for intuitive guidance is an excellent starting point for your work.  However, there’s no substitute for following your own intuition and inner guidance when it comes to working with your stones.  It’s important that you trust your instincts and begin to develop your own sty

  • Healing Properties of Orange Calcite: A Crystal for Motivation & Soul Purpose

    18/08/2020 Duración: 17min

    A Crystal Message about the healing properties of Orange Calcite: "I embrace my motivation to walk my path and fulfil my soul purpose."         Common Healing Properties of Orange Calcite: Energetically cleanses your physical body and your environment of negative energy Increases vitality Quickens your spiritual development Promotes happiness & joy Increases your awareness Helps you to discover and embrace your soul purpose Facilitates intuitive visions and enhances your psychic powers Aids in channeling Enhances creativity Increases motivation Removes mental "fuzz" and improves focus Dispels laziness & energizes you Stimulates the memory Energetically supports the healing of damaged tissues in the body Promotes resiliency Supports a healthy skin-care routine Banishes the energetic roots of depression Supports the energetic healing of the reproductive system     /*   Colors: Bright orange, semi-translucent to opaque (with occasional lighter orange banding)

  • Using Crystals to Learn About the Tarot Minor Arcana

    25/05/2020 Duración: 25min

    In last week’s post, I shared a simple method for working with your crystals to uncover the deeper energies and meanings of the 22 Major Arcana cards in the Tarot. This week, we’ll be diving into the remaining 56 cards in the Tarot deck, known as the Minor Arcana. These Minor cards add perspective to what is happening in your everyday life.   The cards in the Minor Arcana are divided into four suits. Each suit represents a different aspect of your life and corresponds to one of the four elements: Water Element: Cups (also known as Chalices) Fire Element: Wands (also known as Rods, Staffs, or Staves) Air Element: Swords (also known as Daggers) Earth Element: Pentacles (also known as Coins or Discs) Each suit is then made up of numbered cards (Ace through Ten) and Court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King). Each number has its own meaning within the suits, giving you a deeper understanding of what the cards are telling you. In general, the Even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10) reveal that there is bala

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