Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast



Online crystal healing classes for heart-centered healers and spiritual entrepreneurs Become a certified crystal healer


  • Working with Crystals and the Major Arcana of the Tarot

    19/05/2020 Duración: 21min

    Tarot cards are a popular method of divination used for receiving guidance and wisdom from the universe, but they can feel a little intimidating to a beginner (ok...let’s be real...they can feel a bit intimidating even to someone who’d been dabbling in Tarot for a while).   One of the biggest obstacles I hear about from my students when it comes to learning the Tarot is, “How will I ever learn the meaning of all those cards?”   Each tarot deck consists of a structured order of the Major & Minor arcanas, with seventy-eight cards in total. That’s right...seventy-eight cards. It seems daunting to think about having to memorize the meanings and symbolism of all those cards. In fact, it was this same sense of overwhelm that kept me from working with the Tarot for years (instead I just worked with Oracle Cards because they didn’t feel so intimidating). But learning the Major Arcana of the Tarot doesn’t have to be difficult.   Let’s start by breaking down the part of the deck a little. Twenty-two of the sevent

  • Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: A Crystal for Inner Reflection

    10/05/2020 Duración: 14min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: "I take a sacred pause to release thoughts that weigh me down, making mental space for new clarity and inner guidance."         Common Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: Helps you become present to your feelings and emotions Enhances feelings of happiness, joy, optimism, and contentment Promotes relaxation Allows you to discover the simple pleasures of life Energetically supports you while you're overcoming emotional traumas Creates moments for sacred pause and reflection Increases feelings of personal freedom and encourages exploration Aids you in decision making Helps you overcome blocks to your creativity and encourages you to tap into hidden talents Encourages you to enjoy the fruits of your labor Promotes celebration and appreciation of your relationships Helps you find the treasures, gifts, and lessons in difficult situations Encourages inner reflection and silences your inner critic Assists in s

  • Crystal Grid Recipe for Protection & Shielding

    05/05/2020 Duración: 20min

    Most often when discussing crystals for protection, what comes to mind is carrying crystals with us or wearing them as jewelry. But did you know that you can also use a crystal grid recipe for protection?   Crystal grids for protection are often linked to a specific location (like your home). However, they can also be used for protection of yourself and your loved ones. The following crystal grid recipe creates a protective space for you and your loved ones. It forms an energetic shield around you so that you’ll be protected within its presence as well as when leaving the space.     Supplies needed: One Black Tourmaline stone Six Peridot stones Six Labradorite stones One seed of life grid base (you can draw this yourself, print it out, or purchase a pre-made grid template) Gather your supplies and make sure that your crystals have been cleansed.  Create an intention statement for your grid such as, “I am safe and protected.  I am shielded from negative influences both physical and energetic.” Y

  • Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate: A Crystal for Removing Attachments

    28/04/2020 Duración: 16min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate: "I consciously let go of attachments and I immerse myself in the creative flow that surrounds me."     Common Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate: Protects you from outside energies Enhances grounding Helps you go with the flow during difficult times Aids you when you're recovering from exhaustion or fatigue Increases emotional stability Helps you release attachments to things that no longer serve you Instills inner strength Balances your emotional, physical and intellectual energies Harmonizes Yin and Yang energies in the body Encourages clear decision making Assists you in dealing with unresolved emotional pain Helps you find laughter and joy Increases stamina and physical energy Promotes vitality Enhances creativity and allows you to sink into your creative flow Colors: Swirls, stripes, and zig-zag patterns of yellow, orange, red, white, and gray Associated Chakras: 2nd (Sacral), 3rd (Solar

  • Crystals for Karmic Healing: An Interview with Nicholas Pearson

    21/04/2020 Duración: 23min

    Today, I am so excited to be interviewing once again, the amazing Nicholas Pearson. I'm talking to Nicholas today about a book we actually haven't gotten to discuss very much yet, "Crystals for Karmic Healing."   Nicholas, welcome. How are you? Nicholas Pearson: I'm excellent. Thank you so much for having me on your new podcast. I'm really looking forward to this. Ashley: Well, thanks for being here. Just for those people who are listening who maybe haven't been fortunate enough to listen in on one of our interviews before... Can you give us a quick background of how you got started working with crystals and about your journey as an author and a speaker? Nicholas: So, I started really young, as I think many of us do, picking up rocks everywhere I went. My grandfather really saw this love I had for all things stone and he gave me my first piece of quartz. It's thanks to him I have this addiction to this day. When I was in high school, I was in a really rigorous kind of academic program. So, I was really in

  • Healing Properties of Iolite: A Crystal for Direction & Guidance

    12/04/2020 Duración: 18min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Iolite: "I allow myself to be guided by the positive energies around me and within me." Common Healing Properties of Iolite: Aids in providing you with direction and guidance (physical and spiritual) Instills hope during difficult times Promotes feelings of peace, calming, and tranquility Assists in communication with your inner-self so you can better understand how you're feeling Works as a crystal ally companion for journeying Heals and aligns the body, mind, and spirit Provides you with deeper spiritual understanding of your life path Helps you circumvent obstacles that you may face in the future Encourages inner strength & courage Allows you to trust the important messages from your intuition rather than second-guess them Encourages you to step out on new paths and get excited about exploring new realms (inner & outer)   Colors: Cornflower blue to deep indigo Associated Chakras: 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye) Zodiac Sig

  • Crystal Grids for World Healing: Let’s Make #OneMillionCrystalGrids

    07/04/2020 Duración: 12min

    These are unprecedented times, which have left many of us feeling helpless. It can be difficult trying to figure out what to make of the world health crisis that has been unfolding over the last several months.   It’s understandable to feel this way, but now  - more than ever - YOU are needed. Your gifts, your light, and your ability to raise energy are needed. I’m asking all healers, lightworkers, and crystal lovers to pledge to join me in creating #onemillioncrystalgrids for world healing. Let’s be of service, lift each other up, and create a massive global energy shift!   How? By putting our healing gifts to work and creating distance healing grids worldwide. The more of us who are able to come together and manifest healing and compassion, the more we will be able to create an energy of hope, positivity, and support for others during this difficult time. If you want to join, but need some more in-depth instructions about creating crystal grids, you may want to watch this video first. This is just a s

  • [NEW VIDEO] A Guided Crystal Meditation for Calm

    31/03/2020 Duración: 10min

    I have found myself in a state of disbelief more than once over the last few weeks. Watching things unfold in the world, I have felt almost every emotion - frustration, disbelief, anxiety, shock, fear, hopelessness. But also acceptance, awe, gratitude, love, joy, compassion, and finally, calm.   When things feel out of control and chaos seems to be swirling around us, it can be so challenging to get to that place of calm. It's important to acknowledge our emotions and allow ourselves to feel what we're feeling, but ultimately, we eventually need to find that place of center and balance in ourselves if we're going to make it through the rollercoaster of emotion that the current world health crisis is triggering in most of us. So ... how do we find that calm place within ourselves? Each of us likely has at least a few ways that we do this: gardening painting writing in a journal taking a hot bath I personally really enjoy all of the above, but when I'm really feeling out of alignment, it can be dif

  • Crystal Grid for Emotional Healing Recipe

    23/02/2020 Duración: 27min

    The following crystal grid for emotional healing recipe is from my book Crystals for Energy Healing. When I was writing this book, it was SO important to me to include practical, everyday activities for working with crystals.   I thought about some of the most common questions I get from students in my Crystal Healing Certification Program. So often, my students ask about working with crystals for physical ailments. However, frequently physical issues actually have energetic and emotional roots. These also need to be addressed. Working on just the physical symptoms may make you feel better for a time, but that alone won't get to the core of the issue, clearing it out once and for all. In my Crystal Healing Certification Program classes, we take a body, mind, spirit approach to healing with crystal energy. In fact, I have an entire lesson dedicated to emotional healing. I think it's so important (and is so often overlooked). This crystal grid recipe can be used to create emotional balance and stability as w

  • Healing Properties of River Agate: A Crystal for the Water Element

    17/02/2020 Duración: 25min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of River Agate: "I live in harmony with the element of water and allow it to guide my creative expression." Common Healing Properties of River Agate: Reduces negativity in your environment Helps you find the humor in any situation Enhances your intuitive abilities Encourages you to go with the flow Increases sexual energy Promotes creativity and the expression of your emotions through creative endeavors Assists you in recognizing your divine feminine power Increases protective magic Facilitates grounding Enhances emotional stability Harmonizes Yin & Yang Enhances physical strength Balances positive and negative energies and emotions Assists you when you're working with universal energies and spirit guides (especially the water element and water spirits) Colors: Swirly bands of red, orange, brown, yellow, and gray Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral) Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer Elements: Water

  • The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing

    28/01/2020 Duración: 33min

    I’ve developed the Crystal Immersion Method ™ of teaching, specifically to help you deepen your crystal knowledge and spiritual development through 3 key pillars of training.     I know from experience that developing these 3 key areas is important for all spiritual seekers. Intuition, Compassion, and confidence all play a role in creating a strong foundation for your work as a crystal healer. Each part of this Crystal Immersion Method focuses on one of these 3 pillars to help prepare you for your journey ahead. It’s my hope that by developing these pillars within yourself, you’ll be better able to connect with your crystals, develop your healing skills, and feel more comfortable and confident when working with your stones. Pillar #1: Intuition Developing your intuition is the first pillar you need to master in order to deepen your connection to your crystals and the world around you. When you’re tuned in intuitively, you receive the messages the universe has for you and can act upon that guidance. Learnin

  • Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: A Crystal for Creative Flow

    12/01/2020 Duración: 19min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: "I go with the flow and am easily able to tap into the limitless energy of my creativity." Common Healing Properties of Red Banded Agate: Promotes physical grounding Enhances your connection to the physical realm Helps you draw what you need from the limitless Universal energy that surrounds you Reduces negativity Encourages creativity Helps you appreciate your sense of humor Allows you to go with the flow, even during difficult times Enhances your divine feminine power Promotes protection Encourages stability Harmonizes your Yin & Yang energies Enhances physical strength Balances positive and negative emotions Assists you while you work with universal forces and energies in magic and ritual Colors: Swirly, translucent bands of red-orange, gray, and white Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral) Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Aries Elements: Water, Fire Companion Flowers: Red Dahlia

  • Healing Properties of Bumblebee Jasper: A Crystal for Happiness & Celebration

    22/12/2019 Duración: 16min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Bumblebee Jasper: "I am filled with joy and I celebrate each moment with a fully open heart."     Common Healing Properties of Bumblebee Jasper: Energizes you Promotes complete happiness and joy Encourages the celebration of life's small moments Promotes honesty (especially with yourself) Helps you achieve your dreams Frees blocked energy from the body Stimulates mental activity Relieves symptoms of allergies Facilitates triumph over the seemingly impossible Colors: Swirls of yellow, bright orange, black, and gray Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 2nd (Sacral), 3rd (Solar Plexus) Zodiac Signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini Elements: Earth, Fire Companion Flowers: Marigold Companion Essential Oil: Calendula Companion Stone: Red Feldspar Common Origins: Indonesia Notes: This is a banded Calcite stone with traces of Realgar (so wash your hands thoroughly after handling). Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click He

  • Healing Properties of Snowflake Obsidian: A Crystal for Balance & Courage

    10/12/2019 Duración: 21min

    A Crystal Message about the healing properties of Snowflake Obsidian: "I create sacred space in my home to recharge and rejuvenate myself when I'm feeling out of alignment."     Common Healing Properties of Snowflake Obsidian: Protects you from negative energy by blocking it from entering your auric field Reveals the truth in any situation Exposes areas of oneself that need growth and development Facilitates past life ascension and regression Keeps you grounded and centered Shields you from electromagnetic pollution Banishes negative energy from your environment Brings peace and calming Encourages living in a virtuous manner Encourages personal growth Instills determination Facilitates communication with one’s guides and angels Increases courage Stimulates intuition Facilitates compassion Reduces arthritis pain Detoxifies the physical body Helps you maintain proper circulation Brings balance to the mind, body, and spirit Encourage independence   Colors: Black wit

  • Sacred Self Care & Opening to Your Soul’s Calling: An Interview with Cristin Smith

    04/12/2019 Duración: 32min

    Hi everyone, and welcome! I am super excited today to be interviewing the amazing Cristin Smith at Saffron and Sage about sacred self care and finding your soul's calling.             Ashley Leavy: So, Cristin, thank you so much for being here to talk about sacred self care and opening your soul's calling with us. Cristin Smith: You're welcome. Thanks for having me! Ashley: I'm really excited about this interview because I think your business is a little bit different to anything else that we've really featured on the podcast before. You have such an amazing combination of products and classes and events. It's really exciting for me to speak with someone who's also in the health and wellness industry. You do so much. Would you mind taking a couple of minutes to introduce yourself to everyone and tell them a little bit about Saffron and Sage? Cristin: Absolutely! So, I'm Cristin Smith. I am the founder and owner of Saffron and Sage. We are a holistic health club located in Little Italy here in the he

  • Crystals to Support You Through the Holidays

    26/11/2019 Duración: 23min

    The holiday season can be SO joyous, but it can also be challenging at times. It's important to keep yourself grounded, protected, and balanced during this busy time of year so that you can truly enjoy the magic and delights of the season.   I like to do this using my favourite crystals for the holidays, which is why I've put together this important list of crystals for all of your holiday needs. I hope it serves you well and helps you create a very merry season ahead! Crystals for Holiday Cheer: Shungite, Black Onyx, & Hematite: These stones create a protective shield around you and continually transmute negative or stagnant energy into positive, freely flowing energy. They keep you from getting swept up in any holiday drama so you can be  joyful and just enjoy the magic of the season. Clear Quartz, Selenite, & Smoky Quartz: These crystals purify the energy of your home and all who enter it. They will amplify the properties of any other stones in your space to make a BIG impact on the flow of energy in your

  • Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite: A Crystal for Truth & Justice

    25/11/2019 Duración: 15min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite: "I receive and acknowledge all life lessons and messages given to me from my spirit guides." Common Healing Properties of Blue Kyanite: Spiritual guidance To enhance one’s intuition To promote peace and compassion To stimulate creative energy To aid in communication with one’s spirit guides, totem animals and guardian angels To enhance one’s personal exploration of his or her spiritual nature Colors: Brilliant blue with darker blue streaks Associated Chakras: 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye) Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer Elements: Water, Air Companion Flowers: Bluebells Companion Essential Oil: Wild Chamomile Companion Stone: Angel Aura Quartz Common Origins: Brazil, India Notes: Some of the best quality Blue Kyanite has a dark blue line running down the length of the crystal blade; when this line is held over the chakras parallel to the spine it can be used to bring the chakra c

  • Healing Properties of Malachite: A Crystal for Protection & Health

    10/11/2019 Duración: 18min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Malachite: "You are a child of the earth; wild, creative, and free."     Common Healing Properties of Malachite: Amplifies energy and intention Promotes grounding Enhances protection Blocks electromagnetic pollution Encourages earth healing Connects you with nature Enhances spiritual guidance Aids in your visualization practices Activates psychic powers Encourages unconditional love Enhances scrying divination practices Facilitates astral travel Helps you access intuitive messages from the subconscious mind Encourages positive changes in your life Reveals obstacles on your spiritual path Removes negative thought patterns and conditioning Facilitates the positive expression of your emotions Creates a shield of protection in love and affairs of the heart Increases confidence Encourages compassion Enhances concentration Heals the emotional body Aids in exploring the inner self Helps ensure successful childbirth

  • Creating ‘Cosmic Crystals’: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at My New Book

    04/11/2019 Duración: 33min

    I'm so excited to introduce my new book, called "Cosmic Crystals: Rituals and Meditations for Connecting with Lunar Energy." This is my fifth or sixth book... I've kind of lost count by now! It's my second book being published with a large publisher. My other books before that were self-published.   So my first book was "Crystals for Energy Healing" and this book, "Cosmic Crystals", is quite different. My first book was really more of a guide book or reference book to a hundred different crystals and their healing properties. It also included some more introductory information and how to use crystals for grids, elixirs, meditations, and crystal layouts. My latest book, on the other hand, was born out of my personal work with crystals and the moon. So for me, I started working pretty intensely with the energy of the moon a few years ago. I've always felt so connected and so drawn to the moon and working with lunar energy, but this was intensified when I went through a pretty serious illness and I had to have

  • Healing Properties of Black Onyx: A Crystal for Strength & Grounding

    29/10/2019 Duración: 17min

    A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Black Onyx: "I embrace my inner shadow and integrate the lessons it has to teach me." Common Healing Properties of Black Onyx: Enhances clear focus Amplifies your intentions Promotes Divine order Encourages sensibility and clear thinking Enhances protection and shields you from negative energies Assists with grounding Allows you to face your shadow side with courage and learn important lessons so that old patterns and traumas can be released Colors: Soft black to charcoal gray Associated Chakras: 1st (Root) Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Scorpio Elements: Earth Companion Flowers: Ghost Pipe Companion Essential Oil: Mugwort Companion Stone: Peach Aventurine Common Origins: Brazil, India, Uruguay, Madagascar, Peru Notes: Often has a somewhat waxy-looking surface (not as shiny as other black stones). Also known as Black Chalcedony. Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal! More

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