Business Growth School For Service Providers



Welcome to daily 5-minute Business Growth lessons for local service providers. Are you a Dentist, Realtor, Lawyer, Accountant, Plumber, Consultant or Contractor....If you provide services locally than this podcast is for you. Here we share strategies, tricks, techniques on how to generate leads, grow your revenue and sales.Join us every day for 5 minutes and take away strategies which you can apply in your business.Before we proceed this podcast is brought to you by Rapid Boost Marketing: Business Growth Company For Service Providers


  • 19/08/2018 Duración: 10min

    Colors & Leads: How Colors Impact # of Leads From Online Marketing Campaigns  Color of a room can affect your mood. Red has been shown to raise blood pressure, increase speed of respiration and quicken heart rate. Blue, on the other hand, has the opposite effect: it reduces blood pressure, slows down respiration and reduces heart rate.  This study, published on the Web site of the journal Science, researchers at the University of British Columbia conducted tests with 600 people to determine whether cognitive performance varied when people saw red or blue. Participants performed tasks with words or images displayed against red, blue or neutral backgrounds on computer screens. Show notes

  • 17/08/2018 Duración: 09min
  • ✅ Increase Engagement on Social Media, Emails, Website, Blogs etc. Using This Technique

    15/08/2018 Duración: 05min

    From a marketing standpoint, emojis are undeniably useful. Emojis in a tweet can increase engagement by 25.4 percent, and emojis in a Facebook post can increase the number of likes by 57 percent and the number of comments and shares by 33 percent. Academic study proving the fact Emoji’s or Emoticons work… Link Emojis can be powerful tools that help your messages stick with your audience: a study found that participants who were sent messages with emojis scored higher on memory than those who were sent messages without emojis, indicating that emojis can make your message more memorable. Top Ten Most Popular Emojis On the Internet

  • ✅ ✅ 5 Practical Video Marketing Tips from Business Owners

    13/08/2018 Duración: 04min

    Tips are from: John Robson from Higher Awareness Inc. Subs Jay from Amma Meals & Senior Services Diane from Innovaid Rose from Rose Blankenagel - Mortgage Broker - Mortgage West Jennifer from Lincolnberg Master Builder

  • 13/08/2018 Duración: 11min
  • ✅✅ Pursuing your potential customers to trust you

    09/08/2018 Duración: 09min

    To understand the concept of social proof, you have to consider a scenario where you are in an unfamiliar city and are looking for a good restaurant where you can eat dinner. You come across two restaurants that are located across the street from each other. One is extremely busy, while the other one is virtually empty. Which one to do you choose? Nearly every time, the busier restaurant will be selected over the empty restaurant. The answer as to why this happens can be explained through the concept of social proof. Social proof, when used correctly, can be one of the most powerful tools of persuasion because it connects the persuasiveness of the given thought or behavior, directly to the way that others are perceived to respond to it. The brain will naturally lower the perceived risk of engaging in an activity because of the understanding that many people are participating in the idea or event. This explains why Oprah's book club is so popular, with many of the books ending up on the bestsellers list Recent

  • No one ☝️ likes to wait .....Implications of being slow are devastating...

    08/08/2018 Duración: 06min

    No one ☝️ likes to wait .....Implications of being slow are devastating...   As we all have borderline ADHD, we want everything instantly. Fifty percent wouldn’t go back again to an establishment that kept them waiting for something.   Surprising as all this may be, the implications of this impatience are even more shocking. Amazon’s calculated that a page load slowdown of just one second could cost it $1.6 billion in sales each year. Google has calculated that by slowing its search results by just four tenths of a second they could lose 8 million searches per day–meaning they’d serve up many millions fewer online adverts.   The State of Online Retail Performance analysis report held some startling revelations.   Most notably, the best load times for peak conversions ranges from 1.8 to 2.7 seconds.   Now brace yourself. The research also found out how much just a tenth of a second matters. Desktop pages that loaded in 2.7 seconds had a peak conversion rate of 12.8%. Pages that

  • 04/08/2018 Duración: 08min

      .... Have you tried Facebook look alike audience? or Google’s remarketing list or Twitter’s custom audience?

  • 04/08/2018 Duración: 07min

      .... Do you rely more on quatitative data or qualitative data? .... #Digitalmarketing #Onlinemarketing #Internetmarketing #SEO #Socialmedia#Reporting #KPI

  • Use this simple strategy to help you increase your conversion rate...

    04/08/2018 Duración: 06min

    Service providers hide behind their services and products. You go to an average plumbers or property management company’s website and there are hardly any real human faces on the website. .... Smiling People Increases Sign-Ups for High Rise by 102% What I love about this case study is that it proves adding the human element can have a dramatic impact on subscriptions. Highrise, a simple lead management platform from the team at 37 Signals, had just seen a 37% increase in sign ups by testing a new long form page against their original design (Case study taken from Crazy Egg

  • 04/08/2018 Duración: 08min
  • 25/07/2018 Duración: 05min

    Average income of a LinkedIn user is highest among all the other social media channels. They have immense buying a service provider you can tap into this high income earners group. ..... Have you used LinkedIn and how it has helped you gain new leads?  

  • 3️⃣️ Major Facebook Ad Mistakes You Are Making

    21/07/2018 Duración: 08min

    Let’s start with the facts. 80% of all Internet users use Facebook. Even 65% of adults over the age of 65 use Facebook. It has over 1.85 billion users. Most users check their Facebook page multiple times per day. Regardless of who your customers are, they are using Facebook. And, they use it daily. Therefore, one of the most important benefits of Facebook advertising is that your customers use it daily. SME business owners now have the opportunity to reach huge audiences based on psychographics and demographics that would have been unheard of just a mere decade ago. There are amazing targeting options. Here is one: Lookalike Audiences uses machine learning to help find you valuable potential customers who are similar to those who visit your site or are already in your CRM. So you can upload a list of your most valued customers from your CRM and have Facebook hunt down similar users based on their rich data. Mindmap: E-Book: ht

  • Do you know your cost my per lead/Client?

    21/07/2018 Duración: 07min

    Do you know your cost my per lead/Client? And when was the last time you looked at your marketing analytics and KPI’s? 

  • 21/07/2018 Duración: 06min
  • Part II:

    04/07/2018 Duración: 08min

    How to influence buying & purchasing decisions using emotions Using these 6 ways you can influence buying decisions of your potential customers. In the previous episode we talked about how we all make emotional decisions when it comes to purchasing products and services.   Reciprocity: In the study, giving diners a single mint at the end of their meal typically increased tips by around 3%. Interestingly, if the gift is doubled and two mints are provided, tips don’t double. They quadruple—a 14% increase in tips Scarcity: When British Airways announced in 2003 that they would no longer be operating the twice daily London—New York Concorde flight because it had become uneconomical to run, sales the very next day took off. Notice that nothing had changed about the Concorde itself. It certainly didn’t fly any faster, the service didn’t suddenly get better, and the airfare didn’t drop. It had simply become a scarce resource. And as a result, people wanted it more. Authority: One group of real estate agents

  • 30/06/2018 Duración: 06min

    We are all emotional!! Most people believe that the choices they make result from a rational analysis of available alternatives. In reality, however, emotions greatly influence and, in many cases, even determine our decisions. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) shows that when evaluating brands, consumers primarily use emotions (personal feelings and experiences), rather than information (brand attributes, features, and facts). Advertising research reveals that the consumer’s emotional response to an ad has far greater influence on their reported intent to buy a product than does the ad’s content — by a factor of 3-to-1 for television commercials and 2-to-1 for print ads.

  • ✅ ✅ Shorten Your Sales Cycle

    28/06/2018 Duración: 05min

    How quickly you decide to buy a pair of sneakers is entirely different from how long you take to decide to buy a house. But, some general approaches hold true across all selling that can help your team shorten the sales cycle and close more deals faster. Remember, the longer your sales cycle, the more time for your competition to swoop in and steal your deal.   Show notes

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