To Dare Is Human



This is To Dare is Human, a weekly podcast about leaps of faith and jumps into passions.


  • 46: Trevor Oldham on Motivation and Becoming the Lion

    25/10/2017 Duración: 28min

    Season 2, Episode 4: Today, I want to talk about motivation, specifically all the sources of motivation you see online. Of course as part of this show, I've developed my Instagram, @todareishuman, to share pieces of my stories within the motivational quotes I post just about every day. I've been grateful to grow the page to just over 2100 followers who are able to see a piece of my story every day. By the way if you'd like to be part of that, go over there and follow -- just figured I'd plug the page real quick. 2100 followers is OK. But how about over half a million? That'd be pretty great, right? Well today I've got the story of someone who has done just that in this niche. Trevor Oldham is the co-founder of Become the Lion, the World’s leading platform for changing your mindset from “I can’t do it’, ‘I’m giving up’”… to “I will become the STRONGEST version of myself NOW. Not next week, next year, but TODAY..” The goal is to become the world’s premiere source of inspiration and expansion of the mind when

  • 45: Kelly Roach on her Journey from NFL Cheerleader to CEO

    18/10/2017 Duración: 33min

    Today, I have a story of a woman whose journey towards her Dare is half-similar to mine. Before becoming a business coach, author, podcaster, speaker, and CEO of Kelly Roach International, Kelly Roach had a sales job like me. Well, not quite like me -- she broke all the sales records at her Fortune 500 employer and rose from entry-level to Senior Vice President in just 7 years. So maybe me down the road. But I only said "half-similar" -- and that's because prior to that meteoric rise, Kelly was a cheerleader in the NFL. I cannot say that I've held that title. Today, as I mentioned, Kelly runs her own business. As she mentions on her website, "Whether it’s starting and rapidly scaling your first business, learning how to properly manage your time to exponentially explode profits while working less, growing your existing business or even just mastering the “mental game”, she's developed proven systems for both the corporate and entrepreneurial world that deliver real results, fast." I was so glad to hear her

  • 44: NASCAR's Landon Cassill on Dares in the Fast Lane

    11/10/2017 Duración: 18min

    In the world of sports, everyone's dream is to make to the big time, the majors, the top tier -- everyone wants to get to the top. Now for most of us that dream tends to tail off around highschool or college, and that's if we put years and years in, because the competition is so heated and chances are limited. But there are a few which break through, and it's the story of one of those today which I'm proud to bring to the show. Landon Cassill, a driver in the Monster Energy Series -- that's NASCAR, if you don't watch, and if you don't watch, you should. It's a great sport -- started racing at the age of 3. From dirt to Daytona, Cassill has made his way all the way from the short tracks to the superspeedways through sheer devotion to his craft and a refusal to do anything else. I was lucky enough to catch Landon on the phone about a month ago before the race weekend at Chicagoland, and talked about his journey. I'm so glad to be able to bring him on the program, and look forward to having you hear his story.

  • 43: Joey Kim on Making (and Breaking) Dares in VC

    04/10/2017 Duración: 24min

    Season 2 is finally here! For the first episode I have on Joey Kim, associate at Romulus Capital and host of Venture to Venture, a 100-part video series on what it means to hustle. I hope you enjoy! So happy to be kicking this off. CHECK OUT THE OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA FEEDS FOR THE SHOW: Instagram YouTube Facebook Website: Feel free to get in touch with me through any of those platforms to let me know what you're thinking, or if you have a great idea for someone who you can put me in touch with for an interview. Enjoy! Music: "Yesterday" -- Jahzzar (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0) Find out more on the To Dare is Human website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • 42: Season 2 Lineup Announcement!

    27/09/2017 Duración: 06min

    Season 2 is launching next week! Ahead of that, I thought to give a sneak peek by rattling off the features I will definitely be having on the show. The list is a mix of entrepreneurs, social figures, athletes, authors and more. I can't wait to have you hear them! CHECK OUT THE OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA FEEDS FOR THE SHOW: Instagram YouTube Facebook Website: Feel free to get in touch with me through any of those platforms to let me know what you're thinking, or if you have a great idea for someone who you can put me in touch with for an interview. Enjoy! Music: "Yesterday" -- Jahzzar (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0) Find out more on the To Dare is Human website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • 41: I Need Help

    15/09/2017 Duración: 05min

    It's the first edition of Feedback Friday! In this one, I talk about content and cadence, and I need your help! I would love it if you would engage on the type of content you would like to see/hear by connecting with me through any of the below platforms. Hope to hear from you! CHECK OUT THE OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA FEEDS FOR THE SHOW: Instagram YouTube Facebook Website: Feel free to get in touch with me through any of those platforms to let me know what you're thinking, or if you have a great idea for someone who you can put me in touch with for an interview. Enjoy! Music by izioq: Find out more on the To Dare is Human website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • 40: We. Are. Back.

    08/09/2017 Duración: 08min

    Title says it all. We are back everyone!! Not that I've been that "gone" from other platforms. But this is the first podcast I've uploaded in a while. Which is cool! I can think of no better way to announce the return of the podcast than to announce Season 2, which is ready to launch by the end of the month. I've got a bunch of great interviews lined up (of course, I'm always open to suggestions from my listeners!) and I can't wait to bring you that content. In the meantime, I am very active on a few other platforms, namely... Instagram YouTube Facebook Also, I have completely redone the website. Let me know what you think!! It's still at Feel free to get in touch with me through any of those platforms to let me know what you're thinking, or if you have a great idea for someone who you can put me in touch with for an interview. Enjoy! So excited to be back!! Music by izioq: Find out more on the To Dare is Human website. This podcast is power

  • 39: On Sacrifice and Thankfulness

    12/06/2017 Duración: 09min

    It's Monday! Time for a little motivation. What would you be willing to sacrifice to achieve? I read an incredible story over the weekend that I wanted to bring on the show that is a powerful lesson in humility and thankfulness for all of us. Be sure to check out the rest of the incredible photojournalism I referenced on the show over at GMB Akash's website. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and leave an iTunes review. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to tell your friends about it as well, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be shared, reach out and let me know about it! Enjoy! Music by izioq: Find out more on the To Dare is Human website.

  • 38: Stay the (Golf) Course

    09/06/2017 Duración: 11min

    Oh man, I CANNOT GOLF. It is SO FRUSTRATING. I know you've felt similarly when making Dares. When trying something new or uncertain and something doesn't go your way (maybe repeatedly), it can evoke any number of negative feelings. It can get you upset. It can piss you off. It has for me, at least. And one of the toughest pills to swallow is the realization that, when setbacks occur, you just need to stay the course and you will come out on the other side. You'll learn. In my case, the course was most recently a golf course, and it inspired me to record this little minisode for y'all to talk about my past experiences with anger and frustration when going for goals. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and leave an iTunes review. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to tell your friends about it as well, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Addition

  • 37: Get Lost on Your Own Trail

    06/06/2017 Duración: 11min

    I had a map, a compass, a plan, five very smart friends -- and we got lost five minutes in. That's the story of my hike in Yosemite. Or, I should say, hikes -- as it happened twice. But as we bushwhacked deeper into the forest with neither a trail nor cell service, I made a note in the back of my head to draw a parallel between getting lost on a hike and making Dares. You might be surprised as to how similar the two are. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and leave an iTunes review. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to tell your friends about it as well, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be shared, reach out and let me know about it! Enjoy! Music by izioq: http://izioq

  • 36: Small Stuff University

    30/05/2017 Duración: 07min

    If you're like me, your Facebook and Instagram accounts are currently being flooded with graduation photos from friends and family. Today's episode is the story of a graduation (and a Dare within) you likely didn't see -- that of Albert Alan. Albert has taken an incredible journey from living on the streets to leaving the University of Arizona with three degrees and a plan to return to the streets as a doctor for the homeless. Read more about the incredible story of Albert Alan here. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and leave an iTunes review. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to tell your friends about it as well, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be shared, reach

  • 35: A Steady Drive

    26/05/2017 Duración: 07min

    Picture this: you're on a long drive through the desert to Yosemite National Park. You know the destination; you're excited for it. But the drive gets boring -- two, three hours pass, and it can seem like nothing's happened. It's just the same with our Dares. Sometimes we can be held back by the perception that our efforts are getting us nowhere, and that can lead to intervals of crippling inaction. In today's episode I stress why consistent output and effort is superior that operating in fits and starts using the analogy of a long drive. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and tell your friends about it. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to leave a rating/review on iTunes, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Dar

  • 34: Don't Worry, Be Happy, Vice Versa

    23/05/2017 Duración: 09min

    To date, I've positioned Dares as similar to leaps of faith into new ground. Those who accomplish have the ability to thrust themselves into the spotlight for the feats they achieve. But how far does it go before the need for happiness outweighs the need to succeed? And are the two really so different? I'll discuss in today's episode. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and tell your friends about it. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to leave a rating/review on iTunes, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be shared, reach out and let me know about it! Enjoy! Music by izioq: Find out more on the To Dare is Human website. This podcast is powered

  • 33: Ready to Romp

    22/05/2017 Duración: 08min

    It's one month until summer, and that's right guys -- it's...romper season? The new fad has taken social media by storm over the past month by way of the RompHim: the romper made specially for men. Believe it or not, I've actually managed to tie the RompHim to the To Dare is Human mentality, so strap in and learn how the team behind the clothes implemented a tactic necessary for getting any Dare off the ground. Check out the Kickstarter for the RompHim here: Check out the team's (ACED Designs) social media presences here as well: Facebook, Instagram Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and tell your friends about it. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to leave a rating/review on iTunes, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook

  • 32: Relinquishing Royalty

    18/05/2017 Duración: 05min

    On today's Daily Dare I relay a story about how Dares don't have to be about achieving personal financial or artistic success, but rather can be purely for the purpose of achieving personal happiness. Japan's Princess Mako has Dared to find just that; listen in to hear how. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and tell your friends about it. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to leave a rating/review on iTunes, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be shared, reach out and let me know about it! Enjoy! Music by izioq: Find out more on the To Dare is Human website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • 31: Dares on Deck

    17/05/2017 Duración: 07min

    On today's Daily Dare I explore William, whose passion for skateboarding led to his ultimate decision to depart from a more traditional career and start his own skate brand, Last Try. Having just happened upon this story myself, I hope to have William here on the show to share more about his experience. For now it's a great lesson in preparation and timing in terms of when to make the jump -- for William, Last Try's recent launch was born from his labors and interests carefully cultivated over the past 25 years. You can check out Last Try here, and hopefully I'll have William come on at some point to go further into what it's been like behond the scenes of his personal Dare. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and tell your friends about it. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to leave a rating/review on iTunes, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: https://www.todareishuman.

  • 30: Nearly Candy Crushed

    16/05/2017 Duración: 08min

    The first Daily Dare explores the story of Roger who, after revisiting an old beloved foreign snack, launched TryTreats, a subscription service through which you can enjoy snacks from around the world delivered right to your door. Listen in and explore Roger's story more broadly in the links below! Roger's Reddit AMA can be found here. And also be sure to visit TryTreats here. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and tell your friends about it. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to leave a rating/review on iTunes, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be shared, reach out and let me know about it! Enjoy! Music by izioq: Find out more on the To Dare

  • 29: On Leveling Up

    15/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    We are 30 episodes in. Time for a little shake up, from the sound to the subject. I talk about evolving the show to a more frequent schedule, and liken Dares to games. Enjoy! Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and tell your friends about it. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to leave a rating/review on iTunes, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be shared, reach out and let me know about it! Enjoy! Music by izioq: Find out more on the To Dare is Human website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • 28: On Luck

    12/05/2017 Duración: 09min

    I headed to Vegas last weekend, and...let's just say I didn't come out a winner. But it did get me thinking a lot about how we perceive luck, and so thought to take a few minutes to discuss. Enjoy! Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, subscribe and tell your friends about it. It's the best way for me to continue finding incredible stories to share. If you want to leave a rating/review on iTunes, that's cool too. Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be shared, reach out and let me know about it! Enjoy! Music: Jahzzar - "Dirt" from the album "1UP" Shared Under CC Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Find out more on the To Dare is Human website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

  • 27: Wonder Women: Alexa Buckley, Sarah Pierson, and Margaux

    04/05/2017 Duración: 31min

    Welcome back to Wonder Women! This week we have the story of two incredible up-and-comers in the world of footwear, Alexa Buckley and Sarah Pierson, as they've made their Dare to conquer the creation of the perfect flat (and heel -- they've just launched it!) through founding Margaux. The three of us share a common inspiration for igniting our passions into actions, and also happen to have spent extended periods in heels -- me to a much lesser extent, but not a nonzero one. More on that in the episode. If you'd like to interact with Margaux, they're online at, and also on Facebook and Instagram @marguaxny. Go check out what they've been doing! What an awesome story. Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, leave us a review and rating on iTunes and I'll shout you out right here on the show! Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by emai

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