Introvert Biz Growth Podcast



The Introvert Biz Growth is a conversation with introverts who have grown their online business using their introverted super powers. We discuss entrepreneurship, personal & business growth, different revenue streams, online selling & making a difference.Past guests include Denise Wakeman, Nicole Dean, Tara Gentile as well as Beth Buelow.


  • A Beautiful Sales Conversation

    09/12/2021 Duración: 12min

    This episode is part of a 12 days of Christmas read-along of the Selling Like We're Human book, recorded in 2021. The book follows a similar concept to what you're already used to here on the Humane Marketing show with the 7Ps of Humane Marketing and the Marketing Like We're Human book: we start with the being and then go into the doing. The 3 parts of the Selling Like We're Human book are : Being, Knowing and Doing (compared to Rumble, Rise and Resonate of the Marketing Like We're Human book) Today I'm reading a small section of Part 3 on DOING, Chapter 9 called 'A Beautiful Sales Conversation'     Excerpt from Selling Like We're Human, Part 3: DOING, Chapter 9: A Beautiful Sales Conversation   Focus on How You Make Them Feel And so we find ourselves at the end of your sales path, in the middle of your Serene Garden, under the big old oak tree. The weather is warm, and there’s a slight breeze. Bees are buzzing, birds are chirping, and a small swarm of blue butterflies is sailing throu

  • From Sales Funnel to Gentle Sales Path

    08/12/2021 Duración: 13min

    This episode is part of a 12 days of Christmas read-along of the Selling Like We're Human book, recorded in 2021. The book follows a similar concept to what you're already used to here on the Humane Marketing show with the 7Ps of Humane Marketing and the Marketing Like We're Human book: we start with the being and then go into the doing. The 3 parts of the Selling Like We're Human book are : Being, Knowing and Doing (compared to Rumble, Rise and Resonate of the Marketing Like We're Human book) Today I'm reading a small section of Part 3 on DOING, Chapter 8 called 'From Sales Funnel to Gentle Sales Path'     Excerpt from Selling Like We're Human, Part 3: DOING, Chapter 8: From Sales Funnel to Gentle Sales Path   The Sales Funnel Revisited We all know the spiel by now. I give you my e-mail in exchange for something I want and need. It could be a checklist, it could be a one-page marketing plan, it could be a video series . . . Once I enter my name and e-mail, I’m smart enough to know tha

  • Manage Your Sales Energy

    07/12/2021 Duración: 10min

    This episode is part of a 12 days of Christmas read-along of the Selling Like We're Human book, recorded in 2021. The book follows a similar concept to what you're already used to here on the Humane Marketing show with the 7Ps of Humane Marketing and the Marketing Like We're Human book: we start with the being and then go into the doing. The 3 parts of the Selling Like We're Human book are : Being, Knowing and Doing (compared to Rumble, Rise and Resonate of the Marketing Like We're Human book) Today I'm reading a small section of Part 2 on KNOWING, Chapter 7 called 'Manage Your Sales Energy'     Excerpt from Selling Like We're Human, Part 2: KNOWING, Chapter 7: Manage Your Sales Energy   I’m in the middle of cooking dinner, a veggie stir-fry, when my phone rings. I don’t know about you, but my friends never call around that time. Sure, we often chat over WhatsApp to check in on each other, but we never call. So I immediately cringe because I intuitively know it’s a telemarketing call.

  • Calculate Your Worth

    06/12/2021 Duración: 14min

    This episode is part of a 12 days of Christmas read-along of the Selling Like We're Human book, recorded in 2021. The book follows a similar concept to what you're already used to here on the Humane Marketing show with the 7Ps of Humane Marketing and the Marketing Like We're Human book: we start with the being and then go into the doing. The 3 parts of the Selling Like We're Human book are : Being, Knowing and Doing (compared to Rumble, Rise and Resonate of the Marketing Like We're Human book) Today I'm reading a small section of Part 2 on KNOWING, Chapter 6 called 'Calculate Your Worth'     Excerpt from Selling Like We're Human, Part 2: KNOWING, Chapter 6: Calculate Your Worth   Time Is money. Or Is It? The reason why many of us don’t like selling is because we are not comfortable discussing prices and investments. There are many reasons for this, society making money a taboo being one, our own uncertainty about our prices being another one. But if we have worked on our Unique Value P

  • Know Your People

    05/12/2021 Duración: 12min

    This episode is part of a 12 days of Christmas read-along of the Selling Like We're Human book, recorded in 2021. The book follows a similar concept to what you're already used to here on the Humane Marketing show with the 7Ps of Humane Marketing and the Marketing Like We're Human book: we start with the being and then go into the doing. The 3 parts of the Selling Like We're Human book are : Being, Knowing and Doing (compared to Rumble, Rise and Resonate of the Marketing Like We're Human book) Today I'm reading a small section of Part 2 on KNOWING, Chapter 5 called 'Know Your People'     Excerpt from Selling Like We're Human, Part 2: KNOWING, Chapter 5: Know Your People   From “People Buy Stuff” to “People Buy People” As one of the early adopters of LinkedIn consulting, I had to learn that my skills and even ten-plus years of experience just weren’t enough anymore. Sure, when I first started offering LinkedIn coaching ten years ago, I was pretty much the only one with that specialty, a

  • Get Clear on Your Value

    04/12/2021 Duración: 11min

    This episode is part of a 12 days of Christmas read-along of the Selling Like We're Human book, recorded in 2021. The book follows a similar concept to what you're already used to here on the Humane Marketing show with the 7Ps of Humane Marketing and the Marketing Like We're Human book: we start with the being and then go into the doing. The 3 parts of the Selling Like We're Human book are : Being, Knowing and Doing (compared to Rumble, Rise and Resonate of the Marketing Like We're Human book) Today I'm reading a small section of Part 2 on KNOWING, Chapte4 3 called 'Get Clear On Your Value'     Excerpt from Selling Like We're Human, Part 2: KNOWING, Chapter 4: Get Clear on Your Value   KNOWING Overview: Your Value, People, and Worth I’ve made this mistake several times in my LinkedIn consulting business: I created a new product or service, and then ran out to sell it. Or tried to sell it. And failed. It wasn’t the quality of the product that was the problem. It’s that I rushed it and d

  • Boost Your Sales Confidence

    03/12/2021 Duración: 15min

    This episode is part of a 12 days of Christmas read-along of the Selling Like We're Human book, recorded in 2021. The book follows a similar concept to what you're already used to here on the Humane Marketing show with the 7Ps of Humane Marketing and the Marketing Like We're Human book: we start with the being and then go into the doing. The 3 parts of the Selling Like We're Human book are : Being, Knowing and Doing (compared to Rumble, Rise and Resonate of the Marketing Like We're Human book) Today I'm reading a small section of Part 1 on BEING, Chapter 3 called 'Boost Your Sales Confidence:'     Excerpt from Selling Like We're Human, Part 1: BEING, Chapter 3: Boost Your Sales Confidence   Overcome the Expert Fear The second most frequently asked question, after your name, is probably “what do you do for a living?” From that short answer of what we do for work, others will make assumptions about our societal level, income, ambition, etcetera. No wonder people feel defined by what they

  • Clear Your Own Sales Objections

    02/12/2021 Duración: 13min

    This episode is part of a 12 days of Christmas read-along of the Selling Like We're Human book, recorded in 2021. The book follows a similar concept to what you're already used to here on the Humane Marketing show with the 7Ps of Humane Marketing and the Marketing Like We're Human book: we start with the being and then go into the doing. The 3 parts of the Selling Like We're Human book are : Being, Knowing and Doing (compared to Rumble, Rise and Resonate of the Marketing Like We're Human book) Today I'm reading a small section of Part 1 on BEING, Chapter 2 called 'Clear your Own Objections:'     Excerpt from Selling Like We're Human, Part 1: BEING, Chapter 2: Clear Your Own Sales Objections   Ground Yourself in Your Own Worth Often, the two terms ‘self-worth’ and ‘self-esteem’, are used interchangeably. But they are actually not the same and there’s a reason we start with selfworth. Self-worth is the foundation. Remember the big tree in the middle of our secret garden? The reason that

  • Selling is Human

    01/12/2021 Duración: 15min

    This episode is part of a 12 days of Christmas read-along of the Selling Like We're Human book, recorded in 2021. The book follows a similar concept to what you're already used to here on the Humane Marketing show with the 7Ps of Humane Marketing and the Marketing Like We're Human book: we start with the being and then go into the doing. The 3 parts of the Selling Like We're Human book are : Being, Knowing and Doing (compared to Rumble, Rise and Resonate of the Marketing Like We're Human book) So today we start with an excerpt from Part 1, BEING, and Chapter 1: Change Your Perspective. So much of my work has to do with changing your perspective and doing things differently, and selling is no different.   Excerpt from Selling Like We're Human, Part 1: BEING, Chapter 1: Change Your Perspective   Selling Is Human In various old dialects, the word selling had a completely different meaning and vibe than it has today. Here are a few according to the Etymology Dictionary: Old English: sellan

  • Selling The Gentle Way

    28/11/2021 Duración: 36min

    I was recently a guest on Shioban Jones’ wonderful The Unlocked Creative podcast to talk about Humane Marketing and Selling. She was so kind to give me the recording so I could share it here. So in this bonus episode, I’ll be the guest for once and the lovely Shioban Jones is asking me about Humane Marketing and Selling.

  • Sharing The Mess and The Message

    26/11/2021 Duración: 41min

    Lian Angelino is a career coach for female professionals in their 20s and 30s who feel unfulfilled in their careers. During our time together we talked about sharing the mess and the message. Lian combines her background in Work Psychology, Mental Health Sciences and Leadership Development to help women get clear about what makes them tick and to map out how they can create a life and career based on that. Besides online career coaching, Lian also offers online consults, for professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders/managers, on how to combat Impostor Syndrome in the workplace or their business. In this episode, you'll learn about sharing the mess and the message and... The quote 'carry the message-not the mess' and it's roots in AA How the opposite holds truth as well Mental health: is it still a taboo? The hero journey and how it's overrated and much more… Lian’s Resources   Lian's Website Connect with Lian on: LinkedIn Facebook   Sarah's Resources Watch this episode on Yout

  • The New "Selling Like We're Human" Book

    19/11/2021 Duración: 34min

    To get your copy of the new Selling Like You're Human book go to HERE. You can also first download a free chapter to see if it resonates. *** Today we're going to talk about my new book 'Selling Like We're Human'. I think of it as the little sister of 'Marketing Like We're Human'. They go hand in hand. Honestly, this was a very different book to write for me. I wrote it because I realized it's what my audience wants. I thought they wanted marketing. But in fact, they wanted to sell. What they needed to get to selling was more humane marketing. So once I accepted and gave myself permission to write a very different kind of selling book, that's when I started to love the idea. But I didn't want to write it alone either so I asked in my Humane Marketing Circle who'd be interested in getting together in a Gentle Sales lab to talk about the content of this book. And luckily a group of lovely ladies showed up. Together we defined what needed to be covered, and then I sat down and wrote it. In today's episode,

  • Building Effective Websites That Combine Tech and Humane Business Practices

    12/11/2021 Duración: 45min

    Today's conversation fits under the P of Product. And since many of us have online businesses, that means the digital presentation and packaging of your products which includes your website. So today I'm bringing you my very own web guy, Mark Hunter. I've been working with Mark since the early days, probably close to 10 years now. He's helped me with at least four of my websites. He's the perfect person to talk about building effective websites that combine tech and humane business practices. Mark Hunter is an Australian-based entrepreneur who started off as a programmer. His friends and team members comment that he comes across as disarming and kind because he is more interested in the other person's perspective than winning his own agenda. When he isn't creating websites and marketing strategies for his clients, Mark likes to spend his time training others on little tips and tricks they can use to work more efficiently in tech. In this episode, you'll learn about building effective websites that

  • Creating a Customer-Centric Business Starts With the Customer Experience

    05/11/2021 Duración: 43min

    Today's conversation fits under the P of People. Your people. Your clients. Your customers. It's also in a way a follow up from my earlier episode around customer experience, go check it out at I heard Stacy speak on another podcast and really liked what she shared about making the customer experience more human. We are diving deep into why creating a customer-centric business starts with the customer experience. Stacy Sherman is a customer experience corporate leader, keynote speaker, author, and podcaster about Doing Customer Experience Right. She's created a Heart & Science™ framework that accelerates customer loyalty, referrals, and revenue. In this episode, you'll learn about why creating a customer-centric business starts with the customer experience and...   How Stacy defines CX or Customer Experience How is Customer Experience different from Customer Service How we can deliver a Human first Customer experience The importance of micro moments Stacy view

  • Branding and Marketing with Authenticity

    29/10/2021 Duración: 50min

    Today's conversation about branding and marketing with authenticity fits under the 2nd P of the Humane Marketing Mandala, the P that stands for Personal Power. I'm talking to Lisa Haggis about being honest with ourselves so we can be honest with our clients. Lisa Haggis, the founder of Realize Your Brand, helps entrepreneurs discover how to build a remarkable brand for their product or service from the ground up. With over a decade of marketing and branding experience, Lisa helps solve a major branding issue all entrepreneurs face - articulating why someone should pick their service, product or offering over the many competitors that exist. In this episode, you'll learn about branding and marketing with authenticity and...   Why real branding starts with the deep inner work Why it's all about your point of view, not your personality What Lisa means by 'stripping away our defenses' The main ingredients of a brand that's based on a point of view and so much more. Lisa’s Resources   Realize Y

  • How Companies Can Survive the Great Resignation

    22/10/2021 Duración: 44min

    Today's conversation fits under the P of Passion, which is the first P of the Humane Marketing Mandala. I'm talking to my friend John Jennings, who's an expert in employee engagement, culture change, governance, and leadership style. John’s career of over 35 years in both the public and private sector has seen him hold senior operational and executive board-level roles for a range of highly reputable UK & US businesses. These include Prudential, Egg, Experian, and Totemic as well as leading the internationally renowned Curve Theatre’s operations in Leicester. He lectures and presents on the key competitive advantages that business leaders can gain by placing an employee-centric approach at the heart of business strategy, how to apply key governance principles into the day-to-day workings of any business, regardless of size and complexity, and the impact that individual leadership styles play in achieving great results. In this episode, you'll learn about how companies can survive the great resign

  • Finding Commonalities with Ubuntu

    15/10/2021 Duración: 47min

    Today's conversation fits under the 7th P, the P of Partnership. I'm talking to Zaynub Parker, a South-Africa-based NLP and Life Coach. Our conversation focused on finding commonalities with Ubuntu, the South-African philosophy that highlights community and unity. If you have followed my rebranding journey from Gentle marketing to Humane Marketing you know that Ubuntu was one of the words I looked at very closely as it really represents what this new way of marketing means to me. This idea of shared humanity is so deep. And if we understand that we are all one, we'll approach our businesses in a completely different way that is not just about winning, not just about profits but it's really about having a common goal. So I'm so thrilled to be able to talk to Zaynub today. As a woman of color, who grew up in South Africa, she embodies the term Ubuntu through and through. In this episode, you'll learn about finding commonalities with Ubuntu and... The meaning of Ubuntu Zaynub's experience of Ubuntu i

  • Free 'Marketing Like We're Human' workshop: new dates

    11/10/2021 Duración: 04min

    Go to to sign up *** Hello Humane Marketers! I'm hosting an Encore of the Marketing Like We're Human workshop. Last time I gave you way too little notice, so I decided to host an encore. In fact, I enjoyed the experience of these workshops so much last month, I decided to run them on a bi-monthly basis going forward. It's a 75 minute human experience in which you can expect good content, real humans and two free tools, one of them you already know, which is the 7Ps of Markeing. I'll start with an explanation about why so many of us dislike marketing - and why we need to come back to doing 'Marketing Like We're Human' We'll pause to 'see' our fellow Humans on the call and acknowledge each other. I know having the video on all day can be exhausting, but if you can turn it on even just for this moment, that would be amazing. Then I'll share two simple and yet amazing free tools you can use to find your way back to marketing your business in a way that's aligned with your values

  • Doing Email Marketing with Ease

    08/10/2021 Duración: 54min

    Today's conversation fits under the 6th P, the P of Promotion. I'm talking to Ruth Poundwhite, my new go-to person for all things email marketing. This conversation focused on doing email marketing with ease. Ruth is a mega introvert - and proud of it! She is a certified coach, NLP practitioner & feminist marketer who supports highly sensitive humans to scale their businesses without sacrificing who they are. She is particularly passionate about helping women to trust in themselves to build businesses that prioritize both their physical and mental wellbeing. Her book, Quietly Ambitious, is scheduled for release later this year. In this episode, you'll learn about doing email marketing with ease and... How she built her entire business using email marketing Whether we really need a big list Specific examples to get more subscribers, the gentle way How to write 'nice' sales emails How to bring your values into your emails The power of the P.S. and much more... Ruth’s Resources Ruth’s Website

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