Church With Jesse Lee Peterson



BOND, The Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, is a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man," nationally recognized and founded in Los Angeles in 1990 by Jesse Lee Peterson, pastor, counselor, radio & TV host, and author. 800-411-BOND (that's 800-411-2663).


  • Do You Believe in the End Times? | Archive 7/27/14

    26/07/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    After discussing family and work trouble, we discuss people's notions of the "End Times." Society and men are not on a solid foundation today. Archive Sunday Service, July 27, 2014 TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-service intro* 0:00:28 Welcome to Sunday Service* 0:00:58 Man dealing with work trouble* 0:03:17 Are you religious or spiritual?* 0:04:14 (JLP asks guests if they're a Christian)* 0:05:21 Are you building on a solid foundation?* 0:06:23 Raymond on respect for authority* 0:07:11 14-yo worried about his mother (father too)* 0:12:25 Q: Do you believe in the End Times?* 0:22:12 Ron to young man, and on End Times* 0:25:35 JLP: The signs of the times* 0:44:37 Feedback: Provocation and prepping* 0:47:50 JLP: Serious happenings, overreaction, thoughts* 0:57:09 Admit you're wrong, no excuses. Fear God.MUSIC: "Changes" (unreleased track) by Jon Parfitt / Bright LightsLINKSBLOG PODCAST by BOND Substack  VIDEO  YouTube Premiere 4 PM PT Weds.

  • Joel Friday's Story: Less Thumping, More Living! | Church 7/23/23

    23/07/2023 Duración: 01h51min

    Joel Friday's story finding JLP, then finding himself. Why do you "Jesse thump"? Let go of judgment and just live. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, July 23, 2023 — GUEST HOST: Joel Friday sits in for Jesse to run the meeting. ||  See links, clips, and notes below. TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-service small talk* 0:00:57 Joel Friday sitting-in for JLP* 0:02:55 Joel's story re: JLP, anger* 0:16:00 Joel (JF) putting Jesse on a pedestal* 0:22:01 Joel started living his own life, thinking for himself* 0:28:21 Feedback: Ever stop thinking for yourself?* 0:37:51 Feedback: disagreement, openness, arrogance* 0:45:11 Joel: Jesse thumpers* 0:49:30 Parable of good vs rocky soil. Judgment vs love* 0:55:43 Mistake: Teaching the word. Let kids grow up! Just live in moment* 1:00:00 Listening to Satan, doing wrong and self-judgment* 1:05:24 Joel: Christianity lost the realness; hiding flaws, faking perfection* 1:12:35 Q: Why do you Jesse thump? Your own words, in the moment* 1:22:02 Doug wants to be right; Joel wanted to b

  • Do You Fear God? | Archive 7/20/14

    19/07/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    The Bible says you shall fear the Lord your God. Do you? Do you have other gods? We don't know anything. Archive Sunday Service, July 20, 2014 Deuteronomy 6: 13-15 — Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name. Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you; (For the Lord thy God is a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the Lord thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth.TIME STAMPS* 00:00 Pre-service intro / Welcome* 01:01 Solid foundation, Step 7* 02:54 Deut 6: 13-15 – Do you fear God?* 07:54 Feedback: Do you fear God?* 10:47 I asked my barber: Do you fear God?* 12:49 (Hake corrects my English)* 13:14 More men and women fear God (Bible verses)* 21:38 I do fear God, no other god but false gods* 26:54 Solomon pondered these things* 27:58 Food and sex, false gods* 29:14 God is a jealous God; we know nothing* 30:14 Raymond, we'll show you how 130K. 3M. 800K x* 30:53 Knowledge a false god* 31:39 Ter

  • Does It Take Courage to Speak Up? | Church 7/16/23

    16/07/2023 Duración: 01h58min

    Jesus was an individual. Love the bully: Discernment vs opinion. Does it take courage to speak up, or to remain quiet? Church with Jesse Lee Peterson,Sunday, July 16, 2023TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-service small talk (no Rumble)* 0:03:00 BQ: What color was Jesus? (no intro)* 0:14:55 JLP on Jesus: Individual; Lose life to gain it; Intellect* 0:33:00 Love the bully. Have no opinion. (Discernment?)* 0:50:33 Does it take courage to speak up for yourself? * 0:56:27 Dealt with mother? Wife knows he's afraid. "Strong women."* 1:07:19 No one's ever been on your side. (Discernment vs opinions)* 1:13:30 Which takes courage: To speak up, or not to speak up? * 1:23:03 JLP: It doesn't take courage to speak up. * 1:28:50 Helpful? Silent Prayer? Forgave mother. * 1:32:57 To man: All emotions are evil; let them pass, relax* 1:37:34 It’s not me, but the Father in me* 1:39:24 Closing: Pray, watch, stop protecting the ego * 1:42:00 ENDANNOUNCEMENTS not mentioned: Women's Forum 3rd Thursday! Joel Friday will lead fellowship next S

  • When Blacks Discriminate Against Blacks | Archive 7/13/14

    12/07/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    A man got burned by blacks he sought to help. "Never again!" Thoughts? Through patient endurance you win your soul. Archive Sunday Service, July 13, 2014: Jesse Lee Peterson recounts visiting Alabama over the Fourth of July weekend, for a school reunion. A couple people picked fights with him over his views. One young entrepreneur told Jesse he set out to help black people with his business, but stopped after some nasty accusations from people he helped. Some of the men and women in church react to the "stereotype" the young businessman embraced toward his own race. A hard-working young black woman in the meeting says she deals with people seemingly mistaking her for the secretary.  //  Finally we read from Luke 21: 19, which states that through patient endurance possess ye your souls. Wait and see in life and challenges. Let go of knowledge, of thinking you know or assuming you understand.  //  Question for next week: Should we fear God?  //  TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-service intro* 0:00:28 Welcome: Exploring

  • Bear the Cross: Ego Death | Church 7/9/23

    09/07/2023 Duración: 01h59min

    Many disciples left Jesus. Bear the cross: Ego death. A lady came looking for a church. Suicide is another fallen state escape. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson,Sunday, July 9, 2023TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-service small talk (re: homeless)* 0:01:45 Welcome to Church: Man on prayer* 0:04:10 Christians? John 6: 66-67 Disciples left Jesus (feedback)* 0:19:37 Q: How do you see Jesus? Do you believe in him?* 0:30:18 JLP: We've been lied to about Jesus. (WWJD?)* 0:37:03 JLP: They didn't know: spirit. Ego death. Bear the cross. * 0:46:45 JLP: No expectation (even in marriage). Change nature. * 0:49:55 How to let the ego die? See it. Trust the Light. * 0:55:14 Lady: Purpose of scripture? Psychopath?* 0:59:57 Lady: Forgiven mother?* 1:23:03 Lady: Eve nature* 1:31:00 Lady: Silent Prayer* 1:35:31 Donyale: Judgment. Biblical Q: Why so much suicide?* 1:45:24 BQ continued: Should life be a lot, or easy? * 1:48:35 JLP on BQ: To suppress the fallen state feeling* 1:51:44 Judas did the same. You don't know yourself yet. False s

  • What Does It Mean: We Are the Bride of Christ? | Archive 6/29/14

    06/07/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    Nanny from Hell! The soul is the bride of Christ. Thoughts mislead you. R. Kelly's "trans" daughter: Does God love us as we are?Archive Sunday Service, June 29, 2014: Did anybody have a life this week? A few people ask questions: Don't hold onto knowledge. You want wisdom. You don't want to be taught. When you live by the light of God, you overcome temptation. When doing good, you shouldn't get a warm, fuzzy feeling about it. When JLP reads the Bible, he puts it down and lets God reveal to him.  //  There was a live-in "nanny from Hell" from Upland, California. The man of the house couldn’t make her move out — not a real man! Laws are written against us!  //  The Bible says we are the bride of Christ. What does this mean? Does your understanding help your life? The soul is the bride of Christ.  //  Jesse saw a movie in which a husband cheated on his wife, getting his girlfriend pregnant. The thoughts told him to commit murder. Thoughts do the same to all who lack understanding.  //  Singer R. Kelly's 13-year-

  • Did You Know You Are Your Own World? | Church 7/2/23

    02/07/2023 Duración: 01h49min

    You are your own world. Everyone's out for themselves, egos fighting egos. Stop arguing. Don't let the Devil bluff or bully you. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, July 2, 2023 — Some people had a life! Affirmative Action ended. Now people have to earn their way. That's best. JLP tells a story of people selfishly fighting. All human beings are in hell, possessed, trying to get something. The ego must die. Stay with it. Don't give up.  //  Face fear. One man comes on-stage, after his friend refuses. God does not need our help. We have no burdens to carry, and no one to blame.  //  Let go of titles and labels; they're only a basis for fighting illusions.  //  Biblical Question: What are you committed to? A woman wonders: Who am I? What now? Where do I go from here? JLP doesn't know if he's committed to anything anymore.  //  New Biblical Q: Why do so many people commit suicide?  //  TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-church announcements, small talk* 0:02:26 Welcome! Happy WHM! Anybody had a life?* 0:03:39 Doug goes

  • How Do You Cleanse Body and Soul? | Archive 6/22/14

    28/06/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    Cleanse flesh and spirit: Forgive and watch thoughts. What's the one thing holding you back in life? A father and son are going through issues. Archive Sunday Service, June 22, 2014 TIME STAMPS* 00:00 Intro: Exploring Your Faith* 01:35 2 Cor 7: 1 Cleanse flesh, spirit. How? * 08:05 The one thing holding you back in life? * 10:10 Taught, but not better, still struggling, no understanding* 13:50 Knowledge, education: Mindset, but no change* 14:20 How'd we get the King James Bible? Why doesn't it work?* 18:09 Pollution of the flesh* 21:53 Put up no resistance to temptation; Have no opinion* 26:34 Does politics require opinions on right vs wrong?* 36:52 Going to gym for ego or health? Observe* 40:28 What would you like to change? Finances* 42:59 How are things with your son? Father, bad example* 47:37 Are you the head of your wife? Order of God works* 50:02 What's wrong with you, boy? Son speaks* 57:22 For body and soul, clean the mind (thoughts, anger)MUSIC: "Changes" (unreleased track) by Jon Parfitt / Bright L

  • When Did Democracy Work in America? | Church 6/25/23

    25/06/2023 Duración: 01h47min

    "Democracy" worked when men led. Biblical Q: Why are you ashamed of the anger and hatred in you? Work on yourself. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, June 25, 2023: Are you working on yourself? How?  //  Raymond, what is democracy? Republic? Did it work in America when people believed in God? We once had jobs not overseas, big families, and cheap gasoline. It worked when men ran things.  //  A rapper (DMX, I believe), his unloving mother left him to his grandmother. He had an awful life because no one told him to forgive.  //  Biblical Question: Why are you ashamed of the anger and hatred in you? Who is it in your body feeling ashamed? You've never done anything wrong or right. A mother seeing herself in her daughter: it's imposed identities, possession.  //  New Biblical Question, asked and answered: What's worse, teaching "transgender" in schools, or mothers turning children away from fathers?  //  Work on yourself: Pray, watch thoughts, and don't identify with evil. It's not you.  //  TIME STAMPS* 0:0

  • Recognizing the Deception of Evil | Archive 6/15/14

    21/06/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    Ever been tricked? Satan becomes all things to people who think they believe in God! Does evil work by compulsion or persuasion? Archive Sunday Service, June 15, 2014 — Happy Father's Day! This took place the day after the 5th annual Men's Conference at BOND. TIME STAMPS* 00:00 Pre-Church intro* 00:27 Exploring Your Faith; Happy Father's Day* 01:19 Building a Solid Foundation: Recognizing deception* 02:20 Radio interview: Male Prom Queen* 03:59 Devil deceiving everyone: Ever tricked you?* 07:56 1 Corinthians 9:22 - all things to all people* 08:54 Devil also became all things to all people* 10:44 Bible thumper lives not working* 14:49 Feedback: How Satan has deceived you* 16:47 People think they're with God or not* 17:41 Does God answer your prayer right away?* 21:22 BQ…evil work by compulsion or persuasion?* 23:55 Get to know yourself (Biblical Question continued)* 25:47 Seek first the Kingdom of God* 26:21 Story: Well-meaning person with no love* 30:25 Isn't this good? God will provide* 30:56 Religious compe

  • Is Christianity Tolerant? | Church 6/18/23

    18/06/2023 Duración: 02h10s

    Catholics protested LGBT at Dodgers. Should Christianity be tolerant? Jesus did not judge. What are you trying to gain in life? Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, June 18, 2023 — Happy Father's Day! TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-church small talk* 0:01:29 Welcome to Church! Happy Father's Day!* 0:06:05 Catholics protest drags, Dodgers: Thoughts?* 0:16:48 Raymond: Hard Hat Riot, NY, 70s* 0:17:52 Christianity: Too Tolerant? Not enough? Not at all?* 0:28:56 (Think for yourself, know that you know)* 0:35:02 Draw a line? No right to stop them.* 0:40:00 (God wants you to think... Not a test!)* 0:44:02 Sister forced to participate LGBT class* 0:50:39 Organized religion, leaders don't care* 0:54:56 Was Jesus tolerant? Did Jesus tolerate sin?* 0:59:22 Worse to protest or judge in the head?* 1:06:31 JLP: Jesus did not judge. No opinion.* 1:21:22 Feedback: Timeframe? Mask protest, Hell* 1:31:59 It's not you: perfect peace. Mother flipped. Stoic?* 1:36:51 (I'm black and slow, let the word "stoic" go. Be. Live.)* 1:37:54

  • Satan's Deception: 'Why Bother?' (Partial Service) | Archive 6/8/14

    14/06/2023 Duración: 43min

    Christians have given up fighting for what's right in the country. Satan similarly convinces them they're humble in guilt, only to fall further into judgment. Archive Sunday Service, June 8, 2014 ||  See links and clips below.  TIME STAMPS* 00:00 NOTE: Starts part-way into service* 00:20 Christians fight against one another* 01:08 "Conservatives" forsaking Christian values* 03:16 Losing? Forget it. Why vote?* 06:02 Did you vote? Why not? "Why bother?"* 10:32 Lazy bosses (voters)* 11:23 "Good" people calling evil good* 14:50 Most don't fight for good. Let passions go.* 18:23 Counseling: Satan steps back, before tempting again* 21:49 Satan tricks with false humility, self-judgment* 23:53 Thinking your humble is prideful* 26:03 Father messed up son: Strength not feeling guilty* 31:03 Thinking you're fine, failing, feeling guilty* 31:51 (Never ever ever think you're on the path. It's Satan.)* 33:36 Live it; do what's in front of you, not thinking* 35:55 Shame by realizing you're wrong, not a feeling* 37:16 No gui

  • What Is Your Greatest Fear? | Church 6/11/23

    11/06/2023 Duración: 01h50min

    Everyone's greatest fear is to let feelings and false identities go. Let yourself fall. God will catch you. Christ healed the possessed. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, June 11, 2023 TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-church small talk* 0:02:33 Dead bury the dead? How the cow ate the cabbage* 0:08:34 BQ: What is your greatest fear? * 0:09:08 (Everybody has this fear)* 0:11:15 I can't think my mother's in Hell!* 0:13:22 (All entertainers go to Heaven?)* 0:21:50 (Do you want ice water in Hell?)* 0:22:53 (What if we don't come to you funeral?)* 0:24:29 (Being an incredibly selfish person, like mother)* 0:26:51 Mother: Fear going to Hell. Overcome while you live.* 0:31:11 (Daughter speaks…) * 0:33:12 (How old are you, not gonna-be? — funny)* 0:33:39 Spiders: Afraid of small things overwhelming you* 0:36:31 Hake: Dealing with people* 0:38:16 Nick (Anchor Baby): being exposed* 0:39:23 Franky: I'm lacking love* 0:44:02 I want to be remembered* 0:48:20 JLP on BQ: Nick is right. * 0:52:37 (JLP: False identities)* 0:53:5

  • What Are You Looking For? | Archive 6/1/14

    07/06/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    Job knew and loved God only. Is your foundation solid? What is grace? What are you looking for? Love God along with nothing else. Archive Sunday Service, June 1, 2014 ||  See links and clips below.  TIME STAMPS* 00:00 Pre-church intro* 00:28 Welcome: Exploring Your Faith* 01:05 Rapping, cursing guy at donut shop* 02:52 Satan tested Job. Why does God let him?* 04:07 JLP: Job knew God. God warns you.* 10:25 JLP: Not taught how to live Christianity* 11:54 Q: Is your foundation being made solid?* 14:37 Q: What is grace?* 17:42 JLP: We don't really know* 19:47 JLP: Spending life trying not to sin* 21:26 Grace: We're wicked, but He loves us* 24:53 Ex-alcoholic drinks, but won't get drunk* 26:19 (AA says: "I'm an alcoholic.")* 27:30 (To know God's grace, reflect on life.)* 27:50 Q: What are you looking for?* 29:50 Q: Are you praying every day?* 30:32 (Suffer and die) Looking to be nice, not mean* 32:18 (Nice people are some of the worst)* 33:06 Wife and husband: Giving hell?* 37:07 What's terrible about you? (black

  • What Good Do Your Emotions Do You? | Church 6/4/23

    04/06/2023 Duración: 02h21s

    Do you believe you can live a life with no emotions? (Latin emovere, "to disturb") Emotions are gooey, clogging thoughts from flowing through you. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, June 4, 2023 TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-Church small talk* 0:01:18 Welcome to Church* 0:01:48 What'd you discover about yourself?* 0:02:48 (You gotta work on yourself)* 0:04:50 I am so judgmental* 0:06:05 Man came to church from Houston* 0:07:56 (Everybody has fear.)* 0:08:42 Man and woman from Eritrea, Africa* 0:11:14 (People don't know they need to slow down)* 0:11:47 If you forgot everything/everyone, who'd you be?* 0:14:30 (It's either good or evil, no in-between)* 0:16:47 Biblical Q: What good do your emotions do you?* 0:26:30 (Without emotions, would you be a robot?)* 0:27:45 Is it normal to be busy in the mind all day?* 0:29:42 (It's not a test. Relax. Speak from the chest.) * 0:32:46 Is it possible to live a life with no emotions?* 0:37:37 Should a dying person carry on about it?* 0:38:19 Hard to imagine no emotion. Hal

  • They Who Take Wisdom Will Hunger and Thirst for More | Archive 5/25/14

    31/05/2023 Duración: 58min

    Most children are ungrateful, and most adults angry — including Christians! What does it mean to hunger and thirst for wisdom?Archive Sunday Service, May 25, 2014 — Memorial Day weekend: Jesse Lee Peterson thanks people for birthday wishes. He doesn't want to be put away like old people nowadays.  //  Jesse teaches an Ethics Class for the BOND Leadership Academy for Boys and Girls, reading Booker T. Washington's books, "Up from Slavery," and "Character Building." He had them write about gratefulness — and one student in particular gave good input about simple things in life, from a non-spoiled perspective. In Oakland, students fight with teachers, witness violence, and some say suffer "PTSD" ("Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder"). Cities are worse than the country, generally. It's simple to marry and raise children. Men naturally know how to lead, but they're being undermined, weakened, and taken out of leadership — so evil rules.  //  We read Ecclesiasticus 24: 31 (from the Jewish and Catholic scripture), "They

  • What Is Your Reason for Living? | Church 5/28/23

    28/05/2023 Duración: 01h48min

    "Gay" friend? Don't know God's will. New girl: Angry mother, narcissist father. With a reason for living, you'll have a reason to die. Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, May 28, 2023 CHURCH TIME STAMPS* 0:00:00 Pre-church small talk* 0:02:40 Welcome! Anybody work on their life?* 0:03:41 Easier to die or go to church?* 0:06:44 "gay" friend: We don't know God's will* 0:12:54 Do you realize Christ had no ego?* 0:15:10 Are you dying daily?* 0:17:37 Women can't lead themselves* 0:19:14 Hippies and vibrational states* 0:21:26 New girl: Anger like mom, narcissist dad, 80* 0:36:54 Friend hugged his mama, she got mad again* 0:38:35 New girl again: Mama loves her hell* 0:45:16 Joel Friday TV / Overcome anger and thoughts* 0:47:55 14yo girl and 38yo father* 0:53:51 JLP: Identity crisis story; Devil's cry "to God"* 0:59:44 (She broke out windows of ex-boyfriend)* 1:01:55 Biblical Q: What is your reason for living?* 1:19:17 How are you trying when you won't forgive?* 1:31:37 (Can't honor parents without forgiving)* 1

  • Should Christians Judge? | Archive 5/18/14

    24/05/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    We have a right to judge, but not to hate. 1 Corinthians 2: 13-16, the spiritual man judges all things; we have the mind of Christ.Archive Sunday Service, May 18, 2014 SUNDAY TIME STAMPS* 00:00 Pre-Church intro* 00:26 Welcome to Church* 00:52 Building a Solid Foundation* 01:39 Q: Should Christians judge?* 02:28 "Aspiring Christian" – at times, I fall short* 06:24 Aspiring: Hoping anger will all be gone* 09:46 Do you judge?* 10:56 This is not a test. We're fellowshipping.* 11:33 Get a backbone* 12:02 "Perspiring Christian" – "not judging, but…"* 14:03 Should or should not a Christian judge?* 17:07 Ron judges illogical atheists* 18:41 A straight, smooth, confident answer, not like Ed* 25:03 JLP: We're losing spiritual battle: "Don't judge."* 27:37 Story: Police commissioner: Obama "N-word"* 33:36 A lady "hurt" by the "N-word"* 37:27 College student reacts: Pushing back?* 43:13 You have God in you, the light of the world* 47:28 We have the authority* 47:39 Measure salvation based on anger? Satan's toy* 49:10 Ray

  • Is It Wrong to Admit You're a Phony? | Church 5/21/23

    21/05/2023 Duración: 01h56min

    Light does not fight with darkness (abortion). Felt angry: Did I really forgive? Is it wrong to admit you're a phony? Do you have a reason to live? Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, May 21, 2023 — Jesse opens talking about Johnny Carson's life trying to get his mother's love, and never receiving it. There is no love in the world. Anyone with anger is R-worded and insane. In blindness, pro-lifers protest abortion. But light does not fight with darkness. Parents correct children in the wrong way.  //  One woman felt anxious and lonely in the world this week, asking: Are we supposed to do anything about evil? She felt inwardly angry, and asked: Did I really forgive? She thought: "I sinned." But it's not you telling yourself that — you went unconscious. A clue that you've drifted from reality: You think about the past or future.  //  Biblical Question: Is it wrong to admit to yourself that you are a phony? Everyone on earth is a phony. Everything we're taught is phony. Parents should live it as an example,

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