Highlights The Malliard Report



Paranormal, Alternative, Trending, Topical, Conspiracy.


  • The Godfather of Podcasting: Jeff Townsend | The Malliard Report

    21/09/2022 Duración: 01h44s

    Podcasts are everywhere. They are part of our daily lives. While we are at the gym, on our way to work, chores around the house, or sometimes just comforting background noise, we always have our favorite content ready to go; True crime, DIY, self-help, spooky stories, and conspiracies all neatly packaged in easy to search UI on our favorite platforms. But, not that long ago in the grand scheme of things, this burgeoning new wave of content was difficult to access. Resources and topics were few and far between and figuring out how to get your creation out there and discovered were new and uncharted territories. This week’s guest on The Malliard Report was on the forefront of that expedition. Today, Jim welcomes the Godfather of podcasting, Jeff Townsend. “Jeff has been creating content for over 15 years, with over 1.5 million views/listens/downloads across various platforms. After taking a break for several years to focus on his career in Marketing, he is now back in the mix of things with this new passion pro

  • Jim Malliard Features Christopher Olson on the Show

    01/09/2022 Duración: 01h45s

    While Jim Malliard is the face (the voice?), lead researcher, booker and scout, web developer, marketing strategist, merchandise design, and countless other roles, he does also have a small team that…well, really doesn’t do much more than send nonsensical texts, and call in and harass him during live call shows. This week Jim begrudgingly welcomes one of these individuals to the show to discuss a smattering of random topics. This week Jim features Christopher Olson to the show. Chris…me…the person writing this right now…has been a part of the show for a number of years now. Forget the fourth wall for a bit. I’m just going to write to you dear reader and listener as if we were sitting across from each other over a cup of coffee. As many of you know, I help Jim with the show notes and some behind the scenes producer stuff. I’ve had the pleasure of calling Jim a friend for quite some time. I love the paranormal, conspiracies, music, food, and coffee. I’ve been a musician for a majority of my life, enjoy conducti

  • The New Wave of Upcoming Sociopaths - Featuring Rebecca Housel, Ph.D.

    24/08/2022 Duración: 01h43s

    No matter what your take on the events that surround the whole covid situation, the one thing that everyone can agree on is that the landscape has drastically changed. For months we were forced into isolation with nothing more than a digital outreach to everyone around us. To say that it has altered a major component of our psyche would be a gross understatement. This week on The Malliard Report Jim welcomes back a fan favorite and show regular to discuss the new wave of upcoming “sociopaths.” This week features the one and only Rebecca Housel. “Rebecca Housel, Ph.D., known as The Pop Culture Professor, is an international best-selling author and editor in nine languages and 100 countries. Rebecca, listed in the Directory of American Poets & Writers for her work in nonfiction, was nominated by Prevention magazine essayist and best-selling author of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot, to the National Association of Science Writers for her work on cancer. Rebecca has published with best-sellin

  • Unveiling the Secrets of a Pharmacist's World - The Malliard Report

    19/08/2022 Duración: 01h45s

    It is a process that we have all encountered. You go to the doctor (which is already a pain in the butt to get into) go through whatever exam you have lined up, the doctor scribbles some illegible gibberish on a piece of paper and sends you to your local pharmacy. You know it will take a little bit of time, and your stomach is doing most of the talking right now, so you decide to grab a bite on the way over to the pharmacy. You grub your burger, pull into your local WalAideRiteGreens, meander to the back and queue up in the line. You finally get to the window, only to find out that your prescription isn’t ready yet. “HOW HARD CAN IT BE!? Just take the pills from the container, and put them in the bottle for me” you scream inside of your head. But, there is much more to it than just that. This week’s guest on The Malliard Report is here to dispel all the misconceptions of life in a pharmacy, discuss specialty medications, the opioid crisis, and much more. This week Jim welcomes pharmacists number 1 Fan & Advoc

  • Jim Malliard Welcomes His Better Half, Tabby Malliard, to The Malliard Report

    30/07/2022 Duración: 01h34s

    After all these years, we’ve gotten to know the voice of the great Jim Malliard quite well. We know his foray into the paranormal. Struggles and achievements in the world of maintaining a podcast for more than a decade (and the strange cast of characters he keeps around to help with it), and even some of his interests and hobbies outside of life behind the mic, but very, very rarely does the curtain blow enough in the ethereal breeze that we get a true peek into the world of the “duck master” himself. This week, the breeze of destiny just so happens to be working in our favor with Jim’s featured guest, and that curtain is blown wide open. This week Jim welcomes his better half, the one and only, Tabby (Mrs. Duck Master) Malliard. It has been eight long years since we have had the absolute privilege to have Tabby on the show, and this week we finally break that much too long absence. Tabby joins Jim to share some insight into what a day in the life looks like. From overcoming some serious health challenges, ta

  • The Future of AI Use in Call Centers with Tom Laird

    21/07/2022 Duración: 01h45s

    Call centers are one of the most unique experiences from both a consumer and employee standpoint. As a customer, we often feel the frustrations of long wait times, being helplessly passed around from department to department, having to tell our story six different times only to be met with the “…why are you calling in today…” As an employee, it can be equally frustrating: long and/or strange hours, poor management, high churn, lack of training, and at times what feels like a never-ending stream of angry customers on the other end of the line call after call after call. Neither scenario is exactly a win for either party and this has been the sort of mindset for decades. It sucks, we know it sucks, and that’s just the way that it is. But what if there was a different way? Modern approaches that could simplify the process and increase first call resolutions, make the job easier for the agents, and much more. This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes a guest that is taking this task head on. This week we wel

  • Navigating the Complicated World of Estate Planning with Robert Kabacy

    22/06/2022 Duración: 01h45s

    Dealing with the passing of a loved one is one of those unfortunate occurrences that we all must face. Even more intimidating is the notion of having all our affairs in order when our time comes. Macabre? Yes, but statistically speaking you are one hundred percent likely to die. Now when that time comes, in addition to the grief that we have to go through, there is often the headache of dealing with estates, wills, financial holding transfers, the list goes on. Unless you are an expert and many different fields, navigating those tumultuous waters can be an incredibly daunting task. This week on The Malliard Report Jim welcomes a guest that deals specifically with this field and has made it his goal to try and make the process as easy as possible. This week Jim welcomes Robert (Bob) Kabacy to the show to discuss the many intricacies of being an estate lawyer, the beautiful Oregon coast, and about his time on stage with David Copperfield. “Robert Kabacy has been a lawyer in the estate planning and wealth transf

  • Psychic Profiler Carla Baron Shares Insight on the Natalee Holloway Case

    16/06/2022 Duración: 01h37s

    In the summer of 2005, news headlines were dominated with the death of Pope John Paull II, Tony Blair winning a third term and the very strange case of Natalee Holloway. (So strange in fact, that a Malliard Report known Irish podcast featured an episode on it) Natalee went missing in Aruba after a high-school graduation trip, under very peculiar circumstances and her case was eventually closed in 2012 with no “official” explanation. The case has garnered the attention of many different true crime outlets, investigators, and today’s guest. This week Jim welcomes to the show psychic profiler and medium Carla Baron to the show. “Carla became known throughout the globe for her real-life portrayal of a psychic crime fighter, starring in the hit TruTV (formally Court TV) series, “Haunting Evidence,” now in worldwide syndication. Ms. Baron appeared on several episodes of Biography’s “Dead Famous.” Her work as a psychic profiler was highlighted on ABC’s “Primetime,” and 20/20 for WE. MTV’s FEAR was Carla’s premiere f

  • The Safety Doc Returns to The Malliard Report

    08/06/2022 Duración: 01h45s

    There are a handful of voices that have become staples and fan favorites in the Malliard repertoire. This week one of those voices returns, and it is none other than the Safety Doc himself David Perridon. A lot has happened since the last time David has been on, and he’s produced another amazing book. This episode is certainly a heavy one, with a lot of information to take in. So sit down, strap in, and get ready. “David P. Perrodin, PhD, worked twelve years as a Director of Student Services before exiting the profession to focus exclusively on researching school safety and high-stakes decision-making in conjunction with his doctoral dissertation at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. As an expert in safety preparedness and response, Dr. Perrodin has presented on public television, in school districts and at school safety conferences. He has access to the top safety specialists in the industry and works collaboratively with this talented network to bring unparalleled services to clients. In 2016, he partne

  • The New York Sci-Fi Film Festival: An Interview with Daniel Abella

    01/06/2022 Duración: 01h45s

    If you have been a listener to The Malliard Report for any length of time, you will certainly have heard of The Phillip K Dick Film Festival and now The New York Sci-Fi Film Fest. Well, it is that time of year again and on this episode of The Malliard Report Jim welcomes back long time, returning guest Daniel Abella to discuss this year’s festival, trends in film, and so much more. “The New York Science fiction film festival is an alternative venue for independent Science fiction filmmakers to showcase their work. This is our first year for this event. The Philip K Dick festival, our sister festival, was founded by Dan Abella in 2012 as an outlet for independent Science fiction filmmakers to showcase their work. Daniel Abella is a science fiction film maker and producer. Some of his work includes the webisodes, THE SINGULARITY, THE MONTAUK PROJECT, THE MULDER CHRONICLES and the feature film, THE FINAL EQUATION. He is also the director and founder of the Philip K Dick festival Europe.” As Daniel mentions in th

  • Lighting the Spark of Achievement: The Inspiring Story of Courtenay Turner

    25/05/2022 Duración: 01h45s

    Every individual has something inside that drives them. A spark deep within that builds to a flame of personal achievement or passion. What it looks like, or the fuel behind it varies for each person, but the base behind it is all the same. This week on The Malliard Report Jim welcomes a guest that has a raging inferno inside and has overcome obstacles that very few will ever know. On this episode Jim welcomes Courtenay Turner to discuss her achievements, her philosophies, and what drives her. “…Courtenay Turner was born with congenital rubella. Her mother had the German measles during first trimester of pregnancy. Some of the ramifications including but not limited to unilateral blindness, severe bilateral hearing impairment, hypotonia affecting the limbs, heart complications, asymmetrical bone development, stunted growth, for fine and graphic motor coordination and several other afflictions. Doctors told her parents the best they could hope was to find an institution to put her in for life. From the baby nu

  • Mental Health Awareness: An Interview with Crystal McFadden

    19/05/2022 Duración: 01h39s

    Unfortunately, it has only been over the last few years that a real and legitimate focus on mental health has made its way to the forefront of discussion. For ages, discussing one’s mental health was considered taboo, and heaven forbid if someone felt that they needed to seek out professional help. Thankfully in recent years, the awful stigma of searching out professional help, or even openly discussing mental health has significantly disappeared and has become a more mainstream topic. This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes Crystal McFadden to the show, and Crystal is a fierce advocate for individual mental health and well-being. A retired vet, licensed therapist, speaker, podcaster, and writer, Crystal has overcome her own hurtles in life to reach where she is today. Crystal uses her podcast and writings to reach out to individuals that may be looking for help, but might be unsure as to where they should turn. She describes her podcasts “…Life is tough, we all seek to be seen, heard, and validated of

  • The Malliard Report: Zachary Green, Military Service Member and Entrepreneur of the Year

    12/05/2022 Duración: 01h44s

    The entrepreneurial spirit is what drives some of the most revered people in our modern history. Mix in with that a bit of grit, tenacity, and some warrior type ethos, and you absolutely have the recipe for success. This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes Zachary Green to the show that has embodied that very hallmark. On this episode Zach and Jim jump into what it takes to establish yourself in the world, as military service member, as a first responder, as a businessman, and how to really make it yours. “Zachary Green’s experiences in the Marine Corps shaped his destiny. His time in the military, then as a firefighter, gave him the resourcefulness, integrity and grit to become a highly successful entrepreneur. Taking risks, trusting himself and never letting go of his dreams drove him to create, produce, market and sell a product that saves lives. Zach lives in the Cincinnati suburb of Wyoming, Ohio with his wife and son. He is an elected member of the Wyoming City Council and was named Entrepreneur o

  • Finding Your Calling with Alec Kassan - The Malliard Report

    04/05/2022 Duración: 01h44s

    You ever have those days where it feels like the same thing over and over? When the daily grind is not a kitschy named coffee shop that you stop by each day, but rather the very existence that is. Now, it is common for everyone to fall in a rut from time to time, even those that are in the most ideal of situations can find themselves here. But the real question is, how do we know that we are where we all called to be. This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes Alec Kassan to the show to discuss what it is like to be living within the calling that God has appointed for you. “Alec Kassan is the creator and host of The Current Christian, an online ministry dedicated to helping Christians succeed in their walk with Christ. A modern-day man after God’s heart, Alec applies his outside-the-box thinking and problem-solving capabilities to his teaching methods for a refreshing and encouraging take on how to lead a fruitful life with Jesus as the foundation. Alec Kassan provides you with the strategies, tools, and

  • Peeking Behind the Curtain - Exploring Life as an Actor with Sean Dillingham on The Malliard Report

    27/04/2022 Duración: 01h45s

    As we binge through our favorite shows, watch that go-to comfort movie for the 150th time, and curiosity scroll through the protagonists’ real life social media pages, we often find ourselves wondering what the actor life is like. Daydreaming about how we would be in front of the camera for the whole world to see. Working alongside people that we have been enthralled and entertained by. Forgetting that most of the individuals we love and love to hate through our endless streams have had to fight and claw to the position they are in. This week on The Malliard Report, we get a rare chance to pull back that curtain and see just how life as an actor really…plays out… with special guest Sean Dillingham. Sean Dillingham “…has appeared in over 135+ commercials and 70+ films and 25 national television series. He's had network television appearances on Operation REPO, Discovery ID, Buried in the Backyard, The NightShift, Longmire, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, This is Us, There's Johnny, Yellowstone & Better call Saul! He has a

  • The Malliard Report: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Paranormal, Spiritual, and Occult with Gloria Hass

    20/04/2022 Duración: 01h44s

    Jim Malliard has been hosting his weekly show, The Malliard Report, for over 10 years now. On the show, he interviews special guests and discusses topics such as the paranormal, spirituality, and the occult. Recently, Jim had the pleasure of interviewing Gloria Hass and discussing her incredible journey of being a messenger of dreams and visions. The Malliard Report is a great place to learn about the latest in the paranormal, spiritual, and occult realm. Gloria shared all kinds of fascinating stories and things that she has experienced during her journey. She even gave some tips about how to interpret your own dreams and visions. The Malliard Report is a great way to get your weekly dose of paranormal entertainment. Be sure to tune in next Tuesday to hear Jim’s interview with Gloria Hass and all the incredible things she has to share. You won’t want to miss it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Cotton Coated Conspiracy: Uncovering the Conspiracy Behind the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    14/04/2022 Duración: 01h45s

    Until now, the prominent writer on the King assassination has been William Pepper, who was also the attorney for James Earl Ray. It is the point of view of the author that Pepper's determination to acquit Ray caused him to ignore or dismiss the importance of McFerren's testimony. The premise is that Pepper needed to keep Ray as far from involvement as possible to acquit him, but that James Earl Ray was deeply involved with the men who orchestrated the assassination of April 4, 1968. For that reason, Pepper needed to ignore much of the testimony provided by McFerren, tape recordings of which was sent to multiple people including the United State Justice Department in real time, meaning soon after the event. More testimony was provided around the time of the HSCA , including McFerren's affidavit dated June, 1978. This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes author John Roberts to the show to discuss the deeper conspiracy into Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination through the book Cotton Coated Conspiracy. C

  • Navigating the Changing Landscape of Parenting with Vic Ferrari

    06/04/2022 Duración: 01h44s

    “It’s no longer the 20th century…things change on a feckin’ weekly basis…” and we as parents, leaders, and caretakers of children need to recognize this. Some of the most dangerous people that have direct contact with our children, are other children. Children can be the building blocks in a foundation built on strong sense of self-worth and positivity, and they can also be the catalyst to destroying the all ready fragile identity. This week on The Malliard Report, Jim welcomes Vic Ferrari to the show to discuss his tenure with the NYPD, being an author, and what it is like being a child in today’s ever changing state. “Author Vic Ferrari is a retired New York City Police Department detective with the hamstrings of a twenty-year-old. A survivor of an Irish father and Italian mother, Vic loves a cold beer and insists on you removing your shoes when entering his home. When he's not writing, he's picking up after his neurotic Irish Wolfhound. Always looking to save a buck, Vic splits his time between Branson, Mi

  • The Malliard Report: Mental Health for Millennials with Chris Sherlock

    31/03/2022 Duración: 01h44s

    This week on The Malliard Report, Chris Sherlock of Mental Health for Millennials joins Jim to discuss the impact of being bullied at school. Chris shares his own personal story about his experience with bullying, and how it has affected his mental health. He explains how he has used podcasting to cope with his mental health struggles and how it has helped him to create a community and connection with others. Chris describes how podcasting has been a powerful tool for breaking the stigma of mental health issues and creating a safe space for people to talk about their experiences. He also shares his advice for those struggling with mental health issues and how they can use podcasting as a form of therapy. Chris and Jim also discuss the importance of self-care, and how to find a balance between taking care of yourself and creating content. Make sure to tune in to this episode of The Malliard Report to learn more about the impact of being bullied at school, how to use podcasting for mental health, and how to

  • Uncovering the Future of Paranormal Research with Alex Matsuo on The Malliard Report

    23/03/2022 Duración: 01h45s

    The paranormal genre and community has evolved and seen a number of dramatic shifts over the last decade and what was the standard has completely changed. What was an almost formulaic set up for “paranormal success” is now no longer relevant and the envelope has been pushed into a whole new realm. Investigators and content creators are changing the very landscape of the paranormal, and today’s guest on The Malliard Report has had her finger on this pulse from the very beginning. This week Jim features Alex Matsuo on the show to discuss where the field has come, where it is at, and where she believes it is heading. She also discusses some of her favorite equipment pieces, methods to investigating and more. “Alex Matsuo is a paranormal researcher, singer, and author. She is the founder of the Association of Paranormal Study and runs the blog and YouTube channel, ‘The Spooky Stuff.’ If it’s weird, spooky, unusual, scary, macabre, or haunted, she wants to write and talk about it! Alex was recently seen on the thi

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