The beloved star of Star Trek, recent space traveler, and living legend William Shatner reflects on the interconnectivity of all things, our fragile bond with nature, and the joy...
The Dominion War is over. The Federation is at peace. What better time for two legendary starship captains to set aside the demands of duty and simply take some well-deserved time...
Discover new worlds and new civilizations with these books set in the Star Trek universe.
Star Trek: Voyager (VOY) focuses on the twenty-fourth century adventures of Captain Kathryn Janeway aboard the USS Voyager. Smaller than either Kirk's or Picard's...
The sequel to the bestselling Star Trek Memories, documenting in deliciously lurid and candid detail all the behind-the-scenes shenanigans in the making of the six Star Trek...
A living pop culture legend and one of American film and television's most enduring stars, William Shatner will forever be associated with the role of James T. Kirk, captain of...