| Ecos De Palermo: Presentación De "lógica De La Vida Cotidiana" De Leonarda Razzanelli. es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.

Filippo Borghesi Nonsolosbirro

«Minchia, Filì, tu l’investigazione ce l’hai nel sangue. Sul tuo epitaffio ci dovranno scrivere Filippo Borghesi- Poliziotto di razza».«Eh no,...


None is about nothing.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) was admired even by his contemporaries as one of the greatest men of the Italian Renaissance, still even then he appeared as mysterious to them...

Leonardo Da Vinci

‘extremely accomplished and fluent biography of the ultimate Renaissance Man…While Isaacson gives full measure to the grandeur of Leonardo’s project, he...

Studio Leonardo

Rozhovor s osobností ze svta vdy. 

Magazín Leonardo

Populárn nauný poad o aktuálních objevech, výzkumech a trendech ve vd.

Leonardo Marker Podcast

¡Muchas gracias por visitar mi #PODCAST! ¡Por algunos meses, este espacio tomará un break! ¡Nos escuchamos pronto!

Leonardo Da Vinci

The #1 New York Times bestseller from Walter Isaacson brings Leonardo da Vinci to life in this exciting new biography that is “a study in creativity: how to define it, how...

Leonardo Morais

Apaixonado por Jesus, e por tudo o que Ele faz!

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