Yoga By Nature Podcast



Can't make it to a daily yoga class? You can practice these yoga and meditation audio classes at home or on the move.Yoga can help you to find peace, lose weight and improve your confidence. Classes vary from 10 minutes to one hour long, and you can choose a Hatha yoga class, a guided relaxation or a seated meditation. Each class has a different emphasis, and you will find a range that will help you to care for your joints, build tone and flexibility and calm the chattering mind.


  • Ep 84 Five Pranas (Vayus) Meditation - Subtle Energy Work (Level 2-3)

    21/08/2019 Duración: 11min

    Hi, thank you for listening.  This is a meditation intended for serious students of Yoga who would like to deepen their awareness practice and create sensitivity to the subtle energy currents within the body. The five pranas - Prana, Apana, Udana, Samana and Vyana are currents that harmonise the flow of prana around the body.  If you are a beginner, practice first with awareness of the breath meditation and body scan on the breath.  Please let me know if you have any questions at all. Namaste, Morven     

  • Ep 83 Body Scan on the Breath - Meditation

    14/06/2019 Duración: 12min

    A meditation exploring the breath and its dynamic healing nature. A grounding practice designed to bring you out of your head and into your body - tuning into the breath and the physical sensations can help to reduce anxiety and overthinking, bringing you into a state of calm and increasing feelings of wellbeing.  This practice is usually done lying down but you can do it seated or even standing if you prefer.  If you have an questions or comments, please contact Morven on

  • Ep 82 Intuitive Healing Yoga Nidra Relaxation

    14/06/2019 Duración: 34min

    This yoga nidra practice takes you through the energy centres in the body, situated along the spine and into the head.  Build awareness of the aspects of subtle energy within the body and how the emotions and attitudes held in the mind are expressed through these powerful channels.  A deeply relaxing practice that enhances mind-body awareness.  If you have any questions or comments, please drop me a line:  

  • Ep 81 Yoga Nidra Five Elements Meditation - Relieve Stress and Anxiety

    01/05/2019 Duración: 23min

    A journey into Yoga Nidra and a discovery of the elemental properties of the physical body. Experience the elements within yourself and understand your connection to Nature and the ancient ancestors - Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether.  You can do this practice at home or on the move. If you can, find a comfortable place to lie down where you won't be disturbed. Alternatively, you can do this on the bus - I've tried it and it works!   Any questions or comments to  Namaste, Morven

  • Ep 80 Mindfulness Meditation Working with Charged Thoughts

    27/11/2018 Duración: 08min

    This meditation teaches you to be present with an emotional charge and, rather than getting caught up in a story about the thought, locating its physical location in the body.  This helps you to move through the emotional disturbance without creating a repetitive and unhelpful narrative related to the thought.  Namaste,  Morven

  • Ep 79 Connection Meditation

    04/07/2018 Duración: 11min

    Cultivate social connection, empathy and compassion with this short meditation which guides you through kindness to self, a friend and all beings of the world. Metta bhavana is a Buddhist practice integral to the Buddhist path to liberation from suffering. It helps to dissolve resistance, feelings of isolation and separation and develop empathy. Plesae contact Morven with any questions or feedback: Yoga for Cancer:  

  • Ep 78 Kindness to self mindfulness meditation for stress

    03/07/2018 Duración: 10min

    Noone brings about positive change or improvement with criticism! this includes the way you talk to yourself. Question: Would you want to spend time with someone who spoke to you the way you speak to yourself? If the answer is no, then some self-kindness is in order. In Buddhism, the word compassion includes compassion to self, as it is recognised that true compassion can only exist if it includes self as well as others. Be your own cheerleader. Enjoy, Namaste Morven x  

  • Ep 77 10 mins Mindfulness Meditation Seeking Out the Pleasant

    22/06/2018 Duración: 10min

    Hello, This is a short meditation deisgned to help you to seek out the subtle experiences of pleasure and savour the moment. Suitable for anyone interested in mindfulness and meditation.    

  • Ep 76 10 mins Mindfulness Meditation on Sound and Thought

    22/06/2018 Duración: 10min

    This is a ten minute mindfulness meditation working with the sounds. Focusing on the sounds can help to train the mind to receive information without judging or reacting in a kneejerk way.

  • Ep 75 Body Scan Meditation 13mins

    11/06/2018 Duración: 13min

    Welcome This is a body scan meditation which you can do lying down, sitting or standing. I recommend lying down to do it if possible. The instructions will assume you are lying down but just adapt according to what you're doing. This is a meditation on the body but it can be done when you need a relaxation, as it is a relaxing practice which will take you out of your head and into your body. Please get in touch with feedback or general comments. My name is Morven Hamilton and you can reach me on Namaste, Morven      

  • Ep 74 L1-2 Overriding the Autopilot 60 mins Yoga and Mindfulness

    11/06/2018 Duración: 59min

    Welcome. This class is one that I recorded over the weekend for the teacher trainees on the Yogafurie teacher training programme in Bristol. It's all about recognising tendencies to slip into mechanical, familiar patterns and includes ways of repatterning and renewing experience to keep it fresh. Instead of savasana we end with a mindfulness meditation on the sounds. This class is intended as a support to the trainees on the Yogafurie course but it can also be enjoyed by anyone who wants to try a yoga and mindfulness class. No props needed unless you use a blanket to pad your knee or a block to sit on. Any comments to   Enquiries about the teacher training to:   Namaste! Morven  

  • Ep 73 Gentle Energising Class to Wake Up the Core

    03/05/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    A gentle, steadily-moving yoga class which focuses on standing poses and core awareness, building up to some very gentle core strengthening work. Healing the Whole Person is a heart-led, mindful approach to yoga for people affected by cancer. If you have cancer, consult your doctor before beginning a yoga practice.    

  • Ep 72 Hands-free Alternate Nostril Breathing Relaxation

    03/05/2018 Duración: 07min

    A breathwork (pranayama) practice for relaxation and healing. Balance your breath, body and mind with a guided, meditative breathing practice. Suitable for anyone who is looking for a calmer state of mind and better body-mind awareness. Suitable for people affected by cancer. Healing the Whole Person is a heart-led, mindful approach to yoga for people affected by cancer.

  • Ep 71 L1 Yoga for Good Digestion

    28/04/2018 Duración: 01h11min

    A gentle yoga practice designed to help the digestive system to function well. If you are having treatment for cancer it may help digestive issues you are experiencing as a result of your treatment. We also work on shoulder releasing movement. This free audio class is suitable for beginners and people affected by cancer. Healing the Whole Person is a heart-led, mindful approach to yoga for people affected by cancer.  If you have cancer, please consult a doctor before beginning yoga. Namaste, Morven Hamilton  

  • Ep 70 L1 Yoga for Healthy Sleep 30 mins class

    28/04/2018 Duración: 31min

    Yoga for healthy sleep is a short restorative yoga class which includes some of the most restful, caling yoga practices and poses. Gentle, supported yoga poses and breathwork. Suitable for beginners and people affected by cancer. Healing the Whole Person is a heart-led, mindful approach to yoga for cancer survivors. If you have cancer, please consult your doctor before beginning a yoga practice. Namaste, Morven Hamilton  

  • Ep 69 The Body Scan

    28/04/2018 Duración: 21min

    This mindfulness meditation on the body is a gentle way to cultivate greater body awareness, broaden your perspective and find calm. Suitable for people affected by cancer. Healing the Whole Person is a heart-led, mindful approach to yoga and midnfulness for cancer survivors adn their loved ones. Suitable for beginners. Namaste, Morven Hamilton

  • Ep 68 L1 Gentle Yoga for Women

    28/04/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    This practice is aimed at women who are looking for a gentle, therapeutic approach to yoga. A compassionate awareness yoga class focusing on joint-freeing, pelvic floor health, hip and shoulder releases. Suitable for people affected by cancer. If you have cancer, please consult a doctor before beginning a yoga practice. Don't do anything that causes pain or aggravates existing pain. Namaste, Morven Hamilton    

  • Ep 67 L2 50 mins Hatha Flow Recalibrate Your Suspension

    18/03/2018 Duración: 54min

    Hello! I had to share this practice as I loved doing it myself. It's a 50 min Hatha Flow yoga class. Suitable for high beginners and intermediate students. It's all about finding buoyancy through the spine, suspension from the core and ease in the shoulders and hips. The intention is to help you move with strength, grace and ease both on and off the mat. Props - just a brick/ block (optional) and a mat. Enjoy! With gratitude, Morven - your feedback is always welcome. - find out about yoga teacher training for cancer, retreats and holidays with me, weekly classes and regular workshops.

  • Ep 65. L1-2 60 mins Hatha Flow Yoga. Bring Life to Your Backbends

    20/08/2017 Duración: 01h03min

    This is my final class at Bristol City Yoga. After 8 years of teaching Friday evenings I am moving on, to concentrate my energies in Weston Super Mare where I now live. This class is focused on finding space and ease in backbends and twists, opening the shoulders and experiencing the might of the lungs in mindful movement. You will need a yoga belt/ dressing gown belt/ cord/ scarf or similar. We practice dhanurasana, locust, cobra, ardha matsyendrasana, shoulder stand (sarvangasana), a warrior sequence, prasarita padottanasana with a difference and all the usual suspects plus some fun made-up things. This class is not for total beginners! Contact me Morven Hamilton: info@yogabynature or check out the website:

  • Ep 64 15 mins Yoga Nidra deep relaxation for body and mind.

    03/07/2017 Duración: 14min

    Here's a 15 mins practice for you. I recorded this at Bristol City Yoga at Friday evening's restorative class with Bristol's seagull population in chorus. A lot of the participants fell asleep during this, so it's a chance for them to experience the full practice and also a good indication that it's pretty restful! Lie down somewhere you won't be disturbed and just follow the voice. Have a pillow under your head and also put a rolled blanket or a bolster under your knees to lengthen your lower back. You can always put this on your ipod/ dowload the app and listen to it during your commute too.  Due to popular demand I have not included any preamble on this recording. I hope you enjoy this. If you would like to give any feedback or make any requests, please contact me at To find out more about classes, workshops and retreats visit me here:  

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