Mads Singers Management Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 111:50:35
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People Management and People Innovation are dynamic concepts in today's dynamic space. Joining with me in this show are successful business leaders and entrepreneurs, sharing their key ingredients in their business success. We’re here to share the real stories of today’s business boots trappers!


  • MSMP 125: Sheri Miter on Finding your Strengths and Creating a Well-Rounded Team

    01/12/2021 Duración: 36min

    Joining me in today's episode for the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than entrepreneur-at-heart, super mom of 3 boys is Sheri Miter!Before finding her calling, Sheri joined her husband in his chimney cleaning business for ten years. While she was helping her husband on his side gig, Sheri eventually got into network marketing, where she found that she enjoyed doing it. Despite succeeding in this field and achieving a lot, Sheri felt this angst inside her and looked for something she could call her own. Unlike most people during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sheri was prepared for the abrupt changes the pandemic brought along. She even had solutions to help her friends, and because of this, going back to finding the strengths of other people and getting certified, and combined with the support of her husband, Sheri discovered her true calling. Contrary to the fact that we humans should be well-rounded, Sheri believes that we aren't meant to be well-rounded (and it's completely okay not to know everythi

  • MSMP 124: Donald Kelly on Planning and Managing Your Time Effectively in the New Normal

    24/11/2021 Duración: 32min

    Today’s guest in the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than the sales evangelist, Donald C. Kelly! Donald runs an organization called The Sales Evangelist, where he and his team create a podcast and other business resources. He used to be a software sales rep who was very successful in his career. Donald shared what was working for him and enabled him to get coaching opportunities, speaking opportunities, and even consulting to companies where it grew. Now Donald has 14 individual teams where they do consult and sales training with their clients. He is also the host of The Sales Evangelist Podcast, where he and his team product podcasts for their clients.Although it’s common for business owners to pass the torch to the next generation to focus on more critical business tasks, it cannot be successful if one does not delegate duties and responsibilities effectively. Effective delegation enables business owners, and managers must be able to plan efficiently.While the pandemic has allowed more people

  • MSMP 123: Emil Goliath on How to Keep You and Your Business Healthy and in Top Shape

    17/11/2021 Duración: 39min

    We’re doing something a little different for this week’s episode in the Mads Singers Management Podcast because this week’s guest is none other than Dr. Emil Goliath, a doctor, and entrepreneur. Dr. Emil worked for four years as a full-time doctor until he decided to call it quits and become an entrepreneur as he was fed up with the system of modern healthcare, and he didn’t have the freedom to live the life he wanted. While entrepreneurs are undoubtedly the kings and queens of delayed gratification, Dr. Emil said that he witnessed countless times where entrepreneurs have neglected their health only to reach the peak and be in bad shape. Instead of doing extreme workouts and crash dieting, we can take baby steps that can help shift us to at least 1 degree towards being healthy because getting fit and staying in shape shouldn’t be a competition yourself or others.It’s like building a new habit or replacing an old one with a good one where we slowly start until it eventually becomes a lifestyle. Although many a

  • MSMP 122: Renata Porter on Understanding and Communicating with Your Employees

    10/11/2021 Duración: 44min

    My guest today for the Mads Singers Management Podcast, is Renata Porter, the Founder of Renata Porter Limited and a motivational speaker. Renata calls herself a "serial fixer" because she is the one people call when their teams or managers are not working how they intend to. She also helps small business owners and non-profit youth sports clubs accomplish their goals. Renata and her team's in-depth knowledge and experience with their "people focus" help clients take intentional and meaningful approaches to lead in their respective fields and organizations.Contrary to popular belief, managers, business owners, or any person who manages people or has people report to them perform better when not in their area of expertise. When people are in their area of expertise, they tend to interfere with the natural flow of things and micromanage their staff or processes. An essential aspect of being a manager or business leader is not about the perks, power, or money you take home. Still, it's about being able to commun

  • MSMP 121: Itai Sadan with the Right Chemistry in Hiring Employees

    03/11/2021 Duración: 41min

    Joining me today on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Itai Sadan, CEO, and Co-Founder of Duda, the leading white-label website builder for digital marketing agencies and SAAS platforms. Trusted by over 15,000 and counting agencies, SaaS platforms, freelancers, and even small businesses use Duda on a day-to-day basis to build their businesses and their digital presence. At 11 years old, Duda has over a million paying subscribers and 200 employees, and seven offices (and growing!)Starting a business, regardless if it’s your first or your hundred, can be a struggle, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic where many of our norms were suddenly flipped overnight and where we had to quickly adapt to the many changes that unfolded with the flip of a switch.Despite the challenges, COVID-19 has also allowed new ideas to take form and change the face of business. You will have sleepless nights, working long nights, and anxiety when you are working towards your first million. However, this will eventually become e

  • MSMP 120: Mark Grainger on Communicating and Making Connections in Relationships and Businesses

    27/10/2021 Duración: 54min

    Today, my guest on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than Mark A. Grainger, the co-founder and CMO of BigImpactHQ.We begin this episode where Mark shares a story from his childhood where he was on a fishing trip with his family and witnessed a whale approach their boat. As the whale was coming, Mark felt fear. However, the whale went silent and retreated into the waters.This experience amazed Mark when he was younger; however, looking back at it led Mark to realize that all living things desire to communicate.Mark works together with his wife to help frustrated women leaders who love speaking where they show them how to overcome their self-doubt.I’m a firm believer in working on one’s natural strengths because it allows you to perform and work better and be happier. With many people working in jobs that don’t like but fill their pockets, it can be easy to bring the negative energy they have in their workplace and influence the people around them to perform poorly. However, when negative habits

  • MSMP 119: Joseph Fung on Finding the Right Fit for Your Business

    20/10/2021 Duración: 41min

    Today, joining me for this episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Joseph Fung, the CEO, and Co-Founder of Uvaro, an online sales accelerator that helps sales professionals be more successful regardless of their specialty is. Based in Canada, Joseph is a lover of all things tech, software, and entrepreneurship.We begin this episode where I admit that sales aren’t my thing and where I asked Joseph when it is the right time to hire your first sales rep for your company or business. Joseph agrees that sales can be complex because he has also struggled with his first companies. He shares how he tried to learn those skills quickly by going to ToastMasters and the BNI, where he learned how to make a pitch and do the proper handshake.According to Joseph, unlike other careers where you can get accreditation, sales is different because you can’t just check the list. Instead of looking for someone who has all the credentials, Joseph says business owners should look for someone who knows their customers well. 

  • MSMP 118: Allan Millham on Making an Impact as a Leader

    13/10/2021 Duración: 38min

    Joining me today on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than Allan Millham. Allan is the founder of Quest, a management consulting firm based in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Allan has been working for the last 25 years with entrepreneurs and leaders with organizations worldwide. He has helped people elevate their impact as a leader and understand the leadership brand that can help them get leverage in their careers. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us were affected and had to take a step back. However, to make an impact as a leader, Allan shares his tips on how business owners and leaders should be self-aware and observant with their pace during the day.Allan believes we all have a different calling which can be tied with purpose so that a purpose title with a legacy then you got back at the end of the journey. We have challenges, and we need a leadership conversation to stay alive, focused, and it can happen during the conversation. Mads also adds that the more leaders, the better. The more

  • MSMP 117: Michelle A. Mercier on Facing Adversity and Building Resilient Teams and Unlocking The Power of Habits and The Right Mindset

    29/09/2021 Duración: 38min

    Today, joining me for this episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than the resilient entrepreneur Michelle A. Mercier.Michelle is a business coach, motivational speaker, and host of The Resilient Entrepreneur Podcast. Michelle is on a mission to bring back humanity in business because she believes that keeping things personal is suitable for businesses.Michelle hopes to get rid of the "hustle and grind' and "badge of busy"' mindset because it has become a misguided norm in today's society where people fail to see how self-awareness and a healthy perspective can help them reach unlock their full potential.We begin our talk where Michelle mentions a quote from Sheryl Sandberg on how being resilient is like a muscle where you can build it up and draw on it and become the person you're meant to be.Although life is constant, it can throw us into some weird situations. With the universe notorious for throwing giant curve balls at us, Michelle aims to cultivate the right business mindset and so

  • MSMP 116: Jo Rawbone on Harnessing the Power of Introverts and Flourishing in the Workplace

    22/09/2021 Duración: 34min

    Joining me today on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Jo Rawbone of Flourishing Introverts. Like myself, Jo is an introvert. However, she is the master of introverts and advocates for introverts in the workplace.Jo is based in the United Kingdom and has been a management trainer and coach facilitator since 1987. Initially working for British Telecom, Jo left the company in 1994 to pursue her career. Although she has jokingly said that she is unemployable, Jo has focused and grown in her chosen niche. This has also made Jo mad enough because there were many negative connections in being an introvert. Many introverts were often shunned and excluded from meetings, team buildings, and even promotions compared to their extrovert peers.Frequently, most extroverts will almost always be in a sales job or work as a salesperson. However, Jo believes that introverts can excel in being a salesperson because they tend to ask the right questions, which can pique a customer’s interest or immediately serve a customer wh

  • MSMP 115: David Gaines on Making a Social Impact with Coffee and Creating a Company Culture

    15/09/2021 Duración: 30min

    Joining me today on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is none other than David Gaines. David is the owner and CEO of La Terza Artisan Coffee Roasterie and the co-host of The Third Place Podcast.Although La Terza has initially been from his friend, David bought the business, and it made him realize what a great cup of coffee was and how big of a difference it was to drink a well-made cup of coffee. While I'm not a fan of coffee, David believes that there is still room for me to change and have a cup of good coffee one day.While people see coffee as a beverage, David sees it as a vehicle talks about being the third place and how coffee (and his coffee shop) became the third place where people from all walks of life can come together and hang out. This can also be where people can talk about uncomfortable topics or events they have in mind or witnessed personally.A social enterprise or social business is defined as a business with specific social objectives that serve its primary purpose. These kinds of busine

  • MSMP 114: Maya Middlemiss on Scaling Your Business to be Remote-First and How to Be Happy and Healthy When Working from Home

    08/09/2021 Duración: 31min

    Joining me today on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Maya Middlemiss. Maya is the Creator and Founder of Happy Healthy Homeworking, and she has been working remotely for quite a long time, way before the COVID-19 pandemic.Maya launched her business back in 2000, a year she clearly remembers because it coincided with her millennial baby. What was supposed to be a solo business grew into an agency where she employed people from three different countries. She then left that business to completely go freelance, where she also spends her time writing and consulting, specializing in the future of work, business, and how we collaborate online. While many loom the work future due to the pandemic, Maya is excited and sees it as an opportunity to evolve.Renting pricey office buildings was the norm of many businesses. It was somewhat of a beacon that let others know that you have established yourself. While a good corner office with a view is excellent for the CEO or President, ordinary employees struggled to work

  • MSMP 113: Julian Goldie on Creating Effective Processes and Hiring Freelancers

    01/09/2021 Duración: 30min

    Julian Goldie is joining me from Bangkok for this episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast.Julian runs his link-building agency where he builds backlinks to help clients rank higher on Google, get more traffic, and be seen easily. Julian has clients worldwide and has worked with several freelancers and contractors alike. But Julian didn't get to where he is today without a bit of struggle. Like most beginners, Julian hired cheap VA's because he wanted to get things done efficiently. However, this proved to be more of a problem rather than a solution.Freelancing is not a new concept; it's been around for quite some time now; however, because of the COVID-19 pandemic and many people working from home currently, freelancing has been put in the spotlight. With many companies going remote for the first time during the pandemic, many have struggled to shift from the traditional work setting to a small workshop setting. While many companies struggled going remote, many employees, especially those who work in c

  • MSMP 112: Julia Collins on Servant Leadership

    25/08/2021 Duración: 31min

    Joining me for today’s episode in the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Julia Becker Collins. Julia Becker Collins is the COO of Vision Advertising, a 100% woman-owned, woman-run full-service marketing agency based outside of Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States of America. Like myself, Julia is crazy about people management and leadership (if you’re crazy about management and leadership like me, then you’ve come to the right place if you’ve stumbled upon this podcast!)Despite being a small business, Julia and her team deal with different sizes and enterprises in their day-to-day operations. But before taking the plunge into entrepreneurship, Julia had to wear many hats, such as working in non-profit organizations making fundraising, donations, event planning, marketing, branding, and even grassroots work. Julia’s experiences (the jobs she took outside of college) and her strong personality launched her into the world of people management. However, because of this, Julia also struggled with managing t

  • MSMP 111: Stacy Owen Johnston on The Pursuit of Happiness and Finding Your Authentic Self

    18/08/2021 Duración: 40min

    Joining me today in this episode of the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Stacy Owen Johnston, CEO of EnlightenUp.Stacy is a personal development coach and trainer for individuals or groups and a conversational public speaker. Although she grew up and thrived as a dancer, Stacy took a pivot and worked for the state where she has served as a Family Services Specialist. She has been an entrepreneur for 40 years and has spent much time building businesses and helping people uncover their authentic selves.Stacy shares that the energy you put out can significantly impact the people around you and your business. And while there are times where we put our customers first (especially if they are high-paying clients), managers should always put their employees first because this helps encourage and motivate them.She continues that all of us have our beat that we dance to, and we should learn how to find it instead of following others, don’t live and work for the dreams of your parents or other people because only you

  • MSMP 110: Simon Kardynal on Honesty as his Foudnation of Leadership and Communication

    11/08/2021 Duración: 30min

    Today's guest on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Simon Kardynal, a Canadian Air Force veteran and the host of Trench Leadership: A Podcast from the Front. With his background in the military, Simon is no stranger to leadership; however, after 26 years of service, some people still get intimidated by his experience. Simon also had a hard time communicating with people after leaving the military. He had to make many adjustments, especially when he had to share and reach out to people. But this challenge didn't stop Simon from achieving his goals. He used this challenge as leverage to start his podcast to help upcoming leaders learn to communicate effectively.Simon and I subscribe to the view that great leaders are built, not made. Because every leader was once a beginner who also struggled to get where they are today, they were once clueless and confused. Some had to go through complex challenges to achieve their goals.For Simon, it's okay not to know everything. We shouldn't be afraid to ask for help fr

  • MSMP 109: Andrea Overend on Building Teams and Hiring the Right People

    04/08/2021 Duración: 42min

    Joining me today on the Mads Singers Management Podcast is Andrea Overend, founder and owner of Globetrot Pro and Dream Vacations Cruise and Land Vacations travel agency.Andrea had an early start on entrepreneurship and has had many ventures since then, including her restaurant and travel agency.Now, unlike most travel agency owners, Andrea thrived during the pandemic despite being caught up in confusion when the lockdowns all over the world started. Even though some travel plans were postponed, the experience made Andrea realize the importance of having her team around to help the business stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic.Andrea had an early start with team building. With her experience in the military, this became a natural thing for her because many teams surrounded her during her stay there; eventually, Andrea slowly branched out to other circles like her church group when she returned to civilian life. Unlike many business owners who tend to hire directly, Andrea likes to build up her staff and e

  • MSMP 108: Ryan Shekell on Building and Cultivating Relationships

    28/07/2021 Duración: 38min

    Joining me today is Ryan Shekell from Every Breath Counts Podcast. Ryan had his humble start as a 5th-grade special education teacher in upstate New York, where he had several eye-opening experiences during his teaching days. However, Ryan felt missing and decided to change careers and ventured into the medical field as a sales agent, specifically in orthopedic surgical device sales. Ryan enjoyed his days as a medical field sales agent and even made Atlanta, Georgia, his territory and paved the way for Ryan to where he is today: managing and educating other managers and leaders on how to grow their territories. We begin our talk where Ryan proudly shares how his experience in education became the perfect segway into managing and selling. He then relates it to the unique education system in the United States, where he shares how teachers create an IEP or an individualized education plan for students who need special education services. He adds how this document translates well into sales and management because

  • MSMP 107: Richard Matthews on Building Systems and Working Remotely

    21/07/2021 Duración: 33min

    Joining me today on the Mads Singers Podcast from the comfort of his bus is none other than TheAlchemist, Richard Matthews of Pushbutton Podcast, and The Hero Show. Unlike most people today, Richard works from home and traveling around in his bus, together with his whole family and their pet dog. Like myself, Richard has his podcast called The Hero Show, where he brings to life his superhero persona called The Alchemist and uses his superpowers to help others get their business to the next level.A superhuman on his own, Richard can easily see systems and learn things quicker than the average human being. Like myself, Richard loves building systems and has a Pushbutton Process course where he uses it to put businesses on autopilot. Richard then shares his course called the Pushbutton Process, where he teaches people how to build systems efficiently.  Richard shares that while it’s easy to automate everything nowadays, business owners should know where to draw the line on their creative capital and their robot

  • MSMP 106: Erin Young on Picking Your Niche and Simplifying Your Business

    14/07/2021 Duración: 24min

    Today, joining me is none other than Erin Young, the founder, and principal consultant for SlideUX. This family-run consultancy provides practical and measurable approaches to business rather than quick and fancy hacks to unlock a magical way to get rich and earn money. Erin is a user experience architect who shares the same passion as I do to simplify processes, especially in a business setting. Erin and I began our talk on how many businesses nowadays tend to offer a lot of services. Although it may generally sound like a good idea, this paves the way for confusion because most business owners may lose their way and even stunt or stop the growth of their business because they have too much on their plate. Many businesses tend to follow what's popular instead of providing value. When they are asked, they can't answer their ROI or if that service is helping the company. While most new businesses may struggle to simplify their process, they shouldn't hesitate to cut down their list early on because it might be

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