School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning



Pure enthusiastic awesome sauce! In each episode youll hear Incredible life-changing stories, proven principles, and stunning strategies to transform your life for ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY in less time than you thought possible. And this isnt just one aspect of life. Its holistic. We aim for total transformation and refuse to settle for anything less. Your life will be what you make of it, so come learn how to make it awesome. Because AWESOME is ALWAYS an option!


  • #246 Why 'Every' Family* Should Homeschool Their Kids if They Want EXTRAORDINARY Outcomes

    16/01/2024 Duración: 01h36min

    First, let us start by explaining what we're NOT saying in this episode. EVERY family should not homeschool. But *most* families should (we explain what that means). And NO, homeschooling does not automatically guarantee certain outcomes. There will still be TONS of work and intentional effort involved to produce the desired results. However, if you have an elevated vision of what you want your family life and legacy (and children's education) to be like: deep, connected relationships lifelong love of learning respect and admiration from your kids into their adulthood critical thinking skills parent influence over peer influence mental and emotional health and well-being personal leadership skills (time management, goal setting, project management, etc.) social leadership skills (the ability to have a meaningful conversation with anyone, anywhere) and much more... ...then homeschooling (or alternative schooling) may be the ONLY way to effectively achieve those extraordinary ends. The

  • #245 Face & OVERCOME the (Inevitable) Obstacles to Your Family's Goals & Dreams!

    09/01/2024 Duración: 59min

    As we begin the New Year and pursuing new goals, this timely episode shares a real-life *happening now* obstacle to pursuing our dream (to buy a chateau in France) -- getting stuck and stranded in Casablanca, Morocco. We walk through WHY obstacles and roadblocks to your dreams happen, what to do about them, how to handle them in-the-moment, and most importantly, how to overcome them so you can continue pursuing your goals and dreams. If you've ever set a big goal and failed to achieve it -- or became discouraged and disheartened, wondered if it's 'not meant to be' or if God didn't want you to have/do/achieve it -- this episode is for you! Listen now for encouragement, inspiration, and practical tactics. RESOURCES Interested in more information about investing in or being a part of our Chateau Project? Send an email to --- Send in a voice message:

  • #244 Make NEXT Year Your Best Yet! How to Turn Your Family Dreams into Reality

    26/12/2023 Duración: 01h06min

    As we record this we're sitting in an Airbnb in Tangier, Morocco, living yet *another* of our family's dreams -- to road trip from Portugal to Morocco. Before this trip is over we'll travel from our home base in Portugal to the Sahara Desert in Morocco, having visited Ronda, Grenada, and Cordoba, in Spain, and Tangier, Chefchouen (the Blue City), Fes, Volubilis ancient ruins, Meknes, Casablanca, Marrakesh, Ait Ben Haddou and Zagora. We'll spend New Year's Eve beneath the stars of the desert with a bonfire and a Berber band, eating tajine and sand bread as we discuss The Alchemist and what it means to 'Live Your Personal Legend.' But this is just the most recent family dream that we've made come true. Last Christmas we dog sledded in Norway, saw the Northern Lights, took a one-reindeer-open sleigh ride, and visited the Christmas markets before taking a train ride and Christmas cruise from Sweden to Finland. Then we backpacked through 15 countries before reaching Portugal. Befor

  • #243 Why You Don't Enjoy Parenthood As Much As You'd Hoped You Would

    11/12/2023 Duración: 01h08min

    Before we had kids, we all had idealized visions of what we *thought* it would be like. For me, it included images of perfectly dressed and pressed children with clean faces sitting on a picnic blanket in the sunshine, enjoying a perfectly mannered meal together. But once we become a parent, we soon realize that those ideals are a far cry from reality. Instead, there are tears, tantrums, and sleepless nights. There are snotty noses and strong opinions. It's no wonder we're not enjoying being a parent as much as we thought we would. If you've ever felt like this -- and especially if you currently feel like this -- then make sure to listen to this episode. We'll share some pragmatic principles and practices -- from our experience raising seven children and working with thousands of parents and youth -- that can help you make your parenting journey so much more enjoyable. RESOURCES: Rachel's 28-Day Challenge and Family Charts & Systems for Moms Greg's Be the Man Coaching & Tribe

  • #242 HOW to (Enjoy) Spending More Time with Your Spouse & Kids

    06/12/2023 Duración: 01h23s

    "What would I actually do if I spent more time with my wife and kids? What does that look like?" "I went on a getaway with my husband and I was bored. I couldn't wait to get back to the kids." "I've been going on more dates with my husband (because of the 28-Day Challenge) but we're not enjoying them. He doesn't like to do what I do, and I don't like doing what he does." "My husband and I went away and it was amazing, but I hated returning to the kids who just fight and quarrel every day." "I waited so long to become a mom and then it finally happened. But now I'm not enjoying it." We've heard questions like these -- and more -- over the past several weeks. People understand -- intellectually or philosophically -- that spending time with family is important. But emotionally, they don't always enjoy it. Or it feels like a chore -- or sometimes even torture. They would rather be doing something -- anything -- else, by themselves,

  • #241 Stop Controlling Your Kids & Instead Gain Their Love, Respect & Admiration

    15/11/2023 Duración: 40min

    In this episode, hosts Greg and Rachel share insights into fostering a parenting style and family culture that nurtures instilling values through individual autonomy INSTEAD of through parental control. In part one, the discussion revolves around the challenges parents face -- and the temptation to control their children -- when overly attached to specific outcomes for their family. Greg and Rachel emphasize the importance of letting go of control and cultivating an environment that encourages children to make their own choices and paradoxically is better at actually creating the short- and long-term results and outcomes you want. The hosts delve into personal experiences, illustrating how they have successfully implemented these principles in their own family. Greg recounts his teenage years out on his own at a young age, highlighting the freedom he had to make good choices without strict parental control. The couple emphasizes the significance of setting an example as parents and creating an atmosphere wh

  • #240 Dealing with Picky Eaters & Empowering a Lifetime of Healthy Food Choices

    07/11/2023 Duración: 57min

    In this episode, our hosts Greg and Rachel dive deep into the world of healthy eating and the importance of instilling good dietary habits in children. To begin, they shed light on the significance of food choices and the impact it has on a family's well-being. They emphasize the role of parents in setting a positive example and creating an environment where children are empowered to make healthy choices. This episode is a valuable resource for parents seeking to navigate the often challenging landscape of family nutrition. Our hosts continue to explore the intricacies of providing nutritious options for children. They share personal anecdotes and insights gained through their journey of raising a healthy family. They address common challenges faced by parents, such as dealing with picky eaters, battles over food, and navigating the temptations of junk food. By setting boundaries and cultivating a love for wholesome, delicious food, they offer practical strategies for families to transition towards a h

  • #239 Stop Punishing. Learn How to (Effectively) Discipline Your Kids

    31/10/2023 Duración: 01h31min

    Would you love to know how to EFFECTIVELY & correctily discipline your kids? (There is a wrong and right way.) Would you like to be able to discipline without the drama, yelling, punishing, or nagging, AND do it in a way that strengthens your relationship with your child in the short and long term? Sound too good to be true? Trust us, it's actually possible. In this episode, we share not only our personal experience raising and disciplining our 7 children -- but also what we've learned by working with and watching people parent their children on five continents and 50+ countries. We also share what we've learned by reading dozens of parenting books by experts and how their advice actually plays out in the real-world environment of family life. Discipline ultimately is about TEACHING, not punishing. And you teach WHO you ARE. Learn how to stop PUNISHING your children and destroying your relationship in the process and learn how to effectively teach and discipline instead -- while building the

  • #238 Israel/Palestine, Ukraine, W.H.O., 'The Great Reset', Tolerance, Murdered Activists, and Other Craziness!

    24/10/2023 Duración: 01h08min

    We cover a LOT of things in this episode as we discuss, examine, and analyze things that have been on our minds during the last week and as we ask each other WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD?? We're not talking about conspiracy theories... but actual conspiracies. Stay with us here... these aren't crazy ideas that we've come up with from our imaginations... ...these are actual, proven things that are happening and we're just asking the questions: What does that actually mean? Where will this actually lead? Our (optimistic) concern is that it's going to get worse before it gets better... but that's what the fourth turning is all about. Listen now so you can prepare your family -- because, in the end, it's strong individuals and families that will ultimately change the world! RESOURCES: The Fourth Turning by William Straus & Neil Howe The Fourth Turning is Here: What the Seasons of History Tell Us About How & When This Crisis Will End by Neil Howe 1984 by George

  • #237 The Stability of Your Family Life DEPENDS on the Stability of Your Marriage

    10/10/2023 Duración: 01h03s

    In this series about raising well-adjusted kids and better family stability, we're now diving into the 2nd level of the Extraordinary Family Life Pyramid -- Marriage! YOU are the foundation of your family life, followed by your MARRIAGE. Without strong INDIVIDUAL mental, emotional, spiritual, social, physical, and financial health you don't have the 'solid footing' necessary to raise well-adjusted kids. The same is true when it comes to your marriage. You and your spouse are providing the up-close-and-personal look at interpersonal relationships that your children will take into their adult life and their own relationships. You can NOT fake this. You can't say one thing and do another and expect your kids to get the 'right' message. Your marriage must be strong, thriving, and attractive if you want to raise the strongest, healthiest, most well-adjusted kids possible. And if it's not? What then? There are still things you can do to improve the situation -- whether you're st

  • #236 Creating Stability: Become a Better Problem Solver to Become a Better Parent

    03/10/2023 Duración: 01h26s

    If you've been a parent long you know that parenting often feels like a series of problems to solve. This is accurate. So it only makes sense that if you become a better problem-solver, you will become a better parent. Continuing on the theme from the last episode about how to create family stability, we explain HOW to improve your problem-solving skills -- and how to do it without damaging relationships or becoming controlling and domineering. We also explain how to PREDICT and PREVENT problems (including tantrums, meltdowns, and outbursts) -- plus how to solve them for GOOD -- to make family life even smoother and happier. Plus we'll elucidate on how and why to say 'YES' more often! And expound on specific strategies for getting what you want and need done (in the family and around the house) without nagging or making 'withdrawals' from those 'emotional bank accounts'... and instead do it in a way that actually makes 'deposits' into your relationships. Listen to this

  • #235 Creating a Family Culture of Stability, Safety, Trust, & Well-Adjusted Family Members

    26/09/2023 Duración: 01h25min

    "My kids are having a hard time adjusting to _______ (moving, traveling, homeschooling, divorce, death, etc). How can I help them?" We've received a question like this dozens of times over the years. Parents the world over wonder how they can create family stability, safety, and healing -- especially in today's mixed-up crazy world. Some claim stability comes from 'staying in one place' -- as one commenter on Instagram said, "Kids want stability, staying in one place, traditions, predictability, and the same friends." And as others have said in the past, "You're ruining your kids by traveling/moving so much." Yet if it truly were predictability and staying in one place that produced stability and well-adjusted kids, wouldn't ALL people who stayed in one place and had the same friends be well-adjusted? We know this isn't the case. Every one of us knows of a very unstable person or family who has stayed in the same place their entire life. So what is it

  • #234 College, Drug Lords, Billboards & Totalitarianism in America

    19/09/2023 Duración: 01h29s

    After nine months of traveling outside of the USA (to 17+ countries from Tromsø to Cairo), we return to take care of some things that will help us make a permanent transition to our home base in Portugal... But as usual, there are things that STAND OUT to us as we visit this country after an extended absence. In this episode, we share what those things are, and -- in the bigger picture -- why they are significant to our families, the nation, and the world as a whole. RESOURCES MENTIONED: - Wild Swans by Jung Chang - Animal Farm by George Orwell - 1984 by George Orwell - In Order to Live by Yeonmi Park - The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet OTHER RESOURCES: #138 Thou Shalt Follow the Science (Dark Horse Podcast) Does History Repeat Itself? with Mattias Desmet #373 Social Justice: A Religious Movement (Jordan Peterson Podcast) #380 A Resurgence of Vision with Vivek Ramaswamy #363 Rekindling the Spirit of the Classic Democrat with Robert F. Kennedy (removed from YouTube by them for 'violat

  • #233 The Impending Unraveling (and Collapse?) of Society -- How to Protect Your Family

    29/08/2023 Duración: 01h30min

    In this episode, we philosophize (are you surprised?) about observations we've been making for the past decade or more as we've read, studied, and traveled to 50+ countries. It's kind of like putting together a puzzle. You take one piece after another and see where they fit and little by little a picture begins to emerge. In this case, the picture that's forming shows the current state of the world and the impending disasters that seem to lurk around the bend. We expound on a few of them, get angry about a few others, rant and rave a little, and then share strategies to help protect yourself and your family. We may not be able to stop the avalanche of disaster, but we can get out of the way. We also open up about our own fears in 'speaking up' or speaking out -- and the necessity for ALL of us to raise our voices. Because all that's required for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing. Tools & Resources mentioned in this episode: The Gulag Archipelago by A

  • #232 PROTECT Your Kids NOW from Traffickers & Sexual Abusers

    22/08/2023 Duración: 01h11s

    In this very important episode, Greg and I discuss first-hand knowledge we have about the growing industry of human trafficking. We also talk about sexual abuse, how it happens, and how to protect your kids. If you think it doesn't happen in your neighborhood, church, or community -- think again! It is a REAL threat and it is EVERYWHERE. It's happened to us, too. What actions can you take to protect your family? That's what we cover in this episode, along with WHY and HOW human trafficking has become a major world issue and what you can do to fight it. Organizations we recommend supporting: Aerial Recovery Group (the organization Greg works with) Watch this video of a recent mission: Free a Girl Fight The New Drug --- Send in a voice message:

  • #231 Stop Lying to Your Kids — Speak ONLY Truth to Gain More Influence

    08/08/2023 Duración: 01h11s

    We've never told any of our 7 children there is a Santa Clause or a Tooth Fairy. That's because we always wanted to be seen as people our children can believe and trust -- NO MATTER WHAT -- especially when it comes to discerning truth in the world and discovering what is real and what is not. And while it's not just about Santa Clause, this approach of ALWAYS speaking Truth is one of the key philosophies that has helped us to raise children, teens, and young adults who truly trust, believe, and seek out our advice, even into young adulthood. It is an approach that has led them to know that we will ALWAYS be straight with them -- no matter if it's about their health, weight, looks, friends, ideas, dates, or choices. No matter what questions they have, they can come to us and get REAL answers. We won't be overly harsh, but we also won't sugarcoat things. We won't underplay the risks, but we won't exaggerate them either. We don't know all the answers, but we will share everything we do know to be true -- whet

  • #230 How to Handle the Stress & Pressure of Family Life and to Move Into Higher Level Emotions

    18/07/2023 Duración: 59min

    I (Rachel) cried today. It was because of the stress and pressure and overwhelm of 'all the things' I have to get done by a looming deadline, and it was sparked by the small irritations of family life. So Greg and I do what we usually do in a situation like this -- we sat down and psychoanalyzed WHY I was crying so we could process the 'emotional stacking' to help me get back to a positive state (and then recorded this episode

  • #229 How to Plan BIG Adventures for Your Family (+ Budget & Costs)

    11/07/2023 Duración: 01h17min

    After posting reels on Instagram about our most recent 6-month trip to 17 countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa, I've had many people ask: "How do you even BEGIN planning a trip like that?" "What was your budget for this experience?" "How do you afford it?" In this episode, we walk through our process for dreaming, envisioning, and then executing BIG goals and dreams. It's the exact process we've used again and again to travel to 50+ countries on five continents with our 7 children for the past 17 years. We explain how to pick a destination and what to book first -- without risk. We tell you when to buy the flights and where to look for accommodations. We also share our daily and monthly budget costs for traveling with a family -- now and then. If you've ever wanted to plan a BIG family adventure, then don't miss this episode! If you're not already, make sure to follow us on Instagram: --- Send in a voice message: https://podcaste

  • #228 How to Help Your Kids LOVE 'Reading' (aka Stories, Learning, & Growing)

    27/06/2023 Duración: 01h08s

    "Do you have a podcast episode or advice somewhere where you talk about how you instilled a love of reading in your children? As parents love reading and have read a lot to our children when they were young. Sometimes we still do now, but no matter which book we suggest, they hate reading, and it breaks my heart." In this episode, we answer this question from a mom and share specific strategies -- and book recommendations -- for helping children of all ages learn to fall in LOVE with 'reading'. But we also clarify and define what 'reading' actually means -- identifying the outcome you're actually looking for -- and the non-traditional ways that can still be achieved in today's digital world. If your kids claim they 'hate' reading -- or you just want them to love it more and develop a life-long habit -- then this episode is for you! Resources mentioned: Greg's Booklist (with recommendations for youth) Family Charts & Systems (strategies for getting kids to

  • #227 Babe, I Want to Be Able to Talk to You About ANYTHING -- Let's Listen & Discuss This

    20/06/2023 Duración: 01h12min

    In Greg's work as a coach, he often hears something like this: "Yes I agree, but how do I talk to my spouse about that???" Sometimes we're shocked that a spouse feels like they can't bring up a topic with their 'better half' -- even if it is a sensitive one. But then we remember that we used to be there too. And in this episode, we share a personal experience about a topic that was off-limits for about a decade or more... and how we worked through it. Eventually, we got to the point where we can talk to each other about ANYTHING. And to have an extraordinary marriage, that's where you want to be. Yes, it's work. But what's the alternative? To coast on a plateau or to drift into non-communication? Learning to discuss difficult topics strengthens your marriage and your bond as a couple. Learn how to do that in this episode. Listen to our other episodes on marriage: #192 EVERYTHING In Life Gets Easier & Smoother When You Can COMMUNICATE Better. Here's How to D

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