Health Talk With The Stoners



This dynamic husband and wife duo will bring an authentic empowering perspective to your life through all things fitness, nutrition and lifestyle. Each episode is filled with tangible tools, advice and inspiration that will move you and your partner to becoming the best version of yourselves. Tune in for some fiery motivation that'll have you taking action and waking up every day to a life that brings you joy and fulfillment.


  • 059: Covid-19 Real Talk... We Are All In This Together!

    25/03/2020 Duración: 30min

    REAL TALK!We know the stress levels of everyone are at an all time high. With the uncertainty in the world we wanted to take some time to have a real talk discussion as we are self quarantined in our home. The truth is that we are all in this together but rather than look at the negatives, we want to find the silver lining, the hope, the faith that we as a world can get through this and be better connected than we have ever been.In this time of children home from school, lives disrupted, travel stoppages, we want to make sure you are still taking care of yourself and making you and your loved ones a priority. A stronger you, means a stronger us!To help you with that, below are several links to keep your immunity up, boost your overall health and keep you pushing through. Raw Women's ProbioticsOrganifi GREEN Elderberry KitsALSO, LETS STAY CONNECTED & FIT. Mickayla has created a facebook group called Tone From Home. A safe space where women are for women! Where we believe in chasing freedom and strengt

  • 058: Toxic Beauty - What Are You Really putting Under Your Arms

    18/03/2020 Duración: 37min

    Feeling good, smelling delicious and looking our best makes us feel great. There is nothing wrong with that. But have we ever stopped and looked at what is in some of our beauty products?Actually understood the ingredients and took the time to make sure that what we use on the daily is actually good for us?In the past, both of us never did but as we have become more conscious of what we put in or on our body we have found some SCARY ingredients that have no place near us.Because of this, we have started a series called TOXIC BEAUTY to tackle specific daily products we us that may have ingredients we want to avoid and clear alternatives to switch too.In this podcast we mentioned a couple interesting studies that helped with our research. find them below:  1. Parabens 2. Aluminum 3. Carcinogen 4. Glycol 5. FDA regulationsWe did mention attaching links of alternatives to our daily products that don't contain the harsh ingredients. That would be Beauty By Earth. We are an affiliate which means we do receive

  • 057: The Trouble With Our Love For Plastic

    11/03/2020 Duración: 45min

    "Plastic has its role in modern society. It’s an essential part of our cars, computers, mobile phones, children’s toys – and practically most everything we use on a day-to-day basis. But there’s one place where plastic has worn out its welcome – and that’s as a container for the food we eat and the water we drink” -Anonymous 1983Well that sure came true! Let's face it, plastics are everywhere, but what is safe and how can we protect ourselves? it may be easier than you think!On today's podcast we focus on our love for plastic and find ways to reduce the use to help us and our environment.We mentioned a study in this podcast from a group of world renown chemists. and here it is!1. 2015 Plastic Study If you want further health talk or need a program designed specifically for you, connect with Mickayla HERE and be on your way to the healthiest you yet!!xo Michael & Mickayla

  • 056: Breaking Up With The Scale

    04/03/2020 Duración: 21min

    Join mickayla today where she goes solo to talk about finally taking the step to ditch the scale and find a healthy relationship with yourself regardless of the number on the scale! In this episode she shares her own struggles with the scale and encourages you to ditch the scale and find new ways of measuring your own self worth and success. If this episode hit home for you - you may find a ton of value in one on one coaching with mickayla where you’ll not only create healthier lifestyle habits that make your personally feel grounded and balanced but you will also begin to shift your mindset and develop a healthy relationship with the scale in your life. Click here to learn more about one on one coachingxo Michael & Mickayla

  • 055: 10 Small Food Swaps For Big Changes

    26/02/2020 Duración: 43min

    Do you want BIG changes in your life? Well, what if I told you all you had to do was make a few small changes? Would you believe me?You better, as we take you through 10 minuscule food swaps that will create a lasting impression in your life. Most of you know, both of us are very much against the so called term "diet." We believe in a lifestyle change and something that will last the test of time. Life is about balance and while you can still enjoy the goodness of what life offers, some little changes may be what sets you up on the road to a healthier and happier you.For more nutrition advice connect with Mickayla and take advantage of her Define & Sculpt or Detox program that will jumpstart your system and get you feeling great.LETS DO THIS!!xo Michael & Mickayla 

  • 054: A Look Back - The Top Podcasts Of Health Talk With The Stoners

    19/02/2020 Duración: 46min

    As with jump over the year mark we wanted to take a look back at the 5 most requested and downloaded episodes to date! Let's face it, we have fun and what better way to share that excitement than by delivering all the top podcasts together.With a focus of health, fitness, and lifestyle, we dove in to some critical topics of today's world. Episodes like hormonal birth control or how to spice up your marriage brought out so many fantastic questions and interviews like the one with Holly Overcashier from Elderwise Organics gave us some knowledge bombs on the amazing health benefits of Elderberry Syrup. So thank you ALL for the support and continued engagement with questions and comments. We will keep it coming!! But before we let you go we want to supply you with as many resources we can to keep you strong, healthy and happy. Being the best versions of ourself is what we all strive for so if you are looking to be healthier or want to work on your fitness or just need some ideas of healthy supplements,

  • 053: Magnesium Part II - What Now & How

    12/02/2020 Duración: 28min

    We first took a look into the "Why" of implementing Magnesium into our diet. With over 300 intrinsic jobs that it carries out on our bodies, this mineral is very important in our overall health. Today, we get to break down the what's and the how's. Now that we understand why Magnesium is important it is time to learn how we can incorporate this mineral into our diet, the best time to take it and how we learn if we are deficient in the first place. Knowledge is power, so come along as with us for Part II of Magnesium - What Now & How.If you would like to catch up with the first portion of the two part podcast click on the link below 051: This Mineral Might Be Your Solution - Magnesium Part Ixo Michael & Mickayla

  • 052: Prepare & Enrich Part I - Building The Foundation To A Healthy Relationship

    05/02/2020 Duración: 35min

    "Relationships thrive when there is understanding.  Let us provide the insights to get there."In today's world with divorce at an all time high and couples searching for strength, Prepare & Enrich digs into the strengths and developmental areas of relationships. What is P&E you ask and why should it matter to me? Well, because your happiness is worth it. P&E is a relationship assessment which equips marriages, couples, and families with evidence-based skills and insights to foster healthy relationships so that you have a strong relationship and a lasting marriage. In Part I of this two part series I break down what P&E is all about, why its used from premarital counseling all the way to couples who have been married for 50 years and the fascinating components.If you want further insight on how to take your own assessment you can go to or contact them at the address below: Contact InformationBy phone:Toll Free: 800-331-1661Twin Cities Metro Area: 65

  • 051: This Mineral Might Be Your Solution - Magnesium Part I

    29/01/2020 Duración: 37min

    I’m gonna say it. Magnesium may be what you’re missing.With over 300 intrinsic jobs that it carries out within our bodies, it is a mineral to definitely look into. Let's face it, a majority of us are deficient in some form of vitamin or mineral and with jobs like:Regulating blood sugar & insulinCortisol manangement Improved thyroid functionPMS managementand so much more, we have to dive into Magnesium. Magnesium Part I dives into the why behind this rich and healing mineral as well as what it does in our complex body.For more information on magnesium or other vitamins and minerals that will help you to live a happy and healthier life contact Mickayla HERE or shoot over to her nutrition coaching where she builds out a complete individualized program that fits your specific needs.xo Michael & Mickayla

  • 050: Why We Have Limiting Beliefs & Overcoming Them!!

    22/01/2020 Duración: 29min

    Why we have limiting beliefs and how to overcome them!!!We all want to overcome the barriers that are holding us back so that we can be the best versions of ourselves. When we master a goal or we win at something we are on top of the world but when we fail or limit ourselves, well, we feel like crap.Call it lack of motivation, insecurity or confidence. Whatever it may be we want YOU to know that you are not alone. These limiting beliefs happen to everyone but today instead of focusing on what is not working, let's focus on empowering ourselves with positive beliefs that will benefit every aspect of our lives from this day forward.We mentioned several techniques (The Sweep & Chakra Tapping) of breaking free of limiting beliefs and that link is HERE.If you want to take on this positive change and look to conquer limiting beliefs that you had with nutrition or fitness contact us at Mickayla Stoner Fitness, check out Mickayla's Successful Programing and make sure to never miss inspiration on Faceboo

  • 049: The Importance Of Detoxing

    15/01/2020 Duración: 45min

    Have you ever felt bloated, experienced uncontrollable cravings or just know your sweet tooth is out of hand? Let's face it we all have felt this at some time in our life.BUT...It doesn't have to be your reality! In todays podcast we walk down the healthy path of the ins and outs of a Detox. And I think by the end you will feel the boost of energy as to learn why a detox is so important in overall health, supplements like organifi to take during the process, what to expect and a solid plan to jump in. Our bodies need resets every once and awhile and a detox is the perfect way to do just that. If you want to say YES to your health, YES to a plan and YES to feeling better start on your 5 Day Detox HERE or visit us at Mickayla Stoner Fitness for more information. Shoot us a message, we would be happy to help!xo Michael & Mickayla

  • 048: Don't Let Your Weekend Be Your Weak End!

    08/01/2020 Duración: 33min

    We get it, it's always 5 o'clock somewhere. But after a solid 5 days of great nutrition and fitness don't let the weekend be your weak end.Today we take a look at several strategies that'll help you ditch the binging and unhealthy weekends and create successful methods to keep you on track while you are off the clock. Whether the weekend means less responsibility, socializing with friends, alone time, or packing as much fun in as possible, we have a game plan for you.If you want additional support with your nutrition or just need a design that fits with your busy schedule connect with Mickayla Here or check out her fully customized nutrition and fitness plans that are unique to you!As always, thank you for listening and have a blessed day!!xo Michael & Mickayla

  • 047: Setting Healthy Boundaries

    01/01/2020 Duración: 36min

    Healthy boundaries are those set to make sure mentally & emotionally, we are stable.But the consequences of not setting healthy boundaries often include "stress, financial burdens, wasted time and relationship issues, which can cause mental stress"In todays podcast we focus on 3 big areas of our life that need the most attention:Family/kidsRelationshipsProfessionalWays to work on setting healthy boundaries & a roadmap to achieving them. Come with us on our journey to set healthy boundaries that break down the roadblocks in our lives and keep us focused so that we can experience the most successful year yet, professional, relationally and with our family.We mentioned 2 self help worksheets for teaching healthy boundaries to our kids which are included below.1. Worksheets for Kids2. Worksheets for Parents

  • 046: What the Man In Your Life Needs

    25/12/2019 Duración: 22min

    Have you ever wondered "what is my husband thinking?" Well, I am sure you are not the only one! In fact sometimes we ask ourselves that question too.Now, even if we don't always know what we are thinking, there are things that we all need in our relationships. Everyone speaks their own love language but I feel as though there are several specific aspects that most men can agree on. And these important and crucial needs are the focal point of todays podcast.On a side note, I mentioned the "Tale of Two different Brains" and I wanted to supply you with the hilarious video of the men and women's brain. From the marriage expert, Mark Gungor, here is the link: Tale of two Different BrainsFinally, if you have any questions about relationships, health as a couple, nutrition or really anything Mickayla and I would love to chat. Connect here and we will reach back out to you!!-Michael & Mickayla

  • 045: Married Couples Holiday Gift Guide

    18/12/2019 Duración: 41min

    Do you ever have trouble figuring out what gift to give your significant other? Have you struggled to find meaning with what you give? Do you need some fresh ideas?Well, come along with us as we put a new spin on the Want, Need, Wear & Read holiday gift guide.It's time to lock in and make this the best and most meaningful holiday season for you and your family with fun ideas and inspiration that will connect your family better, spice up your life and make lasting memory for years to come.The Holiday Gift Guide Want - What is something they wantNeed - What is something they needWear - What is something they can wear that will add value to their life/practical/or is meant for something specialRead - Something that'll grow them spiritually, mentally, emotionally or something you can do togetherFor additional health & fitness or lifestyle ideas throughout the year and not just on special occasions check out IG, Facebook or Mickayla Stoner Fitness!xo Michael & Mickayla 

  • 044: Fast Start 2020 - Achieving Greatness In The New Year

    11/12/2019 Duración: 40min

    As we enter into the final month of 2019 we find it so incredibly important to look back at the year. What did we achieve? Where was the growth? What worked? What didn't? Why a Year in review you may ask?We do this so that we can plan and set high aspirations for 2020. Creating a solid roadmap with steps to achieve those goals is how we can be aligned with our vision, stay focused and crush the year. Come with us in this podcast as we take a look at 6 goal setting categories that will propel us forward in the new year. Wherever you are at, this podcast will help you create a plan for the year.We mentioned in the podcast a Quick Guide to staying thankful throughout the year and a challenge to stick with these. The list is below.1. Write a thank-you note: You can make yourself happier & nurture your relationship by expressing your enjoyment and appreciation for a person's impact on your life. 2. Thank someone mentally: Take the time to think of someone else and thank them.3.  Keep a gratitude or t

  • 043: Why We Created A Home Gym In Our Garage!!

    04/12/2019 Duración: 27min

    So you are thinking about creating a DIY home gym. You looked at Pinterest of inspiration and your husband looked at Dudepins because its just a lot of cool stuff. But now you need to get started. Thats where we come. We break down some of the essentials you need but also and more importantly speak to the "WHY" you created your home gym.It's all about creating the best and most successful path for you to take on your health and fitness and WIN everyday of the year.  There is a reason we created a home gym in our garage and it might align perfectly with you!If you listen to the end of the podcast, Mickayla spoke about her FREE 5-Day Shred program that will help you create some vision for your fitness once you have the gym in place. Use that and start living the best version of yourself today. If support, accountability and inspiration is what you need, catch Mickayla on the Gram or facebook and feel free to reach out.We love hearing from you!!xo Michael & Mickayla

  • 042: How Partners Can Sabotage Each Others Health

    27/11/2019 Duración: 48min

    We all strive to be the best versions of ourselves. It's a journey and has its twists and turns. Challenges will arise. But what happens when we have a significant other consciously or unconsciously sabotaging our health? What do we do?Today, we wanted to break down the 3 sabotaging categories so that we can better understand how to break the negative cycle and put us in the best path to success with our health and fitness journey. If you are looking to jumpstart your journey today but need to understand where to start, take a look at proven and individualized programs meant specifically for you in mind and take a look at the lives that were changed by TAKING that step forward Here!I also know that this is a time of the year where we are always on the move and may not be fueling our body correctly. Because of this I wanted to supply you with the link to the 5 Day Detox where you can jumpstart your lifestyle change right now. And finally, stay motivated and get connected to me so that you can always stay

  • 041: Discovering Your Dream Job

    20/11/2019 Duración: 44min

    Let's take a step back in time...When you were a child did you have a dream of what you wanted to do when you grew up? Did you want to be an astronaut, baseball player, the president, or a Ninja Turtle?When did that dream disappear? When did you lose that inspiration to conquer the steps it would take to make that dream a reality?Do you STILL want that Dream?We all have dreams, some fantasy but many could be a reality. Life has a way of keeping us from reaching those goals and obtaining the dream we had for ourselves. But what if I said, you still have that fight inside of you. Would you believe it?Each and every one of us is on our own personal journey, but if we team together, support each other, and encourage each other to discover our dreams, wouldn't we live in a lot healthier and happy place? In this episode we take an in depth look at discovering our dream job while Mickayla shares her story of finding hers and how she went step by step into making that dream a reality.I mentioned in this epi

  • 040: Living A Life Of Purpose

    13/11/2019 Duración: 31min

    We want you to take ONE step toward living a life of purpose. Can you take that step today? Are you open and willing to make a stance for yourself and say yes to your purpose. Mickayla and I believe we all have a purpose in this life and discovery is the first step toward walking down that path. To learn more about a purpose driven life, put on those headphones and listen into this episode. As promised I have supplied you with a few of actionable steps toward making that commitment to yourself. If you like these and want more information on living a life of purpose, connect with us here.Love you all!! Michael & MickaylaHow to find my purpose and live a life that is full:1. Start by examining what you value most. Is it balance, faith, family, compassion, excellence, generosity, peace, connection to others, or something else.2. Consider what you would hope others would say about you when they describe you. What legacy do you want to leave? 3. Take a moment to write down your own special purpose. The simple

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