Things Worth Considering



This is a show about connections. Connections to your self, your spirit, your feelings and your story. We know one of the most powerful healing tools we have is our connections. Explore connecting to your intuition and those aha moments. Discover how we get in our own way and how we can overcome obstacles to move on. We will discover that how we think, what we believe, and our attitude defines how we experience our life. Fascinating is the idea that we shape our reality to what we believe it should be, in our minds. Connection to our families, our aging family members and becoming caregivers, not caretakers.Reality of our self aging, not into senior citizens but embracing the archetypal Elder, the Wise One. Living the Spiritual idea of being of service but not feeling like someones servant. Moving forward, with our guests, we will connect to each other embracing the mysteries of life as we explore the many roads of the human journey and those will be things worth considering.


  • It's Your Fault!

    26/09/2019 Duración: 54min

    Let’s talk about blaming. You know, people whose first response to a problem is to point to the people on the other side of the room. There is a trend in politics, without naming names in both the United States and in Canada, politicians immediately blame others. Without ever accepting that they may be or were the cause of the problem and it doesn’t matter what the problem was, big or small, ‘not me’ is spoken first and then names follow quickly. Why do people blame? What is the need to throw someone under the bus? Blame and Shame not only rhyme, but they support one another. New study results suggest when we see someone else ditching responsibility for mistakes, we are more likely to do the same in our lives. The motivator: protecting our self-image. Blaming, as it is being modelled by leaders and public figures contributes to bullying – picking on someone for their faults or being different: they are targeted, blamed and bullied. Children die from bullying often by suicide.

  • Are You Joking?

    29/08/2019 Duración: 52min

    This episode delves into everything you ever wanted to know about humour. From our own experience we KNOW that humour is affected by lots of things like: culture, maturity, education, intelligence and social context. When people share a joke, a kind of bonding happens. This can work well when teaching, where a good laugh facilitates cognitive functioning and may build an alliance between the teacher and the class members. Laughing produces endorphins which make information travel faster through the brain.There are many benefits to humour including enhanced creativity, promotes connectivity – duchenne smile creates added neural connectivity and immunity boost, even if you are faking it. Laughter is a response to frustration and anxiety and it lowers blood pressure, reduces hormones, raises t cells, and it releases endorphins. Here's a final thought. If the number 2 pencil is so popular, why is it still number 2? Just kidding! Join Gord and Jan for an amusing look at humour.

  • Afterlife Explorations

    22/08/2019 Duración: 53min

    If you are like many of us, you may ponder what happens when we die? What is the afterlife like? What will it be like for me? More and more, credible individuals are revealing what they have gone through in their near death experiences. What are their experiences saying about the afterlife? There is an emerging realization in scientific community that the physical brain does not create consciousness and that consciousness is eternal. There is a scientific model that the brain serves as a reducing valve or filter that limits our consciousness. There is mounting evidence for a world beyonf death indicating some kind of continuity of consciousness. If this is true can it be possible for us to prepare for our transition to an ideal afterlife? Can this knowledge of rhe other side lead to a more meaningful life today? Tune in as Linda gives us a lot worth considering!


    15/08/2019 Duración: 54min

    From ancient times to the present, mystics, scholars and authors have been pondering and writing about how we co-create our reality with the Universe. This episode explores the ins and outs of moving our self to reach our highest potential. In general, the closer you are to who you really are, your TRUE SELF, the better you feel. At the top of the spectrum you feel happiness, freedom, joy etc. At the other end you feel completely powerless depressed, unworthy, and afraid. Our beliefs, our emotions and our habits all work together to form our perception of the world. Neuroscience has taught us the that there are so many possibilities to perceive differently from everyone around us. Those differences in perception is what allows us to think, and act from our own unique experience and it is the uniqueness of those possibilities that open the door for each person to bring to life their own creation from their own perception. Join Pauline, Gord and Jan on Things worth Discovering.

  • Medium - Rare

    08/08/2019 Duración: 54min

    This episode follows up on our Episode called - Medium - Medium Well. People are not only fascinated in the idea of communicating with Spirit and of course wanting to be communicated with, but there are many who wish to become mediums. This episode looks at what is required to unfold our abilities, to raise our vibrational rate in order to be able to communicate with our loved ones and others who are no longer in the physical. it isn't always easy because our ideas of what we think it should be like, often trip us up and we lose that opportunity connect. However, committing time to sit in development classes, being non-judgmental of the way individual talents present themselves, being grateful for the experiences we do have and learning to build on those previous times, all factor in to our development as mediums. Finding a good mentor, someone who you can be guided by, to learn to reach your own spirit teachers and to develop trust in the process. Join us as we explore mediumship.

  • Tuning into Life through Sound

    01/08/2019 Duración: 53min

    How do you incorporate sound into your life? Have you ever considered the effects various sounds have on us. Research has shown that certain sounds when played gently have very healing effects on our body, mind and Soul. Sound is Vibration – waves – that affect our body, not just something we hear. 4 Principles of Sound as Healing that I focus on – Frequency, Resonance, Entrainment & Intention. When we look at the research on energy vibrations, sound is perceived in the fairly low auditory range whereas colour vibrations – the visible spectrum – is in a higher range. ‘Sound’s immediate effect is on the physical body, since sound vibrates mass; whereas colour’s effect is on the astral/emotional body.’ (Kay Gardiner) Join Sarah as she introduces to the audience along with Gord and Jan some interesting sounds using the ocean drum, the Tibetan crystal bowls and bells into discovering how sound can tune you into Life. Lots more things for you to consider.

  • Conscious and Soulful Relationships

    25/07/2019 Duración: 56min

    In our everyday life, we are always in relationships. They can be romantic, with co-workers, family, friends the cashier at the grocery store and most importantly, the relationship to our self. In most cases we allow mostly old old and unconscious patterns to dictate how we showp in our relationships. This episode wil take a look at how these patterns play out for us in the dynamics of our relationships and why we keep attracting the same people. What role does trusting ourselves and trusting other people? Ever wondered what the different stages of a relationship are. And importantly how can we make our relationships more conscious and soulful. There are many things here well worth considering!

  • Around the World with the Oracles

    18/07/2019 Duración: 53min

    For thousands of years humans have sought to connect with the Divine energy of the Universe. Every country across our planet has a history of rituals, beliefs and tools that helped each to connect with the Divine. While connection is what these diverse cultures have in common, it is their Oracular forms that shift and change as you travel around the globe. Today's episode has us climb on board a mystical balloon as we set out to travel the globe and view the important tools used in various locales globally. Our guest, Tiffany Lazic, is our tour leader as we discover tools from the Tarot, the Runes to lesser known like the tossing of bones. Today's episode is a warm up for Tiffany's Mini - workshop at the Transformational Arts College in Toronto on Wednesday July 24, at 7 pm for only $40 with HST included. Join us now as around the World with Oracles promises to give you Things Worth Considering..

  • Havening in a Broken World Experience

    11/07/2019 Duración: 55min

    Today we welcome Ronn Young, Certified Traumatologist and President and CEO of the Havening Institute and Michelle Desroches, Registered Psychotherapist and on Faculty at Transformational Arts,and is one of the very few people certified by the Havening Institute. Think of creating a safe haven and that is exactly what havening is all about. It has to do with trauma and the devastating effects it can have on our brain and our life. Backed by science more so neuroscience, trauma derails the body’s ability to function: it altars the brains ability to address reality. Understanding the mind body connection, trauma impacts not simply behaviour but the way we do life. When traumatic things happen, a hyper-gamma wave is produced. The wave holds all the feelings and sensations causing us to re-enact the trauma withe the help of the Amygdala. Havening has found a way to interrupt the wave and the impact of our limbic system. Want to know more? lLsten here on Things Worth Considering.

  • Stuck - Unstuck: You Choose!

    27/06/2019 Duración: 52min

    When was the last time you felt stuck? Unable to make a decision? It may be even simple decisions like what to eat for dinner to life altering decisions like leaving a job, moving to another city or even a country or to leaving our partner with whom we live with. Feeling stuck can be a very painful place to be but it is actually masking something else, for under the pain of our feeling stuck lies other pain which we are trying not to face by being stuck on making other decisions, the perfect diversion. Making decisions, especially big decisions, forces our issues and unhealed parts to come to the surface. From time to time we all feel stuck, or indecisive but then there are times , and they can be for a long time, that we can feel immobilized. Something no one should have to suffer through. This episode looks at some ideas to help move through being stuck but it is your choice. Something worth considering!!

  • Medium - Medium Well

    20/06/2019 Duración: 53min

    Do you believe that a part of us lives on after the death of the physical body? Do you believe in the spiritual afterlife? Do you believe some people have the ability to communicate beyond the veil we call death? Mediumship is defined as someone who has contact with the Spirit world and it is their connection to Spirit that brings us messages from those we love who have gone on before us. The psychic is able to tune into other people’s energy, read it and make predictions about what is happening or may happen in future. Psychics are not necessarily mediums but mediums are always psychics. We all have these abilities , however some people are more capable as a result of both nature and nurture. There are many people today that have this talent but keep it hush hush. There is a stigma attached to being a medium and history hasn't bode well to come out about their abilities. Whether this idea entices or terrifies, evidence is mounting as to a spiritual world interacting with ours.

  • I Knew That! But How Did I know That?

    13/06/2019 Duración: 52min

    Have you ever known something before it happened? Have you ever met someone and just knew they were trouble? or had this intense attraction to them? Gut feelings, hunches, a feeling and we enter the world of intuition. A very studied field but little agreement and even fewer answers. Some argue it is a probability based on previous knowledge. We do know it is like an early warning radar and when activated, it kicks our fear response into play. Our body fills with adrenaline and we enter the fight /flight mechanism of survival. Many people are living so stressed out that they live in a flight or flight state. How can intuition even function when one of its end results is already fully activated. But it is smarter than our stress reactions and somehow from mothers to corporate executives intuition still supplies us with instant knowing that we can't even explain in the moment. It seems to by-pass the analytical brain and uses our feelings to inform us. Now that's Worth Considering.

  • The Rise of the Onion People Part 2 - The Battle of the Walls

    06/06/2019 Duración: 54min

    In Part 1, we discovered that the Onion People are us, humans. The name is derived from a psych model of all the parts we humans contend with in our lives. This onion model puts our true self right in the middle and as we age through all the ups and downs of growing up, we develop layers. One layer is for our defences, another for our sub-personalities and another still for our addictions. Growing up becomes an exercise in fragmentation and building walls. One part of us is in this layer and another hidden in this layer. Maybe it isn't just a breaking apart and separation from who we really are but an interesting defence system that keeps our less desirable parts put away out of sight. Who is making that judgment? Enter shame, the builder of our walls. Society's judge of all things - especially outside the norm. Whirling from trying to please so many things, our inner child becomes caught in this web of shame while locked behind this wall of protection. Help us tear down these walls.

  • The Rise of the Onion People!

    30/05/2019 Duración: 53min

    The rise of the Onion people is not a cooking show nor a science fiction tale of onions taking over our planet. No, this episode looks at a model of the human psyche and multi-layered mind that is constantly engaged and energetically influencing all we experience in our life. Our subconscious, receptacle of all memories and ruler of dreams and bodily functions yet cannot tell the difference between fact or fantasy. it is outside the time/space continuum of Einstein's world, a Higher Self or Spirit that is also outside of the earth's time frame. We know of the brain but what of the mind? Where does it exist? As of yet it has never been identified. In the middle we dwell, in a time /space ruled world protected by layer upon layer of energy like an onion and in the centre, our true Self. Our layers hold our wounds and our healing, our disowned parts and our intuitive creativity, defences and empathy, all are things worth considering.

  • Restraining Your Urge to Go Back to Sleep

    23/05/2019 Duración: 56min

    Our last episode looked at the process of Spiritual Awakening but compared to today's topic, awakening is not that difficult. It is staying awake that is the hardest part. Since our brain loves habitual behaviours, it is not co-operating very much to assist us with these new behaviours, attitudes and thoughts. In fact, it is acting like it is being take for a ride and it is bent on maintaining the status quo. No new things! After what may have been a peak experience and as we settle into the new energies. we are slowly lulled back into old ways. The things we wanted to change just became a normal part of what we have always known. It takes a lot of work to convince our brain that we seriously want to create change but until it is convinced, we will struggle with old ways and the new. Only to discover we have slowly gone back to sleep. Tune in to this episode as we look at what we are up against but also what we can do about staying awake, and that is worth considering.

  • Waking Up Is Hard to Do!

    16/05/2019 Duración: 53min

    This episode takes us far past the common experience of having to wake up because a technology device is set to ensure we wake up and dash off to our jobs - on-time. Today's episode moves us into the awakening of our spirit and the many stories and myths throughout the world's spiritual traditions. A spiritual awakening will be different for everyone but there are some commonalities that help us identify that we may be experiencing a spiritual awakening and not just another bad day. The role of a catalyst, the shift in perception and changes in behaviours and attitudes show us what we can expect. What feelings and emotions are common and the 5 traps of awakening that suggest your ego woke up but your spirit, not quite yet. By taking away the myths we want to give you ideas to make this journey a bit easier for you and everyone around you. Join us for this episode of Things Worth Considering because there is much to consider.

  • Spiritual Practices - Keeping Us all Together

    09/05/2019 Duración: 48min

    Do you have Spiritual Practices or do you practice being Spiritual? This episode will take you through ideas and the importance of having daily Spiritual Practises. It is well documented the benefits to our mental health, our physical and spiritual well-being by having a daily practice. Join us in exploring possible things to incorporate gently into your lifestyle without feeling you have to pack up everything all today and move into a spiritual community half way around the planet. That is always a choice, but just not one that we are suggesting today. Spiritual Practices- finding what is right for you and how to incorporate them without feeling overwhelmed. It is worth considering the connection you can develop on so many levels - both inside and outside

  • Spiritual but Not Religious

    02/05/2019 Duración: 54min

    What does Spiritual but Not Religious mean? It is the latest catchphrase that many use to describe their spirituality. What about you, are you spiritual or are you religious? The foundation of all religion is spiritual but little religion is found in the spiritual. This episode looks for the answers in religion and spirituality. Is this a natural evolution of religion? We know how to do religion but how are we expected to do Spirituality? Join us for this episode exploring questions, finding answers to discover Things Worth Considering!

  • Body Shaming: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    25/04/2019 Duración: 54min

    In spite of warnings not to judge a book by its cover, we all judge books by their cover, or more precisely, each other. From early on, we learn what is considered acceptable and attractive and we learned to measure our self up to our culture's standard. Believing we are not tall enough, not slim enough, not feminine enough, not masculine enough, not pretty enough can have devastating effects on our ability to step into and enjoy the live we would otherwise choose to develop. We may socially isolate and spend, more and more time alone. In isolation we may develop eating disorders, become angry and anxious. Negative self-talk leading to negative self-regard and risk taking behaviours. We may be deceptive on social media sites posting inaccurate self descriptions or even other peoples' photos. We share ways to rid our self of toxic body shame embracing all of our parts, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

  • Stress Busters - Keeping your cool when things heat up

    18/04/2019 Duración: 54min

    Tension is inevitable - anxiety is NOT What makes you tense? At what point does the tension cross over and become anxiety? We all share certain common stressors like money, work, relationships including marriage, divorce, uneven sex drive, and time - like money, just not enough of it! Child raising, emotional overload, and the newest entry to the world of stressors - technology. Understand how our brain hijacks our reactions and hence, our perceptions to all events in our life. The habituation of fear, just what our brain loves, repetitive behaviours. Strategies to stay cool when all around you is heating up. Since things will continue to heat up given our current world situations, then there can never be enough strategies at our disposal to carry on and stay cool. These are definitely things worth considering!

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