The Chick Whisperer Podcast



In order to get women, you have to understand them first. For over eight consecutive years, The Chick Whisperer Podcast from X & Y Communications has been the gold standard for men of character who desire high quality women. Scot McKay and his expert co-hosts talk women, dating, sex, seduction and 21st century masculinity in a fast-paced and often hilarious style. Ask whatever questions you want 24/7 via voicemail at +1 (210) 362-4400. Visit and get free, actionable tips in your inbox that'll make you better with women starting today. | Please subscribe to the show to get updates automatically, and if you love the show definitely leave a review!


  • Women Love Sex And Casual Flings - MTP301

    29/04/2022 Duración: 45min

    Co-Host Lia Holmgren ( Far too many men somehow believe that women don't enjoy sex as much as we do. Further, they believe if sex happens, she's going to want to lock him down into a long-term relationship. Well, my guest Lia Holmgren is the author of a book FOR WOMEN on how to have empowered casual sex. In this episode, she will delight you not only with her mellifluous Eastern European accent, but with her decidedly unexpected take on women and sex. So, does Lia think women should reclaim the word 'slut'? Where exactly did the long history of slut-shaming women originate...and why? Are men simply possessive and jealous, or is there a more primal vestige of our caveman days going on there? Listen in as Lia perfectly describes just how screwed up sexual dynamics have become in this day and age...and exactly why. Hint: Only a few angry people made it this way, NOT the vast majority. So how did we as men convince ourselves women don't like sex? What's the uncomfortable truth t

  • They Say Kindness Isn't Masculine - MTP300

    22/04/2022 Duración: 46min

    Co-Host Dr. Mark Goulston ( Nobody I know walks his talk better than my returning guest, Dr. Mark Goulston. What makes that particularly amazing is he is a world-class expert in conflict resolution and the inventor of the aptly named 'surgical empathy'. In this episode, Mark and I tackle the fascinating trend proliferating pro-masculinity circles of embracing 'toxic masculinity' rather than fighting it. Often, what comes with that argument is the weird assertion that kindness is not manly...and worse, that women find it straight-up unattractive. But here's the thing, isn't being kind different than being the dreaded 'Mr. Nice Guy'? What if our concept of kindness is indeed screwed up to begin with? Listen to the pure wisdom of Mark's five steps to being assertive without being a knucklehead. Thrill to his simple equation for channeling aggression properly. Prepare to be blown away by his radically simple way to get the best of bullies without losing your cool. Best of a

  • Power Past Shame And Guilt - MTP299

    15/04/2022 Duración: 37min

    Co-Host Dominey Drew ( Who knows how or why it took so many episodes to address this topic, but guilt and shame are probably the biggest hurdles we as men face as we seek to get better with women. But what ARE guilt and shame? And what is the difference between them? My guest Dominey Drew has been working with men and women for years now, all with the aim of increasing purpose, fulfillment and joy. She graciously agreed to help me address this sticky but important topic, and believe it or not we somehow made it fun. Listen in as we first address the biggest irony surrounding guilt, shame and masculinity. Next, we talk about how and why the biggest reasons men feel guilt and shame are often the most illogical ones. What is the biggest stumbling block we as men face in getting rid of unnecessary guilt and shame? But there ever any GOOD reason to feel these emotions, and what should we do about that? Why can pride and gratitude get supplanted by guilt and shame, depe

  • Ayahuasca Made Me A Better Man - MTP298

    08/04/2022 Duración: 39min

    Co-Host Benjamin Bequer ( Several years ago my guest Benjamin Bequer seemed like he had it all together, at least on the outside. But underneath was perpetual insecurity and anxiety, as is the case for many of us. That all manifested itself in strange ways, with counterintuitive consequences. Not until he discovered Ayahuasca did he start to turn everything around...culminating in the right relationship with the right woman for him. Discover how Benjamin's story feels like a 'conversion experience', yet comes about in a way that's unusual to most in Western culture. So what is Ayahuasca, how did Benjamin discover it, and what transformative meaning did it have for him? What is Ayahuasca's active ingredient, what does it do for you, and what's the shocking connection between it and something miraculous your body does naturally? How does it help give potential clarity to both purpose and relationships? Why is it that fear seems to rule so many people's lives, especially o

  • When Something Or Someone Messes With Your Relationship - MTP297

    01/04/2022 Duración: 31min

    Co-Host Emily McKay ( No matter how well a couple gets along and navigates their relationship, there always seems to be a challenge to your relationship coming from somewhere. For sure, it can start with your best man's TMI speech during the wedding reception. But what about unsolicited advice from miserable friends and relatives who can't even manage their own relationships? Jealous BFFs and sneaky exes? Baby mamas and baby daddies? How about other toxic people in your life you just can't cut out, for whatever reason? Sometimes it's your kids, her kids and even your kids together. How about when there's a member of the other gender who is 'just a friend'? Sometimes you don't even have to be on The Newlywed Game in order to be humiliated in front of way too many people...a simple party game of 'Would You Rather?' can do the trick. What about job-related pressures, or bosses, or when coworkers start interfering with your relationship? Is there ever a time when these people should

  • Personality Hacks That Women Notice - MTP296

    25/03/2022 Duración: 42min

    Co-Host Merrick Rosenberg ( My guest, Merrick Rosenberg, is the CEO of Take Flight Learning. He has an interesting take on how our personality traits affect our lives and our relationships with others. For starters, how come we aren't all naturally self-aware enough to know what our inherent strengths and weaknesses are? Discover the insidious ways we become our own worst enemy when we don't have an adequate grasp thereof. What's up with the masculine obsession with proving people wrong when they tell us we can't do something? And worse, why do we tend to be stubborn about doing things our way? What's the difference between determination and stubbornness? Next, we outline the relationship dangers associated with mismanaging one's own personality traits. What is the ironic truth about how our ego tends to actually keep us from maximizing our potential? Are empathy and compassion masculine? Is there such thing as an alpha 'Mr. Nice Guy'? How is it that so many of us end up

  • She Wants A Tiger In The Bedroom - MTP295

    18/03/2022 Duración: 43min

    Co-Host Sarrah Rose ( There's a treat in store for you this time. I've discovered yet another fun, happy-go-lucky female sexpert who is virtually unoffendable. You're going to like her immediately. The topic, however, is indeed a challenging one. Lots of high-achieving men tend to be low-achievers in the bedroom. Yet, almost all of us really do want to be better in bed, and especially at giving the women in our lives the pleasure they deserve. With that in mind, there's nobody better than Sarrah to cover the topic du jour. So how do we as men transform mere sex into true intimacy with women? How has 'hookup culture' influenced our sex lives in general? Did you know that you have four different sexual bodies? Sarrah explains it in detail...and it's a game-changer. If we truly insist on being so left-brained and analytical regarding sex, what's one positive way we can direct that kind of energy? Next comes an eye-opening discussion of one key way we tend to overanalyze sex, w

  • Breaking Bad Relationship Patterns With Women - MTP294

    11/03/2022 Duración: 45min

    Co-Host Dr. Gleb Tsipursky ( We welcome back a crowd favorite, none other than the whip smart and laugh-out-loud funny Gleb Tsipursky. Now, despite being way too easy-going for a serious scientist, Gleb specializes in shining the harsh light of reality upon our blind spots. In this show we specifically go over the ways we fool ourselves, shoot ourselves in the foot and otherwise mess up when dating and relating with women. To start with, how does self-motivation affect a two-way relationship in hidden ways? Why do we withhold our true intentions? What's up with women treating sex as a weapon...and is that really different from how men weaponize relationship promises? Why does this type of manipulation often backfire? How does love addiction (or even obsession) pertain to the infamous 'Madonna Whore Complex'? Why shouldn't we just give in to our primal instincts and urges? Wouldn't that be a lot more fun and pleasurable than evolved maturity? Sorry MGTOW guys, but you've got

  • Protect Those You Love From Predators - MTP293

    04/03/2022 Duración: 53min

    Co-Host Jan Edwards ( Child trafficking an uncomfortable subject, which is a big part of why it's not talked about enough. But as men, we're responsible to protect those we love and look out for their best interests. That means we can no longer ignore this essential conversation. This is not a problem that happens to 'someone else'. All too often, it occurs close to home, even right under our very noses. The shocking part is it's FAR easier for it to affect your family than you think. You might not even realize it's happening at first. My guest Jan Miller is President of Paving The Way Foundation, and she offers straight talk about what human trafficking really is, the insidious ways traffickers and abusers weasel their way into our children's world, and--of course--what we as men can and should do about it. Listen in as Jan explains how it's not only girls who are sexually abused, and not only men who are the abusers. Moreover, child trafficking isn't necessarily synony

  • The Science Behind Social Skills - MTP292

    25/02/2022 Duración: 39min

    Co-Host Doug Noll ( My guest today, Doug Noll, is a neuroscience expert. After 22 years as a trial lawyer, he became a peacemaker and mediator. In order to work his craft to the fullest effect, he spends lots of time thinking and writing about social skills. All of this started for Doug when he found himself frustrated by how most writing on Emotional Intelligence was based purely on pop psychology. Seeking a more practical, fluff-free approach, Doug instead focused on the science behind how the brain really works, rather than how people think it works. As a direct result of all this research and real-world practice, he's now the New York Times bestselling author of De-Escalate: How To Calm An Angry Person In 90 Seconds Or Less. So out with it then...what IS the scientific basis for social skill? Can you teach Emotional Intelligence, or is it innate like IQ? What are the signs of good or bad EI? In other words, Is it you, or is it me? What are the three basic emotional comp

  • All About Being A Jerk - MTP291

    18/02/2022 Duración: 48min

    Co-Hosts Anne Dranitsaris and Heather Hilliard ( This is one of those rare shows featuring two guests. Anne and Heather specialize in empowering leaders to greater excellence, but what really caught my attention was their work in helping people deal with jerks, while also helping jerky people be less so. Probably the most fascinating part of it all is the premise that plenty of us are acting like jerks without even realizing it. So then, how is 'jerk' defined, anyway? Is being jerky synonymous with being narcissistic? Or is there more to it? Are jerks born or made? Is there any hope for that guy who's genuinely trying not to be a jerk, but he has to consciously fight it at every turn? And what if someone actually likes being a jerk and doesn't care to change? What do you do if someone who is a jerk starts acting like you're the jerk, not them? And how can you really tell? How does 'the quest to be right' apply to jerky behavior? Do you really have to be either 'Mr. Nice

  • Performing Under Pressure...Even When Approaching Women - MTP290

    11/02/2022 Duración: 34min

    Co-Host JP Pawliw-Fry ( My guest today is the New York Times bestselling author of Performing Under Pressure. And surely JP Pawliw-Fry knows what he's talking about, having worked with NFL and NBA players and Olympic athletes. So with the Olympic Games going on, what better time than this to talk about how the best perform so well under pressure, and how we as men can do the same--be it on the field, in the workplace or (of course) interacting with women. Why is performance such an important issue for men? Is pressure a bad thing? How do we turn it into a positive? Is there really such thing as people who perform better under pressure? What differentiates people who thrive on pressure? Do people who master this skill do better in life? IOW, do higher stakes lead to bigger accomplishments? Why do young children often seem to do better with pressure? What is 'the last 8 percent'? Why is it so hard to have the conversations we want with women...especially when we KNOW they need

  • What's Her Sexual Personality Type? - MTP289

    04/02/2022 Duración: 30min

    Co-Host Helena Nista ( Personality type in general is widely discussed in psycho-social circles, but I have never heard anyone openly discuss the idea of sexual personality. Indeed, the concept even caught world-renowned sex expert Helena Nista off guard. But she told me she LOVED the idea, and agreed to join us for a second week in a row...this time to boldly blaze a new trail. We start by suggesting several potential 'sexual avatars' a woman may portray. What are these different kinds of women like, and can we pick them out of a crowd before actually taking them to bed? How can we tell which women will be most sexually compatible with us? What can we tell from even the first kiss? Do some of them have plenty to teach us? Do women evolve or even voluntarily change their sexual personalities over time? Can we influence that in any way? Is sexual personality potentially more confusing or even somewhat 'hidden' because of societal pressures and stereotypes? And what about us

  • Big D*ck Energy - MTP288

    28/01/2022 Duración: 39min

    Co-Host Helena Nista ( It all started when Helena Nista posted a video on 'Big Dick Energy' (or 'BDE') to her wildly popular YouTube channel. I knew immediately I'd have to invite her back onto the show to discuss it. Is what she's talking about here figurative or literal? I mean, is our attitude toward life and others really influenced by our penis size? Why is swagger, quiet confidence, being over oneself and unoffendability 'big dick energy'? And why is insecurity, trying too hard, losing your cool, etc. 'small dick energy'? What other behaviors exhibit these kinds of energy? If I have a small or average penis, am I therefore doomed to SDE? If I'm well-endowed, am I automatically gifted with BDE? What's a man to do? I mean, guys often suppose other dudes get women because they have a large penis, and my comeback is always that a woman can't possibly know what you're packing when you simply walk up to her and ask her out. It's not like we drop our drawers as soon as we a

  • The Subtle Differences Between Men And Women - MTP287

    21/01/2022 Duración: 46min

    When it comes to differences between men and women, my talking points have always been mostly about masculine-feminine polarity, while supposing most other elements of humanity are similar. I've said 'men are from Earth and women are from Earth'. Yet there's no accounting for some differences that are undoubtedly there, but don't make much sense. Enter my guest and long-time friend, Marni 'The Winggirl' Kinrys, who has plenty to say on that. For starters, what is the key male-female difference that sabotages our attempts to approach women and start conversations with them? Why don't men ask for help? And what effect does breaking that mold have on the women in our lives? What is the truth about men and porn? Why do men get shamed more often for their natural tendencies compared to women? Is MGTOW really different than radical Feminism? Why do women bring up stuff that happened six months ago when you're arguing with them? How come women often care little about their own rank and status, but care so much about

  • Your Ego Will Surprise You - MTP286

    14/01/2022 Duración: 39min

    We sometimes get into slightly paranormal stuff around here, but it's always tied to manhood and relationships. My guest today is Stephen Hawley Martin, the extremely prolific author of such books as Your Cosmic Mind Power, How Science Reveals God, Afterlife-The Whole Truth, and Consciousness-The Hard Problem Solved. Stephen boldly goes where no man has before, with confidence. He claims to have scientific proof for the afterlife, as well as a purely logical explanation for consciousness itself. Curiously, Stephen says the way to discover our eternal nature centers on looking past, or even flat-out denying our ego, which will perk a lot men's attention. After all, ego seems central to masculine swagger and power. But could it possibly be that we get more power from limiting our ego's influence over our lives? So, what is consciousness, exactly..and do most of us have WAY too small a vision for what it truly is? How do our conscious minds stand in the way of our unconscious mind and/or our sub-conscious mind?

  • Handling Criticism - MTP285

    07/01/2022 Duración: 32min

    Get ready to install 'mental kevlar' and become virtually unoffendable thanks to my guest, author Bill Lee-Emery from Australia. Handling criticism is a huge issue for nearly every man. Even Elon Musk himself isn't immune to taking criticism harshly. So how does the nature of our internal critic determine how we'll measure external criticism? What's the difference between finding it unfortunate that someone doesn't agree with you and being butthurt by it? How does a mature, evolved man respond to critics without coming off as defensive? What is the important distinction one must make when encountering external criticism? How can we best deal with trolls who use the 'Twitter Effect' for maximum emotional impact on social media? What is the real-world psychological effect of focusing on either the positive or negative aspects of things too much? I mean, should we really be telling our kids 'good job' when they come in last place? What does true 'agreement' really look like...not only with others, but with yours

  • The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Part Two) - MTP284

    31/12/2021 Duración: 34min

    In the second installment of our two-part episode, Emily and I break down the little things couples do (often to each other) that make a relationship suck. To kick things off, we talk about the scene in the movie The Good, The Bad And The Ugly itself that's the best metaphor for how men and women ruin their relationships together. Next, we talk about the importance of realizing that some allegedly 'small' annoyances in a relationship are actually HUGE to the other partner. And want examples, and we've got 'em. What's the difference between being snarky and being a smart-ass...and is either okay? What are some dangerous ways that bad parenting can actually negatively affect your relationship? What should always be off the table in any disagreement and NEVER fair game? And how about those habits we fall into that seem innocuous at first, but prove to be toxic over time? What kinds of expectations are too idealistic for real life...and which are perfectly reasonable? How do external stresses seep into

  • The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (Part One) - MTP283

    24/12/2021 Duración: 33min

    This is the first of a two-part episode with Emily on the little things that either make a relationship with a woman great, or make it suck. Sure, you hear about the major pillars like trust, communication, attraction, etc., but this is a deeper dive into the subtle effects certain mindsets and/or actions have. The first order of business is to describe how big mountains are often (maybe even usually) composed of small pebbles. How important is being playful instead of taking oneself so seriously? What does that even mean? As a man, should you put her needs and OUR needs ahead of YOUR needs? If so, what if your needs never get met? Next we talk about various kinds of 'micro-bursts' that can really supercharge your relationship. What does it mean when I say, 'Freedom from obligation is literally nothing'? How can certain little secret messages and spontaneous flirts change the dynamic between partners for the better? What 'three little words' are every bit as important as 'I love you'? Is talking everything ou

  • Living In Crazytown Is Wrecking Our Relationships - MTP282

    17/12/2021 Duración: 53min

    People have stopped making sense, the emperor has no clothes everywhere you go, and it seems to anyone with half a brain left that we're living in an Idiocracy. It's scary how prescient movies like that and, say, Wall-e are starting to seem. Critical thinking and personal responsibility aren't only discouraged, they're flat-out vilified. But WHY? Johnny Elsasser from The Art Of Masculinity podcast joins me to piece together how we got to this point, especially with regard to how men and women relate nowadays. Doesn't everyone instinctively know when something is stupid--possibly even those proffering the stupidity themselves? Do they really believe their own narrative, or do they just hope YOU will? Do people trust truth over facts? ...Or is that more like facts over truth? And what's up with all the childish intolerance? I mean, even the anti-bullying movement bullies those who disagree with them. How did we get programmed to politicize virtually everything nowadays? What is it about fear that makes us so st

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